When a Mercy Messes With Their Design Or Their Birthright….


I am not sure how to say this.

The major design of a Mercy is to sanctify time as it is and as the King intends for it to progress.

It is not for the Mercy to move or realign the flow of time in accordance with how they wish it would be.

There is a huge aspect of this tied to their birthright.

If a Mercy can hear from the King, and not meddle with time as they wish it were, but seek for the alignment of time as the King wants it, then there will be a huge payoff…

Even if life is pain, and seasons are full of burning, pain.


You stick to your guns and you leave what happened in Time be, and you redeem the days you have.

No matter if the enemy is adultery; or cancer; or a car accident; or a trauma; or an SRA or CRA; or a bloodline; or a tie-in to a demonic throne or dominion; or bloodline; or relative; or abuse; or rape; or incest; or anything else in all of creation.

If it means you soak in His love, you still do not mess with the timestream, Mercy.

Scott Lang (Ant-Man) is a Mercy. And this film is what will happen when the Mercy, in their hard portion of being reconciled to and hunting for the King’s will for Time, seeks to RUN FROM PAIN.

I cannot say how many times I wished my timeline was other than what it shook out to becoming.

That said, right now, you can impact Time and its flow to the King’s purposes, if you will partner with the G-d Who Is and Who Was and Who Is That Which Will Be.

I know it is painful. The timestream can be intensely painful. And sometimes time, instead of healing wounds, can sometimes be the vehicle that seems to inflict wounds.

3013 days one way.

3013 days another way.


Shattering of spirit and soul.




And then my emotions moving now up, and again down.

Some things just do not seem fair.

And, besides, “fairness” is not a concept found in the biblical text.

Justice and Mercy, however, are.

And you were given Love, not fair, and not fairness.

And G-d’s metric for kingdom dynamics is Justice/Mercy, the Twin aspects of Love.

It is not Love vs. Justice. It is Mercy Paired with Justice as Aspects of Love.

They marry together like red and blue, or peanut butter and jelly, or Linus Torvalds and Giving the Finger To The Corrupt Company NVidia, or broccoli and cheese, or Maine and Raccoons, or Poles and Cats, or Bambi and deliciousness, or Thirty and Aught-Six, or Ferdinand and Nina…

Mercy Gang, you were made for something to handle. And in order to handle yourself, your emotions, and your power under self-control and with gentleness toward yourself, you will have to go through some things that will burnish you and help you learn the meaning of endurance.

And you will either endure or not. Your life is a thread, it breaks or it doesn’t break.

You must lean into Him to endure…

In order to thrive, you must Know Him…

And if you feel broken, then fall into Him, and let Him heal you.

And walk with the King into what He has for you, deep and tender beloved.

For to mess with the timestream will mess with the fabric of essence and reality itself.

Move with you Husband. Know Him. Walk with Him. Seek Him. Rest in Him. Be held by Him. And Seek for the Timestream to flow in accordance with His design.

And give not up your design to sanctify time.

Your responsibility and anointing and design, O Mercy, is to sanctify time as no other gift can.

And you can either sanctify time, move or adjust time, circumvent time, or do nothing.

And the King waits for you to partner with Him.

Your Bridegroom has much for you.

Be at peace.

Responding to Murray Rothbard: Free Will Vs. Control

Jotting some thoughts down here…

Tom Woods, arch-libertarian and Teacher, is refreshing me on sabbatical:

He writes:

Murray Rothbard described the free market as simply “the social array of voluntary exchanges of goods and services.’ In titling one of his books Power and Market (originally intended to be the closing section of Man, Economy and State) Rothbard was positioning “power” and “market” as antinomies. The market consists of voluntary transactions between willing parties; the state, or “power,” introduces compulsion into human relations, bringing about coerced outcomes that people would not voluntarily have chosen.

Noting Rothbard’s idea, I looked back at the idea of market as akin to free will, a gift we are unilaterally and without condition given, even if we mess things up.

I look at coercion by the government as akin to the overworn concept of control.

And the conscious or unconscious desire for control leads inevitable to structures and polity that lead to destruction of what would otherwise be a genuinely, disproportionately life-giving exchange (means of exchange for goods, or good for good).

In the case of our King, He exchanges our debt for His life and adoration.

I wonder if we are missing, in our desire to crown popes, presidents, and apostles (all usual forms of control) the legitimate and requisite aspect of the divine nature of which we were each made to partake, of releasing.

Father designated seasons of release, whether sabbaths, seasons, holidays, years, or other χρόνος or καιρός moments (and yes, Greek is good and both of those concepts are good) for us, as He designed both unique and non-unique timestreams in accordance with our divers designs, for us to unpack time-relative treasures for us.

And we need to hunt for those.

Another dynamic I have considered deeply is the concept of the “starways”.

Though I cannot find another reference to the concept of the “starways” outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and specifically, Guardians of the Galaxy (leave it to the Ruler Thanos to make us aware of such a reality), I know that they exist and are time-connected.

Someone, or several someones, will have to begin the process of unpacking the lightyears worth of pathways traced by the stars in the κόσμος. So that we can begin to embrace how we were MADE to be released, and not merely to control or limit or make small all sorts of things.

What is our place in being released and in giving release to others?

And what is our place in being aware of the connections between His light, His lights, the path that light and those lights travel, and the journeys which we were meant to take.

Just some thoughts here.

And You Think You Cannot Be Like Them: Practical Counsel For Walking in Holiness and Perfection

DISCLAIMER:  I am not attempting to give heavy-handed counsel here, but rather some scattered thoughts.  Yes, I understand that I come across sometimes as cranky, or teachery, or black-and-white, given some of my syntax, but seriously, I have a deeply soft spot and some lambish tendencies.
So, read on and enjoy.  Feel free to ask me questions if you have any at theblacksmithshammer91@gmail.com or 413-657-1887.  And eat the meat and spit out the bones.

Walk before me and be blameless. -from Genesis 17:1-
Be perfect, therefore as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect. -Matthew 5:48-
You shall be holy, for I the L-rd your G-d am holy. -Leviticus 19:1-

I have half a mind to just leave these verses here, without commentary.
But I do have some brief thoughts here.
There are times when certain of us like to take these verses and cut them out of Scripture, precisely because we think being perfect, blameless, or holy are unattainable.
Just like we think prophetic accuracy is unobtainable.
We think things like the Elijah List are the standard, or the modern American Prophetic ministry is the standard.
And so we don’t even try, and we parrot the latest tripe that “Jesus died so I don’t have to be perfect.”
“He fulfills the law so I don’t have to.”
Hey, look, gang, that is not what that verse means.
And the prophets in Scripture, in their flaws, are not going anywhere.
So, we may as well deal with this and what it means to be holy, and blameless and perfect.
So, one dynamic missing from our theology of holiness of perfection is the dynamic of completeness.
What is also present in our theology that needs to be jettisoned and burned is the idea of a holy checklist of “how little did you sin today?”
An excellent way of looking at the idea of perfection and holiness, for a believer, is embodied in the following two questions.

  1. Did you check-in with G-d today to see what the flavor of grace was for today?
  2. Did you appropriate THAT flavor of grace for today?

Perfection and holiness are not so much about a list, as they are about apporiating the gifts that Father has planned to give you for today.
It may be that your holiness today happens on the level of a relationship, on the level of Community.
In fact, Leviticus 17:1, where Father tells Israel to be holy, is followed immediately by a discussion of interacting with your parents.  Hey, gang, I know some of our parents were insufferable jackasses or jennyasses, but can we at least attempt to engage with them in some fashion that looks toward mending fences without compormising our standards, and coming to a place of deep understanding that they too were products of their upbringings.  I can tell you, by the time I wanted to reestablish connection with my father, this is what I had to look forward to.
That is my dad’s tombstone.  Yes he was an insufferable person at times, but the kicker is, by the time I had returned from Florida, where my mother shared all sorts of stories, because she is my FAVORITE storyteller, he had died, and POOF like that, he was moved onto glory, having spent the last 10 years of his life reconciling to the L-rd, and others in the Franklin/Brentwood/Nashville area, and leaving a legacy of work with the area’s AA chapters that stands in honor of him.
I know that pain, but I also understand that I was able to see both his preconversion self and his postconversion self, and still was able to bless him, along with my brother and a few of our Tennessee family.
As to honoring parents, given the context of Leviticus 17:1, see here for some practical counsel on doing that without compromising your standards.
And I was witness to none of that because I was too stubborn to reconnect.  When I had gotten the news, Mercy wanted a whole lot of his physical touch.
And as a result, I returned to social media.
It may be that your holiness today happens on the level of executing something that you were designed to do.  Solving a problem that you were born or hardwired to solve.  That is Birthright holiness.
It may be that your holiness today involves cleansing this day of the year or this season or this transition because historically this day or season or transition has been defiled annually by a pattern of junk.
It may be that holiness looks like a trip to a certain place so you can pray through some trauma that happened to you.
Regardless, we need to get away from holiness as a list, and embrace the idea of holiness as connecting with and partnering with the Holy One in order to execute whatever is on His mind for today.
It’s not about how much you did or did not cuss today, although if that is an ongoing struggle that He is coaching you on specifically, it might be a good idea not to fight with Him on that.
It might be that holiness involves you stepping into the kitchen where you have had 50 fights with your wife or husband and cleansing the atmosphere of the kitchen a couple of hours before your spouse wakes up, and just attempting to say something to connect with him or her.  Granted, he or she may be in no mood to respond, but keep hacking at it.  If you need a friend to help you establish a new pattern or break an old pattern, give a friend a call.
Being holy and perfect means connecting with the One Who is holy, perfect, just, and true.
It might mean biting your tongue until it bleeds.
It might mean giving someone a hug.
It might mean, fill in the blank.
But jettison your list of expectations, and instead seek to commune with Him.
Being holy is not a list but a dynamic.  We like the list, granted because it is tangible, but really, connecting with the wind of heaven and the breath of the Almighty G-d is deeper and moves more than your piddly list.  Burn the paper of expectations, and go after Him.  As He shows you how to interact with what is around you, the holiness, the set-apartedness of everything will increase.
It is so worth it.
And for more on these areas of holiness, see the following.


Social Intonation: A Dynamic of Community, and a Major Need of the Exhorter

G-d the Father is the G-d of Community.  He it is that is the Member of the Trinity that is devoted to life and our sense of Belongingness.
It is through Him that we understand we belong.
And it is He who sets us where He wants.
The communities that we form on the third level of holiness are critical to the networking of whatever plan the L-rd has for us.
And we are supposed to not only be thrown willy-nilly into whatever communities at hand, but more specifically, we need to be placed by our Father (1 Corinthains 12:18) were we were designed to fit.
Amanda Damon, a friend of our family’s, made an observation, concerning Exhorters, because with Exhorters, it is painful to deprive them of social networks and groups of friends, without which they suffer deeply, as did one of my close friends:

An Exhorter homeschooler needs people.  It just means the parents get to choose what people.  Tons and tons of homeschool community these days.  Field trips every week, co-ops if you want, group electives, Konos, the possibilities are endless.  I think it more depends on the parents and how in tune to their kids they are. Homeschooling can be a place to thrive!

First, let me say this much.
With respect to Exhorters, if you are going to homeschool an Exhorter, it is true that you will get to pick what people with whom the socialize.  However, it also means that you need to ACTUALLY EXECUTE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROACTIVELY pick some peeps to connect with your Exhorter.  Don’t just assume that because you homeschool your kids, and you have the freedom to pick the kids they hang with, that they are going to end up with the right crowd.
The freedom to pick playmates for your bubbly Exhorter is also the responsibility to expose them to people, so that together you can pick out the right people for them.
Otherwise, they will pick anybody and everybody.
Second, more generally, note that phrase “in tune”.  It reminds me of Mr. Hardy, my high school Chorus teacher. He placed a premium on this concept in music that we call intonation.  It applies to music.
But Amanda’s comment, in response to a hard conversation on homeschooling, caused me to hear an idea for the first time.
Social intonation.
We need “social intonation”. We need to be placed in a community that not only looks right, feels right, seems right, and enhances our image, but also one that sounds right, AND one with which we can tune and among which we can blend well.
And we need the right kind of community even if it conflicts with deeply-held convictions and biases.
Some Exhorters need homeschooling.  And as a result, their parents are thus required to select friends for them, because those Exhorters by and large REQUIRE socialization of some sort.
When we develop unqualified biases for or against a certain type of community in all of its manifestations, whether the institution is homeschooling or church or any ither type of school or business or people of differing faith views and we say, “All [pick your institution]s are [bad/good/terrible]”, then that keeps us from seeing the possible good in a situation.
When I say all homeschooling is bad for Exhorters because they don’t get to socialize, then it keeps me from seeing the possibilities for socialization that are available with at least a modicum of effort.
Now, let’s pull back and distill a more general principle.
Those biases that keep us from seeing comprehensively and clearly are then harnessed by the Mesmerizing Spirit and we thus cease seeing clearly.  We then stop seeing situations, circumstances, places, and people accurately and with precision (the way the L-rd sees them).
As a result, we become candidates for the Spirit of Deception.  And the moment we are willing to believe the lies of the Spirit of Deception, then sooner or later the lie involves some sort of pit of despair, a trap which this spirit lays.  And if we follow that path of deception into the pit of despair, the subsequent downward spiral can lead to death and suicide.
We deeply need to be part, not just of any community, but the community that Father picks out for us, whatever community that looks like.
For, we can possess our birthright as individuals, but we will not become people of destiny outside of community.
Thus, when you are looking for a community, ask yourself, “is this a community with which I can blend to make that right sound?”.
Find the right sound for your hardwiring.  Find the right gathering that meshes with your hardwiring.
And be blessed, gang.  This is a new concept, but it is one that I am hashing out repeatedly.