Cleansing Land: Part Two, Communion Tools, Three Elements, and The Three Major Pollutants

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Front Matter

In the last post, we discussed some simple dynamics and some simple steps for cleansing land. And I mentioned a lot of dynamics that involve us talking to the L-rd and getting His perspective for dealinng with the land.

In this post, there are some more specialized dynamics that are involved.

Other Dynamics

1) Ask the L-rd if He wants you to engage with the land in a personal fashion. As a commercial electrician, I have had the opportunity to work with bits of land that are golf to house businesses, and the land responded to my hand physically touching the soil on which the business is being built.

As you interact with the land, the L-rd, as a means of nullifying a curse or something that is not from Him, may ask you to celebrate communion on the land and with the land. And as with anyone, partake of the elements yourself, and share some of those elements with the land, breaking the bread on the land and pouring the one out on the land.

2) there may be times when the L-rd asks you to build a cairn of stones and use a sequence of wine, salt, and oil. Wine for cleansing and moving from negative numbers to zero, salt for healing at zero, and oil for increasing anointing and growth into positive numbers. Be open to the idea G-d May ask you to do something weird to you, but the land will really appreciate the act and the intentionality.

3) There are three major pollutants of land that lead to all sorts of junk piling up: idolatry, adultery, and bloodshed. As we handle those issues, it is a good idea to move into asking the L-rd about whether or not those three catastrophes occurred on your land in question, and, if so, to what extent they happened. if someone was murdered, or a home was wrecked, the L-rd and the land remember those things, and we need to be careful to handle those things fa with a tender and sober mind. And to repent and ask the L-rd to cover over the sins and cleanse them with the blood of Jesus.

Gang, I realize this is a shorter post, but these are some other dynamics that we need to cover as we work through connecting with land and returning creation to the intended purpose.

As you work through this, I bless you to hear what the L-rd is showing you and to move into a place where He can use you more greatly in land.

Be blessed and at peace.

2 thoughts on “Cleansing Land: Part Two, Communion Tools, Three Elements, and The Three Major Pollutants

  1. Thanks for posting these two articles, I enjoyed both of them. Blessings to you!

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