The Spirit of Fear: On the Fractal of Four

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So, we know about the Spirit of Jealousy, which is a perversion of the work of the Father; the Victim Spirit, which is a perversion of the work of the Son; and the Mesmerizing Spirit which is a perversion of the work of the Holy Spirit.

But I received a note from a friend about being afraid of something that was potentially on the horizon, and that got me to thinking the Spirit of Fear is one of the big ones that we rarely mention in the Charismatic movement as much as we hear others, like the Jezebel Spirit, and it is often the one that lurks in the shadows.

We are used to hearing about the Jezebel Spirit attacking the prophets, and oh how wicked it is, and so on.

But I am convinced the Spirit of Fear is one of the underrated ones. It is a sleeper spirit (like a sleeper fantasy player, not that you want it to do well, though).

And I think the Spirit of Fear might be the spirit that, in the Fractal of Four (made up of the Trinity and the Kingdom) that perverts the work of the Kingdom.

Fear is something against which we react. It is not real. It is a counterfeit of wisdom, and it keeps us from building (power), reaching out (love), and staying sane and under the King’s authority (a sound mind, self-discipline).

It will neuter and spay and castrate you from doing what you were made to do, and it will cause you to jump to acting in ways that the King would not have you act.

Fear is one aspect of this coin. The other aspect is the Spirit of Indifference, which is the Horn of the Dragon that affects the Mercy (I have some thoughts on the Ten Horns). On the one side is not to act or make a distinction. On the other side is to act out of panic without deliberation or discernment or to act as if you think you are following Holy Spirit and miss what He is truly doing which is operating at a less hurried pace than Holy Spirit.

This janus-faced clown does not care if you are overdoing it or not doing it at all, he is content with your missing the mark in the present because you are so focused on the the future or so locked by your past that you mis the good things Father has for you now.

The way you become dangerous to this clown is by relentless connection the King as a Noble Subject and by becoming a builder in the kingdom. In my previous post on the Principle of Stewardship, I highlighted the dynamic of what happens when we steward the tools, materials, and gifts the King has given us to manage. Our attitude with these tools is important.

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Tim. 1:7

A spirit of Power….with all of the capacity and giftedness that the L-rd has given us.

A spirit of Love….that shows the godly dominion and relational governance Jesus Christ has installed into us.

And a spirit of a sound mind or self-control or self-discipline whereby Holy Spirit breeds in us the skill to govern ourselves so that our actions in poise and skill build the kingdom effectively and we follow Rule #1 in my family, which was printed on the Hitchhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy.


When you panic, or you freak out, or you become afraid, then you act foolishly.

Just ask me how I know.

My ex-wife threatened to abuse alcoholism if I did not marry her, then further threatened to take my sons away if I did not move with her to New England. My word, I understand what it is like to panic. I married the first time because of fear and I moved because of fear.

Then, when she told me in order to reconcile with her, I had to agree to a list of 22 items. I agreed to 21 of the 22 items on the list, but the last one, which was to accept a pharmeceutical solution to a particular problem, I refused, at which point….I felt something break in the spirit realm.

And she retaliated and that began an 6-year-long trek alone in the wilderness where I was accused by a slew of pastors and “leaders” not not being a capable, safe, or competent person to teach or pastor.

Gang, you must, in those instances, allow the Holy Spirit to bring you the power, love, and sound mind and self-discipline to your spirit, and to be fully clothed in those qualities, because a whole lot seeks to shake you to your core.

That spirit of fear seeks to create indifference and panic in you. Do not let it.

Be blessed at peace.

And I bless you with power….and love…and a sound mind.

2 thoughts on “The Spirit of Fear: On the Fractal of Four

  1. Good share, I understand all to well fear, it is where I lived from and grew up in for 40 years, The Lord spoke to me 2nd Timothy 1:7 before I ever read the Bible, I was amazed when I read it there, I seemed to have walked closer with Him in those first years of life, urg!

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