What Is A Window of Reconciliation?

Four types….Community, Land, G-d, Destiny…

Four seasons….Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter….

Four items at play….

Four occultic situations.

This is one of those items I would like to boil down into its essence and share what it looks like on Monday morning during these 20-21 day periods.

And realizing that there are times when things may differ according to the King’s or Kingdom’s needs, I would like to talk about what this tool seems to be.

There are four periods strewn, more or less equidistantly throughout the year, and when you consider the enemy uses the two equinoxes and solstices to engage with his servants in dark things, it only makes sense to reaffirm the reality….

G-d was there first.

G-d was not there attempting to respond. G-d is first and was the first before anything else was. When the enemy comes and brings something, one can almost be certain that G-d was there doing something with that time that the enemy chose to pervert, given the enemy cannot create original anything. He can only take what G-d has done and adjust, twist, move, or co-opt it. Create a version of it.

And anything other than the original version of something is what we might call a per-version. This is what is really at the root of the word “perversion”. Other than original and authentic. Synthetic. Counterfeit. Fakey.

In short, a lie.

For those that need the textual reference, read the Gospel of John, 8:44

The only thing the devil can create is ultimately a lie.

Therefore, in looking at the fact that the enemy seeks to be exalted, we look at an inverse of that.

So, in these sets of seasons, we (I and others in the body) have discovered patterns that tend to be emphasized during these seasons, patterns of behavior that happen during the equinoxes and the solstices include the reality that, because these four days are intense occult times, they involve a lot of enemy activity.

And, counter to the primary purpose of being a follower of Messiah, namely the ministry of reconciliation, the enemy seeks alienation on a massive scale. Alienation within a person, alienation between a person and those most life-giving sources in their life, and alienation most ultimately between a person and his or her Maker.

That is, the enemy wants to break us away from those things G-d intended to be major parts of our constellation. Our communities seem to get assaulted in March. Our connection to land in June. Our connection to G-d in September. Our connection to our destiny in December.

So, given that understanding, we find the inverse also to be true. What the enemy meant for evil, G-d means for good.

So, then, these windows, fitting seasons, opportunities, these καιρὸς moments are meant to not only be seasons for stabilizing us in the midst of these four elements, they are also meant for us to get some incredible mileage and forays into the enemy’s camp to recover things taken from us.

I recovered three critical relationships during the March WOR, to cite one example.

And, last September, through the impact of one of my close friends, I was able to connect for the first time in my life with the Father Himself. Not the Father through Yeshua, but Abba, unmediated.

So, I have seen the impact of these seasons in my own life repeatedly.

And so, around these times of year, I like to construct blessings for either the aspect of the window, or for the spirits of those humans going to wrestle with these dynamics in their given locations, cities, places in the Kingdom of G-d, or birthrights.

Gang, this is a precious thing.

What the enemy does, the L-rd wants to completely partner with us as sons and as brides to not only undo with the opposite spirit, but to also completely supplant and replace that weed with the plant of His original choosing and design.

Just some thoughts here as we embrace this.

For further reading on this topic, see the following article from Sapphire Leadership Group pertaining to March’s WOR.


Windows of Reconciliation, What Are They?

The Autumnal Equinox….

I used to dread this time of year since graduating high school because, and especially in the last decade, the attacks of spirits of witchcraft were exceptionally high.

I am connected with some family members that were married to practicing witches who engaged in blood sacrifices around this time of year.

I work with former victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), and those victims have regularly reported parts of their spirit and soul—


I should back up for a moment and explain the difference between “a part” versus “a portion”, given those of us in the DID/SRA community work with a common framework and language.

In the arena of Dissociative Identity Disorder, “parts” are distinct from “portions of the human spirit”.

So, instead of a G-d-orchestrated COMMUNITY that was brought into existence through the will of G-d, which is what the seven portions of the human spirit are (they are 7, and yet 1, but still 7, yet still some how 1, because we were created in the likeness and image of G-d, who has seven spirits Himself), think of a mirror shattering and entities that came into existence through serious trauma. The soul breaking into parts and in some cases of serious trauma, the spirit shattering happens. And a lot of ritual abuse within the witchcraft and satanic communities happens around this time of year, where brokenness and defilement are routinely celebrated.

Contrast that with G-d who made us in His image and after His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) and part of that image-bearing is our triune nature (spirit, soul, and body: 1 Thess 5:23), and our spirit, while whole is separated into seven portions like the Spirit of G-d (Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 4:5 and 5:6).


This time of year, around the Autumnal Equinox, the change of season from Spring to Fall, holds a boatload of defilement that has accrued through years of agreeing what this season should mean and stand for.

Lesson here: Time can become defiled.

So as we have learned, there is a principle here, per Numbers 13. The times of the enemy’s greatest assault were originally designed to be the times and seasons of the L-rd’s greatest blessing. G-d wanted to send the children of Jacob into the Promised Land on the 9th of Av, and they refused to do so, and so that season became the time of greatest destruction for Israel.

Seasonally, we have discovered through repeated patterns that the seasonal changes have also come with heavy enemy attacks and also when we have leaned into the dynamics of reconciliation around these seasonal changes, they have been routinely blessed. That’s a measure of coming int the opposite spirit.

So, each of the seasons run as follows:

March 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Community

June 10-30ish: Reconciliation to Land

September 10-30ish Reconciliation to G-d

December 10-30ish Reconciliation to Destiny/Birthright

As you lean in that direction and utilize the various tools G-d has given you for reconciling, not kowtowing and not subjecting yourself to abuse, but genuine reconciliation, there have been massive payoffs in the arena of reconciliation in these four seasons.

So, bottom line, while things get easier in terms of breakthroughs and the quicker movement toward goals, a closer look at if describing what is available is as follows:

We have greater or stronger or disproportionate access to tools that enable our reconciliation with available these for arenas during these respective Windows, and if you think of what reconciliation is (the improvement of relationship between, and the healing/restoration of breaches or broken elements or places), some picture comes into sharper focus.

And that is part of the reason I facilitate blessings for those four season for the tribe, because the main reason Jesus came is not salvation, but rather RECONCILIATION. That that which is broken would be made whole.

Be at peace, as in shalom, as in wholeness, gang.

From the Desk of Dave Brooks: Window of Reconciliation for December

I will be gone from SM for the next 90 days, gang, but Aoife will know that I got the drop on her this time around, thanks to Dave Brooks.  For those who do not know him, he is worth getting to know, as a Giver.
It’s okay, gang.  Some of y’all are going to have to read that couplet again.
Anyway, From Dave’s desk:

Hey Everyone! I have a couple of “food for thought” items I’d like to offer, for your consideration. One is that we have a window of reconciliation coming up a month from today, and it’s not too early to start leaning into it.
Here’s a link: https://theslg.com/content/window-of-reconciliation-december
For the past two years, I’ve started leaning into the March window of reconciliation for community starting in January. For Susan and myself, our community has been pretty chewed up and toxic in many respects. I can’t say exactly why but for whatever reason God has met us in these efforts and we have seen a lot of restoration in that area, not always what we specifically looked for, but overall quite marvelous.
The second thing I wanted to float out there is that I’m starting a Scripture binge, as of two days ago. I normally read through the Word twice a year using a 90-day plan in YouVersion. However, I’m using the hunger approach this time; instead of a programmed number of chapters, I have it in my heart to go until it’s done for the day. I listened to most of Genesis yesterday and started Exodus this morning, with Susan.
For me, this goes toward satisfying and nurturing something very deep, and it always does a significant cleansing. I have in the past experienced a number of “things” (I’ll omit details) which have provided significant direction or motivation.

The linked text from Arthur is as follows:

Window of Reconciliation – December

Reconciliation with Our Destiny

Have you ever wished you could rewrite a couple chapters of your life?
Most of us have.
Let’s try another. Do you feel your life is slipping away and you aren’t making progress toward possessing your birthright?
Most of us feel that, too.
If you are part of that “most of us” tribe, you need to do some business with the King during the month of December because there is a window of reconciliation then that is too good to pass up.

Special Seasons

Did you know that all time is not created equal?
On the first day of creation God carefully pointed out the two disparate sections of the time He had created. Then He carefully showed that each day of the week was unique. On the fourth day, He introduced the concept of seasons and stipulated that His seasons were to be ruled over with precision.
Knowing the extravagance of God’s love gifts to us, I am sure there are layers upon layers of seasons that were created for our wellbeing. We are only now beginning to look for them and understand how to synchronize with God’s provisions in time.
There are four seasons of reconciliation during the year which we have identified. Each runs for ten days on either side of the solstice and equinox. They are as follows:

  • March 10th-30th is the season for Reconciliation with Community.
  • June 10th-30th is the season for Reconciliation with Land.
  • September 10th-30th is the season for Reconciliation with God.
  • December 10th-30th is the season for Reconciliation with Our Destiny.

Reconciliation is always on God’s heart and we are permitted to reconcile at any time throughout the year. However, He showed us with the Day of Atonement that we should come to grips with how much alienation we have permitted to creep in each year, and at the appointed time there is extra grace available to move back toward our proper places of connection.
So December’s window of reconciliation is coming. What does it look like for you to be reconciled to your destiny during this window?

The Process

The first step is to set aside a realistic block of time to assess how you see the nature of your calling. It is important to listen to your honest feelings, even though your theology may protest that some of your feelings are inappropriate or irreverent.

  • For example, have you never even considered your calling so that you face the shame of negligence?
  • Or have you sought it diligently and found heaven to be silent on the issue?
  • Do you feel you have no calling, or are you afraid of its magnitude?
  • Do you wish at times your calling was smaller, less dramatic and demanding?
  • Or do you envy the great calling others around you clearly walk in?

The second step is to assess your timeline in light of your destiny.

  • Do you feel you have wasted valuable time in the past?
  • Perhaps you are grieving a great sin that might have cost you at least a portion of your birthright.
  • Or are you one of the few who has known and pursued your destiny with a clear focus and great intensity since your youth?
  • Or have you been eager to move toward your destiny but feel God is detached, ignoring your passion and not providing what He must provide for you to go forward. Perhaps you feel you are watching the years slip away without any chance of possessing your birthright.
The third step is to bring your feelings into alignment with God’s reality. This is reconciliation.
There are three realities that you must embrace.

  • Your call is exactly right for you. If it feels like it doesn’t fit, then you are not seeing something correctly. It might be that you do not see what your call really is. Or you might see only a small part of your total call. Or you might desire another call that is not right for you because of your unresolved legitimacy issues. Regardless of the cause, the reality is that God did not mismatch your call to your design and your time and place in history.
  • God is not running behind in your life. World history is full of stories about people who seemed stalled or blocked but suddenly found that God had been busy for decades creating a perfect cultural context for them to possess their birthright. When His time was right, they leaped forward because the way had been prepared.
  • Finally and most significantly, there are no shortages of opportunities in life. Let us suppose for purposes of discussion that you have indeed sinned so grievously in the past that God Himself has removed some portion of your calling.

Suppose His justice no longer allows you to do what was originally planned. Stop for a moment and try to visualize all the tasks He has allocated to specific people that are not being done by them.
Everything that has been removed from someone, or abandoned by someone, is available for reassignment by God.
Ponder this example: Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land because God gave him the birthright that Moses forfeited by his sin. God’s justice may require Him to remove something from you as He did from Moses, but if you have been diligent in developing your design, He has a million warehouses full of “unclaimed property.”
While His justice removed one thing from you, His love would rejoice in giving you more . . . if you are worthy.

Can It Really Happen?

Your objective in reconciling with your destiny should be to bring your emotions into alignment with God’s reality. This is such a vital task that I urge you to set aside significant blocks of time to wait on the Lord.
Share with the King what you know to be true about Him and His reality. Then share what your emotions shout at you every day, blatantly contradicting that truth. Finally, invite Jesus to crown this season with yet another miracle of reconciliation as He brings your emotions into alignment with His reality.
How will He do it?
I have no idea.
And that is precisely what makes this process so spectacularly wonderful.
Christ’s resources for bringing about reconciliation are more varied than the number of stars in the sky multiplied to the millionth power. This is the essence of His nature. This is what Jesus came to earth to do. This is His greatest joy, finest masterpiece and most enduring triumph.
Even if you have a treasure chest of the most exquisite memories of Christmases past, the King would be delighted to exceed all your past experiences by giving you the consummate gift of becoming reconciled to His design and His destiny for you.
THIS is MY reason for celebrating this season.
Arthur Burk
Herzogenbuchsee, Switzerland
November 21, 2008