Blessing 2: Blessing For the Season: Window of Reconciliation: September, Reconciliation to G-d, How G-d Works With Our Spirit In Part and Blessing 2

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We have too many people that treat themselves as Slaves of the Master rather than Noble Subjets of the King: Those that wish to only think with their souls, their natural minds, and what they can perceive with their senses, which are all great gifts from the King, but do not account for the reality and knowledge of the things of the spirit. Obedience is part of the equation of how we walk with the L-rd, but it is not the end goal. Further, if we treat ourselves only as slaves, we will never step into the fullness of who we are as sons who build and create in partmership with the King. Gang, you are noble, and you are sons (And I have said this before, and I will say it again. Ladies: if men can be the bride of Christ, you can be called sons of G-d. Congratuations, life is uncomfortable for all of us). We need way more believers who want their spirits leading, because it is on the level of the spirit where the King does most of His interactions and work with us. And it is the spirit leading that enables us to be the most productive as followers of Messiah. And it is the spirit that is active from conception, while the soul requires the functioning of the mylenated nerves in order to function. G-d, in handicapping our souls for the first portion of our lives, and causing our spirits to be active and engageable from conception, enabled us to move to a place of strength in accordance with His design. So, when I construct a blessing for the spirit, it is precisly because I am following the design and blueprint G-d set up, as that we could have gthe easiest time walking as sons, overcomers, and those who will walk toward holiness and righteousness rather than constantly struggling with sin. We were made for walking as spiritual beings, and not merely soulish beings.

So, without further adieu, and knowing that Scripture teaches that we be sanctified in spirit, soul, and body, let’s jump into the next several blessings for this window.

As we enter the season that includes the Holy Days of Awe (Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur), Sukkot, and the Simchat Torah, please know that the days surrounding the Autumnal Equinox, which is often known as a holy time for the witchcraft community and defiled for us, were made to be set apart and holy by the L-rd. These twenty days between September 10 and September 30, and especially the 21st were intended by G-d to be days where we deeply connect and recover lost ground with Him, and with that…

Beloved, I would like to invte your spirit to be present for the next few minutes.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

Yes, I have a good inheritance.

Psalm 16:6 ESV

Spirit, in our reconcilation to the L-RD in this season, there is room for the Father to provide many different good and perfect gifts to us. Part of the blessing that G-d the Father wants to give to us is the blessing of protection. Secure boundaries. And boundary LINES that are set up where HE wants them to be set up. Not boundary lines that we have set up. And certainly not boundary lines that the enemy can set up and move whenever he wants to.

Boundary lines that are G-d-ordained are set up for a purpose. They protect and help secure our inheritance. And in this security, we have the opportunity to walk with the King as He establishes our territory,

Our inheritance is not just heaven, spirit. Our inheritance is tied to our destiny in the near-term and present here on earth as we walk as sons who expand the kingdom, while the whole earth groans in anguished expectation as it waits for the manifestation of SONS of G-d.

And all parts of that inheritance are valuable, spirit. And they all merit the protection that the L-rd.

So spirit, I bless you to recognize the blessing and favor of the L-rd.

I bless you to be discerning enough to know when the enemy is attempting to fool you about a boundary marker that he has put in place. I bless you, spirit, to resist the boundary markers of the enemy.

I bless you to hear the boundaries the L-rd has set in place, and as you keep those boundaries.

I bless you to know the full measure of the territory (physical, generational, spiritual) that is yours to steward.

I bless you to rejoice at the bounty of the Father’s heart for you. He does not give boundaries to keep you fenced in, but rather so that you can establish and secure governance over what is legetimately yours.

Spirit, I bless you with the tenacity to fight for the full extent of your territory. And I bless you to remove those enemies that do not belong on your land.

Be at peace, spirit, and be more deeply reconciled with your G-d, who has given you boundary lines that surround what will ultimately become pleasant places.

I bless you to find your way back home to the place in the spirit where you belong.

You are loved in many ways, spirit.

I bless you with those realities in the name of Yeshua.

So be it.

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