Blessing 5: Window of Reconciliation: Reconciled to G-d: September 2021

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward to connect with me.

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today.

Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do what is just?

From Genesis 18:25

Spirit, this post is about one of the names of G-d.

That name, “the Judge of all the Earth”, describes G-d in the process of weighing a group of cities for judgment, which simply means “decision”.

And further, Spirit, He is not merely the Judge of one person or people group or one chunk of land. Rather He is the Judge of ALL THE EARTH.

This story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest of the cities in the plane was a story about deciding the fate of a piece of land due to, not just the people crying out, but also the land crying out as an entity itself against the distressing injustice occurring within its borders.

G-d can be counted on to hear and handle unjust situations.

He will respond to those who are mistreating others.

He will hear the outcry of victims of all kinds of violence.

He will act and judge and decide switfly when violence happens to his kids.

So, spirit, I bless you to rest in the king’s judgment, and to depend on Him to act with justice.

His idea of justice May differ from you idea of justice, but He will act.

I bless you to trust the King is not slack concerning His promises to act.

I bless you to let go of your ideas of justice and to take on the King’s ideas of justice.

I bless you to rest and observe when a case is taken up by the Judge. I bless you to get curious as to how the Judge handles cases of injustice. And I bless you to watch when justice is rendered in a case that is not yours.

I bless you to not fall apart when the Judge renders a verdict that does not align with your idea of justice.

I bless you to get to know the love of the Judge for you. And I bless you to feel and know the love and affection of the Judge for the land.

I bless you to hear His voice and to see the memos and papers getting marked and the court orders getting signed.

I bless you, spirit, to help others see the Judge’s process of justice.

I bless you to rest on the earth as the Judge metes out His ruling which will affect not only people, but also chunks of land.

I bless you with that revelation in the name of Yeshua.


It’s Not About The Church, Or Church ≠ G-d

Someone missed the transition from communicating about church to communicating about G-d

The above image was seen on my personal wall and so I am re-posting it here with my thoughts:

As a pastor, I would like to address a notoriously faulty paradigm here.

How does “don’t make church a high priority” translate into “no concept of G-d”?

If we communicate truth, and we move from one concept to a different concept, without language for a smooth transition that connects the two realities, then the flow will be choppy.

We live in a church age where where church members and preachers have equivocated “G-d” and “church”, and subsequently used the two interchangeably.

Or G-d and Christianity, and then utter retardations such as “Christianity is the only valid religion” or “Christianity is the only way to G-d”.

And as we all know, Jesus said:

“The Church is the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.

And we have made the church responsible for spiritual growth. And we have abdicated our responsibility, to, flowing from our personal relationships with the Trinity, raise our kids up in the nurture and the admonition of the Church.

Are you getting it yet? Too many of my cynical Generation X are done with the “Church is G-d” Bolshevik.

The issue is not church, but growing up without parents who impart through the spirit to them, not the reality of church, but the reality of G-d.

If I impart knowledge of an institution and then farm my kids out to someone else in order for them to be instructed in Scripture without doing that heavy lifting myself first, then I don’t know how much good the church will do or be.

I will also say this.

Most of my wounds spiritually came from believers in institutional churches who refused to make discernment a priority or listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit also a priority, while judging me by my exterior, repeatedly and brazenly, which in turn led to slander and false accusations.

I’ve been a believer for 37 years, and have been raising my kids without an institutional church’s backing for the last several years, and it’s not because I have a theology degree, but because I listen to and hear Him.

It is amazing to me that, in the first 3 steps of this sequence, G-d HIMSELF, the Word of G-d, Jesus is not mentioned. Just a damn institution which may or may not get my kids closer to the L-rd if it does not know how to equip and release according to design.

So, if the sequence is to truly be logical, I would replace “church” in each step with “G-d”.

Over and over, I have seen all kinds of memes and posts that refer to institutions and seem to imply the institution is the same thing as the Man, and that simply is not the case.

A church is only as healthy as the strength of the personal relationships its members have with the Holy Trinity apart from the power and authority structures they attempt to place on one another.