Blessing of the December Window of Reconciliation #3: Destiny Aspect: Right Time, Rightly Sanctified

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward for a connection.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.”

Genesis 2:2–3 ESV

“And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

Mark 2:27 ESV

Spirit, before you can sally forth to do exploits for the king, your timeline must be rightly set, and rightly aligned. Note, even G-d rested and was refreshed (Exodus 31:17). G-d needs seasons where He is refreshed. It’s not that He needs things the way we account needs. But there are needs that G-d has, as He accounts needs. He needs–or maybe a better word is “desires”– to have regular times of connection with us, times of refreshing, times of rest, times to ruminate while listening to and observing various aspects of His creation humming along.

Spirit, whether or not the soul and body with whom you reside understand it, rest is part of your design. It is inbred into you because it is part of G-d’s design. Being refreshed is something for which you were made. A right timeline that is sanctified is also a real and deep need.

So, spirit, I bless you with the right timestream. You are made for time. You were made to not waste time, or to curse time, as Python has choked the life out of this year. You were made to war in time, for time rightly set up and rightly alighned.

Lord Jesus, I bless and beseech you to war for the right timestream flow for each of these who will read this long after it has been written. I ask You to interfere with the plans of your ancient enemy to befoul and screw up the timeline of these Your family.

Father G-d, I ask that you come and I appeal to you as the Ancient of Days to bring Your righteous chronometer with its ever-flowing pendulum and constant sweep-hand. Father I ask you to set the Chronometer you intend in these your children and remove the vestiges of any counterfeit chronometers, broken clocks, busted wristwatches, and false or disoriented chronometers, and those perverted by Daylight Saving Time.

I ask that You would set things as far as the time flow you have for this your child in array against the befouling works of Leviathan, and to move, oh lovely Ancient of Days, against the twisting and coiling nonsense of Leviathan’s machinations against Your time line of Your children. Every day, untwisted and perfectly aligned and sanctified, that You have ordained for this, your child, was written in Your book for them before one of them came to be.

And as a member of Your royal priesthood and a Mercy who is designed to bring the flow of time into alignment and see it sanctified, I ask You to sanctify each of these days, setting them apart unto Your specific purposes for each.

And spirit, I bless you to receive the resources of sanctified days, even the days that remain unto 2020, and I bless you to skillfully weave together the principles of declaration as it pertains to this year, and to war with violence against the mindset that 2020 is a byword to be cursed.

Spirit, be refreshed with the right time, at the right time, and know that, you were made for this year, which is why G-d trusts you with the hardy gift that is this year.

And be at peace to rest deeply as you garner the spiritual, emotional, and physical capital needed to proceed to your destiny.

Apart from adequate rest and and sanctified timeline, your capacity to possess your birthright will be drastically taxed.

I bless you with the tenacity to work with your timeline and to sanctify it and see it rightly set up, in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach