The Big Book of BYB3

Arthur had a situation in which he today discussed how we have been stapled into big books of accusations by the enemy and how he has used those accusations against us.

We were, of all things, designed, not to be stapled into the enemy’s book and kept from shining and reflecting the Lord’s light, but to shine and reflect his life.

We are his mirror and his light.

You are the light of the word, and Jesus is the light of the world in you. You are his mirror and his light. To shine him and reflect him.

And you are designed to be full of his polychromatic light, not the fifty million shades of achromatic grey,

Into books have you allowed the enemy or others to staple you?

Do people have a judgment against you,b cause they believe they have heard a voice they think is the Lord that says, this is your unalterable calling or design, when it may not be your design, gang?

Have you been stapled into a big book of judgments?

Move and hammer and ask Father to gather those evil documents and freeze-framing, and to have a book burning and remove those books off the shelves, and to demolish the shelves.

Be blessed.