Blessing of Stillness: Song of Solomon 5:10


I invite your spirit, whether broken or who, shattered or put together, safe or hurting, on the run or at a save haven, to be present with me kn the name of Yeshua:

Spirit in seven portions, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today.

My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, the Fairest of Ten Thousand. 

-Song of Solomon 5:10-

Spirit, as much as you have heard this used to describe Yeshua, I am ant you to rest in shalom and see how he sees you, His beloved bride, pure and spotless.

You, spirit, harried or at rest, sit a while with this reality. Soak in it, meditate on it. 

You, right now,

You, following the harassment and abuse….

You, following the mistreatment….

You, following the hang-ups, screw-ups, sins, mistakes, misjudgments, foul-ups, and wreckage…

Spirit, you ARE dazzling and ruddy……

You ARE the Fairest of Ten Thousand. 

You ARE the Apple of His eye, and His affection, tenderness, and adoration are yours. They are your treasures. From everlasting to everlasting. From the depths of His being to the depths of your being, He wants to provide a flow of water and love and when you are ready for it, fire, by turns. But He isn’t going to force anything on you. He will partner with you, spirit, in your seven portions.

I bless you to rest and to allow the King of Glory to carry you to the place where He will remove the shrapnel and the gunk and the pus and all the matter that is gumming up your inner workings.

I bless you with the revelation that Father’s lap is the surgical table, and even while you are on that table being worked on, even with all your hang-ups and deep in junk, WHILE YOU ARE DARK, you are still the most LOVELY in His eyes.

I bless you to rest in stillness and allow Him to work, and even should you pass out, He will keep you alive if you will allow Him.

I bless you to know not just the saving power of the Bridegroom, O Bride of the King and the Fairest of Ten Thousand….

I also bless you to know the KEEPING power of G-d, dear one, lovely and beautiful. 

I bless you with all of that revelation, spirit, in the name of Yeshua. 


The Wife of Noble Character: A Chunk of My Thoughts on the Topic

40 years…..

I know the arguments….

The discussion….

The debates…..

And the back-and-forth….

And enough experience on receiving end of what it should not look like in several dozen facets.

First marriage destroyed through adultery.

Second marriage lost due to interference from control, jealousy, and witchcraft because I work with survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

January 14, 2005 to April 15, 2013: 3013 days.

April 19, 2014 to July 19, 2022: 3013 days.

And both marriages had many lessons to impart to me, and these treasures were not easily excavated. It was a crucible for the silver, and a furnace for the gold…

And I would like to offer the following bits, so thank you to those friends who enabled me to see some facets of a number of right ways of looking at this topic, and I would like to share things that maybe do not get enough daylight.

For those who ask if I am going to touch the egalitarian-complimentarian-headship debate, well, we will see.

But allow me to lead it with a couple of lines of thought….

Three Threads

Thread 0 offered, then set off to the side: Regardless of how I interpret Ephesians 5:21 followed by verses 22ff (I am very much of the view that in the context of the submission that all believers offer one to another, a wife still has a further place to submit in some way to a husband to loves her as Messiah loves His body), we are missing some critical ideas in this topic, because we look at roles, without looking at birthrights.

And design….

Women are not merely to play like they have hammers and swords….

Rather, they are to use them.

Thread 1:

A woman and her sword, once separated, leave her vulnerable in ways she should not be made so.

 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the L-RD G-d had made. He said to the woman, “Did G-d actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but G-d said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For G-d knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like G-d, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 

Genesis 3:1-6 ESV

The chief clown, Lucifer (I call demons “clowns”) came to the woman with her man and spoke to the woman.

For those who say “the man should have spoken up”, I am going to stop you right there.

The attack of the clowns frequently shows us an indicator of design. Husbands and wives are made as foxhole partners. Period. Get that one into your spirit. I implore you. Wrestle with the junk that fights against both of you, and woman of G-d, pick up your sword.

Or your tent peg.

Healed Exhorter/Servant combos in action…

The Other Two Points:

At this point, the issue is not one of submission, but of dominion, and refusing the victim spirit. Also, it is not about blame-shifting, but about fighting together against the real enemy. The real question is not are you loving and submitted to one another. The real questions (and from this, submission and love will flow, as well as a whole host of other dynamics) are these:

“Are you together learning from Father how to build; and how to fight?”

“Not only that, but are you aware of the raw materials you have together with which to build in a creative fashion?”

Point 2: Building

I pose these questions to y’all, gang, because there are times when the Father is not going to give you directions to obey, but is rather going to turn the two of you warriors loose in order to make choices together about what to build creatively.

First, in the early days of your relationship, you are going to struggle because you are going to feel like there is no user manual for building. So you are might desperately struggle with working together as you slap something together because you feel like you have been thrown together with little training. And then, as you grow together, working with one another, synching with one another, you are going to get more intentional about what you are doing, and as you grow more intentional, you can begin to incorporate strategy, and timing, and understanding, and pacing, and wisdom, and you will get able to fold together intimacy with one another together with skill in building.

Slaves obey. Sons create.

Create and build together. There is something there that can be done. He wants to partner with you to enable and endue and empower you two to build.

Point 3: Fighting

Second, to fight together.

Are you also aware of the real enemy that you should both be protecting and covering one another from? Do you have your lover’s six? Can they count on you to protect them and to give the enemy an earful of the Word of G-d Himself, and a faceful of His shekinah on their behalf?

“Having done all, to stand….”
As Anne Hamilton has said, have you allowed the Bridegroom Warrior to kiss you into your armor? And that is something husband and wife were made to do in tandem with He who is Adonai T’Sevaot.

Again, as with the building part, you might find yourself clumsy as you work to direct your assaults away from your mate, whom the enemy will tempt you to attack as the source of all your problems, and against the real enemy. This is why you should exercise plenty of descretion when choosing a mate. And if you already have one, then work the best with what you have. This is not a decision to rush into, but rather to wait until the markers and evidence that this will be a redemptive relationship, one in which you can accomplish more redemptively together than apart. When you have the markers there, then a lot of the marriage prophecies and dependence on other people saying “thus saith the L-rd” can fall by the wayside.

Are you a safe place for your mate, and a terror to the enemy that assaults them?

Are you a confidant?

Do you hold secrets back one from another?

Can you share the little things together?

Do you have the common interests on some level?

Is there a cause?

The biblical text that gets overlooked, and I think the King Jimmy puts this best.
Matthew 19:5

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

It’s not about the love and submission (shorthand for the Ephesians 5 text) at this point….

Go beyond the elementary principles to the roots of those things which give life to a marriage.

And at the root of every marriage, let me CAPS out three words in Matthew 19:5.

FOR THIS CAUSE….a man will leave his parents and be joined to his wife….

You have to have a cause….there has to be a reason….a purpose….for the connection….

What’s your cause…..

What’s your reason for wanting to wake up with this man, this woman…

As David said before he fought Goliath….”Is there not a cause?”

Do you have a reason? Is there something you do incredibly well redemptively with this woman that you do not do with another? Or this man?

The cause will show you what to build and what your fight is.

And are there connection points between you and she….or you and he…..?

And is there enough diversity and difference between the two of you to make things interesting.

And is there enough of a draw beyond the superficial that you will last?

I cannot believe I am sharing this cut…..


Thanks Tiffany….

Before You “I Do”

Though, a man should be confident enough in his own identity and authority on some level BEFORE HE STEPS INTO A RELATIONSHIP BEFORE IT TURNS INTO MARRIAGE that he will not have married a harpy or yielded his authority and is asking a woman to lead him or make decisions for him OR TO OTHERWISE GIVE HIM HIS LEGITIMACY…

Conversely, a woman should be confident enough in her own identity and authority on some level BEFORE RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE HAPPEN that she does not marry either an abusive or controlling jerk or a passive, milquetoast man, or an immature manchild who will not listen to her voice when she speaks to him in fullness, honesty, and rawness.

There has to be not merely the biblical text triteism of mutual submission, but also some level of mutual vulnerability, and both parties walking in partnership with Messiah, and willing to work through the tough issues, especially of growth, healing, deliverance, and love with one another.

And G-d did not say we had to be completely healed before we step into relationships or marriage. Nobody in Scripture, including Messiah who was fully human was fully whole without emotional issues as a human before stepping into relationship.

What G-d looks for is willingness and vulnerability, not absence of wounds or scars. The three together of y’all, working through things and journeying on this adventure…G-d looks for people who will just walk with Him and put Him at the center and forefront of their lives.

And couples who will walk together with Him, protecting one another.

It really means something when we war together against the enemy of our souls. And instead of the usual dynamics, we look at life between two battle buddies, two partners in crime, two companions in this eternal adventure.

And we engage with one another without passive/agression.

Some couples choose the way of sarcasm, and that works for them.

The real clincher here though is, are you together on close to a similar page about the L-rd, and the enemy?

And the next question that I would ask is, is there a spirit-to-spirit connection between you and your beloved, because so much happens in that space, when the portions of your spirit, and the portions of your beloved’s spirit actually interact and mingle.

It’s not just about being one flesh. It’s about the joining of spirits and the connection of journeys so that things flow in alignment.

More about that in another post…..

June 2023 WOR Blessing #2: Without Form And Void


I invite your spirit to be present, in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, listen ot the word of El Shaddai for today:

The Earth was without form and void…

From Genesis 1:2

Spirit, you are going to come across patches of land that feel tohu ve bohu. Chaotic, waste, empty, messed-up, befouled, vexed, defiled, broken, ruined, and otherwise in not good states. This text says before the L-rd began to refill the land, it was completely wasted and destroyed. The land was in dire need and in outer darkness from a cataclysm of some sort.

Spirit, in this season, I would ask you to be open to the possibility that the L-rd has you in the land and it may be because you and soul were made to bring something to the land it would not otherwise have.

I encourage you to consider deeply whether you have a role to play in the healing of the land.

And I will note, it is not your job to do the heavy lifting, spirit. That is the job of the King. He will work at it. But He does look for human partnerships to bring transformation to creation. This is why, later, it was said, “the L-RD G-d planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed”.

Spirit, you were chosen and placed on a particular piece of land to bring the life of the King to that chunk of land.

So, I bless you to see the vision the L-rd has for that patch of land, and to partner with Him according to that vision.

I bless you to work with the land that is torn-up and chaotic.

I bless you to work even when situations are not ideal. I do bless you to see what you can contribute as you partner with the L-rd to bring the life of G-d in a spiritual wasteland, and maybe even a physical wasteland.

I bless you to see the best when you see the worst.

I bless you with a revelation of the L-rd G-d that is equal to the task at hand.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua to find the life and flow of G-d and to incorporate that life flow into your working with the land.

Be at peace and wholeness, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing Your Spirit: Tiny Human, Part 10

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward to treat with me in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, listen to the word of El Shaddai, for you today.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

And I shall dwell in the house of the L-rd forever.

Psalm 23:8 (ESV)

Goodness is G-d’s assessment of his creation. And G-d called all that he had created and made good. Tov. It was pleasing to behold. Goodness is designed to track and accompany us all of the days of our lives. It is not a temporary thing that happens, as if it is something we strive for. It’s a life flow that reminds us of the core of who we are on our worst days.

Mercy, by contrast, is for the worst of what happens to us. When we mess up, Abba, Our Father, is still with us and for us and falls is good. When we mess up, He reminds us through Mercy that He still wants us. Goodness reminds us of who we are as He designed us. Mercy is for our mess-ups in action.

We might do bad stuff, but that doesn’t mean bad is who we are in core.

We need Mercy to protect us when we get assaulted in our core.

Spirit, you will not be put out of your Father’s house simply because you messed something up.

Spirit, He designed you to be His chip off the old block.

Spirit your dwelling place is in His home.

So, spirit, I bless you to remain at home. His home is a place where you are always welcome. His home is not a place of rejection. Rather, it’s a place of acceptance. It’s a place of tenderness. It’s a place of affection. And it’s a place where the heartache can just melt away.

I bless you to recognize this about your parents. Though they are imperfect, they yearn for you to have a place for you can just rest and be yourself. They yearn for you to come home.

Spirit, there is more for you than just a place of abuse and pain. There is more than just a place of rejection.

No rejection in the arms of your Father.

Spirit, I bless you with the revelation of that. Deeply, may it penetrate your deepest places. Those places where your life flow is deep enough for the stuff of dreams. The place where your yearnings mean reality and bring destiny into place.

The place of love. The House of the L-rd.

I bless you to rest in His goodness, His mercy, and His home.

I bless you to be filled with all the fullness of G-d in your heart. I bless your heart to be stabilized by His presence, and with His grace, and in His love.

I bless you to know the compassion that brings you home when you’re hurting.

and I bless you with the tenacity to latch onto the goodness of G-d all throughout your life in every facet.

I bless you to be merciful, so that you will also be shown mercy. Boatloads of mercy.

and I bless you to find your ultimate dwelling place with the King.

Be at peace in the bubble of Father’s shalom.

in the name of Yeshua,


Blessing Your Spirit: Tiny Human, Part 9

Beloved, I invite your spirit to interact with me as much or as little as you wish.

Spirit, listen to the word of El Shaddai for you for today…

You anoint my head with oil;

My cup overflows.

From Psalm 23:5 (ESV)

Spirit, at this table prepared for you, we seem to focus into greater detail to an object on the table.

It is a golden, oil-filled cup, designed by the King to add life rather than take it away. A source of overflowing life and abundance and wealth fit to supply kingdom endeavors so they will not fail.

Not only does this cup supply a number of elements necessary to the execution to your design, this cup is part of you.

This cup is the Seat of Dominion.

Spirit, when He anoints your head with oil, that place where your spirit resides overflows and pours fourth not just from the mind of G-d, but also His reins and His heart.

He anoints your head and your cup overflows.

It overflows with justice and mercy, the twin facets of love.

It overflows with understanding and wisdom.

It overflows with truth and spirit.

It overflows with roots and wings.

It overflows with Clocks and windows. Chronos and Kairos moments. Season of time and windows of opportunity that the King wishes to fill with the moments of your destiny.

Spirit, he has more than merely a temporary moment where you may feel His presence. He has all of Himself to offer to you.

And it is your anointing that fills you up to overflowing such that you pour out from your abundance onto others.

Deep and Abiding love and revelation. Holy affection and true knowledge. Seven hardwired aspects of understanding. They are called the Seven Spirits of G-d for a reason.

And they all have a flavor of illumination given by the King.







Fear/Awe of the L-rd

So, spirit, I bless you with overflowing in so many ways. I bless the oils the King has placed into your inner world to flow as He intended them to.

I bless your godly dominion to flow so that you see you are no victim.

I bless you to grasp and grapple with the L-rd and to not stop until He blesses you deeply.

I bless your core to resonate with the overflowing oil of His love. I bless you to use the oil as He intends. Some to use, some to save, and some to give.

Spirit, pour forth in the seasons in which He means you to pour fourth. Do not hold back from your design.

I bless His love to flow through you.

I bless his knowledge to fill your heart and his love to fill your mind.

For, spirit, we were made to love G-d with our minds as well as hearts, reins and might.

So I bless the overflowing pour out of his grace, tenderness, love, and wholeness into you and through you.

and I bless that to impact those that are around you that are in your circle. I bless you in a place of health, and I bless you in a place of life. I bless you to be a place of health, and to be a place of life.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua. Amein.

Blessing Your Spirit: Tiny Human, Part 8


I invite your spirit forward in the name of Yeshua.

Young spirit of this tender child, listen to the word of El Shaddai for you for today.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…

From Psalm 23:5 (ESV)

Spirit, there is a place for you…..

A place that repeatedly you will be taken by the L-rd repeatedly.

It won’t appear inviting at first. You will look around and see enemies. You won’t see friends at first.

And you might wonder, “did the L-rd drop me off in an unsafe place?”

And you would be correct, spirit. Alone and apart from the L-rd, your DEEPLY LOVING FATHER, this is not a place you would want to be.

But, spirit, please, I implore you to allow me to draw your attention to one REALLY IMPORTANT TRUTH.

G-d will NEVER set you into a place full of enemies without also going there together with you. You will NEVER be alone in the hard places. You will never have to worry about being overtaken by the enemies of the King without the King being present with you.

Spirit, those places where you are caught in the middle of your enemies, the L-rd did not abandon you. He left you with Himself: The G-d Who Prepares and Is Always Prepared.

Look there. There is a garden grotto surrounded by the King’s ancient enemies and you are there, and most importantly, the King WHO HAS NEVER LOST A FIGHT IS THERE.

Spirit, this is an incredibly important dynamic for you, because you are going to find yourself in the middle of places that don’t feel safe and you might need a meal prepared.

Spirit, the King is not in a rush just because there is a fight. He is unbeatable.

And He longs, even in the midst of the fight, to set up a meal. To share intimacy and connection. Even in a foxhole or a trench, there are still meals to be had and camaraderie to be had. There is, moreover, a feast of the King’s incredible love and tenderness to be had.

So, spirit, I bless you….

I bless you to receive from the presence of the King.

I bless you with a revelation of the King’s goodness, steadfast love, tenderness, faithfulness, and the provision of Himself.

I bless you to sit with the King as He prepares that special table full of every good thing He knows your heart loves.

Spirit, He knows what foods, what utensils, what tools, and what weapons, and what arms need to be on that table. And He is not going to place anything on that table that is toxic to you, so the soul, or to the body.

“See, I have created the blacksmith, who forges a weapon/instrument/tool/utensil…”

From Isaiah 54:16 (ESV)

Spirit, He loves you so incredibly deeply. I bless you to receive that deep and tender love from Him. And I bless you to receive the fullness of the table of the L-rd’s goodness while He troubles Himself with the details of what should happen with respect to the enemies that surround you.

Spirit, they will not overtake you.

I bless you with that reality in the name of Yeshua. Amein.

Blessing 14: September WOR Blessing: Psalm 42:10


I invite your spirit forward to treat with me, regardless of what status it or they are in.

Spirit, I recognize the pain of assault and the trouble that comes when you are traumatized, and the shattering of the human spirit that takes place when ritual abuse occurs.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Be still and know I am G-d

Psalm 46:10

Spirit, there is a place following the trauma of a harsh season or following mistreatment of harsh leaders.

G-d can and often might place us in proximity to harsh leaders.

Note what I said versus what I did not say.

Consider the following also, spirit

Although he was a son, he learned obedience by the things he suffered.

Hebrews 5:8 ESV

There may be times when G-d allows you to connect with harsh leaders in order to refine you.

I don’t guarantee it will happen. In fact I hope it doesn’t happen. But in case you end up dealing with a difficult or harsh leader, I want you to remember one thing in the still place following mistreatment.

He is G-d. And He will coach you in very difficult times.

You will also note I did not say G-d sets us under harsh people in order that they would abuse us.

Abuse happens, but I don’t see it as from the hand of G-d. I do however see our response as capable of coming from the hand of G-d.

I bless you following a difficult situation to get really still and to occupy the still place and to lean into the King deeply.

I bless you to walk in stillness and to take advantage of that stillness in order to receive deep clarity.

I bless you in that season to find out how Father wants you to respond and to deeply know Him in intimacy.

I bless you to find deeper intimacy regardless of the current pain.

I bless you to speak to Yeshua, who is capable of taking all pain. I bless each of you, parts, to just be and to appropriate whatever of King’s love in whatever manner you deem necessary.

I bless your enforcers in their anger to express that anger and frustration and to ask the questions they need to ask. This is a safe space for them.

I bless you to know what is meant by fellowshipping with the King in His sufferings.

I bless you to participate with Him in a deep and satisfying connection.

And most importantly, I bless you to, in the still place, for your parts that which to occupy that space, to occupy that space in time and to fill that space with the knowledge of Him.

I bless you with dignity and grace and love and affection and wholeness.

And above all, I bless you, spirit, and relevant parts to know you belong.

You belong, dear heart.

In stillness, you belong.

I bless you to know Him as G-d, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.

So be it.

WOR Blessing: Reconciled to G-d: Blessing 13: G-d of Plan B

Okay, soul, based on how some of y’all have read that title and gotten offended, with the logical argument that G-d doesn’t have a plan B.

Soul, this blessing is not for you. This blessing is for the spirit.

So beloved soul, I need you to move to the side for a season, so I can speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you to lean forward, but only as closely as you can wish, understanding that some might not feel safe.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

Then the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in Seir as far as Hormah. And you returned and wept before the L-RD, but the L-RD did not listen to your voice or give ear to you. So you remained at Kadesh many days, the days that you remained there.

Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea, as the L-RD told me. And for many days we traveled around Mount Seir. Then the L-RD said to me, ‘You have been traveling around this mountain country long enough. Turn northward”

Deuteronomy 1:44–2:3 ESV

Spirit, I want you to be aware of G-d’e contingency plan for when things get messed up. I want you to know it is not a plan for which He is settling or toward which His apathy is being expressed.

G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, because we have free will.

But there is still a redemptive purpose for each season if we will hunt for it.

And, spirit, when we mess up, we need to know that there is still a redemptive plan in the works for us. And that plan is something Y-d wishes to work out.

For Israel, due to their Av 9 rebellion (Numbers 13), they had to pursue a new path. And in that path, G-d engaged in redemption of a nation of doves, raising up a nation of sons from that nation of slaves.

So, spirit, I engage with you in order to encourage you to pursue what the L-rd’s current path for you. I bless you to see the plan in front of you. I bless you with faith for the wilderness if you find yourself there.

I bless you to hear the voice of the G-d of Plan B. The plan that manifests as a result of circumstances that may have derived from your choices, but is no less redemptive.

I bless you to wrestle with reality and to hear from the King’s gentle whisper in the midst of your broom tree encounter. I bless you to anoint the people you need to anoint even when you are struggling with depression or anger or PTSD or parts or whatever the case.

I bless you to move into the new season.

For whatever circumstances in which you find yourself, the Father can redeem those.

For it is impossible for G-d to not redeem and reconcile.

I bless you to find the streams in the desert as you find yourself in a different season.

I bless you with the reality that, even though G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, eventually those circumstances will be caused to work together by Him for your good.

Even the wilderness and the desert and the dry places are your reality, spirit, G-d will lead you through that season to a place of fruitfulness.

Spirit, be at peace and be free to connect with the L-rd. Be at peace to connect with Him at Mount Seir. And be at peace to hear Him when it is time to leave the mountain when He says to.

I bless you in the midst of the new season to embrace the G-d who provides you contingencies and will ultimately get you the resources He has for you, the provision that is for the vision He gives you.

I also bless you to release the old season when it is no longer reality.

And to step into the new season when that is now where you are.

I bless your timestream to flow in accordance with Father’s design regardless of the transitions.

And I bless you to see that, just because the assignment has changed or been modified, your design does not change.

I bless you with stability in the midst of an otherwise destabilizing season that arrives as a result of your choices or the choices of others.

I bless you with the grace necessary to be fruitful in the middle of a new season.

And I bless you to keep moving forward even when things do not go the way you thought they would or should.

And I bless you with peace according to the season’s need.

Spirit, be blessed and keep moving forward, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 12: September WOR Blessing: Deuteronomy 1:25

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

And they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us, and brought us word again and said, “It is a good land that the L-RD our G-d is giving us.”

Deuteronomy 1:25

A good land, given us….

Spirit, you were made for good land. You were not made for sin or made as a foul, reprobate, worm, bastard sinner.

You were made for the good land and the good land was made to be given you. G-d does not make us and never designed us for the place of suffering that is the lake of fire.

The lake of fire, rather, was prepared for the devil and his messengers.

Spirit, you, On the other hand, or made for a land that is FLOWING with milk and honey. A land in a place of abundance and provision.

Spirit, I resist utterly the idea that we are supposed to castigate ourselves for the entire tea of our lives. no no no no no no no. We were made for birthright and for destiny and for love and for purpose and for peace and for joy and for kindness and for goodness by an eminently faithful King.

You are to be reconciled to this Gift-Giver who affectionately thinks of you, toward you, and is for you.

So, spirit, I so deeply bless you with the revealing that the Father is the Giver. He is neither a taker of gifts or a stripper of callings. Those gifts and those callings are irrevocable. You were made to walk in them, and for them not to be stripped and given and stripped and given.

I bless you with love.

I bless you to know and be reconciled, for that is the MAIN REASON why Christ Jesus died. Not for mere fire insurance, but for deep reconciliation.

So we could experience the transition from summer to autumn and the beauty and the color change of the leaves, and his abundant provision in 1000 different facets.

I bless you with maple sap from sugar maples.

And long, powerful, spotted giraffe necks.

And the nasal, tooting “Kent”call of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

And the plush feel of St. Augustine grass.

And the aroma of coconuts.

And the scent of orange blossoms.

And the zest of Lemons.

And the laughter of babies.

And the wood of dogs.

And the fullness of your birthright.

All of which was given by a good, good Father.

Who creates and creates in abundance, just so she could “lead captivity captive and give gifts to men”.

Ladies that includes you as well. Spirit, that’s for the masculine as well as the feminine. For if I can be called the bride of Christ, then you can be called the son of God. Congratulations, life is uncomfortable for everyone. 🙂

Spirit, I bless you to know the generosity of a Father who yearns for deep reconciliation with you, even as bad as you might think you are. For he still made you and called you good.

I bless you to be reconciled with the reality that you are worth giving a good gift. And you are worth Jesus dying so that you could have a good gift. And not just one good gift: many besides.

I bless you deeply with that revelation in tenderness, kindness, compassion, and love.

Be blessed with the steadfast love of that revelation.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua.


Underselling and Undercutting Item 2 In the Fractal of 7: Part 2 And Window of Reconciliation Blessing: Blessing 10: Names of G-d: The Reasoner Concerning Your Sin

The Bronze Laver and the Waters/Waters and the Expanse/Dome of the Shamayim were made for cleansing……

And we tell ourselves, “I am just a sinner and my righteousness is as filthy rags”.

I understand when a pre-believer says this.

But when a son of G-d says this, when a follower of the L-rd says this…I begin to take issue.

When a bride of Christ calls themselves a harlot, even after His cleansing, Living Water, Fuller’s Soap and Refining Fire have burned up all the actual filthy rags, it does not befit the Kingdom of G-d for you His son to pick up blood-soaked rags and dress yourself afresh in them.

As if you forgot that He C.L.E.A.N.S.E.D. you Seven ways to Saturday.

Beloved, this one time, I call your spirit to attention in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

Come now and let us reason TOGETHER

Though your sins are as scarlet


Isaiah 1:18

Spirit, G-d is the One Who Reasons TOGETHER with you.

With you on His lap and He looking directly on you as you are awash in His presence.

I want this reality to soak into your very fiber, dear heart.

You are loved and yearned for and desires and enough.

And the Bronze Laver is part of the reality, as is the Second Day. And those items will never and can never be unmade as part of the fractal.

Spirit, you can let go of the castigation of yourself.

Jesus loves you, this I know….

Spirit, you were always enough.

The L-rd, the Reasoner Concerning Your Sin, who does not fly off the handle at your sin, and heals your heart so that your heart can testify that the Bridegroom is steadfastly faithful in all things….

THAT L-RD bless you with the depths of reality that is deeper than your kiddie-pool shallower than a puddle sin when compared to His Reality…

Hear the Word of the L-rd resonate in the courts of Your Seat of Dominion

For this reason I bow the knee….

Before the Father

That Messiah May dwell in your hearts (plural) through faith

Your three hearts….

The Brain

The Heart

The Reins, being the Kidneys and Adrenals

That you being rooted and grounded in the soul of his love

May have power to comprehend together with all of the saints, what is…

The length…

And the breadth…

And the height…

And the depth…

And to KNOW that which is deeper and higher and broader and wider and longer than all that may be known….

Now, unto him who IS ABLE TO KEEP you from stumbling….

And present you faultless….

Before the presence of His Glory…

With Exceeding Joy…..

To the Only Wise G-d Our Father….

Be Glory….

And Majesty….


And Power…

Both now and forverermore….

Spirit, I bless you with a depth in Him that UNANCHORS the knowledge of the exceeding sinfulness of your sin

And roots and anchors you in the deeper, yea, infinite depths of His lovingkindness and tender mercies….

I bless you to be reconciled with a depth of perspective that causes you to see His reason for why you are cleansed beyond belief and why you ARE whiter than snow…

I bless you to receive the depth of His heart-filled-emotion-filled-solid-as-a-rock-emotion-laden reasoning…

I bless you to see His capacity and willingness to handle your debts….all of them…

And I bless you to recover the lost wages those clowns stole with penalties and interest…

I bless you that you will be filled and fulfilled with HOLY righteousness THAT WEAVES TOGETHER PRINCIPLES the weaving together of which sanctifies you to your birthright, which is the promise of His vow to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness….

I bless you to be reconciled to a King that wants to lavish His full affection on you, though you think you are a sinner…..

I bless you with the Light of His countenance, that He May give you wholeness, spirit….

I bless you, spirit, to know that the Bronze Laver is irrevocable to the Second Level, and G-d WILL NEVER TAKE IT AWAY. It is impossible for G-d to remove His mechanism which Cleanses, because He cannot help but cleanse things.

He is around, and things in His presence begin to be cleansed because of who He is. He will clean you if you let him.
