Sally Gets Freed From Death

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Sally gets the run-around and a huge workout in the Sapphire tribe. Here is another of her testimonies.

I don’t know what this group thinks about theophostics. But basically they teach when something bothers me I need to ask the Holy Spirit when is the first time I felt this way. Follow whatever path He leads me on, even if it makes NO sense. When I get to the initiating event, ask Him what is the lie I was believing at that point, and then what is the Truth He wants me to know about it instead. Just to show how crazy the path can be, my husband’s pen clicking led to my grandfather’s open mouth chewing and spewing saliva at the table, to a revulsion of all the germs, to my mom vigorously washing me off every time I was touched by locals as a baby when we lived were overseas as missionaries and germs were rampant. As an RN she was terrified of me getting sick. It ended up that I needed delivered from a spirit of death. that was 4 years ago. Pen clicking hasn’t bothered me since.

Word to the wise gang, and this cannot be overemphasized enough. Follow the trail, no matter where it goes and no matter how much sense it does or does not make.

2 thoughts on “Sally Gets Freed From Death

    1. I am just so impressed with the aspect, Jane, of going after the path the Holy Spirit leads, no matter what.
      Those paths through His vineyard frequently….just have some of the sweetest wine.
      Appreciate your perspective. I have never considered or heard of Theophostics. Thank you for sharing. Perhaps I should check it out myself.

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