When Believers Die Prematurely…..The Spiritual Assault of Item 2 in the Fractal of Seven….and Applying the Principle of Authority…Badly

Believers, we sell ourselves short and then we misapply the amazing gifts we have been given because we think the authority G-d gave us is paltry.

We call ourselves “poor old sinner saved by grace” and then we take the shocking authority has been given us, and with our mouths, we empower the clowns to assault other believers because we as believers come into agreement with LIES. And he co-opts our Authority because we lie about ourselves and our true identity snd authority.

There is never a convenient time to bring this sort of topic up….

Especially because it may trigger fierce viewpoints from many quarters of our body and community.

So, I may as well bring it up now rather than later.

For the last several years, I have been put off with the spirit of premature death. And I think I have arrived at a solution that may provide some understanding as to why some believers die prematurely.

The L-rd and I were having a conversation about believers dying before their time.

And given the second member of the fractal of Seven in Scripture deals with the Principle of Authority, and I have dealt extensively with believers who have misused their authority to engage in destructive behaviors they were not meant to….

Some things began to click in the last few days.

I saw the body of a friend in the spirit laying face down and a number of arrows, knives, swords, spears, and other piercing and stabbing weapons littering this friend’s back. The body was bloodied and my friend was obviously dead.

This friend has a sterling record of integrity and one of the few lives I would want to emulate as a believer and pastor.

And for those of you that know I walk as a seer, some know I see weapons in the spirit.

And weapons that are darkened typically are demonic or belonging to an unbeliever. But weapons that are polished and bright and bejeweled typically belong to believers.

As hard as it may be for some people to believe, followers of Christ can spiritual attack other believers with their spiritual weapons (2 Cor. 10:4-6).

The L-rd gives us tremendous authority in the spiritual realm, and we have latitude with our free will to mishandle and harm others with the tools and weapons we have been given.

And in the back of this individual who had physically died, the weapons were those of many believers. Bejeweled knifes, shining arrows meant for the clowns, spears of amethyst, and darts of emerald among all other manner of weapons.

Verbal agreements, that came forth from mouths that should have spoken kingly agreements of the L-rd were marshaled by the enemy to destroy one of His own.

From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations,

From Revelation 19:21

And the sense I got was that this has happened before with other believers who had died prematurely due to the agreement, slander, libel, social media mendacity, and publishing of false accusations and attacks due to the mishandling of spiritual authority.

And for those who know me, you know my testimony includes a situation where my ex-pastor’s wife engaged in similar behavior that nearly destroyed me, which you can read about here.

To be sure, because of the reality of free will, G-d will allow believers to use their authority, especially earned authority, for nefarious and abusive ends, for a season, during which time, He will give them space to repent. My ex-pastor’s wife sent all sorts of clowns after me and lobbed all sorts of weapons in the spirit at me. And then the time came when the L-rd said “enough.”, and He stripped her of her authority and her birthright and gave that birthright to another

Here is a similar case, I believe. G-d is showing that this person was killed prematurely by others on the body of Messiah, and G-d is likewise giving those who misused their authority a season for a season to repent.

By the way, once a weapon has been lobbed in a person and left behind, that person generally loses the weapon once it has been removed unless the L-rd restores it back to them.

These weapons that have been thrown at this individual and left in them have been removed and cleansed and stored away.

But, gang, this is a wake-up call from the L-rd to His Body.

Repent of harsh words and befouling and twisting and maligning and false accusations. The anger and wrath and slander and malice and abusive speech that Colossians 3:8 speaks about, I instruct those of you with those bitter roots and walking in those sins to rid yourselves of them so that the words you speak are full of the King’s fruit and are life-giving.

He has space for you.

Space to repent.

Space to disempower the spirit of premature death.

Space to come in the opposite spirit.

Space to gain spiritual understanding of the human spirit and the Principle of Authority.

And space to successfully practice the right applications of the Principle of Authority.

So that no further friends and siblings and leaders need die prematurely.

Please note that I have been discreet not to name names out of respect for others, and please honor that discretion by refraining from speculating as to identities.

Be blessed and at peace, gang
