WOR 2024: Blessing 2: On the Creation of Humanity and the Gift of Life


I invite your spirit to interact with me today.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

…then the L-RD G-d formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. And the L-RD G-d planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. -Gen 2:7-8 ESV-

Spirit, there was a time when man was created in this segment. He was formed by Father, composed by Father, and then endued with the presence of the human spirit that was given to him by Father….

To the whole person reading this: You were created by the L-rd and fashioned with affection, tenderness, and with an eye toward reality. And into you, G-d placed the human spirit. And in that moment of placement of spirit into body, the soul came into being, and was designed to grow into life-giving partnership with the spirit in the lead. And too often, we bring healing to the body and to the soul, and very little gets done with respect to the spirit. And my heart is to see all three ministered to well. Hence, when I write blessings, it is for the too-often-neglected spirit I write.

Spirit, after you were breathed in, and then began the sequence of knitting together the soul and the body, following that process, the L-rd took Adam, and put the man into the Garden of the L-rd.

The text does not spell out that segment of the process, but I am under the impression He, as a G-d of Process, did not just create him and then immediately drop him into the Garden the next moment. Rather, in light of His love of processes that unpack, I wonder at the possibility that He took man to the Garden by way of a journey, and while they were on the way to Eden, conversed.

And what they conversed about, and what, as the new creation was present, what the man was thinking on the way to the garden.

Spirit, in thinking about this, I want to encourage you with the following.

G-d did not just make you in a haphazard or hasty moment. No, he took a process to form you. And that process was laced with affection and love and with an eye to your purpose and design. As many of us as there are, spirit, there are also unique designs and purposes.

So, spirit, I bless you to hear and rejoice in the reality of the gift of Dad breathing you into the body of the human of which you are part. I bless you in your leadership role. I bless you to know a revelation of G-d’s love for you. And I bless you to know that you are His gift of love and uniquely designed to solve a specific set of problems. Problems are not a bad thing. Rather, they are a good thing. And problems were given to us to be solved. And as we solve problems, tools are developed.

I bless you to find the tools you need to solve the problems you were given, spirit.

I bless you with the revelation that you were made to be unpacked more and more so that complex problems are met with complex solutions.

I bless you to know there will be a journey that G-d takes you on that is designed to unpack you as you work in growing in reconciliation to Him and in turn, help reconcile others to Himself.

Be at peace, spirit, in your growth journey, in the name of Yeshua. And as you arrive at your home, be further at peace as you receive the pieces the King has for you, and as He provides problems to solve.

Know that in his provision of problems, solutions will develop as you get familiar with the nature of the problem. And that process might take time. I encourage you to be patient as you ponder and process the set of problems in front of you.

And I bless you to always remember His love as you work the problem in front of you.

WOR 2024: Blessing For Reconcilation to G-d the Father


I invite your spirit to connect in the name of Yeshua ha-Maschiach

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:16-17 ESV

Spirit, everything that you have received that pertains to life and godliness dwells in you, the human spirit. Everything that the person in whom you dwell needs resides with you. Every tool, understanding, need, resource, component, all of it, the whole thing, resides with you.

One of those gifts, one of the greatest of these gifts is the gift of Father Himself.

Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

John 14:23 ESV

Way beyond the Father merely forgiving us our sins and deigning to allow Himself to see us as miserable sinners barely saved by grace, He TRANSFORMS US and LIVES IN US.

The Ancient of Days gives His whole self to you, beloved. He resides in and partners with you. He does not keep His distance. Rather, He crosses the full distance and desires to make His home within you. You are not a reworked trashcan, spray-painted white and then He tosses in a shot of bleach to kill the stench. No, my love, rather you are completely transformed into a different vessel altogether, one for glory and beauty and love and tenderness and intimacy and adventure.

And He gives you a bunch of different tools and vessels to use, some for drinking, some for planting, some for growing, some for pouring out water, and on and on.

Spirit, He does not give a single bad or seconnd-rate gift. All of His gifts to you are first-rate and special and unique.

So spirit, I bless you.

I bless you to know the depth and range of His gifts. I bless you to feel how much pleasure and love and joy resonate in Father’s heart to be living with you. I bless you with the revelation that Father does not look at you and barely tolerates you. Rather, He longs for the moment when He can talk to you about all sorts of things, and His purpose and birthright for you.

I bless you to see deeply the good and the perfect, and that they are with you, and that there is no more perfect gift He can give than the fullness of Himself in you. He lives in you and makes home the way He wants it in you, and He is fully committed to changing everything about you or about His living environment that is not in alignment with the absolute best path and place for you.

He also takes on the burden of transforming you to a vessel of honor and filling you with His love.

I bless you to be free and full of all the things He has for you.

I bless you with that in the name of Yeshua.


Problems Unpack You

There is wind that is too strong. 

There are materials that are too weak. 

The glider you built broke the arm of the photographer that was holding onto your experiment. And he is laying with broken arm in the midst of the wreckage of recently-successful dream.

There are people in your hometown that are cussing you out, even believers doing the same, saying you cannot do this.  You aren’t allowed.

You didn’t follow the protocol.

You didn’t have the permission of your apostolic covering.

You disobeyed the voice of the prophets who told you you were throwing hatchets at the moon.

You bit off more than you could chew.

The problem is, everything around you on this barren beach known for common hurricanes and the destruction of of the Queen Anne’s Revenge is also the land of your destiny.

You see, Prophet land in a Teacher State can be incredibly unforgiving. Even downright asshole-ish. Just like Prophets and Teachers are frequently.

And for those of you who are thinking I am talking about Fivefold Prophets and Teachers, I am never talking about Fivefold Prophets and Teachers as popularly described.

I am talking about Redemptive Gift Prophets and Teachers. Designed and hardwired to be two of the more unforgiving gifts when it comes to getting their crafts right.

Prophets abide by principles with relentless intensity and are obsessive with whether or not someone did the right thing out of moral considerations. Few things appeal to them as much as a blank slate or an empty canvas on which to create. Wide open spaces, so they can go wide open with the throttle.

Teachers, on the other hand, are meticulous to making sure the details are ironed out. There is no detail a Teacher does not like completely dialed-in. There is a precision and a perfection and a slow, gradual, and ponderous depth in which they check and double-check, perfect, tweak, and adjust everything.

There are people who want you to stay in your bicycle shop.

They don’t care how many years you have spent honing your skill or developing your craft.

They want to maintain the status quo.

And you do not maintain the status quo when you go looking from problems, looking for trouble.

Much less when the L-rd brings you problems, and others viciously yell at you that you should not have problems because problems are not the children’s bread.

Nevertheless, We walk with a Father who is so completely and in totality multifaceted of Himself and He is A Fire That Constantly Is Consuming Itself that He cannot help but to bring all of his greatest problems to those He trusts the most: us, humans, His sons.

You see, and yet you might not see. So, a couple of verses for you.

Gen. 22:2 He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” 

Ex. 4:22 Then you shall say to Pharaoh, “Thus says the L-RD, ‘Israel is my firstborn son,'”

Okay, I know some people might get ticked off at the idea of me using a Nicene line (NEWS FLASH: I dislike Constantine more than all of you combined, but I am also aware of Athanasius’ contribution to the creeds and I am grateful for his presence in the cloud of witnesses and contribution to Christian Theology), but this line communicates the eternality of the reality of the sacrament between the Father and Son.

“Eternally begotten of G-d.”

Gang, there was a time when G-d the Father was not Creator, but there was never a time when the Son was not. He was eternally begotten of the Father. Meaning, there was a time when G-d was Creator, but there was not a time when He was not Father. The Son was always there. And the Spirit was always there. And because Jesus died on the cross, the Father knew what it was like to be alone and apart from the Son. Therefore, it is not good for man to be alone….I will make him a partner, battle buddy, a helper suitable for and corresponding to him, a Ginny to his Harry, a Han to his Leia, a Eowyn to His Faramir, a red to his blue, a Prophet to his Mercy.

So much in this. Problems are made to be solved, and this causes humans to get unpacked, as happened in Dare County those 121 years ago. Problems were tackled and destiny was stepped into.

Just do it, my loves.

Love, Community, Holiness: A Potpuorri of Thoughts

The more I receive protection from
Him, the less I need it from other sources.

The more I allow His blood and love to cover me, the less I need that from others.

The more I am with Him, the more I cover friendship, but not because it protects me.

Emotional and spiritual connection are what I seek with others, not protection that brings them legitimacy.

The less I need you to protect me, the less energy you expend and the more you can spend time as a son executing.

Holiness is not just “set apart”.

Biblically, holiness is execution on the cause-and-effect that produces changes and moves us from glory to glory, faith to faith, strength to strength, and deep to deep.

Movement that flows from being set apart….the process more than the product….followed by the product that leads to change….change…that is holy.

That is, holiness is way more transformational than positional.

This is why reconciliation is the point of the gospel, rather than salvation……process, not point.

The reality is, will I let Him control me, if others attempt to co-opt that authority, or will I reject the awe of man when it comes time to choose this day whom I will serve.
This is the gospel of grace in Joshua 24:15

”Choose this day whom you will serve…. But as for me and my house, we will serve the L-rd.”

From Journeys Downward to Tandems Outward

There are those who have spoken to the dynamics of the 18-inch journey…

From the brain to the heart…

However, I have seen too many of these that say the heart is more important than the mind…

And they move to ignore the mind increasingly and growing the heart.

So, which is it? Mind or heart?

Depending on whom one asks, and the frame of mind one is in, the answer will vary.

But, must we choose? Either/Or.

I contend no.

There is a use for both…

And this “One-or-the-Other” mindset misses another member of the thinking/judging/perceiving group: the Kidneys and the Adrenals, known collectively as The Reins.

We must grow in our understanding and skill in utilizing the gifts of the mind, heart, and reins together, and so, instead of making an eighteen-inch journey, let us engage in the tandem of 24 inches.

Be blessed, gang. Just some thoughts as we step into this season.

40 Years a Son, Living With the Word

I was reading something in the biblical text this evening and I had a bit of something like a revelation.

Sometimes the one thing the King wants to emphasize, is the one thing we as translators and the writers of the original canon treated as an afterthought. We treat things as an afterthought because of the way they are phrased. And simply because of the smallness of the word, maybe the original writers did, too, if we take the words in the text at face value.

Allow me to explain.

It was Genesis 1, and always with the Fourth Day, there is something with the Fourth Day the King likes to highlight for me, and it is a kiss from him. It is a small phrase, only three words, and I have never heard the phrase emphasized, thus it seems to me most people do not treat it with emphasis when the read it, because it takes up such a small percentage of the text.

Maybe the original writer of the Creation Narrative, whether you call him Moses, or JEDP (ahem), or anyone else, just wrote this one phrase and gave it no further thought, but I would like to think it meant something, especially since these entities feature prominently elsewhere in the Tanakh, and in the Revelation and the First chapter of James.

So, here is the text for the Fourth Day of Creation:

And G-d said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. And G-d made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. And G-d set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And G-d saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

Genesis 1:14–19 ESV

Did you see it?

And the Stars

I wonder, gang. I wonder if we know of this in this way. For He is the G-d of the Seven Stars, Who Walks Among Them, and knows the starways, and walks among the starlight.

And it is the stars as the Sons of G-d that shout for joy in the book of Job, and the Father of Heavenly Lights that gives every good and perfect gift from above as He walks among the stars, which are themselves heavenly lights.

With rain, with sun
With much, with less
With joy, with pain
With life, with death

The only things that satisfy come from You
They come from You

Everything that’s beautiful
Everything that’s wonderful
Every perfect gift comes from You

Your grace, Your heart
Your voice, Your touch
Your word, Your peace
Your hope, Your love

A thousand words could not explain
A thousand worlds could not contain
Every perfect gift comes from You

It comes from the Father of Lights
It comes from the Giver of Life
It comes from the Heavens above
It’s coming straight from Your heart
To the people You love

“Everything” by Chris Tomlin

When I was 18, the very first time I got to see the starways and the pitchblack of the heavens, I was in ROTC in college, and we were in Camp Blanding in Northeast Florida. My batallion was on a night march, and that was the very first time I was able to identify more than 12 constellations just based on patterns I had seen in books as a kid. And it was radiant, though not radiant like the sun. Sparkly.

And on the Fourth Day, as with other things pertaining to the Redemptive Gift of Exhorter, G-d usually highlights things in patterns of threes.

The nature of G-d

The Three major Exhorters of Scripture: Moses, Solomon, Paul.

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars

For me this highlights something that I wish to give to you as a gift in the arena of how I do hermeneutics, and precisely why the tagline of TPH is “Into all truth by the Spirit of G-d”.

It’s not the whole of scripture, written with a 1-to-1 mindset, with each word having and sharing equal weight with all the others. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit is going to highlight or lowlight certain words of phrases, depending on what is going on with you, and where He wants to point you in a given matter.

Sometimes, a phrase waits 10-30 years to emerge and glow off the page.

And this phrase “and the stars” just hits me in all the right places, moreso now I have seen stars and auroras and other entities with proper telescopes.

I put to you, as me reader, that, when you are reading, that you allow Holy Spirit the lattitude to highlight or emphasize something differently than you have allowed Him previously. If you allow Him to guide you along the river, you have no idea where He will pull the canoe up so He can take you exploring. Reading the text, as with other parts of our life, should be an adventure that is completely life-giving.

He may emphasize a piece of the text you never thought He would.

For example, when was the last time you heard there were three “veyahavtas” (the Hebrew Phrase translated as “You shall love”) in the text of the Torah.

And for you who are Torah haters, how many know the heart of the bible is the law, and the heart of the law is Deuteronomy, and for those who want to get intimate with how blessings and curses operate, you have to be intimate with how Deuteronomy operates?

I know we are not under the law and G-d abolished the law completely without exception, but maybe there is something of value in reading the law.

Just some thoughts. And yes, some of what I wrote above is a bit tongue-in-cheek.

But seriously, maybe it would behoove us to see, instead of a bipolar book, where the G-d on the Right Hand Side of the Book apologizes for the acts of the G-d on the Left Hand Side of the Book, perhaps we are dealing with the outworking of a very complex WHOLE COVENANT.

Perhaps there is life and fathering that will break the bastard curse off of us, if we will begin to obsessively hunt for the Father in the Tanakh, and in the Torah.

It’s not a list of rules and regs, gang, appended by Talmuds and Mishnahs and Gemaras. It is a arkload of principles and relationships available to anyone with the cojones to hunt for Dad’s mind AND heart within its pages.

For example, the first time “Father” is specifically implied in the pages of the Biblical Text is Exodus 4:22.

“Thus says the L-RD, ‘Israel is my firstborn son’.”

From Exodus 4:22 ESV

I wonder if one problem with too many of us that want to run from the Torah and the Tanakh and Whole Covenant into Better Covenant/Worser Covenant is that our relationships with our own earthly dads were so messed-up that we cannot bear the thought of beginning a relationship with G-d the Father in His fullness without a social worker present. And truly, if we were abused by our fathers, we might need someone who will take that role in the spirit for a season.

But, really, the gems are in the Torah for us to find if we are willing. The fat of the land, all of the fat of the land, is present for those of us who look to be transformed from disobedient to obedient, with hearts that are FILLED with the earnest of the Kingdom.

His heart is for us to know all of Him, and not just the parts with which we are comfortable.

The starsong….proclaiming the justice of G-d….

“And the stars”

May the King give light in strange and unexpected places for His kids to walk.

Just some thoughts.

An Open Letter to All the Redemptive Gift Prophets

You are enough….

You are just enough…..

Overthinking it, not needed….

Asking, “did they mean it this way or that way?”, so you could compensate or fix the thing they never asked you to fix, not necessary.

There is a key to your gift, Prophet. There is a deep and abiding key.

And if you use this key, it will align your gift to its proper moorings. And to those who would be tempted to fix without using the key, well, that can hurt.

The key is intimacy with the King. Times of connection with the King where you speak with Him and He with you.

He wants to develop the rivers of living water that flow from your spirit, Prophet.

And the fire that burns.

“I would that you were hot or cold”.

Both the hot and the cold are necessary.

Both the burning and the refreshing….so we do not burn out. But especially critical to the Prophet.

And the Wind that blows us to and fro. As we align our sails to continue the adventure that He has for us.

He does not give you just life so you can solve problems.

And as much as the forbears of Reformed Theology would like to ignore what they wrote at the head of the Westminster Catechism, our chief end is NOT to glorify G-d.


If I left that as the chief end of man, then I would burn out…..

No, the chief end of man is two fold.

  1. Glorify G-d AND AND AND AND

Your chief end cannot exist unless you have BOTH PARTS.

And enjoying Him in intimacy is part of the equation. If I only talk about glorifying G-d, and I proceed along that line, I am going to die and shrivel up and be useless.

I must take seasons apart for intimacy and bridal connection with my Husband.


So, you must have those times where you need Him.

Elijah refused intimacy over his entire life, and as a result, he never attained to the fullness of what the L-rd had for him. He chose the low-hanging goal of taking down Baal and Ashtaroth.

The L-rd repeatedly wanted to give Him intimacy. In the form of the ravens by the brook.

And then in the form oof the gooey Giver Elisha as a friend and someone to mentor as a son.

He never softened.

Prophets, if you do not soften and become warm and tender in your hearts, you will rot from the anger and the harshness and the coldness and the lack of love.

If you do not return to your first love “First of the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches”, it will leave you in rotting darkness.

You must, you must, you must, cultivate a deep and tender love relationship with him.

But this is the responsiblity of the Prophet more than the other six gifts combined.

So, take that key and run with it, darling Prophets.

You are so loved.

Be blessed.

When He Brings You A Piece of Your Design: A Blessing of the Depths of Your Design


I call your spirit and ask them to treat with me for a few minutes.

Soul, I need you to stand down for a few minutes, because I really want to connect with the spirit of this person with whom I am speaking. It is okay. I am not going to bring harm to the spirit of this individual, and it is okay if you, soul, do not understand everything I am speaking to the spirit of this person. Just rest for a few minutes while I connect and bless the spirit…

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 

How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!

I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, You are still with me!

Psalm 139:13–18. NLT

Spirit, there are going to be times when you are given a piece or a glimpse of what you were made to do, and as partner with and leader of the soul and the body, in partnership with Holy Spirit, your design is not a carbon copy, or a product of a sausage factory. Nor was it created on an assembly line, as Henry Ford made his automobiles on. It is not one OF a million, but rather one IN a million. And too often, we may be tempted to think of only a few jobs as the truly anointed occupations. However, this is not the truth.

The issue is that sometimes you may have an already-thought-of job position that works for you, and you do not have to engineer or fabricate a new position for yourself.

Teachers and preachers and lawyers and doctors are ready-made and well-known positions. The transmission fits the engine and the person pluggs themlseves into that work and the design fits, and they move along.

However, before Orville and Wilbur Wright came along in the early 1900’s, no one knew that pilots would be needed.

Today, I have been thinking a lot about the Wrights.

Wilbur the Prophet and Orville the Teacher hailed from the Prophet town of Dayton, in the Prophet State of Ohio, and they conducted their research and experiments in the Prophet county of Dare in the Teacher State of North Carolina, just to the north of the Prophet State of South Carolina.

Over and over, spirit, you will see that the Teacher and the Prophet are the interplay and the foundation for the aviation industry. And over and over, Teachers and Prophets make their presence known in the aviation and aerospace industries.

Those of us with strong Teacher and Prophet portions to our spirits always gaze upwards.

I write this to say the following.

If there does not yet exist a readily-available occupation that matches your design, you are likely going to have to develop or fabricate or engineer a space for you to execute.

And repeatedly, G-d is likely going to give you something that is not off-the-shelf, a set of strengths and weaknesses that are going to need a home to flourish. He is also likely going to give you pieces to the puzzle of your design and things that you have a fire for.

And if there is not yet a place for that, do not worry, spirit. Do not fret. Know He gave that tool or tool set so that you could enjoy this life. You were made to enjoy life deeply.

The Westminster Chatechism (a chatechism is a means of educating believers about the faith by asking questions and then answering those questions) opens by asking the following question:

“What is the chief end of man?”

The answer is two parts.

To glorify G-d…


Yes, we were made to exhibit and demonstrate the glory of G-d.

BUT, spirit, we were also made to ENJOY G-D.

This life is not merely, only, solely, or firstly about glorifying G-d.

Let the Pharisees gather their stones if they want.

I am very good at dodging those stones.

Our life is about two simultaneous realities following Deuteronomy 6:5 (loving G-d)

We glorify Him

We enjoy Him.

Spirit, we enjoy Him.

We enjoy Him, and we also enjoy doing what He has put into our minds, hearts, reins, spirits, and souls to do.

So, there is a small obedience piece, but there is a greater enjoyment piece to it.

If you enjoy it, if it makes you come alive, there is a strong possibility G-d designed you to do that.

So, spirit, I BLESS YOU INCREDIBLY to know, to find, or to receive that weird thing that might cause others to question or scoff you for wanting to do because it is not on a prescribed list of holy things that believers “should want to do”.

I bless you to find what you were made to do.

I bless you to see the thing that is in front of you, and if that thing makes you to come alive, to do that thing.

I bless your enjoyment on a visceral level. I bless you to find your love and your passion. And I bless you to do more of it.

“For the world needs people who have come alive.” -John Elderidge-

The world does not need more obedient slaves, spirit. The world needs you alive and flowing.

If that is construction, or flying or space walking, or poetry, or politics, or analysis, or engineering, or SCUBA diving, or things not yet considered or pondered, go do that.

For there is so much that goes unpacked because we are intimidated by Pharisees.

I bless you, spirit, to see the backs of the Spirit of Jealousy, the Victim Spirit, the Mesmerizing Spirit, the Spirit of Fear, and the Spirit of Intimidation Broken to pieces.

I bless you to know when you have found your sweet spot even if it feels different to how you normally present.

And I bless you to find the tribe of friends that support your flow in that no matter what. And I bless you to master that about which you are deeply and profoundly zealous.

I bless you with that reality in the name of Yeshua.

Blessing of Stillness #8: Genesis 1:1: The Risk of Rejection of Perfect Love

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward to connect with me in the name of Yeshua. No matter how angry you feel presently, and how badly you have felt wronged, I would still like to treat with your spirit, as they are willing, and I am not requiring you to come close or stand at attention. There are times to call the spirit to attention, and there are times not to. And this is one of those times where it does not feel right to do the military command thing.

Listen, beloved spirit, to the word of G-d for you for today.

In the beginning….G-d….

-From Genesis 1:1-

I am not going to adopt the same technique other writers and preachers have adopted previously. Rather, I am going to adopt a different strategy, spirit.

Here is my thought here, before all of the action, all of the mess, all of the fall, and all of the mercy mission, I have to ask this question at the head of all else.

Spirit, WHAT WAS G-D THINKING BEFORE HE SET OUT TO ACT? What was on His mind? I do not mean that question to lull you to sleep. I mean that question to provoke something in you to consider.

Ponder the following. Before the world was founded and the universe was measured out in a span. Before there was a devil or a man to mess with creation, G-d stepped into the reality of nothingness. Of existence that was not. Not Yet.

Father, He pondered deeply. Thought about what might be, and thought about the possibilities. He was still and quiet before He came and before the original creation was formed. Before He created, He was Father, and Son, begotten of the Father, and Holy Spirit. And the three, knowing what would happen, connected and engaged in the redemption of all that would be. They engaged in an act that predated the existence of anything else. And in redemptive power, the death and resurrection of the Son was engaged.

And provision of what would be occurred in the pouring out of Father’s eternal love.

So, the Son knew what would happen to Him, and the Father knew, thought of, prepared for, and accounted for every single kind of death and destruction that would follow in all eternity. By allowing for the place of choice and free will, the King chose instruments of execution, the time of execution, the pictures of the execution, and showed His affection by allowing sacrificial love to be the touchstone of His nature. And the thread of willingness was already present before even the first element came into being.

Messiah was indeed crucified before the first foundations, upon which the world was laid, were set.

Spirit, you were conceived and born into a world that eternally knew the redemptive power of the L-rd, and was incapable of living apart from that redemption.

The Law has as its heart, the passage that reads, “You shall love the L-rd Your G-d with all”. This passage is all about mercy, grace, and redemption. For the L-rd would never issue an edict or command that He did not Himself first execute on. Thus, the G-d of the Gospels was also the G-d of the Law. The Old Covenant is the New Covenant. There were not two covenants, nor did the G-d on the Right Side of the Book apologize for the actions of the G-d of the Left Side of the Book. Pulse-pounding, tender, affectionate, messy, deep, grace-and-mercy-filled Love was more than the watchword or a parable to be jettisoned in favor of the Law. Rather, He, Love, was the Foundation of the Law.

So that you would never have to fret about whether or not the King’s compassion was ever not present, the Death of the Son was not some cheap parlor trick, or some cook-the-books accounting transaction, the King established His Death and His DEEP and UNYIELDING Love as the cornerstone of the whole universe.

Spirit, I want to bless you with something that is without equal in existence, and with all my heart I want to say this.

You were created first with tender compassion, love, redemptive power, and life flowing through every letter of all of Scripture. Not one ounce of the biblical text was written apart from the sacrificial, warm, safe, and tender affection of the King, who saw to it you would be able to continue knowing the root of His Life.

So, I bless you with love from the beginning, from before you were born and before the first human stepped onto the world stage.

I bless you with a wealth of the Infinity that is Perfect Love in your heart that is a microcosm of the whole of Perfect Love that built the Universe completely.

I bless you to know Perfect Love so deeply.

I bless you to see the King and the way You move His heart so much that He gave EVERYTHING He had to give in order to have the chance of your love in return, even though there was no guarantee you would return that love, because Free Will, Free Love, and Freedom govern His every move.

Perfect Love, in order to exist, must suffer the risk of rejection, and so the right to choose to reject love must also be present for control and manipulation to have an antidote. Her completely loved you knowing you might not love Him back.

I bless you to receive everything needed to sustain the reception of His Perfect Love.

I bless you with that strength in the name of Yeshua, who loves you in complete strength and tenderness.

WOR Blessings 2024, Season A: Reconciled to Community: Blessing 1: From the Desk of Telluride


I call your spirit to attention in the name of Yeshua, and it is appropriate this time for me to do so.

Prophet portion, I call on you, dearest love.

Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today.

Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the L-RD will work for us. For nothing restrains the L-RD from saving by many or by few.”

So his armorbearer said to him, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.”

Then Jonathan said, “Very well, let us cross over to these men, and we will show ourselves to them. If they say thus to us, ‘Wait until we come to you,’ then we will stand still in our place and not go up to them. But if they say thus, ‘Come up to us,’ then we will go up. For the LORD has delivered them into our hand, and this will be a sign to us.”

1 Samuel 14:6–10 NKJV

Johnathan, the Prophet, the son of Saul, the Son of Kish, showed his intensity and his fierceness of devotion to the L-rd, even when outnumbered by hundreds-to-one odds.

Prophet, even though you are oftentimes the most beaten-up; the most hammered-on by the body; the most relentlessly-pursued for your incurable intensity; and the most-reviled for your black-and-white, often-simplistic worldview; beloved, you are also THE ONE that the Redemptive Gift Tribes rely on to get the crazy-ass shit done that NO ONE else will do. With few, you accomplish much.

That is your dignity.

Sure, on the way to accomplishing the ends for which you were designed, you will likely piss off a few admirals, be placed in an impossible situation with few resources, be concerned that you might not be able to help everyone in harm’s way, and fight dark things that others might fear, but with you, you carry one of the greatest assets and resources needed for those dark paths. You carry this as free money, Prophet.

Faith and fearlessness.

You were made for the fight. Hardwired for the war. Designed for the hardest and harshest environments.

So, Prophet, I bless you as you gamble on these principles that are your bread-and-butter.

I bless you to be the rallying point for the community to the fight.

I bless you to be the tip of the sword, and the thorn in the enemy’s flesh.

I bless you to know you were forged for the hardness. And because of that, as a precursor to peace and the gathering of community, you were made to lead the charge and protect those of us who are more vulnerable, and for whom faith and fearlessness are harder to handle.

I also bless your heart to find a safe place, one or two or more people who are a place with whom you can rest.

The heart…safely trusts….and that one shall have no lack of gain.

You were made to have a tough and strong exterior, but you were also made, because you have access to great faith without knowing all ends, a tender heart. I see your heart for the people in your tribe. My darling Prophet, you were made to bring the family together in ways you do not yet understand, in high moral standing, and with ethics etched into your very being.

You are a deep light, Prophet. And the King’s heart yearns for you to see it. The way forward, which is why you see the vision in the distance and handle principles so effectively, so you can extrapolate and see what will be, not by the Spirit or the revelation of the moment, but by your design and hard wiring. Your nature is to solve problems with the principles.

It is different with you than with an office Prophet or the manifestation of prophesying.

For this capacity to believe comes because you weave together principles into building blocks to produce change and to see those results far down the road.

I bless that distance vision and the skill of weaving to be unencumbered. I bless you to have strength for the fight. And I bless you to not worry about whether or not you will be justified in the sight of others, for you know your justification will come in the King’s sight because in the fiber of your being, you have all you need inside of you, coupled with the limited resources outside of you and inside of you to solve the problem of the moment.

Prophet, may you know the King’s love in the name of Yeshua.
