Windows of Reconciliation, What Are They?

The Autumnal Equinox….

I used to dread this time of year since graduating high school because, and especially in the last decade, the attacks of spirits of witchcraft were exceptionally high.

I am connected with some family members that were married to practicing witches who engaged in blood sacrifices around this time of year.

I work with former victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), and those victims have regularly reported parts of their spirit and soul—


I should back up for a moment and explain the difference between “a part” versus “a portion”, given those of us in the DID/SRA community work with a common framework and language.

In the arena of Dissociative Identity Disorder, “parts” are distinct from “portions of the human spirit”.

So, instead of a G-d-orchestrated COMMUNITY that was brought into existence through the will of G-d, which is what the seven portions of the human spirit are (they are 7, and yet 1, but still 7, yet still some how 1, because we were created in the likeness and image of G-d, who has seven spirits Himself), think of a mirror shattering and entities that came into existence through serious trauma. The soul breaking into parts and in some cases of serious trauma, the spirit shattering happens. And a lot of ritual abuse within the witchcraft and satanic communities happens around this time of year, where brokenness and defilement are routinely celebrated.

Contrast that with G-d who made us in His image and after His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) and part of that image-bearing is our triune nature (spirit, soul, and body: 1 Thess 5:23), and our spirit, while whole is separated into seven portions like the Spirit of G-d (Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 4:5 and 5:6).


This time of year, around the Autumnal Equinox, the change of season from Spring to Fall, holds a boatload of defilement that has accrued through years of agreeing what this season should mean and stand for.

Lesson here: Time can become defiled.

So as we have learned, there is a principle here, per Numbers 13. The times of the enemy’s greatest assault were originally designed to be the times and seasons of the L-rd’s greatest blessing. G-d wanted to send the children of Jacob into the Promised Land on the 9th of Av, and they refused to do so, and so that season became the time of greatest destruction for Israel.

Seasonally, we have discovered through repeated patterns that the seasonal changes have also come with heavy enemy attacks and also when we have leaned into the dynamics of reconciliation around these seasonal changes, they have been routinely blessed. That’s a measure of coming int the opposite spirit.

So, each of the seasons run as follows:

March 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Community

June 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Land

September 10-30ish Reconciliation to G-d

December 10-30ish Reconciliation to Destiny/Birthright

As you lean in that direction and utilize the various tools G-d has given you for reconciling, not kowtowing and not subjecting yourself to abuse, but genuine reconciliation, there have been massive payoffs in the arena of reconciliation in these four seasons.

So, bottom line, while things get easier in terms of breakthroughs and the quicker movement toward goals, a closer look at if describing what is available is as follows:

We have greater or stronger or disproportionate access to tools that enable our reconciliation with available these for arenas during these respective Windows, and if you think of what reconciliation is (the improvement of relationship between, and the healing/restoration of breaches or broken elements or places), some picture comes into sharper focus.

And that is part of the reason I facilitate blessings for those four season for the tribe, because the main reason Jesus came is not salvation, but rather RECONCILIATION. That that which is broken would be made whole.

Be at peace, as in shalom, as in wholeness, gang.

Blessing 1: Blessing For the Season: Window of Reconciliation: September, Reconciliation to G-d, Introduction and Blessing 1

Gang, what hopes to follow is a series of blessings for the new window that approaches.

Now, for those new to my methodology and this idea of a Window of Reconcilation, please allow me to expand a bit on this.

Some of us have discovered the concept that the seasons of the enemy’s greatest attack and slamming are actually designed to be seasons of intensity that advance not just the kingdom of G-d, but also in specific flavors.

For whatever reason, the date ranges before and after the seasonal changes (the two soltices and the two equinoces) are periods of intense spiritual activity for the dark side, and as a result, we understand G-d, being the career-minded opportunist that He is, He wishes for these seasons run awash in His activity against the other side.

And further, we have noticed that during these seasons, there is an opportunity to reconcile to one of four facets of our life in Him.

In the case of September, we find that there is an unusual grace to gain some significant ground as it pertains to our relationships with G-d. It is possible this is because we are near the Days of Awe in the Hebrew calendar.

So, noting that, I would like to offer the following blessing of your human spirit as it relates to G-d, and some flavors of reconciliation.

The Blessing #1: Reconciled to G-d: Names of G-d: Father

Beloved I would like to invite your human spirit to come forward to interact with me.

Spirit, listen as I read the following portion of Scripture.

“Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son.’”

Exodus 4:22-23 ESV

Spirit, this passage does not outright proclaim the name of G-d I am thinking of, but it does implicitly speak to that name.

There was a time when G-d the Father was not Creator of Heaven and Earth. But given, Jesus was always present from the beginning (John 1), and given he was everlastingly and eternally begotten from G-d, there was never a time when G-d was not Father.

And I realize and feel the pain and frustration that some of you have felt in the relationships you have had your earthly fathers.

However, G-d the Father has always been Father, and He knows what is necessary to raise up sons to their destiny.

His destiny in the Exodus account was not so Israel could liver perpetually as slaves under the people of Egypt. Rather, they were made to inherit the land of Canaan, the Land of Milk and Honey.

The Father does not withhold His very Son, and as a result spirit, He will also give to us every good and perfect gift.

So, spirit, before you freak out, I bless you to pause and breathe deeply. I bless you to turn your face to Father and see him as Father, not an abuser, but a tender affectionate and kind Father. It is not the wrath of G-d that breeds repentance, but rather, the KINDNESS of our G-d.

So, spirit, given the L-rd puts into our spirits everything needed for life and godliness, I bless you to receive fruit groves of kindness from our King.

I bless that kindness and tenderness of heart to so permeate you, spirit, that the first response to a mistreatment is not wrath or vengeance, but what can be done to show kindness to the next person you meet.

I bless you, spirit, to know our Father as a protector of His children and the one who deals with abusers of his children with a heavy hand.

I bless you to know the kindness and severity of our King, and I bless you to see what is laid before you, by the great heart of the Father of Lights.

As you encounter the Father, I bless you, spirit to hear and apply His wisdom to many different situations.

And I bless you to see the gifts and flavor of grace He has for you for today.

Be at peace in the restful adoring gaze of your heavenly Father.

I bless you with those aspects in the name of Jesus.

So be it.