Underselling and Undercutting Item 2 In the Fractal of 7: Part 2 And Window of Reconciliation Blessing: Blessing 10: Names of G-d: The Reasoner Concerning Your Sin

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The Bronze Laver and the Waters/Waters and the Expanse/Dome of the Shamayim were made for cleansing……

And we tell ourselves, “I am just a sinner and my righteousness is as filthy rags”.

I understand when a pre-believer says this.

But when a son of G-d says this, when a follower of the L-rd says this…I begin to take issue.

When a bride of Christ calls themselves a harlot, even after His cleansing, Living Water, Fuller’s Soap and Refining Fire have burned up all the actual filthy rags, it does not befit the Kingdom of G-d for you His son to pick up blood-soaked rags and dress yourself afresh in them.

As if you forgot that He C.L.E.A.N.S.E.D. you Seven ways to Saturday.

Beloved, this one time, I call your spirit to attention in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

Come now and let us reason TOGETHER

Though your sins are as scarlet


Isaiah 1:18

Spirit, G-d is the One Who Reasons TOGETHER with you.

With you on His lap and He looking directly on you as you are awash in His presence.

I want this reality to soak into your very fiber, dear heart.

You are loved and yearned for and desires and enough.

And the Bronze Laver is part of the reality, as is the Second Day. And those items will never and can never be unmade as part of the fractal.

Spirit, you can let go of the castigation of yourself.

Jesus loves you, this I know….

Spirit, you were always enough.

The L-rd, the Reasoner Concerning Your Sin, who does not fly off the handle at your sin, and heals your heart so that your heart can testify that the Bridegroom is steadfastly faithful in all things….

THAT L-RD bless you with the depths of reality that is deeper than your kiddie-pool shallower than a puddle sin when compared to His Reality…

Hear the Word of the L-rd resonate in the courts of Your Seat of Dominion

For this reason I bow the knee….

Before the Father

That Messiah May dwell in your hearts (plural) through faith

Your three hearts….

The Brain

The Heart

The Reins, being the Kidneys and Adrenals

That you being rooted and grounded in the soul of his love

May have power to comprehend together with all of the saints, what is…

The length…

And the breadth…

And the height…

And the depth…

And to KNOW that which is deeper and higher and broader and wider and longer than all that may be known….

Now, unto him who IS ABLE TO KEEP you from stumbling….

And present you faultless….

Before the presence of His Glory…

With Exceeding Joy…..

To the Only Wise G-d Our Father….

Be Glory….

And Majesty….


And Power…

Both now and forverermore….

Spirit, I bless you with a depth in Him that UNANCHORS the knowledge of the exceeding sinfulness of your sin

And roots and anchors you in the deeper, yea, infinite depths of His lovingkindness and tender mercies….

I bless you to be reconciled with a depth of perspective that causes you to see His reason for why you are cleansed beyond belief and why you ARE whiter than snow…

I bless you to receive the depth of His heart-filled-emotion-filled-solid-as-a-rock-emotion-laden reasoning…

I bless you to see His capacity and willingness to handle your debts….all of them…

And I bless you to recover the lost wages those clowns stole with penalties and interest…

I bless you that you will be filled and fulfilled with HOLY righteousness THAT WEAVES TOGETHER PRINCIPLES the weaving together of which sanctifies you to your birthright, which is the promise of His vow to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness….

I bless you to be reconciled to a King that wants to lavish His full affection on you, though you think you are a sinner…..

I bless you with the Light of His countenance, that He May give you wholeness, spirit….

I bless you, spirit, to know that the Bronze Laver is irrevocable to the Second Level, and G-d WILL NEVER TAKE IT AWAY. It is impossible for G-d to remove His mechanism which Cleanses, because He cannot help but cleanse things.

He is around, and things in His presence begin to be cleansed because of who He is. He will clean you if you let him.


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