Window of Reconciliation Blessings: June 2021 (Reconciling to Land) Blessing #6: Land Aspect: Cursed From The Land/Land Turned Away From Us/Our Offense and the Land


I would like to invite your spirit forward to converse with me.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.”

Gen 4:11 ESV

Spirit, the ground responded to Cain in this passage. The ground, which previously yielded it strength, chose to say, “no thanks, we are not going to work with you any more. You put something into me that DOES NOT BELONG.” Your offense, which G-d tried to fix by approaching you to restore relationship, muliplied into murderous rage.

And as a result, instead of continuing as a life-giving farmer and interactings positivly with the land, Cain was cut off by the land and forced to change jobs to work with dead bricks and building city towers, which was not his design. G-d was just recognizing that reality of what had happenen in the ground’s actions towrad Cain. No longer does the land connect and together with its strength, and partner with Cain’s strength, but now futility is reaped due to carrying an offense way too far.

Spirit, there are piece of land that simply are not going to want to respond to you due to your actions and attitudes, and due to your offense or your pain.

If you can resolve the offense you are dealing with, you might be able to reconnect with the land.

So, spirit, I step toward you in order to bless you thus.

For those who are offended and their offense is in the process of jeopardizing their connection to the land, spirit, I bless you to assess and consider whether or not you are hurt or wounded or angry or offended, and I bless you to sit with Father and allow Him to heal you of those offenses and to help you process so that the consequences do not further damage connection with the land.

For those who have already been cut off from the land, spirit, I bless you to sit with Father and work whatever process is necessary to be delivered or healed.

For those who are working with a parcel of land that is angry or offended or has cut someone else off, spirit, I bless you to sit with the land, especially if that is your current assignment, and to wait for the land to come around to be willing to speak with you.

For the record, there is a football stadium in Georgia that has this feeling of turned-in and “I am not going to speak with anyone, believer or no, because people are only interested in me for the creature comforts I can satiate”. This piece of land has been chewed up in the spirit and abused by hundreds of people, and the land is not interested in coming out of its shell quite yet

I bless each of you to hear the L-rd and process the reality of what He has for each of you in dealing with land that has cut you or someone else off.

I bless you, spirit, to be INCREDIBLY careful NOT TO DEVOLVE into a mindset of “I have AUTHORITY EVERYWHERE NO MATTER WHAT AND WILL COMMAND THE LAND WITH MY APOSTOLIC DECLARE-AND-DECREE MAGIC FORMULAE. There are some parcels of land that will not treat or parley with anyone in the presence of such a mindset. Some land just needs to be sat with because it has been nastily pulled and yanked and too much blood has been shed here or there.

I think of the Shenandoah Valley of Northern Virginia. So much blood has been spilled, much to the shame of both North and South, and the land is torn up and vexed with the spirit of witchcraft. That blood has empowered some really nasty clowns. And gang, we need some deep reconciliation and HUMILITY in that region that is free of snark and sarcasm and jabs and mordance. And I am not just saying racial reconciliation. I am saying geographical reconciliation.

Spirit, I bless you to be mindful of the nature of the land where you are going, to be respectful of the land, and to realize that most parcels of land you simply cannot declare and decree into growth and postive numbers. Most parcels of land require a few deep conversations and humility that comes through well-executed actions. There is an accrual of trust that simply must happen and will not happen without considerable enjoyment of the land and speaking to the recognition of the treasures the land currently has.

So, spirit, I further bless you to sit with a piece of land that has bee radically torn up, and to find something that is faithful, true, and beautiful in that land and to celebrate that which is beauty, faithful, and true.

Spirit, I bless you to be loyal, brave, true, faithful, and gentle with the parcel to which you are sent.

I bless you to accrue the skill to approach the lands to which you are called, no matter how angry or chewed-up they may be, taht yo may manifest constancy everywhere you go. That you may walk in a sameness of spirit, as opposed to the hypocrisy that hampers effectiveness.

I bless you, spirit, with the tenacity that Father brought to the table when He and Jesus worked for the redemption of all creation.

I bless you to embrace the pain to which you were called.

I bless you to earn the authority that is concomitant with your assignments.

From Uncle Google:


  1. naturally accompanying or associated.

Spirit, I bless your skill to increase, your willingness to grow, your love to manifest when you work with the land to which you are assigned, and….

I bless you with the stubborn resolve to refuse to believe that the land’s initial reception of you is the only, prime, or a major indicator of whether or not you are supposed to be there.

We listen to Father’s loving voice, spirit as an indicator of our assignment, not the anguish of a piece of land, and, spirit, you have been given an assignment that is equal to your design,


I Bless you to embrace the process of growth necessary no matter how painful in order to do what G-d made you to do.

Spirit, the flavor of this season of reconciliation is just that.

We are reconciling with land, much of which may be alienated and much of which may have initiated that reaction of alienation due to abuse. The skill and sameness and constancy cannot be accrued by “I declare and decree”. That trust must be earned. That favor must come by turns. Spirit, you may have to hug a porcupine, or a honey badger, or a African Lion for a season that has zero interest in immediately connecting.

You cannot hug with a command, and you cannot declare and decree yourself into intimacy.

Tenderness does not work that way. And some of the harder forms of authority do not work that way.

In order to have the softness of the raccoon’s paws enfold your fingers, or in order to eaarn the authority necessary to massage the lion’s paws, spirit, you might have to risk the reality that raccoons are unpredictable and smart as whips, and the reality that lions are friggin dangerous.

Spirit, the rewards of patience and skill taken to learn the ins and outs of sitting with a damaged animal or piece ofland are IMMENSE.

And who knows, spirit? You may begin with a harsh and angry and bitter parcel, and end up with something that enjoys seeing you from day to day as time passes.

I bless you, spirit, to allow yourself to be pleasantly surpised by the process of moving toward your destiny, even if the path is rough, rocky, switchbacked, or unblazed.

Spirit, beyond the work of a pioneer is the work of a trailblazer. And in order to have the skill to trailblaze, you have to have zero trail present.

I bless you with the skill to see and envision an eventual way forward with a difficult parcel of land, when no way forward immediately presents itself, and the land has its anger and quills out, with good reason.

I bless you with that willingness, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.

Window of Reconciliation Blessings: June 2021 (Reconciling to Land) Blessing #5: Land Aspect-When You Do Not Know That the Land Is Speaking To You

Gang, I first stepped into this work quite by accident, and then I started hearing the land speak, even when I did not have the words to describe what was going on. It was not Arthur or Megan who clued me in to the idea that land or landforms speak to us.

Rather, it was an old friend from college named Kristi, who told me and a group of then-friends that “the trees were speaking”. She was part of a ministry with which I was involved in on campus.

And so, beloved, what do you do when you think you hear the land and the trees and the mountains and the oceans speaking to you? What do you do when you fear the response of a church that may be so devoted to stoning those who hear creation speak.

Well, beloved, I invite you spirit to hear the following passage afresh and I ask your soul to step to the side as I speak to your spirit.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

Isaiah 55:12 ESV

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, ALL THE EARTH;
    break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
    with the lyre and the sound of melody!
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
    make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
    the world and those who dwell in it!
Let the rivers clap their hands;
    let the hills sing for joy together

Psalm 98:5-8 ESV (emphasis mine)

The earth makes noise to the L-rd, spirit!. The various land forms speak in praise to the L-rd. And they are willing to speak to us, and hear from us. We are capable of hearing not only when the land is feeling good, but also when the land is feeling terrible and responds in reaction to the negative feeling:

“…and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.”

from Leviticus 18:25

“…WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE EARTH HAS BEEN GROANING together in the pains of childbirth until now.”

from Romans 8:22 ESV (emphasis mine)

Spirit, you are not crazy. Beloved you are not crazy. That thing you are hearing may be the creation speaking.

Beloved, I bless you in your capacity to hear when the creation speaks, both when it speaks in the positive and when it speaks in the negative.

Spirit, you aree permitted to speak to the land, and you are permitted to find out solutions to the problems of why the creation is having trouble. You are permitted to be and to do and to flow in every aspect of the fullness of who G-d made you to be.

I bless you, spirit to hear the emotions of various parcels of land. I bless your discernment to increase to the place where Father wants it to be. I bless you to know what the L-rd wants you to know about the land.

I bless those who are created to be ornithologists, and park rangers, and botanists, and agcriculturalists, and horticulturalists, and farmers, and ranchers. I bless you each to flow in your design. I bless the fullness of you, spirit, to come online and express itself in zeal in the professional pursuits for which you were made.

I bless you to interact with the land, and hear the land, and to work to whatever degree you were designed to work with the land.

Be at peace, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.

Window of Reconciliation Blessings, June 2021: Blessing #4

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward in the name of Yeshua.

Listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Now the L-rd said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your fathers hours to the land that I will show you.

Genesis !2:1 ESV

Spirit, there will be times when the L-rd sends you away from land that you have known into land that you do not know. And, spirit, there are going to be mysterious and idstant places into which you are headed that you do not know. You are first going to have to do what Abram did: Leave your homeland. Now you might have other relatives that come along with you:

…and Lot went with him…

from Genesis 12:4

but these relatives can provide some of the comforts of home and still be distractions from your ultimate goal, Abram’s design was not to play with his relatives and rescue them, but to see the land that G-d was promising to his descendants. And by descendants I do not mean chief servants or shirttail relatives. And I do not mean trying-to-be-sons like Ishamael. I mean actual flesh and blood, after the manner of Isaac.

Spirit, I bless you to engage with your spirit when it is time to leave the comforts of home to pursue the adventure and vision G-d has for you, and to create a home for your expression of that dynamic we call “family” in accordance with G-d’s alignment of your new family.

I bless you to find the land and context where this growing of family should take place. I bless you to find where you belong, and the place where you best align with the purposes of G-d. I bless you to hear the land speak to you, when you finally arrive at a place that feels like home to you. I bless your journey not to settle for lesser plots, but to find that right and righteous parcel.

Spirit, I bless your focus to be intense and with purpose. I bless you to ignore family members who are not speaking with and thinking with their spirits, but rather give you every good plan that isn’t a G-d-sized plan.

I bless you to flee the spirit of settling for less than G-d has for you.

I bless you to find the perfect vision G-d has for you, and to pursue connection with the land.

I bless you spirit to enlarge and rest once you find that piece of land where you belong, either for a season or permaently.

I bless those roots of yours to dig deep and find fertile soil and much water.

I bless you with that peace and freedom, in the name of Yeshua.

Window of Reconciliation Blessings, June 2021: Blessing #3, Land Aspect: Internally-Turned Or Unresponsive Land

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit to parley.

And by way of this illustration, to understanding.

Spirit, there are lands that have been so beat down that they have not the desire nor the will nor the courage (because they have not been encouraged well, regularly, and properly, nor deeply) to deal with humans in such a way that they are willing to muster a response.

Listen to the Word of G-d for today:

A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not extinguish

From Isaiah 42:3

Spirit, like some of your portions MIGHT BE, or the portions of some with which you deal, the lands that form some of your assignments might be inwardly turned through theft, raping, pillaging, or other mistreatments, that they cannot muster a response.

Some land is going to be quite silent and incapable of speaking to you.

I think of Sutter’s Mill and the California Gold Rush, and the land and soil of Northern California that is was so raped by the forty-niners that it does not provide arable soil for planting crops. There is much land in Northern California that will not respond to DRILL SERGEANTS.


Is this making sense, gang?

Spirit, you deserve someone who will converse with you.

And is there a time and a place for the real decree of those who have authority? Yes!

But is there a time and a place to sit with someone who is oozing with pain and is in desperate need of a pastor who will allow them the latitude to weep or be angry or cry or just be present as they process? Absolutely.

So, spirit, I give you freely, the dignity to be present and heard.

I bless you to hear the internal land and to sit with it until it makes the choice to turn to you and opens up at its choice.

I bless you to be sensitive to pieces of land that are so damaged they do not realize their internalizations and the way they have gotten so inwardly-turned that they do not realize they can or should respond.

I bless you to sit with that piece of land as you would with a coma victim and just be present and open to help and serve.

I bless your Servant portion to teach the rest of your portions the depth and pause necessary to just breathe that which is life-giving though barely visible to the piece of land that is inwardly-turned.

And I bless you with the skill to walk in silence as you hear what is happening to the land.

I bless you to know when to life the sword, versus the scalpel, versus the seed driller, and the bare hand to touch the land that has felt so violated by tools and soulish nonsense and avarice that the land is able to trust you because you were loud and stupid.

I bless your trust to increase and I bless you to go to the lands you are supposed to in due season.

I bless you with these things in Jesus’ name.

Window of Reconciliation Blessings, June 2021: Blessing 2b: Land Aspect (Trauamtized Land)

Spirit, in the last post, I talk about some general dynamics of hearing and instructing land, but there are some dynamics I neglected to include, given that last post was entitled, “Traumatized Land”. So, this is a continuation of that post.

Spirit, there are going to be times when the land you are working with is traumatized. The land may be able to acknowledge your presence, but cannot verbalize the nature of its pain. 

Spirit, if you get a “yes, I am in pain”, but you are not able to verbalize what the nature of the pain is, I bless you with the patience and the skill to be with the land. Nothing high-impact. Nothing where you are shoving or breaking or moving or pulling or pushing or fighting things in the spirit.

As the passage says, there is a time and a place to throw stones and to gather them.

And with your land assignment, regardless of what the nature of the trauma is, and even though bones might need to be set, or splints might need to be applied, or connection that is gentle might need to be made, spirit, I bless you to be sensitive while you are staving off longer-term trauma and it’s effects, even if it means you are having to engage in some first aid that is painful for the moment.

When a bone is broken and misaligned, we need the bone not just to be fixed and healed and no longer bruised or broken. We also need the bones and tendons and ligaments in their proper alignments.

I bless you to team up with the right people of you need more than one person, and that those people are aligned together to the common purpose.

I bless you to move and bend and flex as you work with assuring the kingdom is manifested as it ought to be.

I bless the land to receive trauma care from you on behalf of and in the name of our King.

I bless you, spirit, to be skilled at placing things in alignment and to show love to the land as it is recovering.

I bless you, spirit, to keep doing the things Father has given you to do. And I bless you to consider what needs to happen long term as you are working at stopping bleeding or damage that keeps the land from embracing fullness.

Keep doing what you do, spirit, for you are blessed with the King’s favor.

WOR Blessings June 2021: Blessing #2 Land Aspect-Traumatized Land


I invite your spirit forward in Jesus Name

Spirit listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

“Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, for by all these the nations I am driving out before you have become unclean, and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. But you shall keep my statutes and my rules and do none of these abominations, either the native or the stranger who sojourns among you (for the people of the land, who were before you, did all of these abominations, so that the land became unclean), lest the land vomit you out when you make it unclean, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.”

Leviticus 18:24–28 ESV

Spirit, there are things that we or others can introduce into the land that cause the land to become sick, or nauseous. These things can impact how the land interacts with us. We may be stepping into land that has been junked up by, and subsequently spit out its inhabitants, whether on a small scale, such as a house purchase, or a larger scale, such as a neighborhood, town, city, or nation.

When we introduce various pollutants into the land, the land will respond. I have seen times where the “reins of the land” are defiled, as if a picture of the kidneys and adrenals shows itself to me in the spirit, with an issue that is affecting it.

Think of what arsenic does to the body vs. sepsis. vs. a rusted metallic cut vs. snake bite vs. a misaligned colon.

Spirit, as a result of this, I bless you to see the stuff in the land where you dwell and I bless you to respond to the kinds input and instructions. I bless you to skillfully partner with the king in order to remove the offending issue.

I bless you to see and to operate with skill and understanding. I bless you to bring care to the land.

And I bless you to invest deeply to the degree you are supposed to with the land.

I bless you to be open to seeing things in the spirit over or in the land that the soul might not typically associate with land, so that you can get the frame you need around the problem so you can begin to address it.

I bless this to be a time of Bridal Intimacy in sequence with Sonship where you do the dance effectively, use the tools you already have to maybe do some things with them that you might not have done in the past.

I bless you to be life-giving to the land as you rightly connect with the land.

I bless your wisdom, skill, knowledge, and understanding. I bless you to connect both with the text of Scripture and with the work of the Holy Spirit as you help the land to work through its issues.

I bless you with fullness of peace as you help the land work through its sickness.

I bless you, Teacher Portion, to work through the complex riddles of what is causing the ailment in the land and to be skillful at unpacking that issue or set of issues in order to leave the land in a better place than you found it.

I bless you with clarity as to the right set of tools which are needed for you to diagnose the problem with the land.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua of Nazareth.

The Spirit of Jealousy, Some Thoughts While Reading Numbers 5

The passage usually labelled “A Test For Adultery” in Numbers 5:11-31 struck me as curious today.

It’s the first mention of the Spirit of Jealousy.

And I want to cover a thought or an aspect here that may help us parse out what empowers that Spirit to have such a strong capacity to harm individuals.

What strikes me is not merely that jealousy is a feeling internal to somebody with no action or execution…

Rather, Jealousy strikes me as the intention to seek restitution for some slight of provision, that is, some belief that we were shorted or shortchanged in the area of those things that were given to us.

Dovetailing off of the Principle of Compensation, we carry a conviction that we were inadequately compensated, and we perceive an inequity where none currently exists, and as a result, we unintentionally or intentionally desire to open a legal case before the throne of the Father, using our G-d-given authority, with a desire to extract inequity from the party we believe has it better than us, without realizing that we might, before all is over, end up extracting life from that person.

Two aspects here

Life: This virtue parallels G-d the Father (see Life, Dominion, and Honor, where the Farher has GIVEN us the compliment of GIFTS that enable us to engage in everything necessary for LIFE and godliness.

Legal Court Cases involving jealousy frequently result in assaults on life, which is why myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) are so prevalent the where the Spirit of Jealousy is empowered through out authority.

Before you attempt to execute on your desire against someone, your desire should first and always give way to a willingness to discuss your issue with G-d the Father to see if your motives and thoughts are actually just and this is part of G-D’s sequence for you right now, or merely the result of offense or a slight and you personally need to seek for your own readjustment with the KingzY

You might need to deal with the L-rd one-on-one as he helps you sort through your feelings and emotions toward an individual.

I say all this because we were given a lot of authority by the L-rd and the capacity to abuse that authority if we are not careful.

In light of this, when dealing with the Kingdom’s legal system, and the level of authority you have been granted, oftentimes when your emotions are inflamed, it’s better to wait until you are capable of reasoning and have a conversation with the L-rd and ask Him to judge your emotions with you and for Him to weigh those.

There might be a misunderstanding, a head of Leviathan, a curse, a mantle, an off perception, an issue of forgiveness, something else that is to blame before you leap to demand an extraction.

So, as you are dealing with the situation where G-d is blessing or unpacking someone else, be careful, should jealousy strike, to refrain from lashing out, and from seeking for your good at someone else’s expense.

Deeply consider the nature of your cause, and ask the King for help and clarity in case there are pieces of the puzzle or perspective that you are missing.

The authority the Word of G-d gives us is truly a two-edged sword and we must be careful and clear-mindedly judicious about where we point that sword and scepter.

Be at peace as you are working through issues of potential jealousy.

And I bless you to cultivate the awareness that you might have treasures that are unpacked and you are in need of unpacking those much more than you are of envying what someone else has.

There is a real set of purposes for the Spirit of Jealousy.

But it is not for judging whether what G-d has given someone else is right or correct.

Names of G-d: Hebrews 4:12: The Word of G-d Is Quick and Powerful… Hint: It’s Not Talking About Scripture

“HE is sharper than any two-edged sword…..“

“HE is able to divide between Joints and Marrow, soul and spirit…”

“HE is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart”

Hebrews 4:12, more accurately translated.

Real talk, gang.

Hebrews 4 is about Jesus. The whole thing is about Jesus.

And given it is about Jesus, let this reality sink in, Verse 12 is not talking about the Bible, unless the writer of Hebrews switches the implication of the objective case in Verse 12.

Proof of this? Verse 13

“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Not “no creature will be hidden from IT’S sight.”

HIS sight. He divides.

Those who incessantly say the Bible is the Word of G-d while refusing to say Jesus is the Word of G-d and refusing to give Jesus HIS due in that office as the Word need to seriously consider the strength and work of the PERSON who was the Word of G-d BEFORE giving credence to the Bible as the Word of G-d. For the Bible is only the Word because Jesus is the Word. And the Bible’s Wordness derives from Jesus’ Wordness.

He is not the testimony if it.

Rather, it is the testimony of Him.

It’s fine to know the text of the Bible.

But what makes one a follower of Jesus is the one who Knows Jesus, the Word of G-d Himself.

Know the difference. And learn to relate to the Man as well as you know the book.

And keep reaching Higher.

Our walk os a relationship with a Man.

Not a book. And not a set of propositions.

Just saying.

The Stronghold That Legitimacy In Industry Creates: A Post For the Givers and To The Givers AND Window of Reconciliation, Post #1: Reconciliation To Land In General, Giver Land In Particular, and SLC In Razor-Sharp Focus and Intensity


The following may get ignored because I didn’t use the phrase “thus saith the L-rd to Salt Lake City”. But prophets don’t need to announce they are prophets in order to speak the truth the King gives them. And “thus saith the L-rd” has often preceded manipulative words. So, you each can have the freedom given to men and women to decide what you are going to eat as manna from the King and what you are going to spit out as bones.

I have never lived here in Salt Lake, or Provo, or Orem, or anywhere else in Utah, and I have never had a need to live here, but I think a few things, and I am going to share those things that were thought, about this precious patch of bee-busy land.

Salt Lake City Thoughts

Part of the stronghold built around this city revolves around finding legitimacy around the capacity to bring resources and provide for others and be independent for so doing.

They are great at doing and working with INDUSTRY (the state motto), but the independence that means they, or we, do not need to rely on the counsel and friendship of the L-rd and place our anchor in Him often leads to a form of legalism.

It is good to know your design. But it is horrible to make your design your anchoring place.

So, what may help in dismantling that stronghold is, for those that love and work in Salt Lake City, to come in the the opposite spirit by leaning into a radical partnership with the L-rd in everything that y’all do. Blending your design with and submitting it and it’s flow to His input in all things.

If you do not live and/or work here, or pay taxes here, you have substantially less authority to deal with the junk in the land.

Resist Non-Reality

We have a non-reality in some of the bedroom communities in Charlotte that people who do not pay a cent of taxes to Charlotte can exercise significant authority over Charlotte spiritually.

What you pay taxes on, you own. What you do not pay taxes on, you do not own.

If you want to exercise significant authority in the realm of a business or a city, you might first have to pay some taxes. You might need to live in a place in order to impact it significantly.

Different strongholds exist in different cities, and for those with a victim spirit (none of that here in SLC) they have to learn some independence and building with what the L-rd has already put in their hands, and the L-rd May be wanting to teach them radical Industry.

I know, some may stone me for saying that because “aren’t we all supposed to only depend on G-d and ‘lean not on our own understanding’, David?”

Not when the stronghold is a Victim Spirit and the L-rd is trying to break you of magic wand, welfare Christianity. If your sin of choice is a stronghold of Industry that says “no” to the counsel of the L-rd, you need to learn partnership.

On the other hand, if your sin of choice is the victim spirit and codependence on the L-rd (which is no partnership), the L-rd may be trying to get you to stand up and walk and use the tools He has put in your hands to build with.

May I Cut In, Cuz’ It’s Time To Dance

I know that, in my expression of these two dynamics, the “stay in love with Jesus/Brides Only” crowd will likely be offended with the paradigm of inddustry and work and being sent out by the L-rd and standing up and walking out dynamics.

This is why this is a dance between the two dynamics. Son mode and bride mode.

Sons build and use tools. Brides do intimacy and stay close and receive.

But we dance between receiving and giving.

We dance between bed chamber and kitchen/living/meeting room.

The Mary And Martha Dance

We dance between Mary and Martha.

Martha was a Giver. She owned the house where people met in Bethany. Mary was likely a Mercy.

You need both. And had Martha invited Jesus in to help her with the work (Jesus was a friend and family), Jesus would have come into her world and worked with her. Thanks to C.T. Meyers for that picture.

Jesus did not respond to Martha’s serving. Jesus responded to Martha’s perverted view of Mary’s design.

And we will have to do the dance and find the treasures between the closeness and the industry that is connected as a partnership.

So to the Industry crowd, learn how to partner with the King in your work, and how to invite Him in to that work. He will come to you in tour work where you are.

And to the Intimacy crowd, learn how to be about the BUSINESS of your Husband. You are intimate and in the intimacy, you receive tools so you can take the Kingdom and the Garden to the non-Garden parts of the world. Stand up and start swinging.

It’s not just about being intimate or trying to figure it out (understanding and wisdom and knowledge are not a hierarchy; they are tools).

It’s about doing the dance….

Transformation of Materials Used For Idolatry

And Salt Lake City has Treasures.

To hell with the mindset of “stay away from Salt Lake City because it’s loaded with demons.”

Oftentimes, the only reason a city eats your lunch is because 1) you were not called there, or 2) you are compromised in the area of the stronghold that holds that city or land captive.

Stay in the society where you are and cultivate the opposite spirit and the cardinal virtue tied to the land where you are and the stronghold’s optic, followed by its grip, will shrink.

Deal with the camoflauge and the issues if inaccurate perception.

They are clowns, and the circus deserves to leave town.

Which means SLC deserves a contingent of salty, rugged Christ-followers who will grow in some Giver Virtue.

We don’t cede land to the clowns as unredeemable.

California. Colorado. Massachusetts. New York. Fill in the blank. You don’t cede what you think is one damned inch of land.

Freaking. G-d. Was. There. First.

And just because treasures have been taken and carved into idols does not mean that there are not proper ways of using and working with those treasures.

You want to break the stronghold here? Avoid the slope of turning industry and the can-do attitude into Mammon.

Work, but work with Him. Be intimate, you intimacy people, but when the season of intimacy is done, move out and build and work. Sweat as Adam did. And drink your cold drinks, little ones.

The unique stronghold here is reliance on AND ANCHORING TO the Giver Free Money of Resources that flow to you effortlessly, and Independence.

As you are working to reconcile to your land and reconcile the land to the King, part of that reconciliation might involve having a conversation with the land and asking it what is going on in it. Consider the history. Consider the founding. Consider that the King sent you to a place.

A Blessing For The Industrious Ones

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today.

A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush. And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

The L-RD G-d took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to WORK it and keep it.

Genesis 2:10–15 ESV

Spirit, you were made to work. Work is not a sin. Figuring out and pondering, and thinking are not sins. Your mind is not less than your heart, nor are the two of those less or greater than your reins (the RJD/Servant combo of your Adrenals and Kidneys).

They are just different.

Spirit, your place of dwelling is in the Seat of Dominion, in the brain in the Frontal Lobe. And yes, the heart and the reins also are thinking and feeling organs along with the brain

Spirit, the emotions and the toughs are designed to work together. As much as the first six gifts need the emotions, so also the Mercy needs the thoughts.

And all serve different functions.

Spirit, I went on that rabbit trail because this blessing revolves around one thing.

Tools, spirit.

Can I substitute a drill for a hammer in the matter of nails?

Can I sub a screwdriver instead of a wood chisel in the case of woodworking?

Screws and nails instead of glue in the case of broken ceramic?

In all of these cases, the answer is the same. No I cannot, if I am looking for excellence.

Spirit, you are made not only for tools, but also for intimacy. And you are made for kingly interactions in all areas of your life. No matter your Redemptive Gift, you are needed and all of your tools are needed.

And you were made, not to lean on your tools, but on the King.

For those of you with an independent streak, not all of those streaks are demonic or “soulish”. Some of those streaks are out there by the King and they demonstrate and display His goodness to the Giver tribe.

That said, that design of yours is meant for partnership with the L-rd.

So I bless you when you hear the L-rd say, build.

I bless your perspective to be fuller and to go for what is missing.

I bless you to see with the King’s eyes as He releases you to build using your tools.

But I also bless you with the capacity to slow down and hear what the king is saying to you.

I bless you to find all the King has for you in each Sonship and Kingdom assignment.

I bless you to hear the birds and see the light and to feel the wood and to wisely allocate the raw materials as you transform them into something different.

I bless you with the skill to apply gas and brake in sequence.

I bless you to partner with the land where you are and to see your gifts Marshall these tools, gifts, and raw materials and resources to come in the opposite spirit of the stronghold in place where you live.

I bless you to smile at the land where you live, no matter how much junk there is.

Spirit, no matter how much junk there is, the devil cannot tarnish the reality that “G-d was there first”. Not one damn clown beat G-d to any single patch of land on earth.

Even in Deseret, G-d was there before Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and the clowns of that perversion.

G-d put Industry in the land.

And G-d created us for incessant relationship and partnership. Partnership with Him. Partnership with others. And Partnership with the Land.

Spirit, I bless you to smile and show the land a bit of your sunshine as the King imbues YOU WITH HOPE!

I bless you to interact with the land and to speak to the land, not AT the land.

I bless you to listen to the land. And I bless you to take the tools give to you and to flow from stand-up-and-go on the one hand, to partnership and dependence to on and receiving from your bridegroom on the other.

I bless you to WORK the land and WORK WITH the land.

I bless the dance, as my sister from the Old Northwest was blessed in her capacity to receive her daily food from Her Bridegroom while she waited for her passion to take off.

I bless the tools to be connected to the capacity to flow between partnership when you check back in with the King periodically to receive from and being sent out from Him on assignment that means you might trailblazing alone in the wilderness, when the work is hard and the sun is hot.

I bless the land to facilitate you with its gifts without you falling into any traps created by anchoring to those gifts instead of the King.

Be blessed, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.