Blessing 3: Blessing For the Season: Window of Reconciliation: September, Reconciliation to G-d,

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Beloved, I invite your spirit forward to connect for a few minutes.

Spirit, listen tot he word of G-d for you for today.

The L-RD said to Cain…

From Genesis 4:6, 9 ESV

Spirit, this text clearly says that, when Cain sinned in unrighteous anger and in the execution of murder both times, it never says he went to G-d. Rather, the text seems, at least to me, to indicate G-d came to him.

Let me say that again a little louder for those in the back.

Spirit, after Cain messed up twice, G-d didn’t consign him immediately to hell or Sheol or banish Cain. G-d came to Cain to help coach him to fix the problem.

Cain chose to leave G-d’s presence, not the way we typically hear this preached.

Nor was Cain this “ooooohhhhh wicked rebellious sinner beyond redemption.”

And this whole overgrown “a holy G-d cannot look on sin” nonsense that we have constructed off on own or two proof texts.

Plainly, after Cain sinned and before any sort of repentance take place, G-d approached him when there was still blood on his hands and offered to help him out of it.

Spirit, after our mess-ups and before the repentance bears forth, there is a moment in which G-d comes to visit us with His kindness and which His offer to help us to a better place.

So, Spirit, I bless you to speak up when we each screw up and to say “HEY! THIS IS THE WAY BACK HOME!!!!!”

I bless your voice to be among the oldest in our ear and presenting the kindness of the King as the way back home, even if the way back home may be difficult.

I bless you to latch onto and to display the reconciling desire of the Father’s heart when we are missing it.

I bless you to remind the person in whom you dwell that the way back home is already ready already (pardon that odd syntax), and the door is already flung wide for you to come back home, and the Father waits to kill the fatted calf in celebration of your return.

I bless you to be full of the purposes of the L-rd as you come back home and as you respond to the voice of the L-rd who is ever near the screwed-up.

I bless you to light on the path and the place where we ought to go.

If we are exhorted, spirit, to come boldly before the throne of grace, what’s to stop the Father from boldly coming to us with kindness to make…

all things new….

Be reconciled, you who have messed up, to a Father that wants you home.

In the name of Yeshua.

So be it.

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