An Open Letter to All the Redemptive Gift Prophets

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You are enough….

You are just enough…..

Overthinking it, not needed….

Asking, “did they mean it this way or that way?”, so you could compensate or fix the thing they never asked you to fix, not necessary.

There is a key to your gift, Prophet. There is a deep and abiding key.

And if you use this key, it will align your gift to its proper moorings. And to those who would be tempted to fix without using the key, well, that can hurt.

The key is intimacy with the King. Times of connection with the King where you speak with Him and He with you.

He wants to develop the rivers of living water that flow from your spirit, Prophet.

And the fire that burns.

“I would that you were hot or cold”.

Both the hot and the cold are necessary.

Both the burning and the refreshing….so we do not burn out. But especially critical to the Prophet.

And the Wind that blows us to and fro. As we align our sails to continue the adventure that He has for us.

He does not give you just life so you can solve problems.

And as much as the forbears of Reformed Theology would like to ignore what they wrote at the head of the Westminster Catechism, our chief end is NOT to glorify G-d.


If I left that as the chief end of man, then I would burn out…..

No, the chief end of man is two fold.

  1. Glorify G-d AND AND AND AND

Your chief end cannot exist unless you have BOTH PARTS.

And enjoying Him in intimacy is part of the equation. If I only talk about glorifying G-d, and I proceed along that line, I am going to die and shrivel up and be useless.

I must take seasons apart for intimacy and bridal connection with my Husband.


So, you must have those times where you need Him.

Elijah refused intimacy over his entire life, and as a result, he never attained to the fullness of what the L-rd had for him. He chose the low-hanging goal of taking down Baal and Ashtaroth.

The L-rd repeatedly wanted to give Him intimacy. In the form of the ravens by the brook.

And then in the form oof the gooey Giver Elisha as a friend and someone to mentor as a son.

He never softened.

Prophets, if you do not soften and become warm and tender in your hearts, you will rot from the anger and the harshness and the coldness and the lack of love.

If you do not return to your first love “First of the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches”, it will leave you in rotting darkness.

You must, you must, you must, cultivate a deep and tender love relationship with him.

But this is the responsiblity of the Prophet more than the other six gifts combined.

So, take that key and run with it, darling Prophets.

You are so loved.

Be blessed.

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