Blessing 5: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d: September 2021

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward to connect with me.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today.

Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do what is just?

From Genesis 18:25

Spirit, this post is about one of the names of G-d.

That name, “the Judge of all the Earth”, describes G-d in the process of weighing a group of cities for judgment, which simply means “decision”.

And further, Spirit, He is not merely the Judge of one person or people group or one chunk of land. Rather He is the Judge of ALL THE EARTH.

This story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest of the cities in the plane was a story about deciding the fate of a piece of land due to, not just the people crying out, but also the land crying out as an entity itself against the distressing injustice occurring within its borders.

G-d can be counted on to hear and handle unjust situations.

He will respond to those who are mistreating others.

He will hear the outcry of victims of all kinds of violence.

He will act and judge and decide switfly when violence happens to his kids.

So, spirit, I bless you to rest in the king’s judgment, and to depend on Him to act with justice.

His idea of justice May differ from you idea of justice, but He will act.

I bless you to trust the King is not slack concerning His promises to act.

I bless you to let go of your ideas of justice and to take on the King’s ideas of justice.

I bless you to rest and observe when a case is taken up by the Judge. I bless you to get curious as to how the Judge handles cases of injustice. And I bless you to watch when justice is rendered in a case that is not yours.

I bless you to not fall apart when the Judge renders a verdict that does not align with your idea of justice.

I bless you to get to know the love of the Judge for you. And I bless you to feel and know the love and affection of the Judge for the land.

I bless you to hear His voice and to see the memos and papers getting marked and the court orders getting signed.

I bless you, spirit, to help others see the Judge’s process of justice.

I bless you to rest on the earth as the Judge metes out His ruling which will affect not only people, but also chunks of land.

I bless you with that revelation in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 4: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d:


I invite your spirit to come forward.


Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.

James 1:16 ESV

Spirit, I do not know precisely how possible it is to be deceived.

But I IMAGINE this.

And I ask you to imagine with me.


Yes, I know people might be wont to lecture me saying “Dave, our faith isn’t about what we feel but about what we KNOW. HARD EVIDENCE.”

Actually, it’s about the skillful negotiation and dancing between knowledge and feeling; son mode and bride mode; reins, heart, and brain; black/white/shades of gray and hues of color; giving and receiving; male and female modes; building and creating vs. intimacy and connection; life and death; praise in which we extol the greatness of our King and worship in which we make the blood sacrifice that costs us something; work and rest; spouse and children; friends and family; rivers and oceans; mountains and beaches; day and night; sun, moon, and stars; and so forth.

Just imagine with me and picture the possibilities, spirit.

Imagine with me, if you will, a Father whose capacity and desire and skill to lead you into all truth outstrips and outpaces the enemy’s capacity to deceive.

To which will you latch?

It is a decision we must make each of us.

And so, spirit, I bless you to be an early warning system for the person in whom you dwell. I bless you to speak long and loudly when something just isn’t quite right.

I bless you to resist deception and to be able to recognize it and so flag it for others to see.

I bless you with freedom from the fear of being deceived.

I bless you to not keep in step with the spirit of this age that exalts the ease of being deceived over the ease of being led into all trough by the Spirit of the True and Living G-d.

I bless your interactions with the Holy Trinity in the midst of the Divine Counsel.

I bless the Trinity to respond to your hungering and thirsting with and equivalent or greater response.

I bless your relationship with the L-rd to not be characterized by deception, but by truth and kindness and compassion.

I bless you to have clear eyes and sight to see what the L-rd is doing in your midst.

I bless you with a sequence of live-giving relationships marked by a mutual desire to improve and edify one another.

I bless you with that reality in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach.


Dealing With What Is Happening In Others and Overcoming the Spirits of Jealousy and Slavery

Slaves obey…..and they have zero creative will or desire or tools….and they have access only to what their master gives them…..

Sons create…..

I have a few questions for you. And I have hammered and pounded and beaten this drum forever.

Why the impotent focus on what Bezos and Gates do with their money?

Shouldn’t the focus be on unpacking your own stuff?

Is our job to handle other people’s stuff and see to it other people pay “their fair share”, when fairness is not in the Bible anywhere?

Is our job not to unpack the massive amount of treasures G-d has given us?

Or is it to wonder why someone else had any fulfilling OUR vision and OUR plan for their lives?

Your problem is not Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.

Your problem (or problems) are issues that you personally deal with….

Your problem is between your ears…

Your refusal to see what G-d has given you….

Whether or not we realize it, these issues we have been dealing with for YEARS….they already have a slew of answers to them.

I will again mention two things.

We froth at Amazon, Disney, or other company C, and we miss the issues in government, or we froth at government and miss the evil companies.

But it seems we never put the two together.

And deal with the cohesive whole.

Our excuse? We like either the red or the blue solution. One of two Republicrat solutions.

And we ignore the reality that “what you pay taxes on, you own.”

Meaning, we have paid massive amounts of money into services and companies that have done evil things, and I rarely hear believers attempting to leverage the financial investments in these companies to ask the King to steer these companies in a direction that better aligns with His will.

Further question.

Can we leverage our investment to intercede for that alignment of those companies without coaching G-d as to what his purpose and direction for these companies is?

And we rarely ask Father to shine His light whereever He damn well wants to shine it.

And we rarely down a corporate womb of agreement long enough to ask Father to steer companies or governments because we’d rather talk about the injustice as if a yutz of a businessman can or has gassed Jews.

Or we Yell about the penis-shaped ship long enough to say, “he could end world hunger with those billions.

Forgetting world hunger IS….

Because of mindsets…..

The problem of world hunger and creating the foolish solution of confiscating wealth to end it won’t end it.

You will end world hunger when you end personal hunger.

And you end personal hunger when you stop saying “the answers to my problems belong to someone else”.

And when you stop trying to force people to care for the poor or hungry.

That damn spirit of jealousy that has caused fascists to loot and pillage and burn whole cities is a real problem.

And jailing or interning or concentrating or exterminating a race because you think another race is superior.

Calling for reparations when you fail to heal your own wounds is precisely what gets us to ripping all kinds of things apart.

Failing to understand your Southern brethren because you think you can talk down to him or her and they are backwards…

And using the fire of the world to confront what is ultimately a spiritual problem is how you ensure fractured relationships will continue.

The problem is not billionaires or millionaires.

The problem is misfocussed attention on the gifts and resources of others and a failure to unpack, steward, or use your own.

I just recently pulled out a major cork to some large-scale problem I have been dealing with for 3.5 decades.

And you know what?

I am going to keep on pursuing solutions to problems that have not yet been answered.

Gang, this peanuts of the Billionaires is going to get us nowhere.

The problem is the spirit that wants to keep us blind to our own resources (spirit of Jealousy)

The problem is the spirit that says we have no resources (the spirit of slavery)

The problem is the spirit that says other people are responsible for fixing our own problems (the welfare spirit)

You are not a slave, unless you stop creating and start pointing the finger and expecting that your solution is what Jeff or Bill have.

And world Hunter proceeds from a mindset that I cannot do anything to change my station.

And when Scripture shouts:


And yet we continue to act as if some people were given the goods and others simply were not….

We can quit making excuses that the solution is someone else’s responsibility….

That is a damn carnal Teacher with selective responsibility or a half-blind, non-principle-weaving and severely-wounded Prophet speaking.

And I simply will not make excuses for the juxtaposition of anyone’s radically-gifted-for-life life and “my problems are solved with their crap”.

This is not how any of this works.

And you won’t work if you think your problems are supposed to be owned by someone else.


The Spirit of Jealousy, Some Thoughts While Reading Numbers 5

The passage usually labelled “A Test For Adultery” in Numbers 5:11-31 struck me as curious today.

It’s the first mention of the Spirit of Jealousy.

And I want to cover a thought or an aspect here that may help us parse out what empowers that Spirit to have such a strong capacity to harm individuals.

What strikes me is not merely that jealousy is a feeling internal to somebody with no action or execution…

Rather, Jealousy strikes me as the intention to seek restitution for some slight of provision, that is, some belief that we were shorted or shortchanged in the area of those things that were given to us.

Dovetailing off of the Principle of Compensation, we carry a conviction that we were inadequately compensated, and we perceive an inequity where none currently exists, and as a result, we unintentionally or intentionally desire to open a legal case before the throne of the Father, using our G-d-given authority, with a desire to extract inequity from the party we believe has it better than us, without realizing that we might, before all is over, end up extracting life from that person.

Two aspects here

Life: This virtue parallels G-d the Father (see Life, Dominion, and Honor, where the Farher has GIVEN us the compliment of GIFTS that enable us to engage in everything necessary for LIFE and godliness.

Legal Court Cases involving jealousy frequently result in assaults on life, which is why myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) are so prevalent the where the Spirit of Jealousy is empowered through out authority.

Before you attempt to execute on your desire against someone, your desire should first and always give way to a willingness to discuss your issue with G-d the Father to see if your motives and thoughts are actually just and this is part of G-D’s sequence for you right now, or merely the result of offense or a slight and you personally need to seek for your own readjustment with the KingzY

You might need to deal with the L-rd one-on-one as he helps you sort through your feelings and emotions toward an individual.

I say all this because we were given a lot of authority by the L-rd and the capacity to abuse that authority if we are not careful.

In light of this, when dealing with the Kingdom’s legal system, and the level of authority you have been granted, oftentimes when your emotions are inflamed, it’s better to wait until you are capable of reasoning and have a conversation with the L-rd and ask Him to judge your emotions with you and for Him to weigh those.

There might be a misunderstanding, a head of Leviathan, a curse, a mantle, an off perception, an issue of forgiveness, something else that is to blame before you leap to demand an extraction.

So, as you are dealing with the situation where G-d is blessing or unpacking someone else, be careful, should jealousy strike, to refrain from lashing out, and from seeking for your good at someone else’s expense.

Deeply consider the nature of your cause, and ask the King for help and clarity in case there are pieces of the puzzle or perspective that you are missing.

The authority the Word of G-d gives us is truly a two-edged sword and we must be careful and clear-mindedly judicious about where we point that sword and scepter.

Be at peace as you are working through issues of potential jealousy.

And I bless you to cultivate the awareness that you might have treasures that are unpacked and you are in need of unpacking those much more than you are of envying what someone else has.

There is a real set of purposes for the Spirit of Jealousy.

But it is not for judging whether what G-d has given someone else is right or correct.

Blessing of the December Window of Reconciliation #3: Destiny Aspect: Right Time, Rightly Sanctified

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward for a connection.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.”

Genesis 2:2–3 ESV

“And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

Mark 2:27 ESV

Spirit, before you can sally forth to do exploits for the king, your timeline must be rightly set, and rightly aligned. Note, even G-d rested and was refreshed (Exodus 31:17). G-d needs seasons where He is refreshed. It’s not that He needs things the way we account needs. But there are needs that G-d has, as He accounts needs. He needs–or maybe a better word is “desires”– to have regular times of connection with us, times of refreshing, times of rest, times to ruminate while listening to and observing various aspects of His creation humming along.

Spirit, whether or not the soul and body with whom you reside understand it, rest is part of your design. It is inbred into you because it is part of G-d’s design. Being refreshed is something for which you were made. A right timeline that is sanctified is also a real and deep need.

So, spirit, I bless you with the right timestream. You are made for time. You were made to not waste time, or to curse time, as Python has choked the life out of this year. You were made to war in time, for time rightly set up and rightly alighned.

Lord Jesus, I bless and beseech you to war for the right timestream flow for each of these who will read this long after it has been written. I ask You to interfere with the plans of your ancient enemy to befoul and screw up the timeline of these Your family.

Father G-d, I ask that you come and I appeal to you as the Ancient of Days to bring Your righteous chronometer with its ever-flowing pendulum and constant sweep-hand. Father I ask you to set the Chronometer you intend in these your children and remove the vestiges of any counterfeit chronometers, broken clocks, busted wristwatches, and false or disoriented chronometers, and those perverted by Daylight Saving Time.

I ask that You would set things as far as the time flow you have for this your child in array against the befouling works of Leviathan, and to move, oh lovely Ancient of Days, against the twisting and coiling nonsense of Leviathan’s machinations against Your time line of Your children. Every day, untwisted and perfectly aligned and sanctified, that You have ordained for this, your child, was written in Your book for them before one of them came to be.

And as a member of Your royal priesthood and a Mercy who is designed to bring the flow of time into alignment and see it sanctified, I ask You to sanctify each of these days, setting them apart unto Your specific purposes for each.

And spirit, I bless you to receive the resources of sanctified days, even the days that remain unto 2020, and I bless you to skillfully weave together the principles of declaration as it pertains to this year, and to war with violence against the mindset that 2020 is a byword to be cursed.

Spirit, be refreshed with the right time, at the right time, and know that, you were made for this year, which is why G-d trusts you with the hardy gift that is this year.

And be at peace to rest deeply as you garner the spiritual, emotional, and physical capital needed to proceed to your destiny.

Apart from adequate rest and and sanctified timeline, your capacity to possess your birthright will be drastically taxed.

I bless you with the tenacity to work with your timeline and to sanctify it and see it rightly set up, in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach

Exodus 14:11 and One Point of the Wilderness

They said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?

Exodus 14:11

Focus for a minute on that one question with me gang.

Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?”

The obsession with death in the wilderness is the response of a group of people who have suffered from DID and PTSD.  They cannot see the issue for their woundedness, and Moses, with his emotional issues, and spiritual issues, still brought them out.
So, why did they go to the widerness?  What was the purpose of the wilderness?  The Israelites asked “why the wilderness”.
Here is my response to that question.
First of all and less importantly, to shake the dust off of their feet, because they were OBSESSED WITH SERVING the Egyptians.
Second of all, and more importantly, to learn how to handle the top priority, the thing of first importance.  There are few things in the wilderness that are not desolate.  Few oases, few plants, few animals, few things, compared with the life in the jungle or Canaanland.
The most important reason G-d got them out into the wilderness was so they could do the one thing the L-rd told Pharaoh.
To worship G-d.
To hold a feast to the L-rd.
To connect with Him.
And come hell or high wather, they were going to learn to worship.
Look, as someone with PTSD and potentially a part or two, let me speak from personal experience that G-d is going to bring you through some travesties and into a desolate place so you can be alone with Him, and learn Him, and understand Him.
He is still Father (Exodus 4:22), even when you are generatiaonally-damaged.  And He may not always use mothers gloves to bring you out of the situation that has caused you torment.
There may be a season where He uses both father’s gloves and mother’s gloves to do His purposes.
It is a good thing, gang, when we are brought out, and so we can see Him, see the cloud and the fire, and the G-d in the Pillar.
It’s not always about how badly we hurt, and it is not always about what’s wrong with us.  Truthfully, there wil be seasons of healing and softness, but the season of deliverance and liberation that precedes that season of healing may feel harsh, and it may land harsh.
This is where the work of deliverance requires, by turns, a mothering touch and a fathering touch.
It’s not going to always be a deliverance that is done in the manner that you and I want it done.
That said, the deliverance will be effective.
In the case of Israel, they had generational PTSD/DID and maybe some Ritual Abuse as well, and they were party to watching G-d kill many of their captors.
Beyond that, they had to learn how to walk as sons, and some still did not get it.
But G-d delivered them and drove them out of Mizraim.
To a quiet, desolate place.
To the place where their focus would be undivided, in order to learn Him and learn who He was.
Why the wilderness?
To learn worship, to actually worship, and to recieve what was necessary in terms of a hundred different lessons on how to grow into a place of sonship, sufficiency, and interdependence.
Likewise, with us, He determines to lead us out in order to lead us in…into His presence.  Both/and.  Sons/Brides. Giving/Receiving, Plus/Minus, Multiplication/Division, Roots/Exponents, Grammar/Lit/Comp/Vocab.
Whole package deliverance.


That is, wholeness.
Not just their bodies, but also their mindsets, their spirits, their emotions, their engrained thoughts that were off, their strongholds, their resistances to His influence, and their expectations of Him and the Egyptians, all of which needed a drastic overhaul and realignment.
So it may be with us.
The first place we must visit after trauma is a Trauma unit in a Trauma Center.  And they may bring pain in order to bring life.  But, just the same, it will get better, if we move towards the scary process.
May we do so with the company of a mothering peeps if possible, but if not possible, let us still move toward it with a Father who can help us in quietness, and who has an abundance of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Social Intonation: A Dynamic of Community, and a Major Need of the Exhorter

G-d the Father is the G-d of Community.  He it is that is the Member of the Trinity that is devoted to life and our sense of Belongingness.
It is through Him that we understand we belong.
And it is He who sets us where He wants.
The communities that we form on the third level of holiness are critical to the networking of whatever plan the L-rd has for us.
And we are supposed to not only be thrown willy-nilly into whatever communities at hand, but more specifically, we need to be placed by our Father (1 Corinthains 12:18) were we were designed to fit.
Amanda Damon, a friend of our family’s, made an observation, concerning Exhorters, because with Exhorters, it is painful to deprive them of social networks and groups of friends, without which they suffer deeply, as did one of my close friends:

An Exhorter homeschooler needs people.  It just means the parents get to choose what people.  Tons and tons of homeschool community these days.  Field trips every week, co-ops if you want, group electives, Konos, the possibilities are endless.  I think it more depends on the parents and how in tune to their kids they are. Homeschooling can be a place to thrive!

First, let me say this much.
With respect to Exhorters, if you are going to homeschool an Exhorter, it is true that you will get to pick what people with whom the socialize.  However, it also means that you need to ACTUALLY EXECUTE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROACTIVELY pick some peeps to connect with your Exhorter.  Don’t just assume that because you homeschool your kids, and you have the freedom to pick the kids they hang with, that they are going to end up with the right crowd.
The freedom to pick playmates for your bubbly Exhorter is also the responsibility to expose them to people, so that together you can pick out the right people for them.
Otherwise, they will pick anybody and everybody.
Second, more generally, note that phrase “in tune”.  It reminds me of Mr. Hardy, my high school Chorus teacher. He placed a premium on this concept in music that we call intonation.  It applies to music.
But Amanda’s comment, in response to a hard conversation on homeschooling, caused me to hear an idea for the first time.
Social intonation.
We need “social intonation”. We need to be placed in a community that not only looks right, feels right, seems right, and enhances our image, but also one that sounds right, AND one with which we can tune and among which we can blend well.
And we need the right kind of community even if it conflicts with deeply-held convictions and biases.
Some Exhorters need homeschooling.  And as a result, their parents are thus required to select friends for them, because those Exhorters by and large REQUIRE socialization of some sort.
When we develop unqualified biases for or against a certain type of community in all of its manifestations, whether the institution is homeschooling or church or any ither type of school or business or people of differing faith views and we say, “All [pick your institution]s are [bad/good/terrible]”, then that keeps us from seeing the possible good in a situation.
When I say all homeschooling is bad for Exhorters because they don’t get to socialize, then it keeps me from seeing the possibilities for socialization that are available with at least a modicum of effort.
Now, let’s pull back and distill a more general principle.
Those biases that keep us from seeing comprehensively and clearly are then harnessed by the Mesmerizing Spirit and we thus cease seeing clearly.  We then stop seeing situations, circumstances, places, and people accurately and with precision (the way the L-rd sees them).
As a result, we become candidates for the Spirit of Deception.  And the moment we are willing to believe the lies of the Spirit of Deception, then sooner or later the lie involves some sort of pit of despair, a trap which this spirit lays.  And if we follow that path of deception into the pit of despair, the subsequent downward spiral can lead to death and suicide.
We deeply need to be part, not just of any community, but the community that Father picks out for us, whatever community that looks like.
For, we can possess our birthright as individuals, but we will not become people of destiny outside of community.
Thus, when you are looking for a community, ask yourself, “is this a community with which I can blend to make that right sound?”.
Find the right sound for your hardwiring.  Find the right gathering that meshes with your hardwiring.
And be blessed, gang.  This is a new concept, but it is one that I am hashing out repeatedly.