Underselling and Undercutting Item 2 In the Fractal of 7: Part 2 And Window of Reconciliation Blessing: Blessing 10: Names of G-d: The Reasoner Concerning Your Sin

The Bronze Laver and the Waters/Waters and the Expanse/Dome of the Shamayim were made for cleansing……

And we tell ourselves, “I am just a sinner and my righteousness is as filthy rags”.

I understand when a pre-believer says this.

But when a son of G-d says this, when a follower of the L-rd says this…I begin to take issue.

When a bride of Christ calls themselves a harlot, even after His cleansing, Living Water, Fuller’s Soap and Refining Fire have burned up all the actual filthy rags, it does not befit the Kingdom of G-d for you His son to pick up blood-soaked rags and dress yourself afresh in them.

As if you forgot that He C.L.E.A.N.S.E.D. you Seven ways to Saturday.

Beloved, this one time, I call your spirit to attention in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, Listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

Come now and let us reason TOGETHER

Though your sins are as scarlet


Isaiah 1:18

Spirit, G-d is the One Who Reasons TOGETHER with you.

With you on His lap and He looking directly on you as you are awash in His presence.

I want this reality to soak into your very fiber, dear heart.

You are loved and yearned for and desires and enough.

And the Bronze Laver is part of the reality, as is the Second Day. And those items will never and can never be unmade as part of the fractal.

Spirit, you can let go of the castigation of yourself.

Jesus loves you, this I know….

Spirit, you were always enough.

The L-rd, the Reasoner Concerning Your Sin, who does not fly off the handle at your sin, and heals your heart so that your heart can testify that the Bridegroom is steadfastly faithful in all things….

THAT L-RD bless you with the depths of reality that is deeper than your kiddie-pool shallower than a puddle sin when compared to His Reality…

Hear the Word of the L-rd resonate in the courts of Your Seat of Dominion

For this reason I bow the knee….

Before the Father

That Messiah May dwell in your hearts (plural) through faith

Your three hearts….

The Brain

The Heart

The Reins, being the Kidneys and Adrenals

That you being rooted and grounded in the soul of his love

May have power to comprehend together with all of the saints, what is…

The length…

And the breadth…

And the height…

And the depth…

And to KNOW that which is deeper and higher and broader and wider and longer than all that may be known….

Now, unto him who IS ABLE TO KEEP you from stumbling….

And present you faultless….

Before the presence of His Glory…

With Exceeding Joy…..

To the Only Wise G-d Our Father….

Be Glory….

And Majesty….


And Power…

Both now and forverermore….

Spirit, I bless you with a depth in Him that UNANCHORS the knowledge of the exceeding sinfulness of your sin

And roots and anchors you in the deeper, yea, infinite depths of His lovingkindness and tender mercies….

I bless you to be reconciled with a depth of perspective that causes you to see His reason for why you are cleansed beyond belief and why you ARE whiter than snow…

I bless you to receive the depth of His heart-filled-emotion-filled-solid-as-a-rock-emotion-laden reasoning…

I bless you to see His capacity and willingness to handle your debts….all of them…

And I bless you to recover the lost wages those clowns stole with penalties and interest…

I bless you that you will be filled and fulfilled with HOLY righteousness THAT WEAVES TOGETHER PRINCIPLES the weaving together of which sanctifies you to your birthright, which is the promise of His vow to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness….

I bless you to be reconciled to a King that wants to lavish His full affection on you, though you think you are a sinner…..

I bless you with the Light of His countenance, that He May give you wholeness, spirit….

I bless you, spirit, to know that the Bronze Laver is irrevocable to the Second Level, and G-d WILL NEVER TAKE IT AWAY. It is impossible for G-d to remove His mechanism which Cleanses, because He cannot help but cleanse things.

He is around, and things in His presence begin to be cleansed because of who He is. He will clean you if you let him.


What Colossians 3:8 REALLY Means, and Why I Disagree Strongly with Religious Spirits That Have Blanket Moratoria Without Exceptions On Certain Words

TRIGGER WARNING: Victims of abuse and sensitive or wounded minds may be offended here.

Some people have already decided in their minds what they want this post to say, and so they might be doing the usual exercise of listening in order to construct a strawman based on what they think I am going to say, in order to knock it down.

So, for those who have made up their mind, you may move from this post to the next, or if you want to skip the offensive segment, then skip the following segment and move to the third segment.

Passages That Will Trigger Some

So, for a contextual overlay, let me requote a couple of passages.

Then I said, “woe is me, for I am undone.”

Isaiah 6:5

Possible way of translating this

Then I said “Holy shit! I am going to die!”

Or Ezekiel 23

“The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother. They played the whore in Egypt; they played the whore in their youth; there their breasts were pressed and their virgin bosoms handled. Oholah was the name of the elder and Oholibah the name of her sister. They became mine, and they bore sons and daughters. As for their names, Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem.
“Oholah played the whore while she was mine, and she lusted after her lovers the Assyrians, warriors clothed in purple, governors and commanders, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding on horses. She bestowed her whoring upon them, the choicest men of Assyria all of them, and she defiled herself with all the idols of everyone after whom she lusted. She did not give up her whoring that she had begun in Egypt; for in her youth men had lain with her and handled her virgin bosom and poured out their whoring lust upon her. Therefore I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the Assyrians, after whom she lusted. These uncovered her nakedness; they seized her sons and her daughters; and as for her, they killed her with the sword; and she became a byword among women, when judgment had been executed on her.
“Her sister Oholibah saw this, and she became more corrupt than her sister in her lust and in her whoring, which was worse than that of her sister. She lusted after the Assyrians, governors and commanders, warriors clothed in full armor, horsemen riding on horses, all of them desirable young men. And I saw that she was defiled; they both took the same way. But she carried her whoring further. She saw men portrayed on the wall, the images of the Chaldeans portrayed in vermilion, wearing belts on their waists, with flowing turbans on their heads, all of them having the appearance of officers, a likeness of Babylonians whose native land was Chaldea. When she saw them, she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. And the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoring lust. And after she was defiled by them, she turned from them in disgust. When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses.”

Ezekiel 23:1-20 ESV

Verse 20, to say nothing about the profane way the rest of chapter 23 was written

Who were hung like horses and who ejaculated the same way…

And Paul, this time without the first transation

As for those who are agitating you, I wish they would cut their penises off

Galatians 5;12

And in another place

“For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as shit, in order that I may gain Christ”

Philippians 3:8 ESV

And let’s not forget that Baal was in the words of Elijah might have been taking a shit (1 Kings 18 can actually read like that), among other places, and Redemptive Gift Prophets like Elijah, and Exhorters were not know for their flowery, G-rated, sarcasm-free speech).

What the Song of Solomon Is Really Saying And How It May Set the Tone For Some Marriages

To say nothing about how raw the Song of Solomon actually reads, for all you allegorical types. Dew and dripping with myrrh and liquids in the Song are references to sexual fluids. And while the types and analogies of Scripture are at play in Song of Solomon, due to Ephesians 5, that does not supecede that the Song is a picture of the heights of intimacy between husband and wife, and it is really graphic. The “mountain of myrrh” is something the woman is saying about the man, and I will leave it at that.

The Real Point of Colossians 3:8

Paul was not saying get rid of the four-letter words from your mouth.

Paul was saying get rid of speech that abuses others.

That will be different for different people.

Our job, when we connect with others, is not to inauthentically put on a front to them, but rather is to be authentic. If that means some do not speak with four-letter words, then that is fine, and no I will absolutely not entertain a debate about whether or not that can be done.

The fact is that people need to learn how to be real and honest and sincere, because this generation can point out a fake believer 35 miles away. I do not care if you can clean up your language one whit, if you are still coming home drunk off your ass, and lying about everything else, and gaslighting everyone that you live with.

The problem is not our mouths, but the problem is our mouths, and it is not “keep away from this list of words that are contraband”.

We have enough issues with Christians trying to protect their reputations by avoiding certain words while also running in the direction of deception, abuse, gaslighting, and covering up rape, mistreatment, offense, and every other foul tarpit.

Our capacity to execute in the kingdom will be proven by the fruit of what we preserve.

If my sons or daughter tell the truth and they happen to voice their frustration by occasionally using a word, not to abuse but because they are frustrated or angry or dealing with injustice, but they never stops protecting the widow and the orphan and the fatherless boy who does not have a man in his life to show him what it means to be a kingdom man, then I sure better have the balls to coach them to a better place in all things and bless them for doing the right thing.

Now, where this turns troublesome is where the language turns abusive, and me and 100% of my friends and colleagues know when the language has turned the corner from frustration to abuse.

But voicing frustration and abusing people are two different things.

Paul and the balance of Scripture were vastly more concerned with the abuse factor than they were about whether one had successfully managed to avoid every bad word on the checklist.

Gang, it is time we do the same.

If we avoid the cuss words but run headlong into telling lies, weaving webs of deceit projecting an inauthentic image, and gaslighting others, we have royally screwed up.

So, as you are working with your kids, make sure you keep the holy checklist to a minimum and coach them to a place of being a whole man or a whole woman.

We need more of those whole people running around.

And we need more authenticity.

And we need fewer legitimacy crutches of “I am legitimate because I avoided all the bad words.”

You can walk around with a hundred gold-plated crutches, but that does not make you any less of a cripple.

Just some raw and open thoughts as I work at making my speech more fathering and less abusive myself.

And for Christ’s sake, let’s lay off the sanitizing of Scripture because we are embarrased in its portrayal of all things messy.

When the Holy Spirit touches human flesh, things are bound to get messy.

Praying for you, gang.

Beth Moore, the Redemptive Gift Teacher Who Behaved Like An Fivefold Prophet, and the SBC, Who Has Spent Far Too Long Protecting Ministers With Wolvish Behavior

One of my relatives was sexually molested by a Southern Baptist pastor.

To this day, I have a strong distaste for men in positions of leadership in the church, and the level of control that many of them walk in with the consequent abscense of the required vulnerability and transparency that should mark an elder and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And I am one of the number that is gifted and called to pastor.

And I would say, based on her recent behavior, Beth Moore is acting more like a pastor and prophet than most of the men I have seen, with some exceptions.

So, I say this with a very cautious, but needed heart.

The Southern Baptist Convention Needs To Repent of the Conventional Wisdom

A report from February by the Houston Chronicle details some 220 men over 20 years assaulted some 700 victims.  My relative is one of those victims.

And unfortunately, the convention might stand to reap judgment for wanting to protect their own reputations, and blaming the victims.

My relative was fired from their position at the church because of this mentality of “protect your reputation”.  That church is reaping the judgment of not just the behavior toward the victim, but also toward their reputation.

And that church has yet to repent for permitting that sin and that serial violation.

Something has to change.  Something has to give.  Because people can only be freely justified (Romans 3:23) if they confess their sins (1 John 1:9).

Enter Beth Moore, Catalyst

It would seem Beth Moore has also found herself in hot water with the powers that be.

She let slip on Twitter that she was preaching on Mother’s Day, and Owen Strachan of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary replied that women should not preach in a pulpit on Sunday to the main service, given that is perceived as only the domain of men.

Now, I understand that a great many of my evangelical friends might agree with Strachan and a number of early church fathers that preaching is only the domain of men.

However, I happen to disagree with the incomplete interpretation of the sledgehammer texts of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, for an army of reasons, including A) the ignorance of their social and historical context, given Corinthian and Ephesian women were often caught up in prostitution and sexual idolatry, B) the Greek verb λαλέω in 1 Corinthians 14:35 which is the most generic word for speaking, C) the absence of the Greek verb κηρύσσω in 1 Timothy 2:11-12 or 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 which is the verb used to show preaching in an authoritative fashion, D) the fact that the text 1 Timothy 2:12 reads “I do not permit” rather than “G-d does not permit” (this is an exhortation of Paul’s for that context, not a command of G-d’s for all time),  E) the examples of numerous women who testified, prophesied, preached, taught, and led (including Deborah, Huldah, Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia), many of whom were associates of the Apostle Paul.

Focusing on 1 Timothy 2:12

Paul says “I do not permit a woman to teach…”

Let’s look at that phrase.  Teaching is something in the Ephesian church that Paul forbade of women, regardless of the perception.  Given that pulpits did not exist back then, the Southern Baptist position is little more than a tradition of men based on a terrible reading of the text.

Let us show how terrible that reading is by taking that phrase to its logical end.

If Paul forbade women from teaching, then he would have forbade any form of teaching that could be remotely construed as authoritative.  This includes teaching kids, teaching infants, teaching the human spirit, teaching the youths, teaching the women, teaching anyone. Teaching is by its very nature, an exchange from one in authority to one not in authority.  Ephesians 6:1 does not say, “children obey your fathers in the L-rd, for this is right.  Rather it says “children obey your PARENTS” γονεύς, which comes from the verb γίνομαι, which means “I cause to be”, or “I generate.”  So, mothers AND fathers are both implied by that word.  Translation: mothers have authority over male children.

Look, this is a reductio ad absurdum, given to show that the premise is unreasonable.  And Beth Moore’s capacity to teach, among about 80 other women that I can name off of the top of my head who can teach, some of whom received their calling to teach precisely because “the last two men told G-d no” (Joyce Meyer).  And for those of you who want to call out heresy in Joyce Meyer for adhering to prosperity messages, she did apologize effectively for that

If we are silent, the rocks would cry out (Luke 19:40).  If a man were stifled by us, by himself, or by the enemy, do we honestly think G-d could be stopped from raising up a woman to do the thing that man was called to do?  Really?  After seeing the account of Deborah alone, one would hope that we would be more savvy in our reading of the texts.

When men drop the ball and choose to stifle their gifts and the call of G-d, G-d will call women, period.  If men stifle their voices or are forbidden by religious leaders of any Christian denomination or within Judaism, the ROCKS will cry out.  If adults will not speak, the children will speak.  G-d is not slackened that He cannot reach and that He is incapable to using anyone He wants to use.  If the messenger is a woman, then so be it.

Beth Moore is right to be used to call out this foolishness and anemic nonsense, and to continue functioning as the lively, vivacious, articulated and called speaker, teacher, and preacher that she is.

And Now For Dealing With the Sexual Abuse Scandal

I think Moore also, in her response toward’s Donald Trump, has been being prepared by G-d to be used, by her very presence, as an instrument for confronting the fever of perversion and sex abuse that has been allowed to grow in the SBC, in part, because of a rampant denial of the need for deliverance, spiritual warfare, and inner healing that pervades much of the run-of-the-mill status-quo of the cessationist theology of that denomination.

I think we men are being forced to deal with the perversion and sex addiction that grips us by the vessels of pure and holy women like Moore being used so readily and massively by G-d.

And it is about time.

The abuse of my relative, which happened some 26 years ago, and lasted for years, along with all those other baby boys and girls, is being confronted as the Mesmerizing Spirit is being dealt with, and if the SBC does not repent for its foolish behavior in many ways, tolerating and protecting ministers who enable iniquity (generational sin) in the camp rather than dealing with it, the judgment may only increase.

Just a few thoughts, from a man who is tired of covering over the nakedness.

The emperors have no clothes, gang.

And it’s taking women to point this out for us.

And supporting the pervert and perversion on the right is just as noisome as supporting the pervert and perversion or the enabler on the left.