WOR 2024: Blessing 2: On the Creation of Humanity and the Gift of Life


I invite your spirit to interact with me today.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

…then the L-RD G-d formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. And the L-RD G-d planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. -Gen 2:7-8 ESV-

Spirit, there was a time when man was created in this segment. He was formed by Father, composed by Father, and then endued with the presence of the human spirit that was given to him by Father….

To the whole person reading this: You were created by the L-rd and fashioned with affection, tenderness, and with an eye toward reality. And into you, G-d placed the human spirit. And in that moment of placement of spirit into body, the soul came into being, and was designed to grow into life-giving partnership with the spirit in the lead. And too often, we bring healing to the body and to the soul, and very little gets done with respect to the spirit. And my heart is to see all three ministered to well. Hence, when I write blessings, it is for the too-often-neglected spirit I write.

Spirit, after you were breathed in, and then began the sequence of knitting together the soul and the body, following that process, the L-rd took Adam, and put the man into the Garden of the L-rd.

The text does not spell out that segment of the process, but I am under the impression He, as a G-d of Process, did not just create him and then immediately drop him into the Garden the next moment. Rather, in light of His love of processes that unpack, I wonder at the possibility that He took man to the Garden by way of a journey, and while they were on the way to Eden, conversed.

And what they conversed about, and what, as the new creation was present, what the man was thinking on the way to the garden.

Spirit, in thinking about this, I want to encourage you with the following.

G-d did not just make you in a haphazard or hasty moment. No, he took a process to form you. And that process was laced with affection and love and with an eye to your purpose and design. As many of us as there are, spirit, there are also unique designs and purposes.

So, spirit, I bless you to hear and rejoice in the reality of the gift of Dad breathing you into the body of the human of which you are part. I bless you in your leadership role. I bless you to know a revelation of G-d’s love for you. And I bless you to know that you are His gift of love and uniquely designed to solve a specific set of problems. Problems are not a bad thing. Rather, they are a good thing. And problems were given to us to be solved. And as we solve problems, tools are developed.

I bless you to find the tools you need to solve the problems you were given, spirit.

I bless you with the revelation that you were made to be unpacked more and more so that complex problems are met with complex solutions.

I bless you to know there will be a journey that G-d takes you on that is designed to unpack you as you work in growing in reconciliation to Him and in turn, help reconcile others to Himself.

Be at peace, spirit, in your growth journey, in the name of Yeshua. And as you arrive at your home, be further at peace as you receive the pieces the King has for you, and as He provides problems to solve.

Know that in his provision of problems, solutions will develop as you get familiar with the nature of the problem. And that process might take time. I encourage you to be patient as you ponder and process the set of problems in front of you.

And I bless you to always remember His love as you work the problem in front of you.

WOR 2024: Blessing For Reconcilation to G-d the Father


I invite your spirit to connect in the name of Yeshua ha-Maschiach

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:16-17 ESV

Spirit, everything that you have received that pertains to life and godliness dwells in you, the human spirit. Everything that the person in whom you dwell needs resides with you. Every tool, understanding, need, resource, component, all of it, the whole thing, resides with you.

One of those gifts, one of the greatest of these gifts is the gift of Father Himself.

Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

John 14:23 ESV

Way beyond the Father merely forgiving us our sins and deigning to allow Himself to see us as miserable sinners barely saved by grace, He TRANSFORMS US and LIVES IN US.

The Ancient of Days gives His whole self to you, beloved. He resides in and partners with you. He does not keep His distance. Rather, He crosses the full distance and desires to make His home within you. You are not a reworked trashcan, spray-painted white and then He tosses in a shot of bleach to kill the stench. No, my love, rather you are completely transformed into a different vessel altogether, one for glory and beauty and love and tenderness and intimacy and adventure.

And He gives you a bunch of different tools and vessels to use, some for drinking, some for planting, some for growing, some for pouring out water, and on and on.

Spirit, He does not give a single bad or seconnd-rate gift. All of His gifts to you are first-rate and special and unique.

So spirit, I bless you.

I bless you to know the depth and range of His gifts. I bless you to feel how much pleasure and love and joy resonate in Father’s heart to be living with you. I bless you with the revelation that Father does not look at you and barely tolerates you. Rather, He longs for the moment when He can talk to you about all sorts of things, and His purpose and birthright for you.

I bless you to see deeply the good and the perfect, and that they are with you, and that there is no more perfect gift He can give than the fullness of Himself in you. He lives in you and makes home the way He wants it in you, and He is fully committed to changing everything about you or about His living environment that is not in alignment with the absolute best path and place for you.

He also takes on the burden of transforming you to a vessel of honor and filling you with His love.

I bless you to be free and full of all the things He has for you.

I bless you with that in the name of Yeshua.
