How G-d Wounds And Then Heals a Teacher


We all make them….

Including Prophets…..


That was a razz on my Prophet friends, given the tribe, when they make decisions and judgments about items, tend to have a pretty good track record of being right. Not because they are arrogant, but because they are able to extrapolate from principles and see when things are not well-put-together or well-thought-out that the rest of us miss.

Further, they have a heart for justice, and they are centrally impacted by issues of right and wrong.

And given my last post in this series finished up how G-d Wounds and then Heals a Mercy and then dealt with the same issue concerning a Prophet, I was going to start with Servant, and the King said, “no, Teacher.”

Heading In the Right Direction versus Heading In the Best Direction


This is my absolute favorite gift to deal with, without exception, because there is so much potential and so much that gets undersold and mislabelled with the Teacher, so much so that many do not understand themselves. They are known for keeping their heads about them and heading in the right direction, generally speaking. However, so many of them are not known for being dialed in to the best direction of many right directions, which requires some fine-tuning and callibration, that can only be accomplished with the gentle whispers of the Executing Spirit, the Holy Spirit. (Whereas sin and defilement are the violation of principles, holiness actually means “weaving principles together”, and few can tinker and dial things in as well as the Spirit-governed Teacher who leads with their human spirit.

The Teacher, universally almost as slow as the Mercy, is also very deliberate and demonstrates a preference for telling the whole story, and also has a predilection for getting the details and the account of a thing or event right.

However, unlike the Mercy, they tend toward a predilection for the old and the well-researched, as my post on that RG shows, and they often get stuck in their thoughts, whereas the Mercy tends to gets stuck in their emotions. Both gifts can appear a bit absent-minded or head-in-the-clouds, and so they each need to have a couple of close friends that see them as they truly are, and be able to reach them where they are. The Mercy tends to find this in a Prophet or another Mercy, and the Teacher tends to find this in an Exhorter, which are typical pairings for those respective gifts.

A problem with the Teacher, as with the Mercy is the issue of being in control of a situation, versus being out of control. The King will routinely give both gifts situations and circumstances that are not neat and where they do not have control, to see how they respond to those.

See Exhibit A of the Exhorter/Teacher combo: Tony Stark and James Rhodes. And the line that hits me here, is “you got your best friend back”. Rhodey was not in control during this sequence in Iron Man 2 because his suit had been hacked by the fiilm’s antagonist, and the Prophet had to fix that problem.

Again, with the lack of control. This time in Captain America: Civil War. This time, hitting much closer to home.

And then having to be faced with the reality of his circumstances.

The fight needed to be fought, and the Teacher is central to the fight. Central with their humor. Central with their anchoring presence. Central with their safety. Central with their slowness. Central with their strength to endure.

And this whole thing with paralysis sucks…..But it is his consistency that helped Tony stay grounded.

And one other Teacher….who was saved by his divided personality….

Beyond that, there is, as with all the gifts, a certain stronghold that must be dealt with, in proper order, if the Teacher is to submit to the process by which they are wounded or broken, so they can grow into the fulness of what they were designed to be.

One of the major issues with the Teacher, and an issue G-d makes with them is the question of them being in control of a situation apart from His divine empowerment.

Teachers have to get to the point where, in order to walk in fuller authority, they give up their right to know in order to control.

Rather they know intimately, in order to wash feet and be a safe place, and to break the stronghold of witchcraft and rebellion by offensively engaging with those entities directly in the spirit. Further, they must wrestle, hand-to-hand, in close quarters, and submit (think the wrestling definition of “submit an opponent”) the predator spirit that seeks to hold hostage those they love.

They have to find the way that, through the spirit, enables them to marry what they know, to the Fire of the One Who Is All Truth, and allow the Holy Sprit, who is the Spirit that Executes, not merely Sets Apart, to lead them into all truth. It is not the biblical text that leads us into all truth. It is the Spirit of Truth that leads us into all truth. Our own mind, with all its absorbed and accumulated biblical knowledge, trivia, and understanding of the truth, is not what leads us into truth. Rather, it is the Spirit of Truth alone that can rightly divide the written biblical text, and apart from Him, with Torah in hand, we will risk killing the life-giving thing G-d gave to move us into the next realm of divine understanding.

My question to the Teachers in the crowd is this:

Do you want to continue being the one that kills with your cerebrum alone, or do you want the spirit G-d has placed in you to rule over the work of your mind, marry that to the felt work of your heart, and then your reins, and together with the thoughts, allow your emotions to emerge as your heart is strangely warmed by the Holy One of Israel?”

Apart from Him, you are incapable of exegeting at all.

I do not care how much Torah you know. If you do not know Torah Himself, the Word Himself, all your supposed truth is nothing more than the Vale of Ben Hinnom.

We go into all truth and get into all truth, ONLY by the Spirit of G-d.

And trust me, it is going to look really weird, the end product, and it is going to unsettle you and those around you, but as you grow into it, you will see the King’s faithfulness, and the Exhorter Himself walking alongside you will stay with you as you undergo this healing and transformation.

It is going to take time and a process, but it can happen, and Teacher, you are worth knowing, and being more fully known, even as you so fully know so much.

The Ancient One But you are leaving out the most important part. In order to return the stones, you have to survive.

Bruce Banner We will, I will. I promise.

The Ancient One I can’t risk this reality on a promise. It is the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the time stone.

Bruce Banner Then, why the hell did Strange give it away?

The Ancient One What did you say?

Bruce Banner Strange, he gave it away. He gave it to Thanos.

The Ancient One Willingly?

Bruce Banner Yes.

The Ancient One Why?

Bruce Banner I have no idea. Maybe he made a mistake.

The Ancient One Or, I did. Strange was meant to be the best of us.

Bruce Banner So he must have done it for a reason?

The Ancient One I fear you might be right.

Bruce Banner [the Ancient One hands over the Time stone to Hulk]  . Thank you.

The Ancient One I am counting on you, Bruce. We all are.

Going beyond the science and the knowledge acquired, the Teacher has GOT TO STEP INTO THE PLACE WHERE THEY PUT THEIR HEART, FAITH, AND WILL ON THE LINE, AND RISK DANGER WITH HEART AND SKIN IN THE GAME, in order to step up to the next level of who they are, which can invite circumstances that can hurt them in the process, trusting the L-rd to make them and their very, VERY tender hearts whole again. Teacher have to risk emotional exposure in order to be made more whole, bring wholeness to others around them, and to grow reality to a place where the L-rd needs it to be, embracing a potentially painful responsibility, the one thing they are supposed to do, in order to make the potential reality kinetic.

Be at peace, Teachers, for your is the most precarious of the seven gifts, I deem.

You are truly the motorcycles among the gifts. Huge payoffs and incredibly fun when the gift is done right, but also the risk of great destruction when mishandled.

The Spirit of G-d Will Not Violate the Word of -G-d…What’s Wrong With This Statement?

Most of you who know me, know I am an obsessive texualist; I love the written Scriptural text of both the New Testament and the Tanakh. In their original languages (Hebrew AND Greek).

However, I have also noticed a disturbing reality.

What do I mean by that?

Well, it’s a trend toward incompleteness.

For example…

“The Bible is the Word of G-d.“

“One interpretation…many applications…“

“G-d will not violate His Word.“

“To equip the saints for the work of ministry….”…silence on what happens after that…

“A team of scholars worked on this translation” …silence on identifying the names of the people who constitute this team…

“G-d is moving up here…”…people fall out, BUT there is little change in their lives weeks later to indicate G-d was moving.

“So-and-so is ready to return to ministry….”…same minister also didn’t reconcile with the first wife or husband he or she cheated on to begin with…

And so forth…

Oh yeah, and the only two political parties in America that merit prophetic words are red and blue…

It remains problematic when we refuse to dig into the nuance of a statement and do not ask what is and what is not being implied in that statement…

It is asinine when we are either ignored when we question the statements being made…

called religious or critical when we look for clarification…

or gaslit when we refuse to accept what is said without question…

It is one of the main threads of my calling to not settle for halfway or partial answers when they are given.

Carlene Prince once told me that I have to look for what is missing…she noted that that is something I do.

And she is right. I hate half-assed investigations.

And I know I sound rude when I question what is stated…

But I cannot accept partial answers or perceived partial answers when they are given.

Especially when some of my friends have been seriously damaged by partial answers.

And my second wife is dead because of partial answers.

These partial answers are the Reasons when you say, “obey my covering”, that I respond with a glorious middle finger.

Gang, one of those statements that is maddeningly incomplete is “the Spirit of G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

And we are left with Zero discussion about which “Word of G-d” we mean.

And Zero curiosity about the inverted statement.

And Zero desire to ask if there are any other immutable items which the Spirit of G-d will not violate.

So, here has always been my thought to add to the statement “the Spirit of -G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

“Neither will the Word of G-d, both living and written (two forms of λόγος), violate the Spirit of G-d.”

And equally important and immutable as testimony to the Word of G-D’s veracity, and equally admissible as testifying of the Word Himself, are His Works.

…that is, what He does (John 5:36) is as important as the words about him.

And Yeshua BEING THE WORD OF G-D, is blasphemously ignored in this statement in Josh’s gospel. (Hebrews 4:11-16).

We refuse to investigate it because we are told to investigate it is heresy.

Gang, it’s not enough, especially given the regularity with which we ignore the Spirit of G-d, for us to merely assert thus-and-so about the words He speaks WITHOUT ALSO AFFIRMING His WORDS that His works are admissible as much as His tesitmony. It’s ironic that He would speak words about the veracity of his works and we would ignore those words about His works.

Tree carcasses and e-carcasses, if not attended to in reading by the Spirit, who alone gives understanding, will not bring life.

Rather, they will kill.

And that suddenly.

For those who have been so traumatized by the Scriptural text, as one who walks in the authority of a scribe, I would implore you to get out into nature and allow the King to meet you there where He is also. Or whereever you find him.

His Words and His Works…

What is missing from your regular routine that is life-giving and points you back home to Dad?

Go and do that.

And know you are so loved, gang.

And, as someone who reads the text and enjoys it, I would encourage you to do things that are life-giving to your relationship with the King without feeling guilty.

Be blessed as you recover your own walk with Him, gang.

Blessing 12: September WOR Blessing: Deuteronomy 1:25

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

And they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us, and brought us word again and said, “It is a good land that the L-RD our G-d is giving us.”

Deuteronomy 1:25

A good land, given us….

Spirit, you were made for good land. You were not made for sin or made as a foul, reprobate, worm, bastard sinner.

You were made for the good land and the good land was made to be given you. G-d does not make us and never designed us for the place of suffering that is the lake of fire.

The lake of fire, rather, was prepared for the devil and his messengers.

Spirit, you, On the other hand, or made for a land that is FLOWING with milk and honey. A land in a place of abundance and provision.

Spirit, I resist utterly the idea that we are supposed to castigate ourselves for the entire tea of our lives. no no no no no no no. We were made for birthright and for destiny and for love and for purpose and for peace and for joy and for kindness and for goodness by an eminently faithful King.

You are to be reconciled to this Gift-Giver who affectionately thinks of you, toward you, and is for you.

So, spirit, I so deeply bless you with the revealing that the Father is the Giver. He is neither a taker of gifts or a stripper of callings. Those gifts and those callings are irrevocable. You were made to walk in them, and for them not to be stripped and given and stripped and given.

I bless you with love.

I bless you to know and be reconciled, for that is the MAIN REASON why Christ Jesus died. Not for mere fire insurance, but for deep reconciliation.

So we could experience the transition from summer to autumn and the beauty and the color change of the leaves, and his abundant provision in 1000 different facets.

I bless you with maple sap from sugar maples.

And long, powerful, spotted giraffe necks.

And the nasal, tooting “Kent”call of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

And the plush feel of St. Augustine grass.

And the aroma of coconuts.

And the scent of orange blossoms.

And the zest of Lemons.

And the laughter of babies.

And the wood of dogs.

And the fullness of your birthright.

All of which was given by a good, good Father.

Who creates and creates in abundance, just so she could “lead captivity captive and give gifts to men”.

Ladies that includes you as well. Spirit, that’s for the masculine as well as the feminine. For if I can be called the bride of Christ, then you can be called the son of God. Congratulations, life is uncomfortable for everyone. 🙂

Spirit, I bless you to know the generosity of a Father who yearns for deep reconciliation with you, even as bad as you might think you are. For he still made you and called you good.

I bless you to be reconciled with the reality that you are worth giving a good gift. And you are worth Jesus dying so that you could have a good gift. And not just one good gift: many besides.

I bless you deeply with that revelation in tenderness, kindness, compassion, and love.

Be blessed with the steadfast love of that revelation.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 6: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward, in Jesus’ name.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you today

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,”

Hebrews 6:19 ESV

Spirit, our hope does not twist or turn like a wish as does the worldly forms of hope, as in, “I hope or desire or which this would happen.”.

Spirit that is not the way of G-d or His variety of hope.

I have taught this before, but hope is the root and fuel of everything to do with prophecy and prophets and prophetic gifting or unctions.

Spirit, on of the names of our King, and one of the most ancient of church symbols, is Anchor.

A place that holds fast and grips when thrown into something where it sticks.

Spirit, our hope and our anchor holds within and behind the veil within the spiritual fabric of the Mercy Seat.

We depend upon, and seek, and favor His Mercy Seat

For there you cover

Ev’ry lie I spoke

And ev’ry promise that I’ve broke

And ev’ry dreamer than I’ve woke

The Waiting “The Mercy Seat”

That Mercy Seat full of his Mercies and Mercy is a sure place that will never break apart and will be a deep ocean into which we can drop our anchors.

And He is the anchor, the securing point when everything is awash in turgid maelstrom.

Spirit, I bless you to HOLD FAST.

I bless you to lash your rope to the anchor, when you are roughed-up.

I bless you to find and deeply test the strength of that Anchor.

He wrote his covenant with you because many times He knew there would be entities that would seek to destabilize your ability to trust him.

I bless you to ask the questions and see hard answers to hard questions and to hear His heart honestly.


I bless you to anchor deep and be found in a place of stabilizing force when all other powers and authorities would seek to force you to move in different ways.

Spirit, be at deep and abiding peace. And rest securely in that anchor that holds behind the veil.

I bless your boat and ship to survive and harness the storms for which it was designed.

“I find this freedom in this little ship.” -Kevin Max Smith-

I bless you to find freedom as you chart your course knowing the Anchor, He is every present.

Be blessed, spirit, and reconciled to the Son in this fashion.


Windows of Reconciliation, What Are They?

The Autumnal Equinox….

I used to dread this time of year since graduating high school because, and especially in the last decade, the attacks of spirits of witchcraft were exceptionally high.

I am connected with some family members that were married to practicing witches who engaged in blood sacrifices around this time of year.

I work with former victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), and those victims have regularly reported parts of their spirit and soul—


I should back up for a moment and explain the difference between “a part” versus “a portion”, given those of us in the DID/SRA community work with a common framework and language.

In the arena of Dissociative Identity Disorder, “parts” are distinct from “portions of the human spirit”.

So, instead of a G-d-orchestrated COMMUNITY that was brought into existence through the will of G-d, which is what the seven portions of the human spirit are (they are 7, and yet 1, but still 7, yet still some how 1, because we were created in the likeness and image of G-d, who has seven spirits Himself), think of a mirror shattering and entities that came into existence through serious trauma. The soul breaking into parts and in some cases of serious trauma, the spirit shattering happens. And a lot of ritual abuse within the witchcraft and satanic communities happens around this time of year, where brokenness and defilement are routinely celebrated.

Contrast that with G-d who made us in His image and after His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) and part of that image-bearing is our triune nature (spirit, soul, and body: 1 Thess 5:23), and our spirit, while whole is separated into seven portions like the Spirit of G-d (Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 4:5 and 5:6).


This time of year, around the Autumnal Equinox, the change of season from Spring to Fall, holds a boatload of defilement that has accrued through years of agreeing what this season should mean and stand for.

Lesson here: Time can become defiled.

So as we have learned, there is a principle here, per Numbers 13. The times of the enemy’s greatest assault were originally designed to be the times and seasons of the L-rd’s greatest blessing. G-d wanted to send the children of Jacob into the Promised Land on the 9th of Av, and they refused to do so, and so that season became the time of greatest destruction for Israel.

Seasonally, we have discovered through repeated patterns that the seasonal changes have also come with heavy enemy attacks and also when we have leaned into the dynamics of reconciliation around these seasonal changes, they have been routinely blessed. That’s a measure of coming int the opposite spirit.

So, each of the seasons run as follows:

March 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Community

June 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Land

September 10-30ish Reconciliation to G-d

December 10-30ish Reconciliation to Destiny/Birthright

As you lean in that direction and utilize the various tools G-d has given you for reconciling, not kowtowing and not subjecting yourself to abuse, but genuine reconciliation, there have been massive payoffs in the arena of reconciliation in these four seasons.

So, bottom line, while things get easier in terms of breakthroughs and the quicker movement toward goals, a closer look at if describing what is available is as follows:

We have greater or stronger or disproportionate access to tools that enable our reconciliation with available these for arenas during these respective Windows, and if you think of what reconciliation is (the improvement of relationship between, and the healing/restoration of breaches or broken elements or places), some picture comes into sharper focus.

And that is part of the reason I facilitate blessings for those four season for the tribe, because the main reason Jesus came is not salvation, but rather RECONCILIATION. That that which is broken would be made whole.

Be at peace, as in shalom, as in wholeness, gang.

Blessing of Stillness #23: Father of Lights


I would like to invite your spirit to be present to hear the word of the L-rd for today.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:16-17 ESV

Spirit, there is a place of stillness, before the Father brings His light into your life, where the enemy may send darkness. But that darkness is a lie. It is a deception.

I begin the blessing in this way, not so you are frightened to step into the sequence leading to the ultimate blessing of love, but rather so you are aware of the risks associated with moving toward the Father of Lights.

I bless you to find the space that is necessary to allow your discernment time to adjust to the current circumstances. You are allowed to take time to discern. You need not feel pressure to rush as you are engaging an exercise of spiritual discernment.

After the L-rd’s promise to our father Abraham, the first thing that happened, after a season of not bearing children, was the movement toward dark solutions. Sarai offered up her maidservant Hagar to Abraham, ostensibly to provide the child of promise. And for a moment, I imagine Abraham probably froze and thought, “wait a minute. what about the promises of G-d?”

And then after that moment had passed, when Sarai had prevailed upon him, Abram took Hagar and married her and immediately produced a child. He probably thought this was the provision because of the suddenness of the conception and birth.

However, it was that birth that sowed jealousy and discord between the women in the home.

Spirit, the promise of the Father does not come because we help G-d out; His solutions to a problem never involve something that will intentionally breed jealousy as a product.

It is true that people may grow jealous because of the gifts G-d gives us, but G-d never blesses us with the intention of causing other people to stumble and fall.

Ishmael, who came first, was the false hope and the false light.

Ishmael was the plan of the enemy to supplant Father’s ultimate plan, which involved Sarai being blessed in her womb, thus breaking the curse of barrenness.

Isaac was the true child of promise, and it was his presence that gave life to Sarai’s womb.

Spirit, I encourage you to apply that here.

You will have the opportunity to engage with the false light and the true light. The false light frequently comes first.

And you will have the opportunity to choose. You will have the chance to ask Father to show you what the counterfeit looks like, as well as the real.

If you will ask Father, he will show you both the true and examples of the false.

Spirit, when that initial and maybe scary or intimdating moment of darkness comes, I bless you to be still and stay put and await the light of Father to radiate into your own life. I bless you to be still even when darkness is what you see and even when counterfeit light is provided to you. I bless you when you are thirsty for the true light, with a stubbornness of resistance to every false light that seeks to destabilize you.

I bless you to remain absolutely still and I bless you to breathe deeply.

Spirit, I bless you deeply with the capacity to wait on the L-rd’s solution and His life. I bless you to move when that light-filled solution comes, while remaining still when the enemy counterfeit comes. I bless you to drink deeply of that light and to absorb it into the light that you are, spirit. And I bless you to shine with that light in its multi-faceted wisdom to others in need, as Father directs you to hand it out to them.

I bless you to be what you are, the prism, the diamond, and the crystal through which His brilliant light is broken apart into its full spectrum. I bless your season to bathe in and be healed by the Light that does not shift, change, or vary. I bless you with the revelation that His light is possessed not just with consistency, but also constancy.

As William Shakespeare once uttered the principle that was meant to be uttered by the King of Glory:

“I AM constant as the Northern Star”.

The Father of Lights is fixed between all dimensions, in all realities, and he does not vascillate. He is not wishy-washy. Even should the guide stars and parallaxes and pulsars and red giants fall from their places where they were placed on the Fourth Day, He will not be moved from his place of steadiness. He is constant beyond the constant of light, spirit. He is the Radiance of all light that is.

And just because he is constant and immovable does not mean that His heart is not moved when one of his children is hurting or destroyed or damaged or beaten.

To the contrary, He does move toward them. But He moves, spirit, with an anchoredness. He will not be shaken.

And He is not merely the Northern Star. Rather, and better, he is the G-d of the Seven Stars.

And I bless you not to be shaken when confronted with counterfeit light. I bless you to be gathered by the true Light of Father’s affectionate and warm countenance.

I bless you with SHARP discernment to know the difference between lights, and to welcome the Father of Lights, who will not force Himself on you, but will wait for your invitation and who also offers you an invitation.

Be at peace, spirit, and receive the blessing of the Father of Lights.

I bless you to know that the Father of Lights is not shifty or shady. He does not tell you He will provide something, and then not follow through. He gives what He says he is going to give.

I bless you with a relationship with the Father of Lights that is free of deception. I bless you, if you have previously taken the bait of offense, to rest in His light as He removes all hooks from your mouth, all snares from your feet, all chains from your arms, and all shrapnel from your body.

I bless you to rest and heal in the warmth of His Light.

I bless the scales to be removed from your eyes, spirit, as you follow His path and through His gate, which is narrow.

I bless you to traverse the high places which might have unexpected turns with the Light of His steady presence and affection.

I bless you to know that He allows the crooked paths and in partnership with You, makes those paths as if they were straight, and He is your guide.

I bless you with the knowledge that the Father of Lights is a better, more accurate, and way more surefooted guide than any sherpa on Everest.

I bless you to enter into His ever-rest.

I bless you, spirit with a life that is unplugged from unsustainable covenants and agreements with darkness, and I bless you with the freedom that comes from the one-sided covenant He made with you, that does not have any hidden clauses or gotcha statements or fine print with exceptions and signing statements.

I bless you with a relationship with Father that is free from guile and duplicity.

I bless every path you traverse with sure-footedness.

I bless you that as you submit to His plan, He will transform you from glory to glory, and from strength to strength.

I bless you to stand in His light, and I bless you to flow with Him in peace, and even when you are climbing and healing and running and resting, to be in a place of stillness that keeps you rock-steady in His light and in wholeness and peace.

I bless you with peace in the midst of readiness.

And I bless you with stillness in the midst of discerning between the real and the false.

I bless you with those things in the name of Yeshua ha-Meshiach.

And most importantly, I bless you to fall in love afresh with the G-d of the Seven Stars.

Exodus 14:11 and One Point of the Wilderness

They said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?

Exodus 14:11

Focus for a minute on that one question with me gang.

Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?”

The obsession with death in the wilderness is the response of a group of people who have suffered from DID and PTSD.  They cannot see the issue for their woundedness, and Moses, with his emotional issues, and spiritual issues, still brought them out.
So, why did they go to the widerness?  What was the purpose of the wilderness?  The Israelites asked “why the wilderness”.
Here is my response to that question.
First of all and less importantly, to shake the dust off of their feet, because they were OBSESSED WITH SERVING the Egyptians.
Second of all, and more importantly, to learn how to handle the top priority, the thing of first importance.  There are few things in the wilderness that are not desolate.  Few oases, few plants, few animals, few things, compared with the life in the jungle or Canaanland.
The most important reason G-d got them out into the wilderness was so they could do the one thing the L-rd told Pharaoh.
To worship G-d.
To hold a feast to the L-rd.
To connect with Him.
And come hell or high wather, they were going to learn to worship.
Look, as someone with PTSD and potentially a part or two, let me speak from personal experience that G-d is going to bring you through some travesties and into a desolate place so you can be alone with Him, and learn Him, and understand Him.
He is still Father (Exodus 4:22), even when you are generatiaonally-damaged.  And He may not always use mothers gloves to bring you out of the situation that has caused you torment.
There may be a season where He uses both father’s gloves and mother’s gloves to do His purposes.
It is a good thing, gang, when we are brought out, and so we can see Him, see the cloud and the fire, and the G-d in the Pillar.
It’s not always about how badly we hurt, and it is not always about what’s wrong with us.  Truthfully, there wil be seasons of healing and softness, but the season of deliverance and liberation that precedes that season of healing may feel harsh, and it may land harsh.
This is where the work of deliverance requires, by turns, a mothering touch and a fathering touch.
It’s not going to always be a deliverance that is done in the manner that you and I want it done.
That said, the deliverance will be effective.
In the case of Israel, they had generational PTSD/DID and maybe some Ritual Abuse as well, and they were party to watching G-d kill many of their captors.
Beyond that, they had to learn how to walk as sons, and some still did not get it.
But G-d delivered them and drove them out of Mizraim.
To a quiet, desolate place.
To the place where their focus would be undivided, in order to learn Him and learn who He was.
Why the wilderness?
To learn worship, to actually worship, and to recieve what was necessary in terms of a hundred different lessons on how to grow into a place of sonship, sufficiency, and interdependence.
Likewise, with us, He determines to lead us out in order to lead us in…into His presence.  Both/and.  Sons/Brides. Giving/Receiving, Plus/Minus, Multiplication/Division, Roots/Exponents, Grammar/Lit/Comp/Vocab.
Whole package deliverance.


That is, wholeness.
Not just their bodies, but also their mindsets, their spirits, their emotions, their engrained thoughts that were off, their strongholds, their resistances to His influence, and their expectations of Him and the Egyptians, all of which needed a drastic overhaul and realignment.
So it may be with us.
The first place we must visit after trauma is a Trauma unit in a Trauma Center.  And they may bring pain in order to bring life.  But, just the same, it will get better, if we move towards the scary process.
May we do so with the company of a mothering peeps if possible, but if not possible, let us still move toward it with a Father who can help us in quietness, and who has an abundance of the Fruit of the Spirit.