Following a Season of Healing When You Have Been Traumatized By the Word of G-d

Props to Heidi Michelle, who asked for an epilogue to two posts ago. For those who would like to know to which post I am referring, go here.

When you have been traumatized from the misuse of the biblical text, and you need to detoxify through other streams the King provides, including looking for His Works (the Works of the King have equal weight as testimony to the Words of the King: John 5:36), when you are ready to renege get with the written text of Scripture, how should you go about that task?

Zeroth on the list, wait until you want to try out reading the text. Then if you need a friend on hand while you cross the threshold of reintegrating yourself with the text, pick someone you trust who loves you and let them sit with you in silence if need me while you pick it up and read. It may take some time.

First and foremost, do not ditch the context where you received healing, unless the King says to do so. It’s not like you are using the items you learned about in the season of healing as a stopgap measure until you can go back to the authoritative rule for faith and practice, as if you were settling form one aspect of the King’s reality instead of another.

Second, carry the affection of the King into the reading of the text, and take off a tiny chunk of biblical text and chew through it. Ask Him to be present with you while you read. He is the point, not the text.

I will say that again. He is the point of this whole thing, not the text. And yes, I am strong in teaching, and my teacher is exceptionally strong, who knows the value of the text, but He is the point of working with the text or any aspect of reality.

Third, read only what you can manage. You just got done rehabbing a broken wrist. You cannot put 85 pounds on it.

Your job is to rehab muscle groups, not shoulder an over heavy responsibility and do 3000 pushups out of the gate.

Fourth, be damn patient with yourself. Maybe a phrase or two.

Fifth, do not overload yourself with disciplines and listening to eight thousand hours of another man’s opinion on the topic.

Sixth, stop when He tells you to stop, and stop before you find yourself pushing yourself.

Seventh. Just rest with Him in the text. Most of y’all that I know are experts at keeping the day of Shabbat, but suck at keeping the mindset of Shabbat. There is a mentality perfected by the Desert Fathers of resting in the midst of work, and having a chilled and rested mindset and heart set while they worked.

And some of y’all are fine with the dynamic of observing G-D’S holy day, but bomb on having G-d’s wholly holy heartset, especially when the Shabbat was made for man and not man for the Shabbat.

And you need an actual day of rest AND. a mindset of rest through your week. And to make Him and His gooshy and squishy Mercy affectionate reality and embrace your Shabbat rest.

Anyway, those are just some quick and practical thoughts here.

And yes, I did meddle with some of my friends who ain’t doing the rest thing right.


Love my προφῆται clan.

The Spirit of G-d Will Not Violate the Word of -G-d…What’s Wrong With This Statement?

Most of you who know me, know I am an obsessive texualist; I love the written Scriptural text of both the New Testament and the Tanakh. In their original languages (Hebrew AND Greek).

However, I have also noticed a disturbing reality.

What do I mean by that?

Well, it’s a trend toward incompleteness.

For example…

“The Bible is the Word of G-d.“

“One interpretation…many applications…“

“G-d will not violate His Word.“

“To equip the saints for the work of ministry….”…silence on what happens after that…

“A team of scholars worked on this translation” …silence on identifying the names of the people who constitute this team…

“G-d is moving up here…”…people fall out, BUT there is little change in their lives weeks later to indicate G-d was moving.

“So-and-so is ready to return to ministry….”…same minister also didn’t reconcile with the first wife or husband he or she cheated on to begin with…

And so forth…

Oh yeah, and the only two political parties in America that merit prophetic words are red and blue…

It remains problematic when we refuse to dig into the nuance of a statement and do not ask what is and what is not being implied in that statement…

It is asinine when we are either ignored when we question the statements being made…

called religious or critical when we look for clarification…

or gaslit when we refuse to accept what is said without question…

It is one of the main threads of my calling to not settle for halfway or partial answers when they are given.

Carlene Prince once told me that I have to look for what is missing…she noted that that is something I do.

And she is right. I hate half-assed investigations.

And I know I sound rude when I question what is stated…

But I cannot accept partial answers or perceived partial answers when they are given.

Especially when some of my friends have been seriously damaged by partial answers.

And my second wife is dead because of partial answers.

These partial answers are the Reasons when you say, “obey my covering”, that I respond with a glorious middle finger.

Gang, one of those statements that is maddeningly incomplete is “the Spirit of G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

And we are left with Zero discussion about which “Word of G-d” we mean.

And Zero curiosity about the inverted statement.

And Zero desire to ask if there are any other immutable items which the Spirit of G-d will not violate.

So, here has always been my thought to add to the statement “the Spirit of -G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

“Neither will the Word of G-d, both living and written (two forms of λόγος), violate the Spirit of G-d.”

And equally important and immutable as testimony to the Word of G-D’s veracity, and equally admissible as testifying of the Word Himself, are His Works.

…that is, what He does (John 5:36) is as important as the words about him.

And Yeshua BEING THE WORD OF G-D, is blasphemously ignored in this statement in Josh’s gospel. (Hebrews 4:11-16).

We refuse to investigate it because we are told to investigate it is heresy.

Gang, it’s not enough, especially given the regularity with which we ignore the Spirit of G-d, for us to merely assert thus-and-so about the words He speaks WITHOUT ALSO AFFIRMING His WORDS that His works are admissible as much as His tesitmony. It’s ironic that He would speak words about the veracity of his works and we would ignore those words about His works.

Tree carcasses and e-carcasses, if not attended to in reading by the Spirit, who alone gives understanding, will not bring life.

Rather, they will kill.

And that suddenly.

For those who have been so traumatized by the Scriptural text, as one who walks in the authority of a scribe, I would implore you to get out into nature and allow the King to meet you there where He is also. Or whereever you find him.

His Words and His Works…

What is missing from your regular routine that is life-giving and points you back home to Dad?

Go and do that.

And know you are so loved, gang.

And, as someone who reads the text and enjoys it, I would encourage you to do things that are life-giving to your relationship with the King without feeling guilty.

Be blessed as you recover your own walk with Him, gang.

When The Rug Is Pulled….

What do you do?

There have been a few times where I told the story of my divorce. And while I mentioned the adultery and the emotional abuse and the other dynamics, I will note that the divorce in the spirit did not coincide with the divorce in the legal sense.

Sure, my legal divorce was filed Pearl Harbor Day 2012 and finalized the day of the Boston Bombing, but the actively divorce took place a couple of years earlier, in March 2010.

At that point, my then-wife gave me an ultimatum. Move with her or she was leaving with the kids.

At which point I felt the breaking of the covenant.

The rug had been pulled.

I was 30 at the time. And I knew the marriage was over and that she had chosen her mother over me.

This is a situation that caused me to turn internally and the only person I had to turn to and lean on was the King.

When you have no one, as I did, you still have the King.

And when you are alone, He will build things into you, and a depth of intimacy that can survive even death.

‘Cuz, you know, “love is as strong a death.”

Now, in order for love to be made as strong as death, it must endure against the spirit of death. You are meant to be tested in your kettle against certain things in the spirit.

Kind of like Isaiah 54:17, if you want no weapon formed against you to prosper, then you have to be willing to sing in your barrenness and embrace the first 16 verses and the process of Isaiah 54.

Cause and effect.

If you sow against testing and refinement, you will be stronger against the fight.

Ask me how I am so effective against some things.

It’s because I have been in the fight for years.

If you want the walk someone else has, you also are asking for the grace to endure what that other person has endured.

Friend, your responsibility is to dig deep wells with the King and lean HARD on him.

I am proof in the Kingdom that this can be done, and it will knit your hearts more deeply and more intimately with his and it will pour into you a well and a storehouse of resources that others will find life-giving after you pass through the season of hell.

Lean, lean, lean….

Do not lean on your own understanding….

In all your ways KNOW Him (that same word for “know” in Proverbs 3:6, is the same word for Adam “knew” his wife Eve).

There is an intimacy that only comes when you have suffered deep emotional loss.

And that will bless your heart and spirit with a spring of life you never had.

Be at peace, son and daughter of Tsion.

That Awkward Moment When…..

…you are not anyone’s flavor of the month because you have to confront everyone.

So, because you are lukewarm, I will vomit you out.

From Revelation 3

Sometimes, there are occasions when we have to take care of others, and other times, there are occasions when we have to impose responsibilities on others in order force or provoke growth in them.

I appear to finish this sabbatical in the same place where I began it: being a goad in the lives of those who need to mature.

I have seen a lot of good come from showing silence or gentleness to community, especially when community grows indifferent or unreceptive. However, there are times we need to shake or stir or provoke community so that it does not entropate.

The verb form of “entropy”, coined by yours truly.

There was a reason the only people vomited from our L-rd’s mouth were those who refused to decide between two useful states and attempted to mix the two into a state of apathy.

Lukewarmth defeats the twin purposes of hot and cold and leads to a destroyed twisting, much like the bile-laden and undigested garbage that is rejected by the king.

Gang, I would like to issue a challenge.

Cold is useful. As is hot. The text of Revelation and the rest of the canon never rejects the idea of “cold”, and, indeed, if we read the context, we will appreciate that reality.

But if you find yourself in a doldrumous place of apathy or refusal to fight or stir up what is needed to stir up, I would urge you to consider asking the King to shake you up in some fashion.

He might just surprise you.

Be blessed to receive His stirring of your spirit.

Do You? Will You? May We? I Want It This Way But Not With This Set of Implications?

Perception equals reality

A great lie.

When we ask questions of others, and we have the opportunity to engage in something we desire, we have then been given two things. Resources, if you will.

Rights plus responsibilities.

We do not celebrate Christmas, and this may or may not create friction with others, because there are expectations, some twisted, that frequently attend the celebration of that day.

Expectations of stuff. Expectations of purchasing on borrowed money. Expectations of rolling with a yearly pressure that may be tied to celebrating the birth of the King, or not.

That said, we as a family usually go and watch a movie. This is something that has its roots in my first marriage but makes a lot of sense. And frequently, those movies are times where the L-rd sits with me in the movie theater and talks to me about what is playing.

And I frequently see principles in said film.

This year we were delayed in seeing the film, and we finally got to see our chosen movie yesterday.

And as a huge Marvel fan, we saw Spider-Man: No Way Home.

And in this film, Peter has dealt with the reality that his secret identity has now become revealed to all. And in frustration, he visits a friend, Steven Strange, in order to ask him to make reality such that people forget who he is. During Strange’s incantation, Peter begins asking him to make exceptions, and provisos, and the balance of the movie is then given to the mess that comes from Peter wanting reality his way.

He wants the rights without the responsibilities and he continually messes things up, which then ultimately leads to a near-destruction of reality. On the way, his Aunt May dies. And other villains from previous realities come to mess with the natural order of things.

And the only way he can fix the mess is by accepting reality the way it is. And enabling Strange to cast the incantation that causes everyone including, his loved ones, to forget who he is

Gang, we have been given a reality and a set of causes that mesh together with a set of effects.

And that reality, when we don’t opt out of the whole of it, can be beautiful, though difficult.

But it is far worse to want some of reality and ignore the rest. That twists reality into something that it wasn’t made to be.

When we do that selective appropriation of reality, we avoid the problems G-d intended us to wrestle with.

And we avoid the following two passages.

“Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds.”

“You meant it for harm, but G-d meant it for good.”

G-d, in bringing us to growth, leads us through trials and hands us problems to solve.

And He may or may not force the issue.

The issue is, when we ask Him for a chunk of reality that includes hla major blessings, are we willing to cultivate the skills necessary to scramble over and around and by that set of rocks in order to possess all He has for us in terms of blessing.

We may not fully appreciate the blessing until we have been given the curse to wrestle with.

Now, be careful when you read what I write. By “curse” I don’t mean G-d literally curses us. By “curse” I mean “problem to solve”.

Now, why did I use the word “curse”?

Two reasons. One, because the poetic nature of the way “curse” pairs with blessing.

Two, because too frequently, WE CURSE the difficult or inconvenient problem G-d gives us to solve, because He treats us as sons.

Slaves do not get problems to solve. Sons, rather, are they who get the problems to solve.

So, take heart, love. Because if you are getting problems when you pray, it is likely because G-d is trusting you as a son.

Be at peace, and if you need to solve a nettlesome problem, please feel free to reach out. I and others, as fellow sons, can help you to solve that problem.

G-d wants to bless you, but in order to do it, He has to calibrate you in order to equip you to solve problems.

Blessing 16: WOR Blessing: Distinguishing Your Provision From Anothers

Beloved, I invite your spirit to treat with me in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Do not contend with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as for the sole of the foot to tread on, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. You shall purchase food from them with money, that you may eat, and you shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

Deuteronomy 2:5-6 ESV

Spirit, not all of the resources you see are yours.

Some resources and wealth G-d has provided to others.

And as difficult as that may be, it is a lesson in discernment and Stewardship.

G-d places certain bits of land in our midst because He is giving that land to us in order to manage.

And sometimes He places certain peoples in our midst in order to provide food or sustenance to us.

Spirit, you will meet people that have a bit of land and resources and you will have to learn the lesson of discerning when the land is your portion and when other aspects are your portion.

G-d gives us certain provisions, He writes us specific checks from specific checkbooks.

And not everything we see is automatically going to get credited to our accounts.

And One of the sharpest most perceptive lessons we can learn is the lesson of discernment between our resources and the resources of another. And we also must learn how to protect not only our resources but also the resources of another. Because when we protect the resources of another, we are shown to be trustworthy and faithful stewards which means we can be trusted with other things as well.

So, spirit, I bless you to lead in the discernment arena.

I bless you to have a strong and clear voice in the area of what belongs to your host versus what does not.

I bless you to be content with your portion.

I bless you to see the resources being provided you, and O bless you to coach the soul in the appropriate direction in which to set his or her desires.

I bless you to cultivate and lead the soul and body with a strong awareness of the Tenth Commandment, and to coach them in parsing between what G-d has given Soul and Body versus what G-d has given another.

I bless you, spirit to say “no” when “no” is right and good.

And I bless you to say “yes” when “yes” is right and good.

I bless you with revelation of reality pertaining to your resources. And I bless you with skill to utilize the resources that are you.

Be at peace with that revelation, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 15: WOR Blessing: Reconciling To G-d: The Provider In the Wilderness

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

For the L-RD your G-d has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the L-RD your G-d has been with you. You have lacked nothing

Deuteronomy 2:7

Spirit, there are a number of things to consider while you are in the wilderness. Where you are, the Father is. Where you are with your need, the Father is there to meet your need.

The problem begins, however, when you believe the resources are not there to meet your need, or you believe Items A through G are the only legitimate resources and provisions, when Father has provided you A through ZZ.

Spirit, out of the gate, I am not just merely going to bless you with a pleasant “there there, it’s alright”….

Right now, spirit, I am going to bless you with eye sight and eye salve, if necessary, to see properly, and maybe so also that scales might fall from your eyes so you can see broader, deeper, higher, or more profusely that you currently see.

I bless you with the Mercy Season need to see the blindness, poverty, misery, wretchedness, nakedness you formerly accepted as your portion,

And I bless you to buy refined gold and linen garments that are needful for this season.

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.

Revelation 3:18 ESV

I bless you to look around and see options you are allowing others to blind you to.

I bless you to know more deeply His polyvareigated wisdom and understanding that you might accrue the full compliment of wisdom you need.

I bless you to break off any self-imposed blindness, or self-imposed affliction, or any self-inflicted punishments.

I bless you to see and fight the Third Head of Leviathan. And I bless you to know Father as the Ancient of Days who will help uncoil the twisted and prematurely decaying view of Life you might currently be accepting as your portion.

I bless you to shoe your feet, not with the Shoes of Peace, because those are not the correct shoes for the Teacher, but the Shoes of READINESS.

“Having shod your feet with READINESS” -from Ephesians 6-

“Therefore, get READY” -from Matthew 24:44-

You were not made to get peaceful with that spirit of heaviness that masquerades as peace, but you were made to put your shoes on to get ready for the excursion.

I bless you with the proper alignment to see your shoes in the spirit, and to align footwear to readiness for task.

I realize this dynamic will cut against the grain of much of the teaching on the shoes of the Armor of G-d, but my job is to present you with what you have.

The dynamic of peace is associated with the Gospel.

The dynamic of readiness is associated with the Shoes.

As you Prepare for fulfill your Responsibilities (Principle for the Teacher).

Spirit, I bless your feet, ready and beautiful as they are.….

I bless your awareness of your resources and tools to increase.

And I bless you to plug into the One Who Prepares you for Life in the Wilderness.

And I bless your shoes not to wear out, and I bless you to grasp the manna that is necessary for this season of life in the wilderness. I bless the canvas of your tent to be fresh and strong and without mold.

I bless your eyesight to seek for fresh and daily bread.

And I bless you to reconcile with the Provider.

I bless you to check the balance sheets to take a full account of available resources.

Number the people, spirit. For Son you are.

Be at peace, that is, wholeness.

And get Ready, spirit…

With all my pastoral love and affection…


Underselling and Undercutting Item 2 In the Fractal of 7: Part 2 And Window of Reconciliation Blessing: Blessing 10: Names of G-d: The Reasoner Concerning Your Sin

The Bronze Laver and the Waters/Waters and the Expanse/Dome of the Shamayim were made for cleansing……

And we tell ourselves, “I am just a sinner and my righteousness is as filthy rags”.

I understand when a pre-believer says this.

But when a son of G-d says this, when a follower of the L-rd says this…I begin to take issue.

When a bride of Christ calls themselves a harlot, even after His cleansing, Living Water, Fuller’s Soap and Refining Fire have burned up all the actual filthy rags, it does not befit the Kingdom of G-d for you His son to pick up blood-soaked rags and dress yourself afresh in them.

As if you forgot that He C.L.E.A.N.S.E.D. you Seven ways to Saturday.

Beloved, this one time, I call your spirit to attention in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

Come now and let us reason TOGETHER

Though your sins are as scarlet


Isaiah 1:18

Spirit, G-d is the One Who Reasons TOGETHER with you.

With you on His lap and He looking directly on you as you are awash in His presence.

I want this reality to soak into your very fiber, dear heart.

You are loved and yearned for and desires and enough.

And the Bronze Laver is part of the reality, as is the Second Day. And those items will never and can never be unmade as part of the fractal.

Spirit, you can let go of the castigation of yourself.

Jesus loves you, this I know….

Spirit, you were always enough.

The L-rd, the Reasoner Concerning Your Sin, who does not fly off the handle at your sin, and heals your heart so that your heart can testify that the Bridegroom is steadfastly faithful in all things….

THAT L-RD bless you with the depths of reality that is deeper than your kiddie-pool shallower than a puddle sin when compared to His Reality…

Hear the Word of the L-rd resonate in the courts of Your Seat of Dominion

For this reason I bow the knee….

Before the Father

That Messiah May dwell in your hearts (plural) through faith

Your three hearts….

The Brain

The Heart

The Reins, being the Kidneys and Adrenals

That you being rooted and grounded in the soul of his love

May have power to comprehend together with all of the saints, what is…

The length…

And the breadth…

And the height…

And the depth…

And to KNOW that which is deeper and higher and broader and wider and longer than all that may be known….

Now, unto him who IS ABLE TO KEEP you from stumbling….

And present you faultless….

Before the presence of His Glory…

With Exceeding Joy…..

To the Only Wise G-d Our Father….

Be Glory….

And Majesty….


And Power…

Both now and forverermore….

Spirit, I bless you with a depth in Him that UNANCHORS the knowledge of the exceeding sinfulness of your sin

And roots and anchors you in the deeper, yea, infinite depths of His lovingkindness and tender mercies….

I bless you to be reconciled with a depth of perspective that causes you to see His reason for why you are cleansed beyond belief and why you ARE whiter than snow…

I bless you to receive the depth of His heart-filled-emotion-filled-solid-as-a-rock-emotion-laden reasoning…

I bless you to see His capacity and willingness to handle your debts….all of them…

And I bless you to recover the lost wages those clowns stole with penalties and interest…

I bless you that you will be filled and fulfilled with HOLY righteousness THAT WEAVES TOGETHER PRINCIPLES the weaving together of which sanctifies you to your birthright, which is the promise of His vow to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness….

I bless you to be reconciled to a King that wants to lavish His full affection on you, though you think you are a sinner…..

I bless you with the Light of His countenance, that He May give you wholeness, spirit….

I bless you, spirit, to know that the Bronze Laver is irrevocable to the Second Level, and G-d WILL NEVER TAKE IT AWAY. It is impossible for G-d to remove His mechanism which Cleanses, because He cannot help but cleanse things.

He is around, and things in His presence begin to be cleansed because of who He is. He will clean you if you let him.


When Believers Die Prematurely…..The Spiritual Assault of Item 2 in the Fractal of Seven….and Applying the Principle of Authority…Badly

Believers, we sell ourselves short and then we misapply the amazing gifts we have been given because we think the authority G-d gave us is paltry.

We call ourselves “poor old sinner saved by grace” and then we take the shocking authority has been given us, and with our mouths, we empower the clowns to assault other believers because we as believers come into agreement with LIES. And he co-opts our Authority because we lie about ourselves and our true identity snd authority.

There is never a convenient time to bring this sort of topic up….

Especially because it may trigger fierce viewpoints from many quarters of our body and community.

So, I may as well bring it up now rather than later.

For the last several years, I have been put off with the spirit of premature death. And I think I have arrived at a solution that may provide some understanding as to why some believers die prematurely.

The L-rd and I were having a conversation about believers dying before their time.

And given the second member of the fractal of Seven in Scripture deals with the Principle of Authority, and I have dealt extensively with believers who have misused their authority to engage in destructive behaviors they were not meant to….

Some things began to click in the last few days.

I saw the body of a friend in the spirit laying face down and a number of arrows, knives, swords, spears, and other piercing and stabbing weapons littering this friend’s back. The body was bloodied and my friend was obviously dead.

This friend has a sterling record of integrity and one of the few lives I would want to emulate as a believer and pastor.

And for those of you that know I walk as a seer, some know I see weapons in the spirit.

And weapons that are darkened typically are demonic or belonging to an unbeliever. But weapons that are polished and bright and bejeweled typically belong to believers.

As hard as it may be for some people to believe, followers of Christ can spiritual attack other believers with their spiritual weapons (2 Cor. 10:4-6).

The L-rd gives us tremendous authority in the spiritual realm, and we have latitude with our free will to mishandle and harm others with the tools and weapons we have been given.

And in the back of this individual who had physically died, the weapons were those of many believers. Bejeweled knifes, shining arrows meant for the clowns, spears of amethyst, and darts of emerald among all other manner of weapons.

Verbal agreements, that came forth from mouths that should have spoken kingly agreements of the L-rd were marshaled by the enemy to destroy one of His own.

From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations,

From Revelation 19:21

And the sense I got was that this has happened before with other believers who had died prematurely due to the agreement, slander, libel, social media mendacity, and publishing of false accusations and attacks due to the mishandling of spiritual authority.

And for those who know me, you know my testimony includes a situation where my ex-pastor’s wife engaged in similar behavior that nearly destroyed me, which you can read about here.

To be sure, because of the reality of free will, G-d will allow believers to use their authority, especially earned authority, for nefarious and abusive ends, for a season, during which time, He will give them space to repent. My ex-pastor’s wife sent all sorts of clowns after me and lobbed all sorts of weapons in the spirit at me. And then the time came when the L-rd said “enough.”, and He stripped her of her authority and her birthright and gave that birthright to another

Here is a similar case, I believe. G-d is showing that this person was killed prematurely by others on the body of Messiah, and G-d is likewise giving those who misused their authority a season for a season to repent.

By the way, once a weapon has been lobbed in a person and left behind, that person generally loses the weapon once it has been removed unless the L-rd restores it back to them.

These weapons that have been thrown at this individual and left in them have been removed and cleansed and stored away.

But, gang, this is a wake-up call from the L-rd to His Body.

Repent of harsh words and befouling and twisting and maligning and false accusations. The anger and wrath and slander and malice and abusive speech that Colossians 3:8 speaks about, I instruct those of you with those bitter roots and walking in those sins to rid yourselves of them so that the words you speak are full of the King’s fruit and are life-giving.

He has space for you.

Space to repent.

Space to disempower the spirit of premature death.

Space to come in the opposite spirit.

Space to gain spiritual understanding of the human spirit and the Principle of Authority.

And space to successfully practice the right applications of the Principle of Authority.

So that no further friends and siblings and leaders need die prematurely.

Please note that I have been discreet not to name names out of respect for others, and please honor that discretion by refraining from speculating as to identities.

Be blessed and at peace, gang



Momma Sandra McDonald Landry:

It was about five years back (When Your Call Is Blocked was March 19, 2016) when I first met Arthur, but before then, he connected us about Redemptive Gifts.

So much has transpired since then, and in light of that reality, I wish to pen the following

Without you, I would have never started this journey into finding my design, and now I am helping others as a Mercy and a content writer do likewise.

I recognize I am at my best when nurturing others from the deep well of affection I have.

And Arthur was right about you that cold January morning in Ennis, TX about one thing.

“She who swears to her own hurt….”

I no plenty who people carry themselves after that fashion, but in orders of magnitude, you excel them all (though my wife does rightly give you a run for your money 😉).

It is an honor to see what the King has done with and in and through you, and to be honest, you were the #1 reason I came to Texas yesteryear.

It is a deep honor knowing what the King does with you in this season in you, and the seasons you have enjoyed, I bless your spirit the following ways

May your latter years be greater than your former years.

May your children the world over arise to bless you.

May you know an ease of flow that ushers you daily into the King’s presence.

May the community that encircles you be full of deep treasure worth the mining

May your hands continue to emulate the Hands of Kindness that were scarred for us.

And your joy, Prophet, specifically, be full.

May this year be a panorama of the Effulgence of the various shades of the King’s Light.

Be blessed, Mother Lightbearer, shining clear and broad with hope for those who have none.

Be at peace as you hear and see everything He has for you and your husband in this season as you and he elder many.

And may the occasion of your birthday surely be the best of times.

With kind affection,
