Dealing With What Is Happening In Others and Overcoming the Spirits of Jealousy and Slavery

Slaves obey…..and they have zero creative will or desire or tools….and they have access only to what their master gives them…..

Sons create…..

I have a few questions for you. And I have hammered and pounded and beaten this drum forever.

Why the impotent focus on what Bezos and Gates do with their money?

Shouldn’t the focus be on unpacking your own stuff?

Is our job to handle other people’s stuff and see to it other people pay “their fair share”, when fairness is not in the Bible anywhere?

Is our job not to unpack the massive amount of treasures G-d has given us?

Or is it to wonder why someone else had any fulfilling OUR vision and OUR plan for their lives?

Your problem is not Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.

Your problem (or problems) are issues that you personally deal with….

Your problem is between your ears…

Your refusal to see what G-d has given you….

Whether or not we realize it, these issues we have been dealing with for YEARS….they already have a slew of answers to them.

I will again mention two things.

We froth at Amazon, Disney, or other company C, and we miss the issues in government, or we froth at government and miss the evil companies.

But it seems we never put the two together.

And deal with the cohesive whole.

Our excuse? We like either the red or the blue solution. One of two Republicrat solutions.

And we ignore the reality that “what you pay taxes on, you own.”

Meaning, we have paid massive amounts of money into services and companies that have done evil things, and I rarely hear believers attempting to leverage the financial investments in these companies to ask the King to steer these companies in a direction that better aligns with His will.

Further question.

Can we leverage our investment to intercede for that alignment of those companies without coaching G-d as to what his purpose and direction for these companies is?

And we rarely ask Father to shine His light whereever He damn well wants to shine it.

And we rarely down a corporate womb of agreement long enough to ask Father to steer companies or governments because we’d rather talk about the injustice as if a yutz of a businessman can or has gassed Jews.

Or we Yell about the penis-shaped ship long enough to say, “he could end world hunger with those billions.

Forgetting world hunger IS….

Because of mindsets…..

The problem of world hunger and creating the foolish solution of confiscating wealth to end it won’t end it.

You will end world hunger when you end personal hunger.

And you end personal hunger when you stop saying “the answers to my problems belong to someone else”.

And when you stop trying to force people to care for the poor or hungry.

That damn spirit of jealousy that has caused fascists to loot and pillage and burn whole cities is a real problem.

And jailing or interning or concentrating or exterminating a race because you think another race is superior.

Calling for reparations when you fail to heal your own wounds is precisely what gets us to ripping all kinds of things apart.

Failing to understand your Southern brethren because you think you can talk down to him or her and they are backwards…

And using the fire of the world to confront what is ultimately a spiritual problem is how you ensure fractured relationships will continue.

The problem is not billionaires or millionaires.

The problem is misfocussed attention on the gifts and resources of others and a failure to unpack, steward, or use your own.

I just recently pulled out a major cork to some large-scale problem I have been dealing with for 3.5 decades.

And you know what?

I am going to keep on pursuing solutions to problems that have not yet been answered.

Gang, this peanuts of the Billionaires is going to get us nowhere.

The problem is the spirit that wants to keep us blind to our own resources (spirit of Jealousy)

The problem is the spirit that says we have no resources (the spirit of slavery)

The problem is the spirit that says other people are responsible for fixing our own problems (the welfare spirit)

You are not a slave, unless you stop creating and start pointing the finger and expecting that your solution is what Jeff or Bill have.

And world Hunter proceeds from a mindset that I cannot do anything to change my station.

And when Scripture shouts:


And yet we continue to act as if some people were given the goods and others simply were not….

We can quit making excuses that the solution is someone else’s responsibility….

That is a damn carnal Teacher with selective responsibility or a half-blind, non-principle-weaving and severely-wounded Prophet speaking.

And I simply will not make excuses for the juxtaposition of anyone’s radically-gifted-for-life life and “my problems are solved with their crap”.

This is not how any of this works.

And you won’t work if you think your problems are supposed to be owned by someone else.


Ousting the Spirit of Control

I was raised in a Christian denomination known for taking bold, loud stands – religiously, socially, politically. I raised in a family that believed in the purity culture, that didn’t own a television, listen to secular music, drink alcohol, or say “gosh.” In other words, there was a lot of CONTROL.

Even as a kid I could see that Jesus in the Bible wasn’t like that. The dudes that seriously didn’t like Jesus? He either told them the truth and walked away, or told them the truth in a parable they didn’t understand, then walked away. He confronted, but he didn’t control anyone.

So I never understood why it was so important in my childhood denomination to WIN in such a way that they CONTROLLED the conversation.

As an adult, I’ve found that a religious spirit of control picked up in my past has kept some of its talons in me. I get anxious when people aren’t “doing it right.” I have SO much good advice (don’t we all), but the more I listen to Holy Spirit, the more he tells me shut my mouth.

I ask Jesus, “Why do I know this stuff if I’m not supposed to say it?”

Jesus says, “None ya business.”

I was reading in Matthew 13 yesterday looking for answers and I think I found – for myself – how to start ousting the spirit of control I hate so much. “The Kingdom of Heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid inside three measures of flour, until the whole thing was leavened.” Then, because sometimes I read scripture pages bottom-to-top, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which someone took and sowed in his field. It’s the smallest of all the seeds, but when it grows, it turns in the biggest of all the shrubs. It becomes a tree, and the birds in the sky can then come and nest in its branches.”

I heard Holy Spirit tell me that the words he gives me to say will be like leaven, or like a mustard seed. Nothing more is needed, because when Jesus gives me Kingdom words, a few dribbles of living water is worth more than an ocean of religious advice – however it is meant.

Today I continued a previous reading in Acts 6, and came to the well-known story of Stephen. He was filled with grace and power and performed great signs and wonders among the people. Those that stood up and disputed with him – that plotted to kill him – could not, no matter how they tried – “resist the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke.” (verse 10)

We know that Stephen was martyred for his faith after a magnificent outpouring of Kingdom leavening into the ears of his accusers. That he saw Heaven open up and Jesus seated at Father’s right hand before he was martyred…
…and that a young man named Saul looked on and saw it all. I’d say a mustard seed landed.

And I ask myself, what does a win really look like in the Kingdom of Heaven? What does a loss really look like? Politically, socially, religiously?

Spirit of control… Goodbye.

As for me, I will build the Kingdom.

The Spirit of Slavery, The Welfare Spirit, and the Spirit of Poverty: Part 1

The Vice President the following on Sunday.

Seeing it, I winced, and was reminded:

Under three things the earth trembles,
under four it cannot bear up:
a servant who becomes king,
a godless fool who gets plenty to eat,
a contemptible woman who gets married,
and a servant who displaces her mistress.

Proverbs 30:21-23 NIV

When someone with a spirit of slavery is installed into office rather than a problem-solving son, the earth, the land writhes. It does not settle down at ease.

Sidebar: And for the record, those who think I am a rabid Narnian and a supporter of the Dwarf Trumpkin, I have been an equal-opportunity offender.

Our responsibility is to hunt for an unpack what was placed into us inherently. It’s not to look for someone else to fix our junk.

When we beg for someone else to manage and fix our problems for us, we are robbed of the dignity of developing rich tools to fix the problems with which we are faced.

When people are cut off from anything that enables them to see their own dignity, the dignity that will empower them to fix a problem or set of problems, and to see the gifts and tools that are already in their own hand….

When they believe they do not have unless they or a benevolent rogue take what is someone else’s…..

They enable something far worse than real lack….

They enable the mindset of the spirit of poverty and the spirit of slavery, which leads to envy and jealousy, and as a result, they will never get ahead.

Be careful when a politician sets forth a problem, for you have no idea what their solution is to that problem, and it could involve the drafting of another’s time, resources, or gifts.

Male Faith Vs. Female Faith

“However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find fiath on the earth?

From Luke 18:8

Sometimes you build the platform and then the L-rd repsonds, and sometimes the L-rd just shows up and you respond.

There are two dynamics that run very close, inverse of one another, and yet, we must dance between them on a constant basis as belivers.

We are told, by the one group of believers, that if we attempt to do anything for the kingdom, that “all our righteousness is as filthy rags” (even though He has transformed us (2 Cor. 5:17). What, so Jesus saved us and transformed us from one form of filthy rags into another form of filthy rags?

And we are also told by the other group of beliveers, that if we just wait for the L-rd to act, that we are lazy and not bearing the fruit that is the testimony that we are His followers.

Both camps may not understand one another, but they both adject one another in the kingdom.

See, we were made to engage with both, and not to view one or the other as better or worse than the other.

Some days you are going to feel a GRACE to do something, to build, to get a wild hair and construct something.

And some days you are going to feel a GRACE to sit still and allow Him to be with you.

A grace to work, a grace for kingdom-laden effort where you work with dilligence.

Which has the same source as the grace to not act and to see Him act.

There are going to be days and seasons when you are supposed to construct a platform for the King, to marshall resources, to bolt boards and beams and set foundations and pour concrete and run wire and follow a set of prints.

The grace to manage. And even in the midst of revivals and moves of G-d, people still need to skillfully manage resources and supplies. Just because G-d shows up with miracles and wondrous things does not mean that we can stop all management.

We need to arrive on the other end of a move of G-d having passed the test of successfully handling what was put into our hands to use. And to not be swayed by every single need that tugs on us.

There are days when the revival gives us power and authority.

And some days, the power and authority are to say “NO” to the many needs, so we can say “YES” to the specific needs WE are called to handle. Just because resources fall into your lap does not mean you fritter those resources away on the first begging hand that comes to your door.

Are you capable of blessing those G-d tells you to bless, and also of listening to the King when He says “do not bless that person”?

Are you able to pray when the L-rd says to pray (and when He tells you to pray, He will supply the grace necessary to pray) and refrain when He says to refrain, even from praying?

He has designed you to accomplish a limited number of assignments on this earth and in this season.

So, there is truly a male form of faith, in which we build something and the L-rd responds to us.

And there is a female form of faith, in which we wait for the L-rd’s initiation, and He does something that we receive, and then we respond to Him.

Which season is it for you?

Male faith or female faith?

My challenge to you is this: Don’t merely act with one aspect of faith, assuming your form will be always blessed.

Sometimes you will need to execute what seems to you a foreign form of faith in order to move forward in a seaason.

And I bless you to hear when the music changes, so that your dance step changes.

Some days, we work faith in building a platform.

And other days, we lay in our beds and allow Him the prerogative to initiate.

Be blessed, gang.

Strong Men and Power Vs. Weak Men and Power: The Respect For Power That Comes Because of the Struggle

Dr. Erskine: A Good Man

“This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man know the value of strength. And knows compassion.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing, That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.”

Abraham Erskine and Steve Rogers, “Captain America: The First Avenger

Too often, we have grown comfortable witpower after being used to powerlessness, and we allow that power to grant us legitimacy, and we never get healed in our heart, our mind, and/or our spirits.

I think G-d wants to grant us His power and his authority, but He wavers when it comes to granting power to those who are not yet healed or who rely on their own talents, powers, authority, ability, skill in order to create a place where they feel legitimacy.

It is a hard place to be when you trust to your own design and then lose respect fot the power that comes with that design.

But when you allow Father regular and constant input into how you use and allocate the gift of your design (which is one way to define humility), then you are capable of executing when you need to execute, and you are capable of restraining when Father wants you to restrain.

Sure, you can fix a problem, but the question is, “Should you?” And what are the effects that will roll out if you solve that problem for others, instead of allowing them the opportunity to struggle for the solutions? Are you shortchanging others of the struggle they need to earn, not only the power to solve a particular problem, but also the respect that comes with struggling for the power that will ultimately come with mastery.

Sometimes, G-d allows us a struggle so that we earn respect and cultivate humility that is critical in order to skillfully weild the power to [fill in the blank].

“I’ll tell you the probelm with the scietific power that you’re using here. It didn’t require any discipline to attain it. You know, you read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn’t earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don’t take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even know what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you are selling it. [Your scientists] so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t bother to stop and ask if they should .”

Ian Malcom, “Jurassic Park”