That Awkward Moment When…..

…you are not anyone’s flavor of the month because you have to confront everyone.

So, because you are lukewarm, I will vomit you out.

From Revelation 3

Sometimes, there are occasions when we have to take care of others, and other times, there are occasions when we have to impose responsibilities on others in order force or provoke growth in them.

I appear to finish this sabbatical in the same place where I began it: being a goad in the lives of those who need to mature.

I have seen a lot of good come from showing silence or gentleness to community, especially when community grows indifferent or unreceptive. However, there are times we need to shake or stir or provoke community so that it does not entropate.

The verb form of “entropy”, coined by yours truly.

There was a reason the only people vomited from our L-rd’s mouth were those who refused to decide between two useful states and attempted to mix the two into a state of apathy.

Lukewarmth defeats the twin purposes of hot and cold and leads to a destroyed twisting, much like the bile-laden and undigested garbage that is rejected by the king.

Gang, I would like to issue a challenge.

Cold is useful. As is hot. The text of Revelation and the rest of the canon never rejects the idea of “cold”, and, indeed, if we read the context, we will appreciate that reality.

But if you find yourself in a doldrumous place of apathy or refusal to fight or stir up what is needed to stir up, I would urge you to consider asking the King to shake you up in some fashion.

He might just surprise you.

Be blessed to receive His stirring of your spirit.

Do You? Will You? May We? I Want It This Way But Not With This Set of Implications?

Perception equals reality

A great lie.

When we ask questions of others, and we have the opportunity to engage in something we desire, we have then been given two things. Resources, if you will.

Rights plus responsibilities.

We do not celebrate Christmas, and this may or may not create friction with others, because there are expectations, some twisted, that frequently attend the celebration of that day.

Expectations of stuff. Expectations of purchasing on borrowed money. Expectations of rolling with a yearly pressure that may be tied to celebrating the birth of the King, or not.

That said, we as a family usually go and watch a movie. This is something that has its roots in my first marriage but makes a lot of sense. And frequently, those movies are times where the L-rd sits with me in the movie theater and talks to me about what is playing.

And I frequently see principles in said film.

This year we were delayed in seeing the film, and we finally got to see our chosen movie yesterday.

And as a huge Marvel fan, we saw Spider-Man: No Way Home.

And in this film, Peter has dealt with the reality that his secret identity has now become revealed to all. And in frustration, he visits a friend, Steven Strange, in order to ask him to make reality such that people forget who he is. During Strange’s incantation, Peter begins asking him to make exceptions, and provisos, and the balance of the movie is then given to the mess that comes from Peter wanting reality his way.

He wants the rights without the responsibilities and he continually messes things up, which then ultimately leads to a near-destruction of reality. On the way, his Aunt May dies. And other villains from previous realities come to mess with the natural order of things.

And the only way he can fix the mess is by accepting reality the way it is. And enabling Strange to cast the incantation that causes everyone including, his loved ones, to forget who he is

Gang, we have been given a reality and a set of causes that mesh together with a set of effects.

And that reality, when we don’t opt out of the whole of it, can be beautiful, though difficult.

But it is far worse to want some of reality and ignore the rest. That twists reality into something that it wasn’t made to be.

When we do that selective appropriation of reality, we avoid the problems G-d intended us to wrestle with.

And we avoid the following two passages.

“Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds.”

“You meant it for harm, but G-d meant it for good.”

G-d, in bringing us to growth, leads us through trials and hands us problems to solve.

And He may or may not force the issue.

The issue is, when we ask Him for a chunk of reality that includes hla major blessings, are we willing to cultivate the skills necessary to scramble over and around and by that set of rocks in order to possess all He has for us in terms of blessing.

We may not fully appreciate the blessing until we have been given the curse to wrestle with.

Now, be careful when you read what I write. By “curse” I don’t mean G-d literally curses us. By “curse” I mean “problem to solve”.

Now, why did I use the word “curse”?

Two reasons. One, because the poetic nature of the way “curse” pairs with blessing.

Two, because too frequently, WE CURSE the difficult or inconvenient problem G-d gives us to solve, because He treats us as sons.

Slaves do not get problems to solve. Sons, rather, are they who get the problems to solve.

So, take heart, love. Because if you are getting problems when you pray, it is likely because G-d is trusting you as a son.

Be at peace, and if you need to solve a nettlesome problem, please feel free to reach out. I and others, as fellow sons, can help you to solve that problem.

G-d wants to bless you, but in order to do it, He has to calibrate you in order to equip you to solve problems.

Songs That Witness Against

Even though there are sizable aggregates in the Church Universal that either laud Hebrew and Hebrew texts to an unhealthy degree on the one hand, and those that walk with anti-Semitic threads in teaching Scripture on the other hand, I remain committed to teaching and Exegeting the two segments of Holy Writ as one.

I have also dealt with several individuals that think not a few unsavory things about the Greek language of the New Testament (see the stream of thought that the Greek language is less than Hebrew *GROAN* and other oversimplified views).

Anyway, what follows are my thoughts on some text in Deuteronomy that gripped me (my spirit) the last couple of days.

The Song of Moses That Witnesses Against Israel

The text reads:

“Assemble to me all the elders of your tribes and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears and call heaven and earth to witness against them. For I know that after my death you will surely act corruptly and turn aside from the way that I have commanded you. And in the days to come evil will befall you, because you will do what is evil in the sight of the L-RD, provoking him to anger through the work of your hands.”

Then Moses spoke the words of this song until they were finished, in the ears of all the assembly of Israel:

(Deuteronomy 31:28–30 ESVi)

And the song that witnesses against runs through the lion’s share of chapter 32.

I am not going to cite the whole thing because it’s 44 verses.

But basically, to sum up, the L-RD blessed His people in the land, they grew “fat” and in abundance, and then chose to rebel.

See, too many people read through Deuteronomy 32, the hot-button verse in 39 that says:

“See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.”

…and then they assume a quick, two-dimensional Calivinist theology of the sovereignty of the G-d of Caprice,

…without seeing 32:39 in the context of G-d’s deeply personal investment in his people (making them alive and healing them: cross-reference Exodus 15:26: I am the L-RD that healeth thee),

…followed by their growing fat in the land, followed by their rebellion, FOLLOWED BY His declaration that the destruction that comes from Him, no matter the vehicle, is in cool-headed response to their deliberate pattern of stubbornness….

Too many people need to slow their roll when it comes to exegesis and not leap towards the simple, easy, and wrong solution to the nature of G-d.

And Moses is giving this this song as a warning about what is to come if they turn from the King. And one of the lessons we can gather from the text is that “justice and retribution for repeated patterns of stubbornness will come”).

Be blessed, gang. And May your evenings be full of the King׳s kindness.

Truly, this song is an expression of the merciful heart of a loving G-d. Dear eres d DC C

Blessing 18: WOR Blessing: The G-d Who Restrains Us From Battle: Deuteronomy 2:9

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

“….do not harass Moab or contend with them in battle…”

Spirit, there are times when we wrestle with clowns and other forces of darkness.

But there are times when the L-rd has for us not to fight, but to rest and do nothing. This particular text deals with Moab, who grew to dread Israel and whose king, Balak, eventually asked Balaam to come and curse Israel. That said, the L-rd at the time He is recounting 2:9, told the Israelites not to contend with Moab.

Spirit, I beseech you to listen to the King for not only his battle plan, but also his agenda for rest and refraining from fighting.

I bless you to know that just because you see Someone who looks like an enemy does not mean that that person is an enemy. I bless you to have sharp discernment in this area. I’m blessed to know when your commander is instructing you to fight and when he is not instructing you to fight.

I bless you to see and restrain when you are instructed to restrain.

I bless you to know when to contend versus when to rest.

I bless you to know the difference between a warfare as a means of legitimacy and warfare that is strategic out of a place of humility.

I bless you to know when and with whom you should contend in a specific season.

I bless you to reject the enemy’s agenda for warfare. Especially given that clowns will keep you busy if you let them.

I bless you to relentlessly hunt for the L-rd’s agenda for warfare.

I bless you to know that G-d created literal snakes and called them good on the fifth or the sixth day. And I bless you to know that not every snake you see either in the spirit or in reality is wicked.

I bless you to know when to restrain your hand from war and when to engage in warfare.

I bless you to respond to the King’s signals and to avoid reacting to the enemy everytime they want to harass you.

I bless you to walk in self-control regardless of what may seem to be happening in your situation. And to attack as the L-rd gives you instructions or as you know you should war.

Spirit, I bless you to get comfortable with feeling out the rhythms involved in warfare.

Some you will absolutely respond to everytime.

And some you will wait for the King’s call to fight.

Be at sufficient wholeness and peace to know when you are supposed to act and when you are supposed to refrain.

In the name of Yeshua.


Leviticus 19:34 Is Not About Illegal Aliens and Blessing 17: The Shepherd and King Who Protects The Citizens and His Flock

There are passages that certain groups like to use as cudgels in order to attempt to beat believers into submission on the issue of immigration.

The probelm with those sorts of interpretations is that they rarely differentiate, inmportantly, between legal and illegal.

So, I will briefly cover Leviticus 19:34, the phrase in question, and what it acutally implies. The text reads:

“You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the L-rd your G-d.”

You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you.

Meaning, they were willing to engage with the legal process necessary to walk as citizens. Meaning, not amnesty, but rather, these immigrants were to be treated not merely with the rights, but also the responsibilities due citizens of a nation.

This precludes people coming into the nation of Israel illegally, while rejecting the rule of law. With rights come the responsibilities.

Looking at the situation with Ruth who immigrated from Moab, she clearly took an informal oath of citizenship (Ruth 1:16-17 ESV):

But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the L-RD do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.”

Ruth invokes the COVENANT (legal, law, Torah) name of HaShem here., calling Him “L-RD”. This brings with it the Law of Moses. And coming here legally, includeing Leviticus 19:34, and the history of Egyptians and others that chose to come and celebrate the Passover and the feasts.

Ruth didn’t just steal across the border and ignore Jericho, the city that protected the boundary of the promised land. She said she would become as a citizen and subject herself to the same laws that the L-RD imposed on His people.


Most memes and arguments that I have seen, and I dare say, you have seen, dear friend, that call believers heartless for ignoring the plight of the immigrant do not make a distinction between those who come here legally and those who come here illegally. But the rule of law and Scripture are both clear.

Observe the principle illustrated in John 10:1.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1 KJV).

Your responsibility in dealing with immigrants is to make a distinction between those who come here legally, and those who come here by some other way.

And your job further is to reject the gaslighting of those who refuse to parse out and handle the nuance between legal and illegal.

The process for coming here is not heartless. Rather, it is designed to protect us from those who would seek to do us harm.

So, beloved, I bless your spirit to be present. Spirit, I bless you to see the King as not cruel nor a heartless taskmaster, but someone who seeks to Shepherd you and in so doing, protect you from wolves and coyotes and those who seek your harm. I bless you to see the ways, all the ways, the King and the Shepherd cares for you. I bless you to know and realize that there are times when people are not allowed in and that system is set in place not to punish any person, but to protect those who are citizens.

I bless you to see the applications not just in geographic masses but also in spiritual kingdoms. There is a reason, spirit, why HaShem filters out and blocks thieves and murderers from coming.

I bless you with purpose and understanding and compassion for those who wish to come in via the Gate, versus those who mean you harm.

I bless your discerment to be sharp as a tack. And I bless you to know the reality of what is required of us as children of the kingdom.

I bless you with a deep revelation of the Love of G-d. And I bless you with a comprehensive revelation of the manifold ways He keeps you safe, spirit.

Be at peace, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 16: WOR Blessing: Distinguishing Your Provision From Anothers

Beloved, I invite your spirit to treat with me in the name of Yeshua.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Do not contend with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as for the sole of the foot to tread on, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. You shall purchase food from them with money, that you may eat, and you shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

Deuteronomy 2:5-6 ESV

Spirit, not all of the resources you see are yours.

Some resources and wealth G-d has provided to others.

And as difficult as that may be, it is a lesson in discernment and Stewardship.

G-d places certain bits of land in our midst because He is giving that land to us in order to manage.

And sometimes He places certain peoples in our midst in order to provide food or sustenance to us.

Spirit, you will meet people that have a bit of land and resources and you will have to learn the lesson of discerning when the land is your portion and when other aspects are your portion.

G-d gives us certain provisions, He writes us specific checks from specific checkbooks.

And not everything we see is automatically going to get credited to our accounts.

And One of the sharpest most perceptive lessons we can learn is the lesson of discernment between our resources and the resources of another. And we also must learn how to protect not only our resources but also the resources of another. Because when we protect the resources of another, we are shown to be trustworthy and faithful stewards which means we can be trusted with other things as well.

So, spirit, I bless you to lead in the discernment arena.

I bless you to have a strong and clear voice in the area of what belongs to your host versus what does not.

I bless you to be content with your portion.

I bless you to see the resources being provided you, and O bless you to coach the soul in the appropriate direction in which to set his or her desires.

I bless you to cultivate and lead the soul and body with a strong awareness of the Tenth Commandment, and to coach them in parsing between what G-d has given Soul and Body versus what G-d has given another.

I bless you, spirit to say “no” when “no” is right and good.

And I bless you to say “yes” when “yes” is right and good.

I bless you with revelation of reality pertaining to your resources. And I bless you with skill to utilize the resources that are you.

Be at peace with that revelation, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 15: WOR Blessing: Reconciling To G-d: The Provider In the Wilderness

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

For the L-RD your G-d has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through this great wilderness. These forty years the L-RD your G-d has been with you. You have lacked nothing

Deuteronomy 2:7

Spirit, there are a number of things to consider while you are in the wilderness. Where you are, the Father is. Where you are with your need, the Father is there to meet your need.

The problem begins, however, when you believe the resources are not there to meet your need, or you believe Items A through G are the only legitimate resources and provisions, when Father has provided you A through ZZ.

Spirit, out of the gate, I am not just merely going to bless you with a pleasant “there there, it’s alright”….

Right now, spirit, I am going to bless you with eye sight and eye salve, if necessary, to see properly, and maybe so also that scales might fall from your eyes so you can see broader, deeper, higher, or more profusely that you currently see.

I bless you with the Mercy Season need to see the blindness, poverty, misery, wretchedness, nakedness you formerly accepted as your portion,

And I bless you to buy refined gold and linen garments that are needful for this season.

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.

Revelation 3:18 ESV

I bless you to look around and see options you are allowing others to blind you to.

I bless you to know more deeply His polyvareigated wisdom and understanding that you might accrue the full compliment of wisdom you need.

I bless you to break off any self-imposed blindness, or self-imposed affliction, or any self-inflicted punishments.

I bless you to see and fight the Third Head of Leviathan. And I bless you to know Father as the Ancient of Days who will help uncoil the twisted and prematurely decaying view of Life you might currently be accepting as your portion.

I bless you to shoe your feet, not with the Shoes of Peace, because those are not the correct shoes for the Teacher, but the Shoes of READINESS.

“Having shod your feet with READINESS” -from Ephesians 6-

“Therefore, get READY” -from Matthew 24:44-

You were not made to get peaceful with that spirit of heaviness that masquerades as peace, but you were made to put your shoes on to get ready for the excursion.

I bless you with the proper alignment to see your shoes in the spirit, and to align footwear to readiness for task.

I realize this dynamic will cut against the grain of much of the teaching on the shoes of the Armor of G-d, but my job is to present you with what you have.

The dynamic of peace is associated with the Gospel.

The dynamic of readiness is associated with the Shoes.

As you Prepare for fulfill your Responsibilities (Principle for the Teacher).

Spirit, I bless your feet, ready and beautiful as they are.….

I bless your awareness of your resources and tools to increase.

And I bless you to plug into the One Who Prepares you for Life in the Wilderness.

And I bless your shoes not to wear out, and I bless you to grasp the manna that is necessary for this season of life in the wilderness. I bless the canvas of your tent to be fresh and strong and without mold.

I bless your eyesight to seek for fresh and daily bread.

And I bless you to reconcile with the Provider.

I bless you to check the balance sheets to take a full account of available resources.

Number the people, spirit. For Son you are.

Be at peace, that is, wholeness.

And get Ready, spirit…

With all my pastoral love and affection…


Blessing 14: September WOR Blessing: Psalm 42:10


I invite your spirit forward to treat with me, regardless of what status it or they are in.

Spirit, I recognize the pain of assault and the trouble that comes when you are traumatized, and the shattering of the human spirit that takes place when ritual abuse occurs.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Be still and know I am G-d

Psalm 46:10

Spirit, there is a place following the trauma of a harsh season or following mistreatment of harsh leaders.

G-d can and often might place us in proximity to harsh leaders.

Note what I said versus what I did not say.

Consider the following also, spirit

Although he was a son, he learned obedience by the things he suffered.

Hebrews 5:8 ESV

There may be times when G-d allows you to connect with harsh leaders in order to refine you.

I don’t guarantee it will happen. In fact I hope it doesn’t happen. But in case you end up dealing with a difficult or harsh leader, I want you to remember one thing in the still place following mistreatment.

He is G-d. And He will coach you in very difficult times.

You will also note I did not say G-d sets us under harsh people in order that they would abuse us.

Abuse happens, but I don’t see it as from the hand of G-d. I do however see our response as capable of coming from the hand of G-d.

I bless you following a difficult situation to get really still and to occupy the still place and to lean into the King deeply.

I bless you to walk in stillness and to take advantage of that stillness in order to receive deep clarity.

I bless you in that season to find out how Father wants you to respond and to deeply know Him in intimacy.

I bless you to find deeper intimacy regardless of the current pain.

I bless you to speak to Yeshua, who is capable of taking all pain. I bless each of you, parts, to just be and to appropriate whatever of King’s love in whatever manner you deem necessary.

I bless your enforcers in their anger to express that anger and frustration and to ask the questions they need to ask. This is a safe space for them.

I bless you to know what is meant by fellowshipping with the King in His sufferings.

I bless you to participate with Him in a deep and satisfying connection.

And most importantly, I bless you to, in the still place, for your parts that which to occupy that space, to occupy that space in time and to fill that space with the knowledge of Him.

I bless you with dignity and grace and love and affection and wholeness.

And above all, I bless you, spirit, and relevant parts to know you belong.

You belong, dear heart.

In stillness, you belong.

I bless you to know Him as G-d, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.

So be it.

WOR Blessing: Reconciled to G-d: Blessing 13: G-d of Plan B

Okay, soul, based on how some of y’all have read that title and gotten offended, with the logical argument that G-d doesn’t have a plan B.

Soul, this blessing is not for you. This blessing is for the spirit.

So beloved soul, I need you to move to the side for a season, so I can speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you to lean forward, but only as closely as you can wish, understanding that some might not feel safe.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

Then the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in Seir as far as Hormah. And you returned and wept before the L-RD, but the L-RD did not listen to your voice or give ear to you. So you remained at Kadesh many days, the days that you remained there.

Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea, as the L-RD told me. And for many days we traveled around Mount Seir. Then the L-RD said to me, ‘You have been traveling around this mountain country long enough. Turn northward”

Deuteronomy 1:44–2:3 ESV

Spirit, I want you to be aware of G-d’e contingency plan for when things get messed up. I want you to know it is not a plan for which He is settling or toward which His apathy is being expressed.

G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, because we have free will.

But there is still a redemptive purpose for each season if we will hunt for it.

And, spirit, when we mess up, we need to know that there is still a redemptive plan in the works for us. And that plan is something Y-d wishes to work out.

For Israel, due to their Av 9 rebellion (Numbers 13), they had to pursue a new path. And in that path, G-d engaged in redemption of a nation of doves, raising up a nation of sons from that nation of slaves.

So, spirit, I engage with you in order to encourage you to pursue what the L-rd’s current path for you. I bless you to see the plan in front of you. I bless you with faith for the wilderness if you find yourself there.

I bless you to hear the voice of the G-d of Plan B. The plan that manifests as a result of circumstances that may have derived from your choices, but is no less redemptive.

I bless you to wrestle with reality and to hear from the King’s gentle whisper in the midst of your broom tree encounter. I bless you to anoint the people you need to anoint even when you are struggling with depression or anger or PTSD or parts or whatever the case.

I bless you to move into the new season.

For whatever circumstances in which you find yourself, the Father can redeem those.

For it is impossible for G-d to not redeem and reconcile.

I bless you to find the streams in the desert as you find yourself in a different season.

I bless you with the reality that, even though G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, eventually those circumstances will be caused to work together by Him for your good.

Even the wilderness and the desert and the dry places are your reality, spirit, G-d will lead you through that season to a place of fruitfulness.

Spirit, be at peace and be free to connect with the L-rd. Be at peace to connect with Him at Mount Seir. And be at peace to hear Him when it is time to leave the mountain when He says to.

I bless you in the midst of the new season to embrace the G-d who provides you contingencies and will ultimately get you the resources He has for you, the provision that is for the vision He gives you.

I also bless you to release the old season when it is no longer reality.

And to step into the new season when that is now where you are.

I bless your timestream to flow in accordance with Father’s design regardless of the transitions.

And I bless you to see that, just because the assignment has changed or been modified, your design does not change.

I bless you with stability in the midst of an otherwise destabilizing season that arrives as a result of your choices or the choices of others.

I bless you with the grace necessary to be fruitful in the middle of a new season.

And I bless you to keep moving forward even when things do not go the way you thought they would or should.

And I bless you with peace according to the season’s need.

Spirit, be blessed and keep moving forward, in the name of Yeshua.


Blessing 12: September WOR Blessing: Deuteronomy 1:25

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

And they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us, and brought us word again and said, “It is a good land that the L-RD our G-d is giving us.”

Deuteronomy 1:25

A good land, given us….

Spirit, you were made for good land. You were not made for sin or made as a foul, reprobate, worm, bastard sinner.

You were made for the good land and the good land was made to be given you. G-d does not make us and never designed us for the place of suffering that is the lake of fire.

The lake of fire, rather, was prepared for the devil and his messengers.

Spirit, you, On the other hand, or made for a land that is FLOWING with milk and honey. A land in a place of abundance and provision.

Spirit, I resist utterly the idea that we are supposed to castigate ourselves for the entire tea of our lives. no no no no no no no. We were made for birthright and for destiny and for love and for purpose and for peace and for joy and for kindness and for goodness by an eminently faithful King.

You are to be reconciled to this Gift-Giver who affectionately thinks of you, toward you, and is for you.

So, spirit, I so deeply bless you with the revealing that the Father is the Giver. He is neither a taker of gifts or a stripper of callings. Those gifts and those callings are irrevocable. You were made to walk in them, and for them not to be stripped and given and stripped and given.

I bless you with love.

I bless you to know and be reconciled, for that is the MAIN REASON why Christ Jesus died. Not for mere fire insurance, but for deep reconciliation.

So we could experience the transition from summer to autumn and the beauty and the color change of the leaves, and his abundant provision in 1000 different facets.

I bless you with maple sap from sugar maples.

And long, powerful, spotted giraffe necks.

And the nasal, tooting “Kent”call of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

And the plush feel of St. Augustine grass.

And the aroma of coconuts.

And the scent of orange blossoms.

And the zest of Lemons.

And the laughter of babies.

And the wood of dogs.

And the fullness of your birthright.

All of which was given by a good, good Father.

Who creates and creates in abundance, just so she could “lead captivity captive and give gifts to men”.

Ladies that includes you as well. Spirit, that’s for the masculine as well as the feminine. For if I can be called the bride of Christ, then you can be called the son of God. Congratulations, life is uncomfortable for everyone. 🙂

Spirit, I bless you to know the generosity of a Father who yearns for deep reconciliation with you, even as bad as you might think you are. For he still made you and called you good.

I bless you to be reconciled with the reality that you are worth giving a good gift. And you are worth Jesus dying so that you could have a good gift. And not just one good gift: many besides.

I bless you deeply with that revelation in tenderness, kindness, compassion, and love.

Be blessed with the steadfast love of that revelation.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua.
