DISCLAIMER: You know, there are going to be some in my audience that, because of the Teacher and Researcher nature of some of them, are probably going to function as boo birds for this, making links to New Age, or Law of Attraction, or other things because I–and the supplier of the floral essences that I have begun to use–utilize terms like “vibration” and “frequency”. I have also long stated that some of my material and thoughts are a bit on the edge in the esoteric.
That is okay, because most of what I post on pretty much focuses on the text of Scripture and this carries a lot of weight with those who are Evangelical Christians, which form much of my target audience.
But I do look at, consider deeply, and ponder a lot that is a bit too out there for many evangelicals. And I do not share much of that, because our movement to deeper things in Christ, where the L-rd moves us from one level of deep to another level of deep often comes where He establishes a set of paradigms that we can handle, and then moves us into a larger or deeper paradigm which requires him to remove some “training wheels” off of our bikes.
This will likely be one of those deep-end things that might come across as New Agey to some. And for those who are concerned about that, I would recommend Disc 2 of a Teaching Series by Arthur Burk called MOHA (The Majesty of His Artistry) where he discusses Christians that open up yoga clinics in order to reach New Agers and witches.
Just saying that sometimes our means of reaching people gets stale and we need to embrace something that is part of our design that the crunchy church culture might look askew at so we can challenge that religious superstructure that some of us have come to depend on. And we might have to remind ourselves that because G-d was there first and G-d created all that is a frequency, and all that is light, and all the universal, non-optional, cause-and-effect relationships, He is well-aware of what happens in creation and what is utilized in various fields and the multiplicity of tools that are available to move us from one area of being into another area of being.
By the way, what follows is more of my personal point-of-view and I am not preaching this as “you have to swallow everything I say or else be branded a heretic”. I present these things for y’all my audience to mull over and either utilize or discard as you see fit.
And with that, let’s begin this review.
A Path To How I First Met Seneca and Her Company

About a 18 months to two years ago, I was in the process of moving my way through a group on Facebook that the owner of Freedom Flowers is also a part of. And somehow she chimed in that an interest she was looking at was cataloguing all the emotions in the book of Psalms in Scripture and considering which emotions were tied to the spirit and which emotions were tied to the soul.
And so, I chimed in that I was interested in collaborating with Seneca on cataloguing a spreadsheet of the emotions in the Psalms. That is currently a dormant project but it is still of interest to me, so I occasionally look in and read a Psalm for that purpose.
So, we got connected and I figured out that she owns a business that works with manufacturing what she describes as essences using various plant materials, which is something she has been doing since she was a kid, and she found a way to turn this passion into a buisness.
This is not the same thing as essential oils. If you asked for a brief rundown, go here.
At the point when I started connecting with Seneca, I was already transitioning from working exclusively with people as a pastor to working with land, which is a bit more esoteric.
However it works, I personally pick up on the emotions of most of the various pieces of land that I visit. For example, when I visited Cape Hatteras and the lighthouse, the land felt wounded because of the way the land has shifted and moved and how a mile’s worth of the treeline has been swept away due to currents of the Atlantic near the island of Hatteras have changed. So, I began responding by asking the L-rd to speak and to sing His love over the island.
I have two prominent trees in my yard at home, and they communicate after their own fashion to me. One is a Japanese Cherry and the other is a Tulip Poplar.
And this year, after I had planted my vegetable garden, I started by planting sunflowers. After they had popped up and begun to bloom, I was dealing with some negative memories pertaining to my late father, and I happened to wander out to the vegetable garden to do something (mowing or weed-eating I think), and when I went to stand in front of the sunflower, my emotions toward my father began to lighten. Something began to shift through my interaction with the sunflower. Cannot explain better than that.
Vibrations and Frequency: Please Do Not Shoot This Down
So, according to how this works, and you can do the research on your own, each member of the plant kingdom gives off its own frequency, and affects certain things. As certain medications (the lion’s share of which come from substances that were created on the Third Day, plants or green life of some sort) affect certain interactions in the body, so also plants function in a similar fashion. The research behind this is more than I can explain, but I can tell you from personal experience that it happens to work somehow.
Frequencies and vibrations affect the body all day long. And these frequency given off by the particular essence I have been using, when introduced into the body, shifts and realigns around the area of being able to work with paradoxes.
In my case, it also positively unearthed and helped me deal with a number of things pertaining to spiritual and emotional trauma that was generations old.
All because I introduced the essence which contained the material that resonated the frequency of the flower in question.
The Trial Posted to Facebook and The Review of Double Delight Rose
About a couple of weeks ago, Seneca posted somewhere that she was going to host a trial and wanted to know who among us struggle with some sort of paradox found in Scripture. Well, I have a few of those that I struggle with, but the most prominent one deals with the twin reality that we as followers of Christ are both sons and servants, and both realities are present at the same time. So, I said “sure, send me some of this essence as part of your trial”. The essence is called Double Delight Rose.
So, she sent me some, and the instructions call for it to take 4 drops 4x a day. So, I began taking it. And I am currently still taking it.
And not only have I begun to have a breakthrough on recognizing that I am treated as a son of the King, but I am also able to carry that and do stuff for the L-rd that He asks, serving him with the mindset of being both a son and a servant. That is, living as a son in Father’s embrace and doing the work that a servant would normally do without feeling like I had to do the work in order to maintain my position as a son. Rather, the work of serving flowed from the place in which the L-rd had already positioned me as a son.
In addition to this, the L-rd in this season has begun to push some generational strongholds to the surface so they can be dealt with, specifically rejection. My grandfather suffered from rejection from being abandoned by his blood parents. My father suffered from rejection as well. and I did. But something happened in the taking of this essence that has caused that stuff to be dealt with as well.
It strikes me, that given we have an electrical machine called the human body, and it runs at a certain frequency, that if we change that frequency, something else will also be affected.
As the adage goes, “the proof in the pudding is in the eating.”
My take is, something is either going to work or it is not. And staying in our dysfunction is not working, but when we have tried everything and nothing works, the new thing on which we risk a trial period may not be better than staying exactly where we are.
So, my tl;dr review for Double Delight Rose is as follows: outstanding for helping to resolve my particular paradox.
And while there may be some flakiness to some of the material out there in the interwebs as it pertains to vibrations and frequencies, that does not wholesale negate everything that is given as a possible solution that utilizes frequency or vibrational language.
Seneca herself has also done a boatload of research on the subject, and appears to have blogged quite a bit on the topic of essences and healing.
I have had a block in the paradox and rejection arenas, and in the last 2 weeks I have begun to actually and really address the blockages in a big way. Seneca’s essence has helped as a really solid tool for dealing with that and getting to, as her passion is, a place of solid freedom.
As a side note, I checked out her other essences, given my wife and I are going to become regular customers of hers, and I stumbled across the Sunflower essence, and guess what it helps the user deal with?
Father issues.
Just….wow…..exactly thing thing addressed by my sunflowers.
So I have ordered that essence and a couple of others.
So, that is my fuller review.
Seriously, skeptics, give her a try and see if there is anything to her work.
It was really worth my time, especially given I have seen a bit more of a release to write and act more in accordance with my design, and I handle seeming contradictions week in and week out.
If you have further questions, I will be happy to field some of those myself as best I can, because I get some of the more esoteric stuff that seems weird, and may be able to put it in terms that are less weird.