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The Paraclete’s Hammer (TPH) is a forum for discussing Scripture and principles, in addition to issues surrounding these ideas. We consider treasures that are new as well as old. We are neither religious for considering the old, nor heretical for considering the new. We love to test all sorts of ideas. Some may work and some may not.

We enjoy long walks understand the sun, moon, and stars, leisurely discussing Leviathan, the human spirit, the Holy Trinity, patterns that repeat, hermeneutics, the design of various people and organizations, principles of leadership, ways of improving how we express the faith of Jesus Christ, practical expressions of Jewish and Christian Expression, topics no one else is discussing, and a whole boatload of other things.

The topic of moment will often dominate over the repeated theme, though our aim is to know Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and to help others know Him more deeply. We are zealous, compassionate, tender, forthright, and occasionally stern, and we wish to help others know what they were made to be and what the were made to do.

We will help you pursue your purpose and know how you were made.

Be blessed and free to pursue your design. Flow from that, and find the source of life.

And now a few more words to our purpose.

The Paraclete’s Hammer is the online home for the writings of David Michael MacNelley and others.

Our deep and abiding zeal is to not merely to see people set free; we also loves to see growth.

In a ministry climate that has so often been marked by the mandate of “equip and control”, Our heart is to see others, both believers and pre-believers, become “equipped and released”.

Wholeness, Fulfillment, and Reconciliation to the One Man called Love and Truth: that is our mandate under our tagline: “Into All Truth By the Spirit of G-d”.

12 thoughts on “ABOUT TPH

  1. I try to update at least once a week or more.

    Feel free to check back often, as we have content that we are continuing to work on.

    Thank you for subscribing.

      1. Looking for a linknthat was posted somewhere on this website that I wanted to related to… Principles of Freedom by AB. Would you please redirect me to them? 4 cds, I believe.

  2. I came upon this “accidentally “. Timely words for me today in light of this season. Stressors I did not know existed, but Grace I did not know existed for this very same stressors. Thank you for this well written blog.

  3. Looking for a linknthat was posted somewhere on this website that I wanted to related to… Principles of Freedom by AB. Would you please redirect me to them? 4 cds, I believe.

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