Blessing 18: WOR Blessing: The G-d Who Restrains Us From Battle: Deuteronomy 2:9

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

“….do not harass Moab or contend with them in battle…”

Spirit, there are times when we wrestle with clowns and other forces of darkness.

But there are times when the L-rd has for us not to fight, but to rest and do nothing. This particular text deals with Moab, who grew to dread Israel and whose king, Balak, eventually asked Balaam to come and curse Israel. That said, the L-rd at the time He is recounting 2:9, told the Israelites not to contend with Moab.

Spirit, I beseech you to listen to the King for not only his battle plan, but also his agenda for rest and refraining from fighting.

I bless you to know that just because you see Someone who looks like an enemy does not mean that that person is an enemy. I bless you to have sharp discernment in this area. I’m blessed to know when your commander is instructing you to fight and when he is not instructing you to fight.

I bless you to see and restrain when you are instructed to restrain.

I bless you to know when to contend versus when to rest.

I bless you to know the difference between a warfare as a means of legitimacy and warfare that is strategic out of a place of humility.

I bless you to know when and with whom you should contend in a specific season.

I bless you to reject the enemy’s agenda for warfare. Especially given that clowns will keep you busy if you let them.

I bless you to relentlessly hunt for the L-rd’s agenda for warfare.

I bless you to know that G-d created literal snakes and called them good on the fifth or the sixth day. And I bless you to know that not every snake you see either in the spirit or in reality is wicked.

I bless you to know when to restrain your hand from war and when to engage in warfare.

I bless you to respond to the King’s signals and to avoid reacting to the enemy everytime they want to harass you.

I bless you to walk in self-control regardless of what may seem to be happening in your situation. And to attack as the L-rd gives you instructions or as you know you should war.

Spirit, I bless you to get comfortable with feeling out the rhythms involved in warfare.

Some you will absolutely respond to everytime.

And some you will wait for the King’s call to fight.

Be at sufficient wholeness and peace to know when you are supposed to act and when you are supposed to refrain.

In the name of Yeshua.
