Responding to Murray Rothbard: Free Will Vs. Control

Jotting some thoughts down here…

Tom Woods, arch-libertarian and Teacher, is refreshing me on sabbatical:

He writes:

Murray Rothbard described the free market as simply “the social array of voluntary exchanges of goods and services.’ In titling one of his books Power and Market (originally intended to be the closing section of Man, Economy and State) Rothbard was positioning “power” and “market” as antinomies. The market consists of voluntary transactions between willing parties; the state, or “power,” introduces compulsion into human relations, bringing about coerced outcomes that people would not voluntarily have chosen.

Noting Rothbard’s idea, I looked back at the idea of market as akin to free will, a gift we are unilaterally and without condition given, even if we mess things up.

I look at coercion by the government as akin to the overworn concept of control.

And the conscious or unconscious desire for control leads inevitable to structures and polity that lead to destruction of what would otherwise be a genuinely, disproportionately life-giving exchange (means of exchange for goods, or good for good).

In the case of our King, He exchanges our debt for His life and adoration.

I wonder if we are missing, in our desire to crown popes, presidents, and apostles (all usual forms of control) the legitimate and requisite aspect of the divine nature of which we were each made to partake, of releasing.

Father designated seasons of release, whether sabbaths, seasons, holidays, years, or other χρόνος or καιρός moments (and yes, Greek is good and both of those concepts are good) for us, as He designed both unique and non-unique timestreams in accordance with our divers designs, for us to unpack time-relative treasures for us.

And we need to hunt for those.

Another dynamic I have considered deeply is the concept of the “starways”.

Though I cannot find another reference to the concept of the “starways” outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and specifically, Guardians of the Galaxy (leave it to the Ruler Thanos to make us aware of such a reality), I know that they exist and are time-connected.

Someone, or several someones, will have to begin the process of unpacking the lightyears worth of pathways traced by the stars in the κόσμος. So that we can begin to embrace how we were MADE to be released, and not merely to control or limit or make small all sorts of things.

What is our place in being released and in giving release to others?

And what is our place in being aware of the connections between His light, His lights, the path that light and those lights travel, and the journeys which we were meant to take.

Just some thoughts here.

Do You? Will You? May We? I Want It This Way But Not With This Set of Implications?

Perception equals reality

A great lie.

When we ask questions of others, and we have the opportunity to engage in something we desire, we have then been given two things. Resources, if you will.

Rights plus responsibilities.

We do not celebrate Christmas, and this may or may not create friction with others, because there are expectations, some twisted, that frequently attend the celebration of that day.

Expectations of stuff. Expectations of purchasing on borrowed money. Expectations of rolling with a yearly pressure that may be tied to celebrating the birth of the King, or not.

That said, we as a family usually go and watch a movie. This is something that has its roots in my first marriage but makes a lot of sense. And frequently, those movies are times where the L-rd sits with me in the movie theater and talks to me about what is playing.

And I frequently see principles in said film.

This year we were delayed in seeing the film, and we finally got to see our chosen movie yesterday.

And as a huge Marvel fan, we saw Spider-Man: No Way Home.

And in this film, Peter has dealt with the reality that his secret identity has now become revealed to all. And in frustration, he visits a friend, Steven Strange, in order to ask him to make reality such that people forget who he is. During Strange’s incantation, Peter begins asking him to make exceptions, and provisos, and the balance of the movie is then given to the mess that comes from Peter wanting reality his way.

He wants the rights without the responsibilities and he continually messes things up, which then ultimately leads to a near-destruction of reality. On the way, his Aunt May dies. And other villains from previous realities come to mess with the natural order of things.

And the only way he can fix the mess is by accepting reality the way it is. And enabling Strange to cast the incantation that causes everyone including, his loved ones, to forget who he is

Gang, we have been given a reality and a set of causes that mesh together with a set of effects.

And that reality, when we don’t opt out of the whole of it, can be beautiful, though difficult.

But it is far worse to want some of reality and ignore the rest. That twists reality into something that it wasn’t made to be.

When we do that selective appropriation of reality, we avoid the problems G-d intended us to wrestle with.

And we avoid the following two passages.

“Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds.”

“You meant it for harm, but G-d meant it for good.”

G-d, in bringing us to growth, leads us through trials and hands us problems to solve.

And He may or may not force the issue.

The issue is, when we ask Him for a chunk of reality that includes hla major blessings, are we willing to cultivate the skills necessary to scramble over and around and by that set of rocks in order to possess all He has for us in terms of blessing.

We may not fully appreciate the blessing until we have been given the curse to wrestle with.

Now, be careful when you read what I write. By “curse” I don’t mean G-d literally curses us. By “curse” I mean “problem to solve”.

Now, why did I use the word “curse”?

Two reasons. One, because the poetic nature of the way “curse” pairs with blessing.

Two, because too frequently, WE CURSE the difficult or inconvenient problem G-d gives us to solve, because He treats us as sons.

Slaves do not get problems to solve. Sons, rather, are they who get the problems to solve.

So, take heart, love. Because if you are getting problems when you pray, it is likely because G-d is trusting you as a son.

Be at peace, and if you need to solve a nettlesome problem, please feel free to reach out. I and others, as fellow sons, can help you to solve that problem.

G-d wants to bless you, but in order to do it, He has to calibrate you in order to equip you to solve problems.

WOR Blessing: Reconciled to G-d: Blessing 13: G-d of Plan B

Okay, soul, based on how some of y’all have read that title and gotten offended, with the logical argument that G-d doesn’t have a plan B.

Soul, this blessing is not for you. This blessing is for the spirit.

So beloved soul, I need you to move to the side for a season, so I can speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you to lean forward, but only as closely as you can wish, understanding that some might not feel safe.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

Then the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in Seir as far as Hormah. And you returned and wept before the L-RD, but the L-RD did not listen to your voice or give ear to you. So you remained at Kadesh many days, the days that you remained there.

Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea, as the L-RD told me. And for many days we traveled around Mount Seir. Then the L-RD said to me, ‘You have been traveling around this mountain country long enough. Turn northward”

Deuteronomy 1:44–2:3 ESV

Spirit, I want you to be aware of G-d’e contingency plan for when things get messed up. I want you to know it is not a plan for which He is settling or toward which His apathy is being expressed.

G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, because we have free will.

But there is still a redemptive purpose for each season if we will hunt for it.

And, spirit, when we mess up, we need to know that there is still a redemptive plan in the works for us. And that plan is something Y-d wishes to work out.

For Israel, due to their Av 9 rebellion (Numbers 13), they had to pursue a new path. And in that path, G-d engaged in redemption of a nation of doves, raising up a nation of sons from that nation of slaves.

So, spirit, I engage with you in order to encourage you to pursue what the L-rd’s current path for you. I bless you to see the plan in front of you. I bless you with faith for the wilderness if you find yourself there.

I bless you to hear the voice of the G-d of Plan B. The plan that manifests as a result of circumstances that may have derived from your choices, but is no less redemptive.

I bless you to wrestle with reality and to hear from the King’s gentle whisper in the midst of your broom tree encounter. I bless you to anoint the people you need to anoint even when you are struggling with depression or anger or PTSD or parts or whatever the case.

I bless you to move into the new season.

For whatever circumstances in which you find yourself, the Father can redeem those.

For it is impossible for G-d to not redeem and reconcile.

I bless you to find the streams in the desert as you find yourself in a different season.

I bless you with the reality that, even though G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, eventually those circumstances will be caused to work together by Him for your good.

Even the wilderness and the desert and the dry places are your reality, spirit, G-d will lead you through that season to a place of fruitfulness.

Spirit, be at peace and be free to connect with the L-rd. Be at peace to connect with Him at Mount Seir. And be at peace to hear Him when it is time to leave the mountain when He says to.

I bless you in the midst of the new season to embrace the G-d who provides you contingencies and will ultimately get you the resources He has for you, the provision that is for the vision He gives you.

I also bless you to release the old season when it is no longer reality.

And to step into the new season when that is now where you are.

I bless your timestream to flow in accordance with Father’s design regardless of the transitions.

And I bless you to see that, just because the assignment has changed or been modified, your design does not change.

I bless you with stability in the midst of an otherwise destabilizing season that arrives as a result of your choices or the choices of others.

I bless you with the grace necessary to be fruitful in the middle of a new season.

And I bless you to keep moving forward even when things do not go the way you thought they would or should.

And I bless you with peace according to the season’s need.

Spirit, be blessed and keep moving forward, in the name of Yeshua.


It’s Not About The Church, Or Church ≠ G-d

Someone missed the transition from communicating about church to communicating about G-d

The above image was seen on my personal wall and so I am re-posting it here with my thoughts:

As a pastor, I would like to address a notoriously faulty paradigm here.

How does “don’t make church a high priority” translate into “no concept of G-d”?

If we communicate truth, and we move from one concept to a different concept, without language for a smooth transition that connects the two realities, then the flow will be choppy.

We live in a church age where where church members and preachers have equivocated “G-d” and “church”, and subsequently used the two interchangeably.

Or G-d and Christianity, and then utter retardations such as “Christianity is the only valid religion” or “Christianity is the only way to G-d”.

And as we all know, Jesus said:

“The Church is the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.

And we have made the church responsible for spiritual growth. And we have abdicated our responsibility, to, flowing from our personal relationships with the Trinity, raise our kids up in the nurture and the admonition of the Church.

Are you getting it yet? Too many of my cynical Generation X are done with the “Church is G-d” Bolshevik.

The issue is not church, but growing up without parents who impart through the spirit to them, not the reality of church, but the reality of G-d.

If I impart knowledge of an institution and then farm my kids out to someone else in order for them to be instructed in Scripture without doing that heavy lifting myself first, then I don’t know how much good the church will do or be.

I will also say this.

Most of my wounds spiritually came from believers in institutional churches who refused to make discernment a priority or listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit also a priority, while judging me by my exterior, repeatedly and brazenly, which in turn led to slander and false accusations.

I’ve been a believer for 37 years, and have been raising my kids without an institutional church’s backing for the last several years, and it’s not because I have a theology degree, but because I listen to and hear Him.

It is amazing to me that, in the first 3 steps of this sequence, G-d HIMSELF, the Word of G-d, Jesus is not mentioned. Just a damn institution which may or may not get my kids closer to the L-rd if it does not know how to equip and release according to design.

So, if the sequence is to truly be logical, I would replace “church” in each step with “G-d”.

Over and over, I have seen all kinds of memes and posts that refer to institutions and seem to imply the institution is the same thing as the Man, and that simply is not the case.

A church is only as healthy as the strength of the personal relationships its members have with the Holy Trinity apart from the power and authority structures they attempt to place on one another.

Blessing 3: Blessing For the Season: Window of Reconciliation: September, Reconciliation to G-d,

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward to connect for a few minutes.

Spirit, listen tot he word of G-d for you for today.

The L-RD said to Cain…

From Genesis 4:6, 9 ESV

Spirit, this text clearly says that, when Cain sinned in unrighteous anger and in the execution of murder both times, it never says he went to G-d. Rather, the text seems, at least to me, to indicate G-d came to him.

Let me say that again a little louder for those in the back.

Spirit, after Cain messed up twice, G-d didn’t consign him immediately to hell or Sheol or banish Cain. G-d came to Cain to help coach him to fix the problem.

Cain chose to leave G-d’s presence, not the way we typically hear this preached.

Nor was Cain this “ooooohhhhh wicked rebellious sinner beyond redemption.”

And this whole overgrown “a holy G-d cannot look on sin” nonsense that we have constructed off on own or two proof texts.

Plainly, after Cain sinned and before any sort of repentance take place, G-d approached him when there was still blood on his hands and offered to help him out of it.

Spirit, after our mess-ups and before the repentance bears forth, there is a moment in which G-d comes to visit us with His kindness and which His offer to help us to a better place.

So, Spirit, I bless you to speak up when we each screw up and to say “HEY! THIS IS THE WAY BACK HOME!!!!!”

I bless your voice to be among the oldest in our ear and presenting the kindness of the King as the way back home, even if the way back home may be difficult.

I bless you to latch onto and to display the reconciling desire of the Father’s heart when we are missing it.

I bless you to remind the person in whom you dwell that the way back home is already ready already (pardon that odd syntax), and the door is already flung wide for you to come back home, and the Father waits to kill the fatted calf in celebration of your return.

I bless you to be full of the purposes of the L-rd as you come back home and as you respond to the voice of the L-rd who is ever near the screwed-up.

I bless you to light on the path and the place where we ought to go.

If we are exhorted, spirit, to come boldly before the throne of grace, what’s to stop the Father from boldly coming to us with kindness to make…

all things new….

Be reconciled, you who have messed up, to a Father that wants you home.

In the name of Yeshua.

So be it.

When Weapons Do Prosper

You read the title correctly.

Some weapons that are forged with the enemy’s intent to harm us actually do harm us.

“But wait, David. You are teaching heresy. The Word of G-d says, ‘no weapon formed against you shall prosper’. What are you talking about? I am so confused.”

Confusion comes when we refuse to read all of what is tied to a particular passage.

There can be a number of reasons why weapon prosper, but I want to focus on one dynamic of Isaiah 54:17 in particular: its immediate context.

So, the text for verse 17 reads:

no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.

Isaiah 54:17 ESV

Many sectors of the Charismatic Movement get so stuck on declaration and decrees, that they do not account for the context that builds into us that sinewy, tough, muscle in the spirit that comes through the process that enables Isaiah 54:17 to become a reality.

They miss that Isaiah 54:17 is contingent on walking well through the sequence of Isaiah 54.

The context for that passage is the set of keys to verse 17.

It reads:

“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married,” says the L-RD.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.

“For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.

“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.

“For your Maker is your husband, the L-RD of Hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the G-d of the whole earth he is called.

“For the L-RD has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off”, says your G-d.

“For a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you.

“In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you,” says the L-RD, your Redeemer.

This is like the days of Noah to me: as I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you, and will not rebuke you.

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the L-RD, who has compassion on you.

“O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted, behold, I will set your stones in antimony, and lay your foundations with sapphires.

“I will make your pinnacles of agate, your gates of carbuncles, and all your wall of precious stones.

“All your children shall be taught by the L-RD, and great shall be the peace of your children.

“In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.

“If anyone stirs up strife, it is not from me; whoever stirs up strife with you shall fall because of you.

“Behold, I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon for its purpose. I have also created the ravager to destroy;”

Isaiah 54:1–16 ESV

I am of the viewpoint that Isaiah 54:17 is meant to be loaded, and, behind verse 17, is supposed to be the following disciplines:

1) Sing in your barrenness while you are giving birth.

2) Enlarge your place unto the boundaries for which the L-RD has designed you.

3) Resist fear. This leads to the removal of shame, but shame is rooted in something deeper: the absence of dignity.

4) Receive dignity first BEFORE YOU RECEIVE HONOR. Honor is for what you do. Dignity is for who you are. This might mean you need your receiver fixed, if it is broken.

5) Receive the honor of what you do.

6) Stand in your office of wife, both men and women. Just like there are no daughters in the kingdom, there are not bridegrooms of Christ. Congratulations, life is uncomfortable for everyone.

7) Recognize the seeming or believed or possibly real desertion and the real gathering of the L-RD. Meaning, recognize and walk through the seasons He gives you.

8) Recognize and be able to discern when we are being afflicted and when we are being borne up and be able to celebrate the King’s majesty in the midst of this.

9) Become life-giving in a deep and principle-woven manner. We have too much shallow life-giving abounding in too many of our churches. Too many preachers with their inch-thick understanding and wisdom, and not enough miles-deep and stone-heavy principles-woven-together Teachers who will enable us to deeply mine more from the Acripture than merely to “stay in love with Jesus: it’s that simple.” It’s not that simple.

Simple solutions do not touch complex problems that have not been understood, nor in woven to discover the principles and the opposite spirit.

10) Allow Him to set your foundations and forge you. No flames of forge and no Paraclete’s hammer, zero success against the weapons forged against you. If you are not tempered, you will break and shatter against those weapons (now you know part of where our blog name comes from).

Thanks to Isaiah the Teacher for helping contribute to this.

After this sequence, much of which will be extremely painful, then the weapons will not prosper against you. You who have been tested.

Be at peace, gang, and ask yourself, “do I want that +80 authority that can only be earned?”

Consider and then do.

Dealing With What Is Happening In Others and Overcoming the Spirits of Jealousy and Slavery

Slaves obey…..and they have zero creative will or desire or tools….and they have access only to what their master gives them…..

Sons create…..

I have a few questions for you. And I have hammered and pounded and beaten this drum forever.

Why the impotent focus on what Bezos and Gates do with their money?

Shouldn’t the focus be on unpacking your own stuff?

Is our job to handle other people’s stuff and see to it other people pay “their fair share”, when fairness is not in the Bible anywhere?

Is our job not to unpack the massive amount of treasures G-d has given us?

Or is it to wonder why someone else had any fulfilling OUR vision and OUR plan for their lives?

Your problem is not Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.

Your problem (or problems) are issues that you personally deal with….

Your problem is between your ears…

Your refusal to see what G-d has given you….

Whether or not we realize it, these issues we have been dealing with for YEARS….they already have a slew of answers to them.

I will again mention two things.

We froth at Amazon, Disney, or other company C, and we miss the issues in government, or we froth at government and miss the evil companies.

But it seems we never put the two together.

And deal with the cohesive whole.

Our excuse? We like either the red or the blue solution. One of two Republicrat solutions.

And we ignore the reality that “what you pay taxes on, you own.”

Meaning, we have paid massive amounts of money into services and companies that have done evil things, and I rarely hear believers attempting to leverage the financial investments in these companies to ask the King to steer these companies in a direction that better aligns with His will.

Further question.

Can we leverage our investment to intercede for that alignment of those companies without coaching G-d as to what his purpose and direction for these companies is?

And we rarely ask Father to shine His light whereever He damn well wants to shine it.

And we rarely down a corporate womb of agreement long enough to ask Father to steer companies or governments because we’d rather talk about the injustice as if a yutz of a businessman can or has gassed Jews.

Or we Yell about the penis-shaped ship long enough to say, “he could end world hunger with those billions.

Forgetting world hunger IS….

Because of mindsets…..

The problem of world hunger and creating the foolish solution of confiscating wealth to end it won’t end it.

You will end world hunger when you end personal hunger.

And you end personal hunger when you stop saying “the answers to my problems belong to someone else”.

And when you stop trying to force people to care for the poor or hungry.

That damn spirit of jealousy that has caused fascists to loot and pillage and burn whole cities is a real problem.

And jailing or interning or concentrating or exterminating a race because you think another race is superior.

Calling for reparations when you fail to heal your own wounds is precisely what gets us to ripping all kinds of things apart.

Failing to understand your Southern brethren because you think you can talk down to him or her and they are backwards…

And using the fire of the world to confront what is ultimately a spiritual problem is how you ensure fractured relationships will continue.

The problem is not billionaires or millionaires.

The problem is misfocussed attention on the gifts and resources of others and a failure to unpack, steward, or use your own.

I just recently pulled out a major cork to some large-scale problem I have been dealing with for 3.5 decades.

And you know what?

I am going to keep on pursuing solutions to problems that have not yet been answered.

Gang, this peanuts of the Billionaires is going to get us nowhere.

The problem is the spirit that wants to keep us blind to our own resources (spirit of Jealousy)

The problem is the spirit that says we have no resources (the spirit of slavery)

The problem is the spirit that says other people are responsible for fixing our own problems (the welfare spirit)

You are not a slave, unless you stop creating and start pointing the finger and expecting that your solution is what Jeff or Bill have.

And world Hunter proceeds from a mindset that I cannot do anything to change my station.

And when Scripture shouts:


And yet we continue to act as if some people were given the goods and others simply were not….

We can quit making excuses that the solution is someone else’s responsibility….

That is a damn carnal Teacher with selective responsibility or a half-blind, non-principle-weaving and severely-wounded Prophet speaking.

And I simply will not make excuses for the juxtaposition of anyone’s radically-gifted-for-life life and “my problems are solved with their crap”.

This is not how any of this works.

And you won’t work if you think your problems are supposed to be owned by someone else.


The Spirit of Slavery, The Welfare Spirit, and the Spirit of Poverty: Part 1

The Vice President the following on Sunday.

Seeing it, I winced, and was reminded:

Under three things the earth trembles,
under four it cannot bear up:
a servant who becomes king,
a godless fool who gets plenty to eat,
a contemptible woman who gets married,
and a servant who displaces her mistress.

Proverbs 30:21-23 NIV

When someone with a spirit of slavery is installed into office rather than a problem-solving son, the earth, the land writhes. It does not settle down at ease.

Sidebar: And for the record, those who think I am a rabid Narnian and a supporter of the Dwarf Trumpkin, I have been an equal-opportunity offender.

Our responsibility is to hunt for an unpack what was placed into us inherently. It’s not to look for someone else to fix our junk.

When we beg for someone else to manage and fix our problems for us, we are robbed of the dignity of developing rich tools to fix the problems with which we are faced.

When people are cut off from anything that enables them to see their own dignity, the dignity that will empower them to fix a problem or set of problems, and to see the gifts and tools that are already in their own hand….

When they believe they do not have unless they or a benevolent rogue take what is someone else’s…..

They enable something far worse than real lack….

They enable the mindset of the spirit of poverty and the spirit of slavery, which leads to envy and jealousy, and as a result, they will never get ahead.

Be careful when a politician sets forth a problem, for you have no idea what their solution is to that problem, and it could involve the drafting of another’s time, resources, or gifts.

The Spirit of Jealousy, Some Thoughts While Reading Numbers 5

The passage usually labelled “A Test For Adultery” in Numbers 5:11-31 struck me as curious today.

It’s the first mention of the Spirit of Jealousy.

And I want to cover a thought or an aspect here that may help us parse out what empowers that Spirit to have such a strong capacity to harm individuals.

What strikes me is not merely that jealousy is a feeling internal to somebody with no action or execution…

Rather, Jealousy strikes me as the intention to seek restitution for some slight of provision, that is, some belief that we were shorted or shortchanged in the area of those things that were given to us.

Dovetailing off of the Principle of Compensation, we carry a conviction that we were inadequately compensated, and we perceive an inequity where none currently exists, and as a result, we unintentionally or intentionally desire to open a legal case before the throne of the Father, using our G-d-given authority, with a desire to extract inequity from the party we believe has it better than us, without realizing that we might, before all is over, end up extracting life from that person.

Two aspects here

Life: This virtue parallels G-d the Father (see Life, Dominion, and Honor, where the Farher has GIVEN us the compliment of GIFTS that enable us to engage in everything necessary for LIFE and godliness.

Legal Court Cases involving jealousy frequently result in assaults on life, which is why myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) are so prevalent the where the Spirit of Jealousy is empowered through out authority.

Before you attempt to execute on your desire against someone, your desire should first and always give way to a willingness to discuss your issue with G-d the Father to see if your motives and thoughts are actually just and this is part of G-D’s sequence for you right now, or merely the result of offense or a slight and you personally need to seek for your own readjustment with the KingzY

You might need to deal with the L-rd one-on-one as he helps you sort through your feelings and emotions toward an individual.

I say all this because we were given a lot of authority by the L-rd and the capacity to abuse that authority if we are not careful.

In light of this, when dealing with the Kingdom’s legal system, and the level of authority you have been granted, oftentimes when your emotions are inflamed, it’s better to wait until you are capable of reasoning and have a conversation with the L-rd and ask Him to judge your emotions with you and for Him to weigh those.

There might be a misunderstanding, a head of Leviathan, a curse, a mantle, an off perception, an issue of forgiveness, something else that is to blame before you leap to demand an extraction.

So, as you are dealing with the situation where G-d is blessing or unpacking someone else, be careful, should jealousy strike, to refrain from lashing out, and from seeking for your good at someone else’s expense.

Deeply consider the nature of your cause, and ask the King for help and clarity in case there are pieces of the puzzle or perspective that you are missing.

The authority the Word of G-d gives us is truly a two-edged sword and we must be careful and clear-mindedly judicious about where we point that sword and scepter.

Be at peace as you are working through issues of potential jealousy.

And I bless you to cultivate the awareness that you might have treasures that are unpacked and you are in need of unpacking those much more than you are of envying what someone else has.

There is a real set of purposes for the Spirit of Jealousy.

But it is not for judging whether what G-d has given someone else is right or correct.

Names of G-d: Hebrews 4:12: The Word of G-d Is Quick and Powerful… Hint: It’s Not Talking About Scripture

“HE is sharper than any two-edged sword…..“

“HE is able to divide between Joints and Marrow, soul and spirit…”

“HE is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart”

Hebrews 4:12, more accurately translated.

Real talk, gang.

Hebrews 4 is about Jesus. The whole thing is about Jesus.

And given it is about Jesus, let this reality sink in, Verse 12 is not talking about the Bible, unless the writer of Hebrews switches the implication of the objective case in Verse 12.

Proof of this? Verse 13

“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Not “no creature will be hidden from IT’S sight.”

HIS sight. He divides.

Those who incessantly say the Bible is the Word of G-d while refusing to say Jesus is the Word of G-d and refusing to give Jesus HIS due in that office as the Word need to seriously consider the strength and work of the PERSON who was the Word of G-d BEFORE giving credence to the Bible as the Word of G-d. For the Bible is only the Word because Jesus is the Word. And the Bible’s Wordness derives from Jesus’ Wordness.

He is not the testimony if it.

Rather, it is the testimony of Him.

It’s fine to know the text of the Bible.

But what makes one a follower of Jesus is the one who Knows Jesus, the Word of G-d Himself.

Know the difference. And learn to relate to the Man as well as you know the book.

And keep reaching Higher.

Our walk os a relationship with a Man.

Not a book. And not a set of propositions.

Just saying.