I invite your spirit forward in the name of Yeshua.
Young spirit of this tender child, listen to the word of El Shaddai for you for today.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…
From Psalm 23:5 (ESV)
Spirit, there is a place for you…..
A place that repeatedly you will be taken by the L-rd repeatedly.
It won’t appear inviting at first. You will look around and see enemies. You won’t see friends at first.
And you might wonder, “did the L-rd drop me off in an unsafe place?”
And you would be correct, spirit. Alone and apart from the L-rd, your DEEPLY LOVING FATHER, this is not a place you would want to be.
But, spirit, please, I implore you to allow me to draw your attention to one REALLY IMPORTANT TRUTH.
G-d will NEVER set you into a place full of enemies without also going there together with you. You will NEVER be alone in the hard places. You will never have to worry about being overtaken by the enemies of the King without the King being present with you.
Spirit, those places where you are caught in the middle of your enemies, the L-rd did not abandon you. He left you with Himself: The G-d Who Prepares and Is Always Prepared.
Look there. There is a garden grotto surrounded by the King’s ancient enemies and you are there, and most importantly, the King WHO HAS NEVER LOST A FIGHT IS THERE.
Spirit, this is an incredibly important dynamic for you, because you are going to find yourself in the middle of places that don’t feel safe and you might need a meal prepared.
Spirit, the King is not in a rush just because there is a fight. He is unbeatable.
And He longs, even in the midst of the fight, to set up a meal. To share intimacy and connection. Even in a foxhole or a trench, there are still meals to be had and camaraderie to be had. There is, moreover, a feast of the King’s incredible love and tenderness to be had.
So, spirit, I bless you….
I bless you to receive from the presence of the King.
I bless you with a revelation of the King’s goodness, steadfast love, tenderness, faithfulness, and the provision of Himself.
I bless you to sit with the King as He prepares that special table full of every good thing He knows your heart loves.
Spirit, He knows what foods, what utensils, what tools, and what weapons, and what arms need to be on that table. And He is not going to place anything on that table that is toxic to you, so the soul, or to the body.
“See, I have created the blacksmith, who forges a weapon/instrument/tool/utensil…”
From Isaiah 54:16 (ESV)
Spirit, He loves you so incredibly deeply. I bless you to receive that deep and tender love from Him. And I bless you to receive the fullness of the table of the L-rd’s goodness while He troubles Himself with the details of what should happen with respect to the enemies that surround you.
Spirit, they will not overtake you.
I bless you with that reality in the name of Yeshua. Amein.
This blessing was super impactful on the spirit portion that I read it to. It went in very deeply to heal and comfort an aspect of healing. Your question, “did the L-rd drop me off in an unsafe place?” is so important to tiny human spirit because it can feel so unsafe, and crazy things can happen on the way from there to here. Thank you for writing this!