Stewardship: A Few Thoughts

If we struggle with hearing others or being heard by others, we might have an issue with how we are managing those things we have been given.

Exhibit A

“My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.”

Sheep can either choose to listen or they can choose to not listen. As sheep who are more accurately sons rather than servants (though “servant” is a small aspect of what we do in the kingdom) we have been given the freedom to listen to the voice of the Shepherd and either execute or not. And, whether or not we are satisfied without the outcome of listening or not listening to the communication the King gives us, the results of our listening or not will come.

In Illustration

I am not the usual one to give any sort of gloom-and-doom message, in case one is tempted to read the following as an invective.

A couple of years ago, a regional communications grid was knocked out in a major American city. Now, am I going to say that this was the judgment of G-d definitively. Not at all. But I notice when G-d attempts to communicate or speak to His children and they resist hearing that voice…

…when scripture plainly teaches, from the mouth of the Word Himself, that followers HEAR his voice….

…and that hearing is plainly a gift of the King to His bride…

…and, as such, is meant to be stewarded well…

…to the best of the skill and ability with which He endows us…

…then our communications networks of various types risk disruption…


  • People who normally hear us fail to hear us clearly.
  • Our capacity to receive in prayer is hindered.
  • Our cooking in the kitchen is messed with.
  • Our technology and electronic devices, most of which involve some form of communication, foul up worse than usual, or sooner than usual.
  • “The wires get crossed” between even good friends.
  • Our tone of voice or text is misheard.
  • Our parents, siblings, spouses, close friends, or kids begin mishearing our plain verbal cues for something completely foreign.

Gang, the land in this city cries out for someone or more than one someone’s to help straighten out the mess that has happened in the spirit.

And, while there are those who are called to work with people, there are also those that are called to work with creation.

Be encouraged, if your communication is messed up in one or more ways, then the ultimate reality is that Father wants to help you fix the problem areas.

There is no mess that cannot be repaired or renewed.

The kicker is we have to be willing to quiet ourselves and listen for His voice.

He is always speaking something or communicating to us.

The real question is…

Are we listening and did we treat as important what He said, such that we write it down and consider what He has said.

Another passage to illustrate this concept.

Judges 4

Deborah did not tell Barak anything he did not know at the start of their interaction in Judges 4.

Rather what she said, in our vernacular, might be rendered as:

“Bruh, the L-rd already said this to you. So what are you waiting for?”

Barak’s response: “Woman, I am waiting for a woman to validate me.”

The L-rd already spoke to Barak, and Barak was sitting on his arse waiting for the chick to validate him.

A man who is a son and to whom the L-rd is already speaking, don’t need anyone to validate him. He is responsible to go.

Seriously, and we do this same thing.

Personally, I delayed in coming to town myself. So I am culpable for my delaying.

Likewise, is there something of which the L-rd has already spoken to you and about which you are delaying because you are waiting for a dude or a chick or your covering or some grand poo-bah to validate you?

Stop waiting for a ring to kiss.

And stop going around in circles with the same stupid crap you have been talking about for the last several years.

And stop with that years-old offense that you are using to justify your inaction.

Not all of those statements were for every one of my readers. Those each of those statements do have a targeted audience and then me of them may speak to you. Or none of them may speak to you.

Your job is to engage in Russian epic of Cinderella: “If shoe fits, wear it”.

I am here to be G-d’s mouthpiece to you and say, go and do what you have been assigned to do and stop waiting for someone to tell you you are allowed to do that thing.

Count the resources and capital which Father has given you and use those wisely to begin the process and be ready to partner with the additional resources He will bring.

There is a time for waiting (Isaiah 40:31).

However, there is a time to cease waiting and to start doing.

And our job is for each of us to hear which season it is for us, and to act accordingly.



I invite your spirit forward to treat with me in this window of reconciliation, for reconciling with community, and for being at peace with all men, if possible.

And, spirit, I bless you to hear what the Spirit is saying to the seven churches. I bless you to know and recall the voice of the King. And I bless you to obey the voice of the King WHEN the right timing happens.

I bless you to instruct soul and body to ignore the voices of those who are either naysayers or who command you to wait when their voices are out of step with the voice of the King.

Spirit, I bless you with the boldness to move forward in your purpose, even if it makes waves with others.

Spirit, I bless you to move with the Lamb when he moves, and to sit when He sits, and to flow where He flows.

I bless you with kindness, but also courage and forthrightness to hear those voices that accord with the King’s voice, and ignore those that are out of accord with that Voice.

Be at peace, spirit, and keep pounding, or begin pounding if you are supposed to be pounding at an assignment.

You are loved, and I bless you with a pastoral blessing.

Find His Voice and do what He tells you, in the time and season He tells you to do it.


Lessons in the Fifth Head of Leviathan: Part 2: From Henry Nouwen to Fred Rogers

Henry Nouwen writes:

A letter from Henri Nouwen to Fred Rogers ie Mr. Rogers

Dear Fred,

I have just returned from Europe where I received permission from my Bishop to stay at L’Arche. I am now back here hoping to settle more definitely and find a new rhythm of life that is a little more livable than what I have had in the past. I read the article you sent me and can very well understand how much that must have hurt you. It must be really painful to be confronted with a total misunderstanding of your mission and your spiritual intentions.

It is these little persecutions within the church that hurt the most. I simply hope that you are not too surprised by them. They come and will keep coming precisely when you do something significant for the Kingdom. It has always struck me that the real pain comes often from the people from whom we expected real support. It was Jesus’ experience and the experience of all the great visionaries in the Church, and it continues to be the experience of many who are committed to Jesus.

I don’t think it makes much sense to argue with the writer of this article. He speaks from a very different plane and will not be open to your explanations. Some of the criticisms we simply have to suffer and see as invitations to enter deeper into the heart of Jesus. I won’t send you some of the reviews I get of my books, but some are not very different from the tone of this piece. So I certainly feel a unique solidarity with you.

Let us pray for each other, that we remain faithful and not become bitter and that we continue to return to the center where we can find the joy and peace that is not of this world. Thanks so much for staying in touch with me.

Much love, Henri Nouwen

H/T Scott Sauls and Mo Thomas

Gang, Scripture reads:

For it is not an enemy who taunts me— then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals insolently with me— then I could hide from him.

But it is you, a man, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend.

We used to take sweet counsel together; within God’s house we walked in the throng.”

Psalm 55:12-14 ESV

Truly, there is a level-up opportunity emblematized here, against the Fifth Head of Leviathan here.

This is in part because some just want to make a sound that does not mesh with the sound the Holy Spirit or their human spirit wants to resonate. Twisting sounds emanating from those who name Christ is precisely what the Fifth Head of Leviathan is about.

We must seek for what our spirits and the spirit is saying.

And we must help by correcting sounds that are twisted and originating sounds that are untwisted.

Be at peace, spirit, as you learn to flow with the Spirit’s guidance and illumination. Run and speak alright. And keep your rudder amidships though others might seek to push you into a bad place.

Lessons In The Fifth Head From the Fourth Estate And Simone Biles

She’s a hero.

She’s not a hero.




Why are we deciding what someone is based on a small set of decisions that are held under a million power magnifying glass?

Where is the Mercy Season Fragrance and tenderness in all of this?

The desire to make news is so devouring that you have to litigate a gymnast’s actions and ask the question of whether or not heroism is present??

And, some ignore the socialist actions of a governing board that refuses to celebrate excellence, but rather attacks excellence?

Or worse yet, we focus of secondary issues, such as whether or not she was good for her decision, and ignore the attacks on her dignity.

This proves the entire fourth estate (a term used for legacy news media) does not have anything better to do with their time except lead us to a place of fostered discord.

And I don’t want their evaluation of her decision.

Rather, I want them and us to celebrate the honed skill of an athlete who is a cut above the rest.

Mediocre journalism has become what the masses thinks is fresh manna, and they don’t realize they are devouring maggoty, stinking bread.

FOX, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC….the whole lot of them are peopled by predators with an agenda that is unredeemed.

And many of our current modalities in the culture are governed by modalities that deny redemption and kill nuance and refuse to make a way for robust discussion.

Picking apart a person that you should be protecting and honoring as the weaker vessel (the way Christ protected and protects us as His Bride) is the summation of what should be in our mouths.

Managing our words, or better yet, STEWARDING our words and communication when it does not matter to us will determine whether or not others hear our heart when it finally does matter. There is a wealth of sound present in the earth, and a landfill of noise given off by the fourth estate

And we will reap what we sow.

The problem here, is how are we enabling sound and clear communication to emanate from us in such a way that it gives life rather than takes it away.

Are we supposed to never speak anything that is negative or indicates our anger? G-d forbid!

But if we are frustrated, let’s really weigh our words and measure them with frugal economy so that they do not spill over into dishonor of others.

For more on honor, true honor, go here.

And, gang, let’s slow our collective roll when it comes to being quick to label others or know the truth about others.

We are better than the Fifth Head of Leviathan and the grossly negative and sometimes-abusive communication of the fourth estate.

And truly, let us, protect the delicate and vulnerable (what is really meant by “weaker vessel”).

Whose life are you breathing to others?

And what place of safety am I providing as a leader and communicator?

Jesus, cleanse me more deeply. Amen