Blessing of the December Window of Reconciliation #2: Destiny Aspect: Right Ideology

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit to be present here as I bless them. Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Then Moses said to G-d, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The G-d of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” G-d said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

Exodus 3:13–14 ESV

“Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the L-RD, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son.’”

Exodus 4:22–23 ESV

Spirit, the L-rd did not send Moses to Mizraim until after he anchored him several ways. One of those ways in which Moses was anchored was in the right ideology. The best anchor point that we can have is in G-d’s character. Not in our relationship with Him because sometimes, as David wrote repeatedly in the Psalms, our relationship is not always the way we want it (ideal), not in ourselves or our own ideas (sometimes our ideas don’t mesh well with G-d’s ideas, especially when we are so convinced we are unlovely, not even in statements of Scripture by themselves (because we have a breadth of statements in Scripture that believers use to assault us as miserable, wretched, worm, bastard sinners), not in emotional connection (because those connections ebb and flow), not in family (dysfunctional as they get).

G-d’s nature.

That is a specific body of unchanging reality. And yes, some of it is embodied in Scripture. But the reason, as above, I didn’t say Scripture is our anchor point, is precisely because people have used portions of the body of Scripture to say some pretty destabilizing things to us or about us.

So, spirit, consider that above passage. Moses went to Mizraim after He understood the nature of G-d. And the above passages tell us two things about the nature of G-d. One, that He IS. There is the IS-ness and the BEING-ness about G-d where G-d is outside of time and within time and everywhere and that communicates AVAILABILITY of G-d, NEARNESS of G-d, and CONSTANCY of G-d.

Second, the second passage says something about G-d’s nature.

And Imma just say this because some of y’all need to hear this with your spirits, deeply and affectionately.

G-d’s first self-revelation outside of his beingness and His constancy to Moses, and HIS FIRST REVELATION OF HIMSELF TO A PAGAN RULER, was the picture of a loving, affectionate, tender, and jealously-protective FATHER.

Spirit, there was a time when G-d was not Creator, and Maker of Heaven and Earth.

But there was NEVER a time when G-d was not Father.

Jesus, Eternally-and-forever-begotten of G-d, defined the Father as Father.

So, spirit, I bless you with the deep revelation of the eternality of G-d as Father and as the CONSTANT-across-all-time-unchanging-G-d Who is I AM.

And in the strength of that truth, I bless you spirit to pursue your destiny in fullness. That not a shred of your destiny would go unexplored.

I bless you with the revelation that the fullness of your destiny is in the soft-and-tender, affectionate hand of the Father of Lights, who is keenly interested and invested in your success. Father has skin in the game, such that He will deal with the fruit of wickedness that belongs to His ancient enemy.

I bless you with that deep understanding, in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach.

And His name shall be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty G-d, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…

From Isaiah 9:6

Exodus 14:11 and One Point of the Wilderness

They said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?

Exodus 14:11

Focus for a minute on that one question with me gang.

Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?”

The obsession with death in the wilderness is the response of a group of people who have suffered from DID and PTSD.  They cannot see the issue for their woundedness, and Moses, with his emotional issues, and spiritual issues, still brought them out.
So, why did they go to the widerness?  What was the purpose of the wilderness?  The Israelites asked “why the wilderness”.
Here is my response to that question.
First of all and less importantly, to shake the dust off of their feet, because they were OBSESSED WITH SERVING the Egyptians.
Second of all, and more importantly, to learn how to handle the top priority, the thing of first importance.  There are few things in the wilderness that are not desolate.  Few oases, few plants, few animals, few things, compared with the life in the jungle or Canaanland.
The most important reason G-d got them out into the wilderness was so they could do the one thing the L-rd told Pharaoh.
To worship G-d.
To hold a feast to the L-rd.
To connect with Him.
And come hell or high wather, they were going to learn to worship.
Look, as someone with PTSD and potentially a part or two, let me speak from personal experience that G-d is going to bring you through some travesties and into a desolate place so you can be alone with Him, and learn Him, and understand Him.
He is still Father (Exodus 4:22), even when you are generatiaonally-damaged.  And He may not always use mothers gloves to bring you out of the situation that has caused you torment.
There may be a season where He uses both father’s gloves and mother’s gloves to do His purposes.
It is a good thing, gang, when we are brought out, and so we can see Him, see the cloud and the fire, and the G-d in the Pillar.
It’s not always about how badly we hurt, and it is not always about what’s wrong with us.  Truthfully, there wil be seasons of healing and softness, but the season of deliverance and liberation that precedes that season of healing may feel harsh, and it may land harsh.
This is where the work of deliverance requires, by turns, a mothering touch and a fathering touch.
It’s not going to always be a deliverance that is done in the manner that you and I want it done.
That said, the deliverance will be effective.
In the case of Israel, they had generational PTSD/DID and maybe some Ritual Abuse as well, and they were party to watching G-d kill many of their captors.
Beyond that, they had to learn how to walk as sons, and some still did not get it.
But G-d delivered them and drove them out of Mizraim.
To a quiet, desolate place.
To the place where their focus would be undivided, in order to learn Him and learn who He was.
Why the wilderness?
To learn worship, to actually worship, and to recieve what was necessary in terms of a hundred different lessons on how to grow into a place of sonship, sufficiency, and interdependence.
Likewise, with us, He determines to lead us out in order to lead us in…into His presence.  Both/and.  Sons/Brides. Giving/Receiving, Plus/Minus, Multiplication/Division, Roots/Exponents, Grammar/Lit/Comp/Vocab.
Whole package deliverance.


That is, wholeness.
Not just their bodies, but also their mindsets, their spirits, their emotions, their engrained thoughts that were off, their strongholds, their resistances to His influence, and their expectations of Him and the Egyptians, all of which needed a drastic overhaul and realignment.
So it may be with us.
The first place we must visit after trauma is a Trauma unit in a Trauma Center.  And they may bring pain in order to bring life.  But, just the same, it will get better, if we move towards the scary process.
May we do so with the company of a mothering peeps if possible, but if not possible, let us still move toward it with a Father who can help us in quietness, and who has an abundance of the Fruit of the Spirit.