The Wife of Noble Character: A Chunk of My Thoughts on the Topic

40 years…..

I know the arguments….

The discussion….

The debates…..

And the back-and-forth….

And enough experience on receiving end of what it should not look like in several dozen facets.

First marriage destroyed through adultery.

Second marriage lost due to interference from control, jealousy, and witchcraft because I work with survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

January 14, 2005 to April 15, 2013: 3013 days.

April 19, 2014 to July 19, 2022: 3013 days.

And both marriages had many lessons to impart to me, and these treasures were not easily excavated. It was a crucible for the silver, and a furnace for the gold…

And I would like to offer the following bits, so thank you to those friends who enabled me to see some facets of a number of right ways of looking at this topic, and I would like to share things that maybe do not get enough daylight.

For those who ask if I am going to touch the egalitarian-complimentarian-headship debate, well, we will see.

But allow me to lead it with a couple of lines of thought….

Three Threads

Thread 0 offered, then set off to the side: Regardless of how I interpret Ephesians 5:21 followed by verses 22ff (I am very much of the view that in the context of the submission that all believers offer one to another, a wife still has a further place to submit in some way to a husband to loves her as Messiah loves His body), we are missing some critical ideas in this topic, because we look at roles, without looking at birthrights.

And design….

Women are not merely to play like they have hammers and swords….

Rather, they are to use them.

Thread 1:

A woman and her sword, once separated, leave her vulnerable in ways she should not be made so.

 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the L-RD G-d had made. He said to the woman, “Did G-d actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but G-d said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For G-d knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like G-d, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 

Genesis 3:1-6 ESV

The chief clown, Lucifer (I call demons “clowns”) came to the woman with her man and spoke to the woman.

For those who say “the man should have spoken up”, I am going to stop you right there.

The attack of the clowns frequently shows us an indicator of design. Husbands and wives are made as foxhole partners. Period. Get that one into your spirit. I implore you. Wrestle with the junk that fights against both of you, and woman of G-d, pick up your sword.

Or your tent peg.

Healed Exhorter/Servant combos in action…

The Other Two Points:

At this point, the issue is not one of submission, but of dominion, and refusing the victim spirit. Also, it is not about blame-shifting, but about fighting together against the real enemy. The real question is not are you loving and submitted to one another. The real questions (and from this, submission and love will flow, as well as a whole host of other dynamics) are these:

“Are you together learning from Father how to build; and how to fight?”

“Not only that, but are you aware of the raw materials you have together with which to build in a creative fashion?”

Point 2: Building

I pose these questions to y’all, gang, because there are times when the Father is not going to give you directions to obey, but is rather going to turn the two of you warriors loose in order to make choices together about what to build creatively.

First, in the early days of your relationship, you are going to struggle because you are going to feel like there is no user manual for building. So you are might desperately struggle with working together as you slap something together because you feel like you have been thrown together with little training. And then, as you grow together, working with one another, synching with one another, you are going to get more intentional about what you are doing, and as you grow more intentional, you can begin to incorporate strategy, and timing, and understanding, and pacing, and wisdom, and you will get able to fold together intimacy with one another together with skill in building.

Slaves obey. Sons create.

Create and build together. There is something there that can be done. He wants to partner with you to enable and endue and empower you two to build.

Point 3: Fighting

Second, to fight together.

Are you also aware of the real enemy that you should both be protecting and covering one another from? Do you have your lover’s six? Can they count on you to protect them and to give the enemy an earful of the Word of G-d Himself, and a faceful of His shekinah on their behalf?

“Having done all, to stand….”
As Anne Hamilton has said, have you allowed the Bridegroom Warrior to kiss you into your armor? And that is something husband and wife were made to do in tandem with He who is Adonai T’Sevaot.

Again, as with the building part, you might find yourself clumsy as you work to direct your assaults away from your mate, whom the enemy will tempt you to attack as the source of all your problems, and against the real enemy. This is why you should exercise plenty of descretion when choosing a mate. And if you already have one, then work the best with what you have. This is not a decision to rush into, but rather to wait until the markers and evidence that this will be a redemptive relationship, one in which you can accomplish more redemptively together than apart. When you have the markers there, then a lot of the marriage prophecies and dependence on other people saying “thus saith the L-rd” can fall by the wayside.

Are you a safe place for your mate, and a terror to the enemy that assaults them?

Are you a confidant?

Do you hold secrets back one from another?

Can you share the little things together?

Do you have the common interests on some level?

Is there a cause?

The biblical text that gets overlooked, and I think the King Jimmy puts this best.
Matthew 19:5

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

It’s not about the love and submission (shorthand for the Ephesians 5 text) at this point….

Go beyond the elementary principles to the roots of those things which give life to a marriage.

And at the root of every marriage, let me CAPS out three words in Matthew 19:5.

FOR THIS CAUSE….a man will leave his parents and be joined to his wife….

You have to have a cause….there has to be a reason….a purpose….for the connection….

What’s your cause…..

What’s your reason for wanting to wake up with this man, this woman…

As David said before he fought Goliath….”Is there not a cause?”

Do you have a reason? Is there something you do incredibly well redemptively with this woman that you do not do with another? Or this man?

The cause will show you what to build and what your fight is.

And are there connection points between you and she….or you and he…..?

And is there enough diversity and difference between the two of you to make things interesting.

And is there enough of a draw beyond the superficial that you will last?

I cannot believe I am sharing this cut…..


Thanks Tiffany….

Before You “I Do”

Though, a man should be confident enough in his own identity and authority on some level BEFORE HE STEPS INTO A RELATIONSHIP BEFORE IT TURNS INTO MARRIAGE that he will not have married a harpy or yielded his authority and is asking a woman to lead him or make decisions for him OR TO OTHERWISE GIVE HIM HIS LEGITIMACY…

Conversely, a woman should be confident enough in her own identity and authority on some level BEFORE RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE HAPPEN that she does not marry either an abusive or controlling jerk or a passive, milquetoast man, or an immature manchild who will not listen to her voice when she speaks to him in fullness, honesty, and rawness.

There has to be not merely the biblical text triteism of mutual submission, but also some level of mutual vulnerability, and both parties walking in partnership with Messiah, and willing to work through the tough issues, especially of growth, healing, deliverance, and love with one another.

And G-d did not say we had to be completely healed before we step into relationships or marriage. Nobody in Scripture, including Messiah who was fully human was fully whole without emotional issues as a human before stepping into relationship.

What G-d looks for is willingness and vulnerability, not absence of wounds or scars. The three together of y’all, working through things and journeying on this adventure…G-d looks for people who will just walk with Him and put Him at the center and forefront of their lives.

And couples who will walk together with Him, protecting one another.

It really means something when we war together against the enemy of our souls. And instead of the usual dynamics, we look at life between two battle buddies, two partners in crime, two companions in this eternal adventure.

And we engage with one another without passive/agression.

Some couples choose the way of sarcasm, and that works for them.

The real clincher here though is, are you together on close to a similar page about the L-rd, and the enemy?

And the next question that I would ask is, is there a spirit-to-spirit connection between you and your beloved, because so much happens in that space, when the portions of your spirit, and the portions of your beloved’s spirit actually interact and mingle.

It’s not just about being one flesh. It’s about the joining of spirits and the connection of journeys so that things flow in alignment.

More about that in another post…..

Turning the Sons Away….

Gang, for those of you who know me, I am an insufferable advocate of women in ministry, especially in the pastorate. I have never shied away from supporting a woman doing WHATEVER she felt called to do.

I set that up as a qualifier to frame what I am about to say, lest someone falsely accuse me of a track record of supporting women in anything other than a sterling and wholly-consistent manner.

There is a passage in Deuteronomy that struck me this morning and I wanted to share it with you.

“…for they would turn your SONS away from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the L-RD would be kindled against you, and He would destroy you quickly.

Deuteronomy 7:4 ESV

Gang, the sons, the men, are critical to to the survival of the nation’s serving the L-rd. This is not diminishing the dignity of the women in a nation’s design, but, given the statistics regarding families who serve the L-rd, and the reality that when men serve the King, a greater percentage of the full family also comes to the L-rd, (according to one LifeWay study, as much as 93% chance likely that the rest of the family comes to the L-rd if Dad does) is something to consider.

Meaning, sons’ moving toward or away from the King has a greater impact on families than all other factors.

And when we castigate the men in a culture (not saying chauvinism or sexism toward females ought be our practice) we do so to our own peril.

So, ladies who follow the L-rd, pray pray pray pray pray, and believing men and children, pray.

G-d has an anchoring purpose for the men in your life.

Encourage them as often as you might.

And be at peace.

Tourette’s and Yelling Ad Hominem Attacks At Believers…

Calling someone [insert your chosen adjective here]phobic just because one follows the L-rd and chooses to practice and teach biblical standards of morality is intellectually lazy.

This nonsense of yelling ad hominem attacks “transphobic” and “homophobic” just because one believes what Scripture teaches about G-D’s design for human relationships when they also demonstrate love of people, regardless of their choices, instead of having an honest and frank discussion about the disagreements is the epitome of sloth and it is choosing to be half-blind and enslaved to the opinion of cancel culture.

If you cannot handle divergent beliefs but are willing to move along from the disagreement, that is one thing.

However, it is quite another thing to accuse people of a phobia because they refuse to bow the knee to your every whim…

and if they refuse to bow the knee, for you to stick them in a box that forces or mandates they remain silent. This has been your PSA.

Alienation Is Not the United States’ Inheritance Or the Intended Destiny of Any Of Its Inhabitants, Native Or Otherwise… Do Not Buy Off On It In Your Political Zeal

People, especially followers of Christ in the United States, are going to certify and legitimize massive alienation beyond what the L-rd has commanded in this season.

Granted, in the case of Saul and Samuel, the removal of G-d’s Spirit from Saul and His commanding Samuel to stop grieving over Saul is one example where G-d legitimized alienation as a result of persistent rebellion–

And DO NOT get it twisted. This blog post is not an opportunity for people to say one political party or another is damned by G-d for its behavior. so do not use it as your time to grandstand for your chosen model

Rather, it is an opportunity to remind you, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Socialist, Progressive; Anarco-Capitalist, Keynesian, Smithian, Austrian economists, Communists, etc., to work for reconciliation and for removal of your pet ideology and to look for the execution of the Kingdom of Our L-rd in your life and with your fellow man.

Granted, various partisan and “non-partisan” groups have taken this time to attempt to alienate you from followers of Orange Man or Sniffit.

But Orange Man and Sniffit are not the point.

Your political ideology is not the point.

The point is the “kingdom of G-d”. Thank you, Judge Barrett, for reminding us of the chief end of man.

Gang, if you regularly digest ANY of the news that is out there now, you are getting fed a regular and mandatory mindset of alienation and fracturing of relationships, when, as a nation, we were meant to build something constructive and help other men and women to a place of sonship rather than a mindset of poverty.

The fly on VP Pence’s head during the debate serves a point.

You are getting manipulated by Beelzebub. He is a threshold guardian.

Do not fall for his trap.

Do not get victimized by saying “because Trump/Biden is in the White House” I cannot move forward.

Damn the mask….put on the damn mask.

Slave to the government. F*** the goverment.

Big Government. Small government. No government.

Stop it.

Granted, we have a need to execute the kingdom.

But, gang, no matter who is in office the next four years.

Look around you on the ground in your immediate vicinity and in/with/among your relationships, and FIND THE RAW MATERIALS that you can use to build something.

Your best work as an American is to be a builder in the life of another human. To help them unpack what they are made to do so they can go do it.

SCOTUS is not your g-d. It is become a golden calf.

Yeshua ha-Mashaich is your G-d, who has made you and predestined you to good things and to help others unpack their things inside of them.

This political theater between two sides of the same coin, intending to control you through fear and alienation, is not your end.

Some of you are hardwired for government and leadership and service.

For a season, or for permanence.

I remind you that the archetype of the husband found in Proverbs 31, and he is a type of the idea, the Proverbs 31 husband was a career politician.

Your job and my job is to find what we were each made to do, and to snub the distractions that seek to bind us to the kingdoms of this world.

And we were made to shake things up.

There were things that Barack Obama did to cause alienation and racism as much as there were things Donald Trump did to bring us together.

I know there people will call that previous statement garbage.

But can you find the good and the bad in a presidency or a politican and still call them by G-d’s intended design for them and call that design good?

If you can, then you have resisted the pull of the Mesmerizing Spirit.

The Mesmerizing Spirit that calls us with its siren song and begs us to label the part that we see as “the whole of the matter”.

Even if you are on one side or the other and you call your side right, you are still only seeing through a glass darkly.

Your job is to reflect His light.

Find what He is doing and where He is operating in you, and go do that.

I understand, this post is way more political than I sometimes like to get.

But my job is to help remind you that you still only see a part of the whole, and others that a part of that whole. G-d intended you each to gather and bring your parts together so you can see the whole more clearly.

Be at peace.

Blemishes on the Skin

I was reading Leviticus 13, and then it dawned on me.

“You have leprosy.”

Now to frame this, I don’t actually carry any form of physical Hansen’s Disease or anything that the Scripture deals with when it discusses various forms of leprosy.

But here is the punch line and the principle. I have been carrying something that has gnawed at me and has negatively affected how I present to others, and it does not reflect well.

I understand that there might be those that say “what does presentation matter?  G-d allows us to come as we are (oftentimes taken to mean, any old way we damn well please).

And ther are others that might say, “yes, we present our best to G-d”, complete with the religious spirit of dressing in a suit or summer dress for Easter and looking down one’s nose at anyone else who should dare to wear anything resembling shorts, t-shirts, or flip-flops.

And yet both miss the mark.

ἕκαστος ἐν τῷ ἰδίῳ νοῒ πληροφορείσθω.  Let everyone be fully convinced in their own thought (Romans 14:5).

Again with the Romans passage, how many times will David continue to harp on that old horse?

Until each and everyone quits measuring the holiness of another by outward appearance, festal holidays, celebrations, and personal convictions on matters of conscience.

Now, with that under our belts, consider this thought.

How many of us carry something that, for years, Father has been on us about getting rid of?  How many of us have been hounded by the HOLY Spirit to drop that crappy thing that has been keeping us from a new level of HOLINESS.  He is the Spirit that wants to make us HOLY, and implement a new way of living in every aspect of our lives, such that our presence and fragrance cleans up that which is around us and not in alignment with G-d’s best.

How many of us have leprosy in our hearts, our minds (brain rot), our sexual lives, our skin and appearance and presentation, or our relationships, or even our reins?  What is toxifying our capacity to sanctify others so they can be the best versions of themselves?

What is holding each of us back?

That thing will keep the Priest from pronouncing us clean, gang.

Clean in order that we might proceed into that next season.

Lest we forget, sowing two different fabrics, or two different crops, or two different natures together causes the thing in question to become defiled.

G-d wants our essence to become 100% our essence.

We should be possessed of zeal toward those many ends, and transforming from glory to glory, and from strength to strength, from deep to deeper, and from everlasting to everlasting.

What is defiling you that is causing your spirit to cry out to others “UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!”?

These are universal, non-optional, cause-and-effect relationships.

Just in case we forget, there is the next thing that Father wants to highlight and remove.

He wants us equipped both not to care when the fear of man may be the issue, and to care, when a lack of the fear of G-d may be the issue.  He wants fullness and the capacity to walk when we need to walk, in the manner in which we need to walk.

“To walk with kings yet not lose the common touch” (Rudyard Kipling).

To care when it is time to care. And to give no care when it is time to give no care.

Being held hostage to the taskmasters of either disdain for appearance, or vanity towards appearance are not our aim.

Rather, we ought, nay, we must needs, walk with a higher goal in view.

The fullness of capacity to walk as the context demands.

A Greek to the Greek, and a Jew to the Jew.

“There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.”

Beth Moore, the Redemptive Gift Teacher Who Behaved Like An Fivefold Prophet, and the SBC, Who Has Spent Far Too Long Protecting Ministers With Wolvish Behavior

One of my relatives was sexually molested by a Southern Baptist pastor.

To this day, I have a strong distaste for men in positions of leadership in the church, and the level of control that many of them walk in with the consequent abscense of the required vulnerability and transparency that should mark an elder and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And I am one of the number that is gifted and called to pastor.

And I would say, based on her recent behavior, Beth Moore is acting more like a pastor and prophet than most of the men I have seen, with some exceptions.

So, I say this with a very cautious, but needed heart.

The Southern Baptist Convention Needs To Repent of the Conventional Wisdom

A report from February by the Houston Chronicle details some 220 men over 20 years assaulted some 700 victims.  My relative is one of those victims.

And unfortunately, the convention might stand to reap judgment for wanting to protect their own reputations, and blaming the victims.

My relative was fired from their position at the church because of this mentality of “protect your reputation”.  That church is reaping the judgment of not just the behavior toward the victim, but also toward their reputation.

And that church has yet to repent for permitting that sin and that serial violation.

Something has to change.  Something has to give.  Because people can only be freely justified (Romans 3:23) if they confess their sins (1 John 1:9).

Enter Beth Moore, Catalyst

It would seem Beth Moore has also found herself in hot water with the powers that be.

She let slip on Twitter that she was preaching on Mother’s Day, and Owen Strachan of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary replied that women should not preach in a pulpit on Sunday to the main service, given that is perceived as only the domain of men.

Now, I understand that a great many of my evangelical friends might agree with Strachan and a number of early church fathers that preaching is only the domain of men.

However, I happen to disagree with the incomplete interpretation of the sledgehammer texts of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, for an army of reasons, including A) the ignorance of their social and historical context, given Corinthian and Ephesian women were often caught up in prostitution and sexual idolatry, B) the Greek verb λαλέω in 1 Corinthians 14:35 which is the most generic word for speaking, C) the absence of the Greek verb κηρύσσω in 1 Timothy 2:11-12 or 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 which is the verb used to show preaching in an authoritative fashion, D) the fact that the text 1 Timothy 2:12 reads “I do not permit” rather than “G-d does not permit” (this is an exhortation of Paul’s for that context, not a command of G-d’s for all time),  E) the examples of numerous women who testified, prophesied, preached, taught, and led (including Deborah, Huldah, Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia), many of whom were associates of the Apostle Paul.

Focusing on 1 Timothy 2:12

Paul says “I do not permit a woman to teach…”

Let’s look at that phrase.  Teaching is something in the Ephesian church that Paul forbade of women, regardless of the perception.  Given that pulpits did not exist back then, the Southern Baptist position is little more than a tradition of men based on a terrible reading of the text.

Let us show how terrible that reading is by taking that phrase to its logical end.

If Paul forbade women from teaching, then he would have forbade any form of teaching that could be remotely construed as authoritative.  This includes teaching kids, teaching infants, teaching the human spirit, teaching the youths, teaching the women, teaching anyone. Teaching is by its very nature, an exchange from one in authority to one not in authority.  Ephesians 6:1 does not say, “children obey your fathers in the L-rd, for this is right.  Rather it says “children obey your PARENTS” γονεύς, which comes from the verb γίνομαι, which means “I cause to be”, or “I generate.”  So, mothers AND fathers are both implied by that word.  Translation: mothers have authority over male children.

Look, this is a reductio ad absurdum, given to show that the premise is unreasonable.  And Beth Moore’s capacity to teach, among about 80 other women that I can name off of the top of my head who can teach, some of whom received their calling to teach precisely because “the last two men told G-d no” (Joyce Meyer).  And for those of you who want to call out heresy in Joyce Meyer for adhering to prosperity messages, she did apologize effectively for that

If we are silent, the rocks would cry out (Luke 19:40).  If a man were stifled by us, by himself, or by the enemy, do we honestly think G-d could be stopped from raising up a woman to do the thing that man was called to do?  Really?  After seeing the account of Deborah alone, one would hope that we would be more savvy in our reading of the texts.

When men drop the ball and choose to stifle their gifts and the call of G-d, G-d will call women, period.  If men stifle their voices or are forbidden by religious leaders of any Christian denomination or within Judaism, the ROCKS will cry out.  If adults will not speak, the children will speak.  G-d is not slackened that He cannot reach and that He is incapable to using anyone He wants to use.  If the messenger is a woman, then so be it.

Beth Moore is right to be used to call out this foolishness and anemic nonsense, and to continue functioning as the lively, vivacious, articulated and called speaker, teacher, and preacher that she is.

And Now For Dealing With the Sexual Abuse Scandal

I think Moore also, in her response toward’s Donald Trump, has been being prepared by G-d to be used, by her very presence, as an instrument for confronting the fever of perversion and sex abuse that has been allowed to grow in the SBC, in part, because of a rampant denial of the need for deliverance, spiritual warfare, and inner healing that pervades much of the run-of-the-mill status-quo of the cessationist theology of that denomination.

I think we men are being forced to deal with the perversion and sex addiction that grips us by the vessels of pure and holy women like Moore being used so readily and massively by G-d.

And it is about time.

The abuse of my relative, which happened some 26 years ago, and lasted for years, along with all those other baby boys and girls, is being confronted as the Mesmerizing Spirit is being dealt with, and if the SBC does not repent for its foolish behavior in many ways, tolerating and protecting ministers who enable iniquity (generational sin) in the camp rather than dealing with it, the judgment may only increase.

Just a few thoughts, from a man who is tired of covering over the nakedness.

The emperors have no clothes, gang.

And it’s taking women to point this out for us.

And supporting the pervert and perversion on the right is just as noisome as supporting the pervert and perversion or the enabler on the left.

Dog-Walking Ruminations: Human Relationships

Following the usual disclaimer, gang. Seriously, apply only what applies. Don’t apply what does not apply.


It has been 22 years since homeschooled Josh Harris messed with my generation (January 1, 1997, and now we are starting to pick up the pieces.

For the record, homeschooling is not THE solution to society’s ills, and public schooling does not guarantee your children will be sacrificed on the altar of agnosticism.

For the record, I was raised in public school bye a whole time Public School English teacher. My father was Discipline Coordinator for Metro Nashville Public Schools. I have walked the last 34 years very comfortable connecting with everyone from feminists and home educated to Young Earth Creationists, Old Earth Creationists, and Evolutionists.

I have personally survived all of that, and I can affirm that it can be done no matter how dark the days are. If you teach your kids how to light a candle and follow you as you run into the darkness, provided you are doing exactly what the father has instructed you to do, in the end your kids will survive and have a legacy that is life-giving to pass on to their kids.

If you raise your kids to know and understand and walk in the basic principles of life, and to recognize the cause-and-effect relationships, they can be made ready, no matter what kind of a school situation in they find themselves.

Darling, Freud, and Jung, no matter your opinions or research, hunted for meaningful principles. They may have found some.

There may have been things that they got right in the midst of all that they got wrong.

But before you adjudicate, do a smattering of reading as Father leads.

Make sure that you don’t cede your responsibility as parents to raise your kids in the nurture and the admonition of the L-rd.

Surrendering those rights and responsibilities to the school system, the Sunday School System, the church or synagogue system, or to your kids themselves is a surefire way to ensure that they have been raised in accordance with the stronghold of selective responsibility.

For those that are believers, your family is your ministry team and they are your primary responsibility and congregation and synagogue.

It is your job to instruct them in the art and science of seeing things in accordance with reality.

Responsibility for the current status of the relational scene in the faith of Jesus rests with individual families, those who ceded their responsibility to instruct their kids when it came to the principles governing human relationships. It is time, check that, Beyond Time, for us to recover that responsibility and take an active role and teaching our kids principles that are necessary.

Feeling guilty over having to send your kids to public school does not fix the problem. Taking an active role in instructing your kids and allowing their teachers to assist you in that process and embracing the Principle of Responsibility will help fix the problem.

it was never Josh Harris’ responsibility to raise our kids in the area of Human Relationships.

It was never our job to shove a book in their faces and hope to G-d that some of what was written in those books would sink into them.

Don’t get it twisted. I am not attempting to condemn anyone for their parenting style.

This is the Russian epic of Cinderella; if the shoe fits, wear it. If the shoe does not fit, don’t wear it.

If this applies to you, then apply it, and if it doesn’t apply to you then FOR G-D’S SAKE, DON’T APPLY IT.

In other words, if it offends you simply because I wrote it and stated my opinion, then you might be allowing yourself to be cut for the wrong reasons.

Any reasonable person should be able to eat the meat and spit out the bones. If I said something you can take and use, then please take it and use it.

But if it is not useable or applicable, then understand it may not have been meant for you.

It is my job, your job, our job as parents to raise our kids to know all of the principals governing Human Relationships.

Let us quit naively assuming that one methodology of schooling or education or resource is going to be the simple, Silver Bullet, quick fix.

Neither a homeschooler not a public schooler nor a private schooler has a corner on all truth in an area.

Life is complex, and the Faith of Christ is complex.

This time for us to develop multifaceted complex solutions, that weave together a boatload of principles in order to fix a multifaceted problem.

The Wrights were not successful in manned flight because they followed a quick-fix simplistic answer to get the Flyer off the ground. Rather, they WOVE together a plethora of concepts and did a boatload of research and rumination AND THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS OF MEDITATION on the work of birds and kites and gliders (Flyer 1 was AN UNPOWERED GLIDER) before they put engine to wings, ailerons, elevators, and rudders.

Just because Christ has a Simplicity to him does not mean the solutions to life will always reflect that simplicity. Simplicity applied to every problem will bring applied to every problem we’ll bring a follower of Yeshua to frustration and utility.

Stop approaching your face with and anemic Silver Bullet. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution to every problem that you may face. and if God has called you to conquer a complex problem, then giving up just because the problem is complex is a sure-fire way to lose out on your Birthright and your calling.