Woundedness, Healing, and Walking in Principles

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Sometimes, the L-rd wants to heal something sovereignly.

Sometimes we have a broken wrist or a gimpy foot or we are blind in an eye

And those are for the glory of G-d to be demonstrated.

And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

John 9:2 (ESV)

And expecting someone to function normally with a compromised wrist or foot or eye is going to eventually breed futility.

The L-rd wants to heal those.

But sometimes we are faced with a problem where we have a muscle that is atrophied from disuse.

And the L-rd expects us to engage in intentional behavior and to begin the process that will eventually make something happen. But for that to happen, we must do something besides waiting for His intervention.

We are, after all, engaged in a partnership with the King.

Our portion and responsibility are to test situations so that we may discern which is the flavor of a situation.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2 ESV

So, gang, what is going on in your situation?

And what is your portion?

A Caveat

I realize some may not be able to hear His voice for whatever reasons. And for those, I would suggest partnering with someone you trust who CAN hear and can help you and will walk and lean into the the problem of hearing with you.

No fear. No condemnation.

Be blessed as you engage in these puzzles, gang.

One thought on “Woundedness, Healing, and Walking in Principles

  1. I’m so touched by your words “muscle that has atrophied.” Yes…. and our healing IS in the journey, as you so aptly say here.

    Thank you, brother, for this gentle goading to go… higher… Thank you for the wind in the sail.

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