Mesmerizing Spirit Series: Not Enough Perspective To Adequately Understand Or Contend For Justice

A Much Broader Perspective Than the Elections

That potential assertion that I do not care about justice is far from the truth.

However, what we think is justice and what He thinks is justice are often two different things. How we excoriated Clinton’s character and defended Trump’s behavior is an example of the way in which we changed as a nation for the worse. Going from saying the president’s personal character does matter to saying it did not matter, Trump supporters exchanged places with Clinton supporters.

Did you know that a major prophet said Bill Clinton has a mantle of humility, for example?

Back to what we exchanged about earlier, I am aware G-d is concerned about justice. But justice does not mean having a partial perspective about the elections and treating is as the whole perspective. I don’t think the majority of these prophets the last four years have done us any favors, given there is no recourse for accountability when they get it wrong (Charlie Shamp in 2018 for example with the red wave), and given they like to spout off things like “touch not my anointed one and do my prophets no harm.”

Much of the modern-day prophets have a notoriously questionable track record and they frequently do not get the justice of G-d. I think a lot of what we think is justice is short of G-d’s larger perspective and I think G-d is using 2020 to correct the “prophetic movement” and to bring them back into a place where they are actually hearing Him more fully and recognizing their perspective is only part of the whole perspective.

Beyond Small-Minded and Soulish Justice

The larger issue is delivering us as a nation from the Mesmerizing Spirit. Once we have been delivered from that and once we have repented of that, we will have a much larger perspective to see all of His justice. But given judgment starts in the house of G-d, I am looking for Him to first make His decisions pertaining to us, and when we ask G-d for justice, we need to recognize that His sequence is frequently not our sequence. He could be uncovering more than just the small things we think about. We have a lot of wannabe prophets that are not hearing Father’s deeper plan for the office of prophet and we have a lot of surface-level prophecies.

We Went Shallow In Dealing With Trump’s Strongholds

“When we deliberately refuse to see what CAN be seen, we give the enemy the right to blind us from something we really need to see. “

Arthur Burk

Refusing to see what you need to see about Trump is what leads to this nonsense in the first place, church.

Personally, I think we didn’t reach into how G-d wanted us to respond in Trump by transforming him the way the L-rd wanted to. And instead we defended him the way the Democrats defended Bill Clinton with the same arguments.

And out of that, the Mesmerizing Spirit got PHENOMENAL mileage.

Pivoting To What Might Be Happening Now That We Were Shallow

I would suggest that, largely, the L-rd is moving into a deeper-than-we-understand purifying of the office of Prophet and, from there, we will see the rest of the picture.

First and foremost, prophets chronically look at Republicans and Democrats and ignore all other players in the US. Supposed R’s and D’s existed in four years and His choice in 2024 was neither Republican nor Democrat. Given the current blindness, would we have the spiritual gonads to see that?

We act like the two-party system is all that is being dealt with in the courts of heaven. This is a partial perspective and that sort of willful blindness is deadly. G-d is wanting to SHATTER that bias of small perspective and bring us into the realm of seeing what no-eye-has-seen.

And talking about SCOTUS justices, did you know Clarence Thomas is pro-life, but he also served as a lawyer for Monsanto? And every time a Monsanto case has come before SCOTUS, he has not refused himself, but rather every time has voted in favor of Monsanto.

That’s neither pro life nor just. That is pro life with strings attached.

The abortion issue is not the only arena of justice that we have to get right.

Only Getting Our Arms Around A Part of the Arena

And for us to say and place prophecies around two candidates who have both proven to be big-government, pro-war (Afghanistan), anti-limited spending slobs, and refusing to look at the whole perspective, when G-d demands we look at the big picture, is outright further empowering a spirit that doesn’t care which bozo is in office, provided we remain with blind spots, and provided he can bankrupt us from a thousand angles and we continue to spend more than we take in.

So, when we cry out for justice, it is wisest for us to not coach G-d on what justice looks like, because we do not know His sequence. So, shrinking the perspective and saying, “YAY Trump because no Biden!”, and ignoring the rest of the robustness of what could have happened in this election is short-sighted.

And thinking abortion is a matter of solely a SCOTUS decision is also blindness.

Fullness of Justice Goes Beyond a President, a SCOTUS Decision, or Two Parties In An Election

Justice there looks like William Wilberforce, who, with a cadre of others, and Wedgewood China figurines (part of the contemporary art of the culture) engaged he culture in millions of conversations about the slave trade, skillfully. We in the pro life movement have sucked at skillful and shrewd discourse, but we sure have innocent as a dove down cold.

Part of the Punch Line

Bottom line: we have an incredibly shallow view of justice combined with an unwillingness to cultivate the shrewdness of a serpent, in accordance with Jesus command in Mathew 10:16. So, something has to change for us to change that massive problem. This is beyond Trump and SCOTUS which is notoriously small thinking.

Just my take.

The Prayer

L-rd, we do not know and we refuse to coach You where to shine your light and what to expose. We repent for coaching You on where to shine Your light.

And Father, we ask You to shine Your light where You want to shine it and keep it there until we see what You want us to see and we deal with it.

We repent of willful blindness and partial perspective. Help us to see what You are showing us IN FULLNESS.

In the name of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach

Mesmerizing Spirit Series: Part 1–Thoughts On Denial and Revelation

For we know in part and we prophesy in part,

1 Corinthians 13:9 ESV

A Disclaimer

I would like to note that I struggled with where to categorize this post, but then I realized I have been on a track of dealing with aspects that blind us, which is a device of the Mesmerizing Spirit.

Also, while it’s true that Revelation and Denial affect the Exhorter more, all of us, regardless of gifts, may struggle with it. For example, Mercies like myself have some issues with this because we tend to be so ethereal, heavenly-minded, head-in-the-clouds.

“Earth to David. Are you checking in with the mother ship?”

The Problem

The root of Denial gives rise to the stronghold of non-Reality that pollutes the strong suit of the Exhorter: Revelation.

Just as English Ivy and Wisteria run amok can bring down a mighty oak or a landslide can choke the flow of a strong river, so also denial initiates a sequence of events that can choke the life flow of a robust existence.

Treating a partial perspective as the whole perspective will kill our ability to hear the voice of G-d. It can also affect our ability to hear our own spirit, which may be shouting warnings to us.

This is true no matter the arena.

The Change of Direction

If we want the light and the river of insight to flow over our lives in force…

If we want to new ideas to alight on us with fluency…

Then it remains incumbent upon us to demand to know the ways in which the partial perspective we each have fits into the whole.

Many who hear the voice of G-d never make the leap from their dream or vision to how it fits as part of a larger picture that they never considered.

The Assignment

Here we follow the G-d of the Hunt. Our mission is to look for missing pieces that will help fill out our perspective. In so doing, we must be willing willing to receive both the comfort/encouragement/consolation and the exhortation/reproof/correction. This may require us to work with others.

Helping Others Speak Even When You Have An Answer

Something that may help us to work at stewarding our words better is this: Put on humility and connect with others to find out what they are hearing from the L-rd as well.

Be willing to admit that, friend, that even though the L-rd has shown you something, someone alongside of you who is less experienced with the things of G-d might need you to listen rather than speak, so you can help them along in their journey to maturity.

The immature may tell you something you have heard one million times before. However, they might also need a more mature man or woman of G-d to encourage them as they journey. Plus, with fresh eyes, they might surprise you with something you have not considered.

To be sure, It is possible to wear humility as a garment and keep an open mind that you do not have the whole perspective.

You are part of a body with many members. This means that you will need to seek out those who have the other pieces of the puzzle. That means you will need to form relationships with other people, like it or not.

Be blessed as you work this out.

Leviathan Post Series Prequal 3, The Threefold Fourth Principle

When you remove something that has metastisized at an alarming rate, what instrument do you use? Answer: a scalpel. Or a sword. That depends on the context.

Likewise, when you are in Denial about a result and the truth, and the stronghold is allowed to gather strength, that stronghold rooted in denying or hiding from reality creates an oppression. This oppression, left unchecked, will result in the Fourth Head of Leviathan, which we will discuss in the post on that head.

In order to survive and then thrive, you MUST tear down that stronghold, or fall under its weight. In order to tear down that stronghold effectively, you must deal with the root of Denial.

Denial. We heard it when Bob Jones said Bill Clinton had a mantle of humility. We heard about it when people suggested on one side that the morality of the President has little to do with whether or not he or she can govern. “We are not electing a pastor but a President.” We got to the point with Clinton when he said “he didn’t mean it as adultery”. We suspend judgment when it is our people, but heap it when it is the other party or group.

And meanwhile, Joe Biden is grasping for legitimacy because we allowed the President’s office to get that raucously defiled. This creation of the Office of the President-Elect, complete with Presidential Blue backdrop is a Denial-laced grab for legitimacy, because he has not been sworn in.

And many of us appear not to give a damn nor bother to pray for the toll this passed-around nonsense is taking on the marriages and families of those in positions of influence and public service.

So, Donald Trump can be the wrecking ball all you want until the cows come home.

Bill Clinton can be humble all Bob Jones claims.

Bush 43 can be the one who wants to “restore dignity to the Oval Office” while he commits us to an open-ended battle campaign with zero end in sight.

Clinton can give us surpluses until we are blue in the face…

Both Republicans and Democrats can spend us into oblivion with impugnity…

And we can pass around lists that say Republican are for limited government…

Even though Trump and Bush 43 asked for stimulus packages totaling in the billions of dollars….

However, it will not mean a thing as long as we are single-sided in our attacks and corrections and rebukes.

We still have not come out of our Denial yet, church. Neither have our government officials. And I am not convinced they want to.

The problem, indeed, is that SHIELD is a nothing more than a front for HYDRA. Those of you who have never seen the MCU movie “Captain America: Winter Solider” may not know what I mean by this. So, here are the pertinent movie clips.

And we are conserving and liberating nothing, except for the cancer that is present. Our responsibility is not to let one party or group play us off one another. In ANY arena, political or otherwise.

Spiritually speaking, this Denial and “my-partial-perspective-is-the-whole-picture” mindset is what allows things to grow without our knowledge or consent: In government, in the private sector, in the church and in the academy (looking at you, Liberty University sex scandal).

The Mesmerizing Spirit and this partial-as-whole perspective create a defilement of our times, our seasons, and our capacity to accurately discern the rhythm of times, seasons, and our moving forward in a horizontal manner with the constellation of our relationships in the surround.

When you are vested in the success of a political party come hell or high water, regardless of the actual truth, you have crossed the line into Denial.

When you are vested in the protection of a church’s reputation regardless of who was harmed by the abuse (Mars Hill, Hillsong, the Southern Baptist Convention’s mishandling of Beth Moore who called them out on their sex abuse culture), then your attitude is part of the problem.

When Denial strikes, prophets go hazy with their sight, planes fall from the sky because of imprecise engineering, and whole movements in the church go batty because they lose their focus. I am looking at the German Lutheran church for starters, where Martin Luther, the Exhorter, wanted a number of reforms, but moved to embrace anti-semitism and wasted the latter portion of his life combatting and slandering the Jewish people.

This problem of Denial and non-reality can affect anybody regardless of their gift, but it is particuarly and disproportionately damaging to the Exhorter.

Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, FDR, Ben Franklin, Walt Disney, the Assemblies of G-d, the Apostle Paul, Moses, Solomon, the state of California, Hollywood. All have had seasons where they were massively wide of the mark while being effective in other areas, and for some of them, that distraction and non-reality cost them their birthright.

And yes, when you are a President that says “I alone can do this,” then there might be an issue embodied in that mindset.

Or you are a king who, for the sake of political peace, you marry many foreign women…..

Or you are a daughter of a pagan king and are sold as a commodity to cement your father’s political relations (Jezebel), and you swear you are never going to let another person control your destiny or aspirations….

Or if you are a skilled animator who pressures everyone around you to the point where you think that because you are Walt Disney, no one of your staff will unionize….

This diorama of reality is not about one specific set of pot shots against one person. It is about helping to illustrate the worst of what happens when we embrace non-reality.

Defining Reality

Reality is the latest manifestation of the Fourth Principle. before that, it was referred to as the Principle of Sowing and Reaping, and, before that, the Principle of Pain and Suffering.

By reality, I mean embracing WHAT IS as the L-rd sees it. He sees more fully than we do. So, right off the bat, we are talking about recognizing that we see only part of the picture, or, as one Exhorter put it:

…we know in part, and we prophesy in part

Paul to the believers in Corinth.

Gang, reality means embracing the L-rd’s agenda and applying our part for what it is, into the whole, and refusing to see our portion as the whole situation. Broadly speaking, we regularly see less than the L-rd, for some reason….

So, our responsibility is to ever look to the L-rd for direction and input as we progress into our journey.

We seek His agenda and what of His agenda He has placed within us.

Some Implications of Reality

Our responsibility in hunting for His agenda (Reality) is to refuse the popular phrases or excuses of the Charismatic Movement such as:

” I do not have the time to. research this/seek for that/therefore give me the finished product, because I came expecting….”

“I do not have time to process these raw materials. G-d will send me somoeone who will provide the finished product.”

“I do not have time to do this work or that assignment or that thing over there or this thing over here.”

It is one thing for us to ask for help when we really need it, but to engage in every situation by waltzing in with a bang and a flourish and expecting others to give to you finished products from their resources with zero understanding of the cost to them, or the sequence of Giving and Receiving is something entirely different.

There is an entitlement mindset pervasive in the body of Christ that loves to claim divine intervention for Every. Single. Situation where our poor planning or lack of resources is a factor.

Uttering Praise the L-rd and G-d Came Through when He actually came through is not a problem.

However, when we poorly plan and poorly execute and someone comes in and bails us out and we refuse to thank them for fixing our problem in our blindness, and we refuse to make course corrections or adjustments so we do not have the same problem in the future, then we have a larger root problem, and are not far from walking in non-reality.

We simply have to walk this cause-and-effect thing we call Reality more cleanly. If we are chronically late, for example, then we need to figure out why we are late and fix the problem.

We must intentionally sow good seed in order to reap a good crop.

Now, I am not beating up people who have a wound or some trauma or some junk where G-d is working in a long-term process with them to bring them to a better place. Each of us has some issues and stuff and none of us has arrived at the place of sheer perfection. If you are actively attempting to work at bettering your situation, that is one thing.

But it is entirely a different thing when sloth is part of the equation, and you are allowing life happen to you. The spirit of passivity does not belong to the highly effective son or daugher in the Kingdom; they happen to situations.

You must, in walking in Reality, know the difference between pawning your situations off on others, asking for help if you are stuck, and working at the areas you know something about and have means to fix.

It is critically important for each of us to have a goal in mind and, pending our relentless consultation with the L-rd about those plans, move toward the goal that should result in us possessing our birthright.

And in engaging Reality, we must all learn how to….

Embrace the Right Level and Kind of Pain

Indiscriminate pain avoidance is not the domain of those who wish for Reality. Rather, our responsibility is embracing the right kind and level of pain.

Your Pain….Productive Or Not…You Decide…

You have a score of choices with respect to what you do with your pain. And there are two types of pain….productive or unproductive.

Grossly put, unproductive pain is pain that comes into your life situation from which you fail to derive any lesson of any sort. You do not connect with the L-rd in this pain, and as a result, the adversity brings little to know growth.

Productive pain, on the other hand, is pain from which the L-rd is able to instruct you.

Most pain starts out as unproductive. It is the lesson that makes the difference in whether or not the pain moves from the Unproductive category to the Productive category.

For example, years ago, my father abandoned me and my parents divorced. For a long time I could only feel the sting and the heartache of my father’s absence, and this was compounded by the fact that he died a few years back.

What helped transform this pain from unproductive to productive was me helping others who had lost fathers to abandonment or alcohol or death, and blessing them. Taking care of my sons and my daughter.

Sometimes, walking in the blessings that come from walking in reality means embracing others who need when you are in a place of lack and stepping into places to bless and encourage in areas where you have received little to no human encouragement.

We have a perfect Father, and we lack no father, even if our eathly fathers abandoned us. Given we have a perfect and loving Father, what do we lack in terms of tools, affection, and depth of capacity to love and father others?


Reality dictates that we lack nothing with which to father. Not wisdom or resources. Not heart or spirit. Not emotions. Not understanding, knowledge, or wisdom. And certainly not a sense of justice or the capacity for a heart oozing with compassion. Because our G-d could related to our frailties, we also can relate to the weakness of others, and the lack in others.

Because He received from Our Father, we also can receive and then give to others who lack.

Provided we are wiling to move beyond slavery and into the embrace of our Father and give that embrace to others.

We love, because he first loved us. We have freely received SO MUCH, and so we are able to give even in areas where we have lacked.

This is reality that comes from the Father of Lights who has given us his son. How much will He not also give us all things.

Translation: G-d gave us everything He had in the embodiment of His Son. What’s a little bit of stuff? Especially when we are sent to be life-giving to others.

Spiritual Extrusion, Honor, And Truth

I find it ironic that the below post comes with a language warning for those who might be triggered by such things. Take care as you read.

Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne;

From Psalm 89:14, ESV

Benchmarks For The Kingdom, The Roots of the L-rd’s Habitat

Gang, I have read this passage from Psalm 89 before. And it was not until I heard Arthur Burk teach on the Psalms that some things clicked for me in the arena of reading Scripture. I will explain.

“It’s Just Symbolic…”. Well, Okay. Symbolic of What?

I have frequently heard that, because the Psalms are poetry, they are to be read with a mindset of “it’s just a figure of speech.”

“It does not really mean what it says.”

This remains a frequent response to those insatiably curious learners. As children, we are largely designed by Father with a curious bent to hunger and thirst. We yearn to seek and understand. We were made to pose the question, “What does this phrase mean?” To go beyond the horizon, in the words of Megan Caldecourt. And, sadly, it becomes a too-often safe mechanism to deflect inquisitive minds who are naturally hardwired to become factories that think deeply about problems in order to manufacture and engineer solutions to those complex problems.

As a result of this dismissive mindset, we have a segment of the tribe of Scholars and Teachers that is largely peopled by intellectual cowards. The very class of tribesmen that G-d designed to instruct us and strengthen us by pouring concrete and iron rebar into already-unstable youngsters who are made to soak up tons of raw data and concepts…..

These destabilize that plumb-line, keel, and constantly redirect the engine that naturally fosters learning. They redirect our engine because they think the drive in us is immaturity or not in alignment with their status quo. They turn the helm of our self-guided course in accordance with their futile demands.

In turn, this destabilizes us by their several attempts to beat the creativity out of us, in favor of beating conformity to their agenda into us. Then, these clowns move to their vain task of extruding our spirits and souls through their mold. Some survive this spiritual raping, barely, while others are completely shattered from the assault.

The living and breathing dangerous and fiery text of the Holy Writ becomes a mechanical set of dead hermeneutics.

When all is said and done, we are left with the end product of a bunch of the spiritual proletariat that parrots every G-d-damned religious triteism in brainwashed staccato, reciting along with our equally dead teachers of the law.

And, “it just becomes a symbol or a figure of speech.”

Before you get offended at my usage of “G-d-damned”, read the context. That word refers to things that G-d has not designed, and therefore are not redemptive in nature. Rather, these things are condemned by G-d to hell precisely because they twist, maim, and shatter spirit and soul.

And when the institutional church is done, what remains is a group of people who does not take Scripture at its word. And we wonder why people are not passionate about uniformity to our vision of what Christ is supposed to look like for them.

Our job was never to assault people with this sort of concentration camp mindset. And for those of us who survived and learned how to cast off that decrepit mindset, we were able to point out its execution.

When we have been freed and healed of this lightweight mindset, the Scripture can hit us with its full weight.

Psalm 89:14

The throne of G-d is a real thing that occupies a real place in real time and real space. And its foundations are righteousness and justice. That is, apart from the presence of righteousness and justice in a situation or in a reality, the full weight of the L-rd’s authority will not be brought to bear in a situation.

I like to think of divine Righteousness as the quality about G-d that enables him to bring His reality to bear on a situation, while Justice is the action of G-d whereby He executes with action based on his decision concerning a situation.

Our desire and willingness to submit to reality as G-d sees it brings these foundations into a situation, and with it, His throne, which is His presence, and His capacity, willingness, and acting to execute.

And when He executes, He does not miss a beat, He creates perfect alignment and fulfillment, and everything is set into a sustainable and life-giving synergy.

Gang, if you are in a situation where you need His intervention, I would counsel you to do two things. Focus on the right stewardship of cause-and-effect and walk in the things you know you must walk in. Bring honor and truth into every situation you encounter. Truth as HE knows it. Truth as HE sees it. Truth as HE experiencies.

Honor those people in your life that encourage you to ask the questions that no one is asking. Press for the why of a situation. Do not allow yourself to buckle and bend your knees to submit to the mob that would seek to shut you up as you pursue truth and the righteous understanding.

Bring realignment to unjust situations and call out injustice and unrighteousness.

For example, this election in the U.S. is not about making sure your candidate wins. It is about making sure the elections are conducted with integrity, consistency, and justice. Proper treatment of the principles that govern constitutional republican (given we are not a democracy in the U.S., but a republic) elections. This is not about your personal bias, but it is about engaging in the actions of seeing the L-rd deal with the Mesmerizing Spirit the way HE wants to.

Justice is hard, and REAL social justice (bringing justice to structures in society that perpetuate injustice) is unpopular. Righting wrongs when the majority would have you just shut up because you will upset their precious idolatrous structure will not net you friends, but it will dangerously make you enemies.

Gang, with that, I bless you to yearn for righteousness and justice. I bless your spirit to cry out to Him in praise because He inhabits the place where you praise Him. And when He comes to dwell, because you cry out to Him for a righteous execution of His decision-making process, he will bring Righteousness and Justice, which will precede the implanting of His throne in a situation.

Be at peace, spirits of my tribesmen, and may you make war against the Phillistine enemies that would seek to reject the enthronement of Jesus on the land of a situation.

I bless you with those things in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach.

Matthew 24:37-As In the Days of Noah

Jesus’ Discussion Of the Days of Noah

The L-rd never instructed us to forbid people marrying and to stop conducting business in the days of His return. But He was very explicit our reality would mirror the days of Noah, and never decried that reality.

I wonder if we were to take Him at His word, would He garner trust from us. If we just lived as He lived and were salt and light….

Consider the text of verse 37 of Matthew 24:

“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

Matthew 24:37-39 NIV11

Sanctified Mindsets and Behavior Vs. Nettled Mindsets and Behavior

Messiah never indicted the usual behavior of the days of Noah. He did not and does not condemn marriage, families, and the conduct of business. Rather, what he did condemn, and His reason for flooding the earth, was due to the thoughts of man.

He was fine with business as usual moving toward a building of the kingdom. However, He was not okay with mentalities soaked in iniquity.

Father said in Genesis that the wicked thoughts and mesmerized spirit of humanity was the reason for the hydrological catastrophe. I would add that mindset was learned and bred into the culture.

The Illustration of Isaac

Isaac, by contrast, in Genesis, was not meditating on wickedness, much less continually. Rather, the text does not explicitly say what was the content of his meditation.

“Now Isaac had come from Beer Lahai Roi, for he was living in the Negev.He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching.”

Genesis 24:62–63 NIV11

So, what was the content of Isaac’s meditation? Given the context of the passage, I’d suggest he was meditating on the next season of his life. Abraham might have taught him how to meditate. The son likely knew of what Abraham’s servant was up to. And perhaps Isaac was wondering and wrestling with when the L-rd was going to bring his wife to him. When was that season going to start? Would Eliezar of Damascus be successful? Or would the House of Nahor be too full of iniquity to yield a suitable bride for the Son of Abraham.

Indeed, The content and the continuity of Isaac’s meditation was good, lovely, noble, lovely, praiseworthy, and of good report. It is a godly thing for those who are walking with the King to yearn for their chosen one. “Delight yourselves in the L-rd and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Righteous mindsets lead to fruit that breeds peace and fulfillment. We will be satisfied with long life.

The Punchline

Turning back to the dynamics with which Jesus was concerned, he did not care to stop our:

  • Relationships,
  • Marriage,
  • Gestation of children, or
  • Business dealings.

However, Jesus, as with the days of Noah, implied we would contend with a world and system that is compromised. Continual meditation on how we can violate principles colors many places in society. Our response to that system, now we are in the Mercy Season, is to walk in a deep and sanctifying intimacy with those who are in need to authentic relationships.

The Potential For Us

Gang, against the iniquity-baptized mindset and culture, I would challenge us to war against the spirit of the age that seeks to mesmerize us with anything that distracts us from our destiny.

While your business might not be a problem, your conduct and mindset might be.

While your desire to marry and have children might be godly, your motive and selection of a mate might cause some problems. You must choose, and that wisely.

In short, please handle your business in such a way that it turns people toward the light rather than away from it.

Blessing of Stillness #24: The Stillness Following the Breath of Life And Affection Showed For Those With Parts Stuck in Places Yet Unknown

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward, as much of it as is willing to come forward, and if you deem it unsafe, I encourage your spirit’s portions to listen from afar or whereever they may be, even if they are shattered into parts….

trapped between dimensions….

or caught in Leviathan’s prisons in the fluid-filled third spaces between the usual structures.

For a frame of reference for the phrase “third space”, burn victims are often called “third spacers” because burnings cause life-giving fluids often move to the interstitial spaces between cells. There may be a principle in that for those parts that suffered traumas so violent they jumped out of their place into a space yet unexplored.

I know being transferred to the third space is not something yet developed, but I want to just acknowledge this for some who may yet be caught there.

Third spacing due to severe burns can cause a drop in blood pressure, edema, and reduced cardiac output.

Precious spirit, parts, little, altars, enforcers, spirit portions, and current inmates, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

““Then G-d said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So God created mankind……

From Genesis 1:26-27

Spirit, I intentionally cut verse 27 off in medias res (Latin for “in the middle of things”) because I wanted you to recount the beginning of your creation, when you ceased to be in the arena of G-d’s heart as a thought and entered into the arena or temporality. The moment before your first response to being placed into the tabernacle of human flesh, when there is a moment and a space to ponder.

Father, the L-rd of Heaven and Earth, who purchased the Heavens and Earth, began to set the whole package of you into motion in that moment. And dear spirit, it was beauty and glory in motion on the day when that happened. For me, that was Easter Sunday 1979. I was desired by my Father, and in that moment, you also, all of you parts and portions, were yearned for and desired and tenderly affected upon by your Father, who finds you worth Him giving up His Only Begotten Son, that he might have you. You are as valuable to The Father of Lights, as Jesus Christ the Only Begotten of G-d. G-d from G-d, Light From Light, True G-d From True G-d. Begotten, Not Made, One in Being With the Father.

Spirit, and all the parts that belong to your community, Father values each of y’all. as much as He values the Life that Flows from Him onto the cross.

So, I bless you each to stop and ponder that reality, regardless of your current place of existence, or current prison, or current seperation, or current pain, or current trauma.

For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor third spaces, nor negative heads of Leviathan, nor defilement, nor blood sacrifices, nor curse, nor spell, nor machination of the enemy, nor as-yet-unshattered stronghold, nor bondage, nor binding of the clowns and their friggin circus, nor height, nor depth, not chasm of Death, nor the Abyss of Tartarus, Nor the Descendency of Sheolian Aquifers, where my Servant Portion travels in order to infiltrate and cleanse them, nor third spaces that should not exist in healed reality, Leviathanic perversions of nature, nor universe-and-reality twisting Aether stones, nor the threats of Death and the Abomination of Desolation will every be able to separate you from G-d’s Everlasting Love, embodied in the Good Lion of Judah, who is not safe to the enemies of His Kingdom.

Spirit, be at peace in that still moment, and I bless you to aggressively ponder the King’s affection which may be felt by you.

I bless you with that unsperatable flood of tender love and kind affection of our King, in the name of Yeshua, ha-Mashiach.

Blessing of Stillness #23: Father of Lights


I would like to invite your spirit to be present to hear the word of the L-rd for today.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:16-17 ESV

Spirit, there is a place of stillness, before the Father brings His light into your life, where the enemy may send darkness. But that darkness is a lie. It is a deception.

I begin the blessing in this way, not so you are frightened to step into the sequence leading to the ultimate blessing of love, but rather so you are aware of the risks associated with moving toward the Father of Lights.

I bless you to find the space that is necessary to allow your discernment time to adjust to the current circumstances. You are allowed to take time to discern. You need not feel pressure to rush as you are engaging an exercise of spiritual discernment.

After the L-rd’s promise to our father Abraham, the first thing that happened, after a season of not bearing children, was the movement toward dark solutions. Sarai offered up her maidservant Hagar to Abraham, ostensibly to provide the child of promise. And for a moment, I imagine Abraham probably froze and thought, “wait a minute. what about the promises of G-d?”

And then after that moment had passed, when Sarai had prevailed upon him, Abram took Hagar and married her and immediately produced a child. He probably thought this was the provision because of the suddenness of the conception and birth.

However, it was that birth that sowed jealousy and discord between the women in the home.

Spirit, the promise of the Father does not come because we help G-d out; His solutions to a problem never involve something that will intentionally breed jealousy as a product.

It is true that people may grow jealous because of the gifts G-d gives us, but G-d never blesses us with the intention of causing other people to stumble and fall.

Ishmael, who came first, was the false hope and the false light.

Ishmael was the plan of the enemy to supplant Father’s ultimate plan, which involved Sarai being blessed in her womb, thus breaking the curse of barrenness.

Isaac was the true child of promise, and it was his presence that gave life to Sarai’s womb.

Spirit, I encourage you to apply that here.

You will have the opportunity to engage with the false light and the true light. The false light frequently comes first.

And you will have the opportunity to choose. You will have the chance to ask Father to show you what the counterfeit looks like, as well as the real.

If you will ask Father, he will show you both the true and examples of the false.

Spirit, when that initial and maybe scary or intimdating moment of darkness comes, I bless you to be still and stay put and await the light of Father to radiate into your own life. I bless you to be still even when darkness is what you see and even when counterfeit light is provided to you. I bless you when you are thirsty for the true light, with a stubbornness of resistance to every false light that seeks to destabilize you.

I bless you to remain absolutely still and I bless you to breathe deeply.

Spirit, I bless you deeply with the capacity to wait on the L-rd’s solution and His life. I bless you to move when that light-filled solution comes, while remaining still when the enemy counterfeit comes. I bless you to drink deeply of that light and to absorb it into the light that you are, spirit. And I bless you to shine with that light in its multi-faceted wisdom to others in need, as Father directs you to hand it out to them.

I bless you to be what you are, the prism, the diamond, and the crystal through which His brilliant light is broken apart into its full spectrum. I bless your season to bathe in and be healed by the Light that does not shift, change, or vary. I bless you with the revelation that His light is possessed not just with consistency, but also constancy.

As William Shakespeare once uttered the principle that was meant to be uttered by the King of Glory:

“I AM constant as the Northern Star”.

The Father of Lights is fixed between all dimensions, in all realities, and he does not vascillate. He is not wishy-washy. Even should the guide stars and parallaxes and pulsars and red giants fall from their places where they were placed on the Fourth Day, He will not be moved from his place of steadiness. He is constant beyond the constant of light, spirit. He is the Radiance of all light that is.

And just because he is constant and immovable does not mean that His heart is not moved when one of his children is hurting or destroyed or damaged or beaten.

To the contrary, He does move toward them. But He moves, spirit, with an anchoredness. He will not be shaken.

And He is not merely the Northern Star. Rather, and better, he is the G-d of the Seven Stars.

And I bless you not to be shaken when confronted with counterfeit light. I bless you to be gathered by the true Light of Father’s affectionate and warm countenance.

I bless you with SHARP discernment to know the difference between lights, and to welcome the Father of Lights, who will not force Himself on you, but will wait for your invitation and who also offers you an invitation.

Be at peace, spirit, and receive the blessing of the Father of Lights.

I bless you to know that the Father of Lights is not shifty or shady. He does not tell you He will provide something, and then not follow through. He gives what He says he is going to give.

I bless you with a relationship with the Father of Lights that is free of deception. I bless you, if you have previously taken the bait of offense, to rest in His light as He removes all hooks from your mouth, all snares from your feet, all chains from your arms, and all shrapnel from your body.

I bless you to rest and heal in the warmth of His Light.

I bless the scales to be removed from your eyes, spirit, as you follow His path and through His gate, which is narrow.

I bless you to traverse the high places which might have unexpected turns with the Light of His steady presence and affection.

I bless you to know that He allows the crooked paths and in partnership with You, makes those paths as if they were straight, and He is your guide.

I bless you with the knowledge that the Father of Lights is a better, more accurate, and way more surefooted guide than any sherpa on Everest.

I bless you to enter into His ever-rest.

I bless you, spirit with a life that is unplugged from unsustainable covenants and agreements with darkness, and I bless you with the freedom that comes from the one-sided covenant He made with you, that does not have any hidden clauses or gotcha statements or fine print with exceptions and signing statements.

I bless you with a relationship with Father that is free from guile and duplicity.

I bless every path you traverse with sure-footedness.

I bless you that as you submit to His plan, He will transform you from glory to glory, and from strength to strength.

I bless you to stand in His light, and I bless you to flow with Him in peace, and even when you are climbing and healing and running and resting, to be in a place of stillness that keeps you rock-steady in His light and in wholeness and peace.

I bless you with peace in the midst of readiness.

And I bless you with stillness in the midst of discerning between the real and the false.

I bless you with those things in the name of Yeshua ha-Meshiach.

And most importantly, I bless you to fall in love afresh with the G-d of the Seven Stars.

From Shamayim To Eden, Part 1

“What is this? Where am I? Am I imagining things? Am I imagined? Am I? What am I? Who am I? I am?

The creation, clad all in red, inspired. The first time he had felt such as foreign sensation. As if he had awoken from a deep dream, a memory of another place present with him. And now, something was coming into him that he knew he needed, but did not know why.

The other place, though that colored his understanding, was that home? It was a city he, or something within him, remembered. It was clad in living clarity, something that took the brilliance compassing the city, yet forming also the heart of the city, and split that brilliant white that was already infinitely colorful and flecked with the hidden-and-also-reveled tones into fully reveled-and-seperated secrets of crimson, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, pure sinngular tones, not intermingled one with another: Was that substance crystalline? Somewhat.


Cubic, but something deeper. Triply cubic?

It was more than cubic, and infinitely durable, enduring, and radiating.

This combined with other things: black, green, hazel, violet, and based on aural pavement rooted in crimson tones.

That memory was not part of what he was now experiencing. No. This felt like a different thing. A different place altogether.

Now, hearing and feeling the sensation of his own inspiration, the creature exhaled. And being, he opened his eyes and looked up from where he lay.

Was that lapiz lazuli he saw? It certainly looked like the stone from his home. But it was not nearly as….solid. It was a space, a genuinely open space above. Moreover, it overflowed with many other things. Not stones.

Wukwukwukwuk–JayJay—ReeRe—-Caw! Caw!

“What were those things, and what was that racket? Why am I hearing these things I have never heard before?”, thought the Creation.


The diminutive thing that looked of a kind with all the other creatures in the azure space above him passed near him and stopped, but didn’t.

The overhead creature, stayed as still it could, and yet, parts of it were moving so quickly, they were creating a sound on their own. Also, those parts were breaking apart the light he once knew from home, the way the hard stone of his city did with the Light of the city, into its six hues. While this was happening, the hovering thing moved yet closer, studied him for a moment. Was it floating? No, floating was what those white things in the azure space did. This was….

“Hovering”, the creation thought to himself.

The small, hovering creature moved so close with a protruding segment of its body that the creation, who was still on the ground, thought it might touch him with this segment. Then the thing did something he did not expect.

It stopped flapping and landed on his face, on the tip of his….nose? He felt eight very tiny pricks in the end of his nose. The thing cocked its head at him and with one eye, studied him for a moment. And the creation noticed a few things. This tiny creature, on some places of its body, shimmered like his home. Around the throat a red area like a ruby, while the back was like an emerald. The underside, however, did not shimmer, and it was a hue of drab gray-white. The eyes were unusually black and beady, with a touch of something not as dark as black.

“Brown”, said a voice, deep and enchanting, while simultaneously fearsome and good.

“That touch of something that is not quite black is brown. Remarkable creature, this flying thing. And that blue space above Us that looks like the lapizes from home is the Shamayim, my son. And that light is the Shemesh.”

The light emanating from the Shemesh in the Shamayim surrounded the outline of a image, equally red. Or was it white? Red with white, like something he had yet seen with his own vision from a distant memory and a luminescent, yet at the moment a shadow fell upon the creation’s face.

It was not something, it was someone. Someone like the creation. An older man.

And immediately, the creation knew. This was the Creator. The Father.

“My Father!”, he exclaimed.

“Hello, Adamah, my son”, replied the Father.

Adamah sat upright from the place whence he had lain. The Father had been on his knees, bent over Adamah, the knees of his robes covered in the dirt, yet not dirty. This connection with the dry land was the most natural thing to the Father. His eyes danced, and his voice at once sang and spoke with tenderness, sobriety, warmth, affection, and joy, coupled with depth of insight, knowledge and understanding. It was clothed and whole with nothing broken or missing. It was further complete in the way it spoke.

“Did I just awaken from a dream, Father?,” queried Adamah.

“No, my son. You have transitioned to this place. This is your new reality for the current season. We have had a situation at home and now we have some work to do. So follow Me, and we shall journey to the place I have prepared for you. And I will tell you when we arrive there.”

As Adamah stood from his place on the ground, he noticed everything felt different. Something had changed in Father’s voice. There was an urgency, and joy mixed with…

“Father, what happened?”

“Not yet, my Son.”

“Father, whatever it is, I am sorry it happened.”

The Old Man, who was walking alongside Adamah, turned to Him and embraced Him.

“My Son, there is much we will have to discuss, but for now, know that I adore you, and am grateful I can talk with you about what lies ahead, and at some point, we will discuss what happened before. But for now, things will get difficult, because you have to be ready…”

“Ready for what, Father?”

“You will know when it happens, Adamah. For now, let us focus on what we must do to get there….”

“Where, Father…”


Thus the two of them began their journey…

{to be continued}

One Purpose of 2020

It would seem I have an impression

This year has overturned a lot, whether through injustice, or mistreatment, or improper application of the rule of law, or social norms, or fear, or plague.

And I have a thought or two there, if you will indulge me.

If this plague and series of decisions or judgments is from the L-rd, and if we are dealing with this as something He sent (We know from Scripture the L-rd can send plagues as a form of judgment; Exodus 7-11, Ezekiel 5:17, Ezekiel 14, Revelation 6:7-8), then the overturning is from Him and it is to a purpose.

I see this series of issues for 2020 and I saw and heard a billion words saying 2020 was going to be a restoration of vision.

If that is the case, and we had dead fields that had lain fallow for decades, in the church as well as out, then I surmise the L-rd’s anointing on 2020 was that of a plowshare.

I think the L-rd intentionally has been using this plowshare, if we will receive it as such, as a plow to stir all kinds of things up so He can loosen the dirt and the ground in order to remove the junk and plant the good.

I think He is preparing the ground to place the seed that he wants

“Is not My word as a fire,” saith the L-rd, “and a hammer to break the rocks into pieces?”

I wonder if he is not going to use people like Nancy Pelosi, and AOC, and Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris, and Jo Jorgensen, and Joe Biden, and Barack Obama, and Republicrats to stir us up so that we will seek Him and depend on Him.

Is it possible that 2020 was designed to be a plowshare to level everything and the burn and break up everything so that we were open to the new thing He wants to do.

Can you handle the weight of being plowed in your own heart through the plowshare test of a level of false accusation in order to remove the quick-tempered anger that leads to murder, and that all that is found in you is the righteous anger that leads to correction of injustice and that you would be willing to speak for the correction of systems that breed injustice?

And you can talk about abortion, but that is the least of these problems.

I am talking, for example, about the US Government’s storied history of abusing First Nations through covenant breaking.

I am talking about the institutionalized misogyny practiced against women by religious institutions and the rampant sexism practiced against women like Beth Moore by men claiming the cloth is only allowed to be worn by those with a penis and testes simply because the men’s club of pastor’s in many places believes G-d has male sex organs.

I am talking about the raping of children by Catholic Priests.

I am talking about the church culture that enabled Jimmy Swaggart, and Ted Haggard, and Todd Bentley, and Bob Jones University, and Tullian Tchividjian, Mark Driscoll, and CJ Mahaney to protect, hide, or perpetrate abuse against others.

Our responsibility, in part, is to let the L-rd have His way and to allow Him to plow up everything He wants to plow up, so He can deal with us, and so He can remove the junk He wants to remove.

We cannot call ourselves the spotless Bride if we are going to allow compromise in our midst.

And this includes prophetic words that are improperly given, such as the 13 percent accuracy rate Elijah List tolerates as a solid track record for accuracy in the prophetic.

We are required to come higher and to walk in holiness. Period. Matthew 5:48, Leviticus 19:2.

Plow away, L-rd. We will not stand in the way.

Shine Your light whereever you want to shine it. If that means Democrats and Republicans and Protestants and Catholics are all exposed, then fine.

We will refuse to coach You as to where you want to shine the light.

Remove the junk and the garbage from Your midst.

Dealing with the Mesmerizing Spirit: The Solution

Pick pocket….


Stole the ring from us, Precious….

Nasty, filthy little Hobbitses…

Sméagol was full of the Mesmerizing Spirit, which cost him his life in the end.

Give it to us, Deagol, my love…
The end result of we do not lay down our life is this thing can devour our lives.

This spirit is nefarious because it works its way into our lives, and poisons our mind into thinking a part is the whole.

And so…getting rid of it is tough. But it can be done…

There is one strategy that I have seen work time and time again in dealing with the Mesmerizing Soirit, but it gets messy before it gets better.

But it will just about guarantee you victory against the Mesmerizing Spirit, if you are willing to embrace the pain.

Because the MS is not something you can just toss out on a whim and then go back to business as usual.

It got there because we allowed it.

And in American politics this started when we decided a President’s morality didn’t matter.

And it means we as a tribe lay down our rights to coach Father on what to expose (Clinton’s, BLM, Democrats and other pet problems to name a few).

Here goes.

“L-rd, shine your light whereever you want to shine it and keep it there until we see the problem is dealt with.”

What is missing from a lot of our prayers is that we often coach G-d on what needs to be exposed, and that has to stop.

We must make a steel-spines commitment to refuse to coach the L-rd on who or what needs to be exposed.

The first step in dealing with the MS is that you have to admit you do not see the long-game. Period.

And you quit treating the part like it’s the whole.

The second step: with a commitment to not coaching Him what to expose or who to expose, we ask Him to begin shining His light WHEREEVER HE WANTS TO SHINE IT AND WE FIVE HIM FREE REIGN TO DO SO, no matter how painful it gets or how much we don’t like it.

That is how you drain swamps.

I will reemphaize: We do not get the right to tell the L-rd who or what needs to get exposed. Whe we do that, we end up with things like Planned Parenthood and body parts with zero justice executed.

We just get to ask Him to begin the process of shining His light. And then we hold onto our butts, because it will likely get bumpy from there

Especially given there is covenant-breaking that has happened on the part of two major policial parties, given that appears to be the context for this.

Bottom line: we have learned how to ask the L-rd to expose situations that are politicially favorable to our chosen situation.

But when it comes to G-d potentially exposing someone’s son that we want to remain in place, especially if our hypocrisy gets exposed, we put the breaks on that.

When we allow a situation to stand that needs to come down because it has become empowered by our own complacency, then the L-rd can start working.

I say all this in an Arthur-Burk-affiliated group because as we all know, Arthur’s views on the political arena and the Republicans are not like most evangelicals, nay, many believers.

Our job is to resist the temptation to allow someone to use a political issue to manipulate us, which is what is happening.

Several times over.

Our responsibility, because this happens every four years, is to admit our part in allowing favoritism and partiality to deep into how we approach politics.

This is not about protecting Trump. If we want the MS to come down, we lay down the right of our expectation the L-rd protects Trump.

This is about allowing the King to have his full way.

And that comes by refusing to tell Him where to shine his light.

You truly want to deal with and eradicate the Mesmerizing Spirit?

That is fine. But it will cost you everything. Lives. Fortunes. Sacred honor.

And with that, I will yield back the balance of my time to the chair.

Revelation twelve eleven
