The Spirit of G-d Will Not Violate the Word of -G-d…What’s Wrong With This Statement?

Most of you who know me, know I am an obsessive texualist; I love the written Scriptural text of both the New Testament and the Tanakh. In their original languages (Hebrew AND Greek).

However, I have also noticed a disturbing reality.

What do I mean by that?

Well, it’s a trend toward incompleteness.

For example…

“The Bible is the Word of G-d.“

“One interpretation…many applications…“

“G-d will not violate His Word.“

“To equip the saints for the work of ministry….”…silence on what happens after that…

“A team of scholars worked on this translation” …silence on identifying the names of the people who constitute this team…

“G-d is moving up here…”…people fall out, BUT there is little change in their lives weeks later to indicate G-d was moving.

“So-and-so is ready to return to ministry….”…same minister also didn’t reconcile with the first wife or husband he or she cheated on to begin with…

And so forth…

Oh yeah, and the only two political parties in America that merit prophetic words are red and blue…

It remains problematic when we refuse to dig into the nuance of a statement and do not ask what is and what is not being implied in that statement…

It is asinine when we are either ignored when we question the statements being made…

called religious or critical when we look for clarification…

or gaslit when we refuse to accept what is said without question…

It is one of the main threads of my calling to not settle for halfway or partial answers when they are given.

Carlene Prince once told me that I have to look for what is missing…she noted that that is something I do.

And she is right. I hate half-assed investigations.

And I know I sound rude when I question what is stated…

But I cannot accept partial answers or perceived partial answers when they are given.

Especially when some of my friends have been seriously damaged by partial answers.

And my second wife is dead because of partial answers.

These partial answers are the Reasons when you say, “obey my covering”, that I respond with a glorious middle finger.

Gang, one of those statements that is maddeningly incomplete is “the Spirit of G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

And we are left with Zero discussion about which “Word of G-d” we mean.

And Zero curiosity about the inverted statement.

And Zero desire to ask if there are any other immutable items which the Spirit of G-d will not violate.

So, here has always been my thought to add to the statement “the Spirit of -G-d will not violate the Word of G-d.”

“Neither will the Word of G-d, both living and written (two forms of λόγος), violate the Spirit of G-d.”

And equally important and immutable as testimony to the Word of G-D’s veracity, and equally admissible as testifying of the Word Himself, are His Works.

…that is, what He does (John 5:36) is as important as the words about him.

And Yeshua BEING THE WORD OF G-D, is blasphemously ignored in this statement in Josh’s gospel. (Hebrews 4:11-16).

We refuse to investigate it because we are told to investigate it is heresy.

Gang, it’s not enough, especially given the regularity with which we ignore the Spirit of G-d, for us to merely assert thus-and-so about the words He speaks WITHOUT ALSO AFFIRMING His WORDS that His works are admissible as much as His tesitmony. It’s ironic that He would speak words about the veracity of his works and we would ignore those words about His works.

Tree carcasses and e-carcasses, if not attended to in reading by the Spirit, who alone gives understanding, will not bring life.

Rather, they will kill.

And that suddenly.

For those who have been so traumatized by the Scriptural text, as one who walks in the authority of a scribe, I would implore you to get out into nature and allow the King to meet you there where He is also. Or whereever you find him.

His Words and His Works…

What is missing from your regular routine that is life-giving and points you back home to Dad?

Go and do that.

And know you are so loved, gang.

And, as someone who reads the text and enjoys it, I would encourage you to do things that are life-giving to your relationship with the King without feeling guilty.

Be blessed as you recover your own walk with Him, gang.

Blessing 12: September WOR Blessing: Deuteronomy 1:25

Beloved, I invite your spirit forward.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

And they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us, and brought us word again and said, “It is a good land that the L-RD our G-d is giving us.”

Deuteronomy 1:25

A good land, given us….

Spirit, you were made for good land. You were not made for sin or made as a foul, reprobate, worm, bastard sinner.

You were made for the good land and the good land was made to be given you. G-d does not make us and never designed us for the place of suffering that is the lake of fire.

The lake of fire, rather, was prepared for the devil and his messengers.

Spirit, you, On the other hand, or made for a land that is FLOWING with milk and honey. A land in a place of abundance and provision.

Spirit, I resist utterly the idea that we are supposed to castigate ourselves for the entire tea of our lives. no no no no no no no. We were made for birthright and for destiny and for love and for purpose and for peace and for joy and for kindness and for goodness by an eminently faithful King.

You are to be reconciled to this Gift-Giver who affectionately thinks of you, toward you, and is for you.

So, spirit, I so deeply bless you with the revealing that the Father is the Giver. He is neither a taker of gifts or a stripper of callings. Those gifts and those callings are irrevocable. You were made to walk in them, and for them not to be stripped and given and stripped and given.

I bless you with love.

I bless you to know and be reconciled, for that is the MAIN REASON why Christ Jesus died. Not for mere fire insurance, but for deep reconciliation.

So we could experience the transition from summer to autumn and the beauty and the color change of the leaves, and his abundant provision in 1000 different facets.

I bless you with maple sap from sugar maples.

And long, powerful, spotted giraffe necks.

And the nasal, tooting “Kent”call of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

And the plush feel of St. Augustine grass.

And the aroma of coconuts.

And the scent of orange blossoms.

And the zest of Lemons.

And the laughter of babies.

And the wood of dogs.

And the fullness of your birthright.

All of which was given by a good, good Father.

Who creates and creates in abundance, just so she could “lead captivity captive and give gifts to men”.

Ladies that includes you as well. Spirit, that’s for the masculine as well as the feminine. For if I can be called the bride of Christ, then you can be called the son of God. Congratulations, life is uncomfortable for everyone. 🙂

Spirit, I bless you to know the generosity of a Father who yearns for deep reconciliation with you, even as bad as you might think you are. For he still made you and called you good.

I bless you to be reconciled with the reality that you are worth giving a good gift. And you are worth Jesus dying so that you could have a good gift. And not just one good gift: many besides.

I bless you deeply with that revelation in tenderness, kindness, compassion, and love.

Be blessed with the steadfast love of that revelation.

I bless you in the name of Yeshua.


Window of Reconciliation Blessings, June 2021: Blessing #3, Land Aspect: Internally-Turned Or Unresponsive Land

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit to parley.

And by way of this illustration, to understanding.

Spirit, there are lands that have been so beat down that they have not the desire nor the will nor the courage (because they have not been encouraged well, regularly, and properly, nor deeply) to deal with humans in such a way that they are willing to muster a response.

Listen to the Word of G-d for today:

A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not extinguish

From Isaiah 42:3

Spirit, like some of your portions MIGHT BE, or the portions of some with which you deal, the lands that form some of your assignments might be inwardly turned through theft, raping, pillaging, or other mistreatments, that they cannot muster a response.

Some land is going to be quite silent and incapable of speaking to you.

I think of Sutter’s Mill and the California Gold Rush, and the land and soil of Northern California that is was so raped by the forty-niners that it does not provide arable soil for planting crops. There is much land in Northern California that will not respond to DRILL SERGEANTS.


Is this making sense, gang?

Spirit, you deserve someone who will converse with you.

And is there a time and a place for the real decree of those who have authority? Yes!

But is there a time and a place to sit with someone who is oozing with pain and is in desperate need of a pastor who will allow them the latitude to weep or be angry or cry or just be present as they process? Absolutely.

So, spirit, I give you freely, the dignity to be present and heard.

I bless you to hear the internal land and to sit with it until it makes the choice to turn to you and opens up at its choice.

I bless you to be sensitive to pieces of land that are so damaged they do not realize their internalizations and the way they have gotten so inwardly-turned that they do not realize they can or should respond.

I bless you to sit with that piece of land as you would with a coma victim and just be present and open to help and serve.

I bless your Servant portion to teach the rest of your portions the depth and pause necessary to just breathe that which is life-giving though barely visible to the piece of land that is inwardly-turned.

And I bless you with the skill to walk in silence as you hear what is happening to the land.

I bless you to know when to life the sword, versus the scalpel, versus the seed driller, and the bare hand to touch the land that has felt so violated by tools and soulish nonsense and avarice that the land is able to trust you because you were loud and stupid.

I bless your trust to increase and I bless you to go to the lands you are supposed to in due season.

I bless you with these things in Jesus’ name.

The Spirit of Jealousy, Some Thoughts While Reading Numbers 5

The passage usually labelled “A Test For Adultery” in Numbers 5:11-31 struck me as curious today.

It’s the first mention of the Spirit of Jealousy.

And I want to cover a thought or an aspect here that may help us parse out what empowers that Spirit to have such a strong capacity to harm individuals.

What strikes me is not merely that jealousy is a feeling internal to somebody with no action or execution…

Rather, Jealousy strikes me as the intention to seek restitution for some slight of provision, that is, some belief that we were shorted or shortchanged in the area of those things that were given to us.

Dovetailing off of the Principle of Compensation, we carry a conviction that we were inadequately compensated, and we perceive an inequity where none currently exists, and as a result, we unintentionally or intentionally desire to open a legal case before the throne of the Father, using our G-d-given authority, with a desire to extract inequity from the party we believe has it better than us, without realizing that we might, before all is over, end up extracting life from that person.

Two aspects here

Life: This virtue parallels G-d the Father (see Life, Dominion, and Honor, where the Farher has GIVEN us the compliment of GIFTS that enable us to engage in everything necessary for LIFE and godliness.

Legal Court Cases involving jealousy frequently result in assaults on life, which is why myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) are so prevalent the where the Spirit of Jealousy is empowered through out authority.

Before you attempt to execute on your desire against someone, your desire should first and always give way to a willingness to discuss your issue with G-d the Father to see if your motives and thoughts are actually just and this is part of G-D’s sequence for you right now, or merely the result of offense or a slight and you personally need to seek for your own readjustment with the KingzY

You might need to deal with the L-rd one-on-one as he helps you sort through your feelings and emotions toward an individual.

I say all this because we were given a lot of authority by the L-rd and the capacity to abuse that authority if we are not careful.

In light of this, when dealing with the Kingdom’s legal system, and the level of authority you have been granted, oftentimes when your emotions are inflamed, it’s better to wait until you are capable of reasoning and have a conversation with the L-rd and ask Him to judge your emotions with you and for Him to weigh those.

There might be a misunderstanding, a head of Leviathan, a curse, a mantle, an off perception, an issue of forgiveness, something else that is to blame before you leap to demand an extraction.

So, as you are dealing with the situation where G-d is blessing or unpacking someone else, be careful, should jealousy strike, to refrain from lashing out, and from seeking for your good at someone else’s expense.

Deeply consider the nature of your cause, and ask the King for help and clarity in case there are pieces of the puzzle or perspective that you are missing.

The authority the Word of G-d gives us is truly a two-edged sword and we must be careful and clear-mindedly judicious about where we point that sword and scepter.

Be at peace as you are working through issues of potential jealousy.

And I bless you to cultivate the awareness that you might have treasures that are unpacked and you are in need of unpacking those much more than you are of envying what someone else has.

There is a real set of purposes for the Spirit of Jealousy.

But it is not for judging whether what G-d has given someone else is right or correct.

A Sucking Pit….Structures That Can Become Erected While Reading…

Not All Reading Is Fully Beneficial

The first time I felt it, was from reading the novel The Count of Monte Cristo. The last time I felt it, was in the loss of a dear friendship to me.

I don’t know if there are times when books or friendships bring to us that feeling of a structure that can create a black hole that sucks life from us, but I can say that when I read books as a very emotionally-sensitive person, I feel them intensely, for better or worse.

I read and can see each scene, and each plot device, and resonate with each similie, metaphor, allusion, and turn of phrase.

I think there are certain books that are designed, especially if the author in question has been given a gift with words by God, and an anointing for wordsmithing, which are designed to draw us in and leave us with something, a treasure or an antitreasure, if you will, if we let them affect us.

For those of us who are emotionally sensitive, we experience books in a different way, and as a result, we may have to read books through a filter in order to prevent negative structures from becoming erected by the assaults of the critters, especially of authors whose flow is defiled.

For example, those of you who know William Butler Yeats, might know that he practiced automatic writing, and had a way with words, and as a result, he was completely tied up with powers that were not of the kingdom.

Life-Giving Writings

Lewis and Tolkien, conversely, had streams that were plugged into the Lord as their source, and, as a result, for those who read his material, we see principles throughout that are not accompanied by defilement. Conversely, it is like a white hole manifesting when I read these. Especially when the relationships are lifegiving and mutually beneficial rather than sucking and depleting.

For example, the discovery of the White Sapling in The Return of the King shewed forth the life-giving relationship between Mithrandir and Aragorn II Elessar, the King of Gondor. Further, Aragorn fulfilled the known legend in Gondor that said “the hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known”, when, after the wounded were taken to Gondor’s Houses of Healing following The Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Aragorn healed them with the athelas plant. This exquisitely-penned account shows one of the deep dynamics at work in Tolkein’s writings that exposes the work of a Redemptive Gift Teacher.

With Reservation, A Further Recommendation For Understanding Relational Dynamics

I will say, though I cannot recommend her works apart from some serious reservations (for those of y’all that wonder about those reservations, feel free to ask Father about them), Joanne Rowling imbued her Harry Potter series with some of the best relational dynamics among friends, particularly around the area of loyalty, of any set of books I have thus far written. Granted, it was pulpy fiction, but the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in those books played out exceptionally well. If you have a solid filter in place, and Father gives you the grace to do so, read them, but only with a massive filter in place.

My Major Questions When Asking Whether Or Not We Should Read a Particular Book

  1. What is the source of the stream that flows from the essence of a writer, and thus, through their writings? “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).
  2. Has Father given you permission or instruction to read that writing? If so, then there is something in it for you.
  3. Are there principles in the work that you are writing? If so, then read in order to hunt for the principles of a given work. For, all truth is God’s truth, whereever it may be found.
  4. Is there a filter you need to have in place as you read a particular work?
  5. Sometimes Father is going to give you a grace to read something that He will not give to another, and vice versa. Thus, just because you see Him teaching one through this or that work, does not mean you have a free pass to read. What you do have is a free pass to talk to Father about the book or piece in question. Use that pass repeatedly. Discern, discern, discern. For example, because of the witchcraft in HP, it is not something I would readily recommend to any and everyone. Same with Yeats, or any others. I also have some real reservations about recommending a believer read Calvin’s writings, if they are susceptible to despair that could be magnified by reading the works of a man that believed in double predestination. For those who wish to wade into a particular work, great care should be exercised in discerning what is meat to eat and what is bone to reject.

This might sound like a laborious set of tasks for some, but when we use these filters as we read, we read ore effectively and with an eye toward executing more in alignment with the priorities of the Kingdom of God.

Conversation with Eric Hatch This Morning On The Purpose of the Gospel

Some distilled thoughts from my interaction with Eric, with whom I am studying a deep dive of Luke’s gospel.

There is a level of reality that G-d gives to us not so that we can merely engage in higher criticism, but just so that we might have life.
One of the most important things I learned is the difference between historic fact and scientific fact.
We understand that 2+2=4, and we understand that water is two atoms of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen. That is testable.
Scripture is not science. It is not testable the way science is. It is history.
The reality is that the Bible is a form of propaganda. It is trying to propagate a message, and that message is really good news: namely that news is, Jesus came to give life and redeem.
There are things that are verifiable in the Gospel, but those things are not merely science. There is a deep difference.
History, if it actually happened, you can see that it happened, but you cannot repeat it.
We don’t create clones of FDR to prove FDR existed.
The purpose of the gospel is not to be able to repeat or prove it scientifically, but to rather RECEIVE it, and, by it, RECEIVE LIFE and TRANSFORMATION.
Bottom line: the purpose of the Gospel is to transform and give life, not to repeat or prove what happened.