Blessing 6: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d

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Beloved, I invite your spirit forward, in Jesus’ name.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you today

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,”

Hebrews 6:19 ESV

Spirit, our hope does not twist or turn like a wish as does the worldly forms of hope, as in, “I hope or desire or which this would happen.”.

Spirit that is not the way of G-d or His variety of hope.

I have taught this before, but hope is the root and fuel of everything to do with prophecy and prophets and prophetic gifting or unctions.

Spirit, on of the names of our King, and one of the most ancient of church symbols, is Anchor.

A place that holds fast and grips when thrown into something where it sticks.

Spirit, our hope and our anchor holds within and behind the veil within the spiritual fabric of the Mercy Seat.

We depend upon, and seek, and favor His Mercy Seat

For there you cover

Ev’ry lie I spoke

And ev’ry promise that I’ve broke

And ev’ry dreamer than I’ve woke

The Waiting “The Mercy Seat”

That Mercy Seat full of his Mercies and Mercy is a sure place that will never break apart and will be a deep ocean into which we can drop our anchors.

And He is the anchor, the securing point when everything is awash in turgid maelstrom.

Spirit, I bless you to HOLD FAST.

I bless you to lash your rope to the anchor, when you are roughed-up.

I bless you to find and deeply test the strength of that Anchor.

He wrote his covenant with you because many times He knew there would be entities that would seek to destabilize your ability to trust him.

I bless you to ask the questions and see hard answers to hard questions and to hear His heart honestly.


I bless you to anchor deep and be found in a place of stabilizing force when all other powers and authorities would seek to force you to move in different ways.

Spirit, be at deep and abiding peace. And rest securely in that anchor that holds behind the veil.

I bless your boat and ship to survive and harness the storms for which it was designed.

“I find this freedom in this little ship.” -Kevin Max Smith-

I bless you to find freedom as you chart your course knowing the Anchor, He is every present.

Be blessed, spirit, and reconciled to the Son in this fashion.


One thought on “Blessing 6: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d

  1. Wow – this hit deeply for me. The anchor and the reminder on the different between hope in the world and hope in an unchanging God.

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