Beloved, I invite your spirit forward to treat with me in the name of Yeshua.
Spirit, listen to the word of El Shaddai, for you today.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the house of the L-rd forever.
Psalm 23:8 (ESV)
Goodness is G-d’s assessment of his creation. And G-d called all that he had created and made good. Tov. It was pleasing to behold. Goodness is designed to track and accompany us all of the days of our lives. It is not a temporary thing that happens, as if it is something we strive for. It’s a life flow that reminds us of the core of who we are on our worst days.
Mercy, by contrast, is for the worst of what happens to us. When we mess up, Abba, Our Father, is still with us and for us and falls is good. When we mess up, He reminds us through Mercy that He still wants us. Goodness reminds us of who we are as He designed us. Mercy is for our mess-ups in action.
We might do bad stuff, but that doesn’t mean bad is who we are in core.
We need Mercy to protect us when we get assaulted in our core.
Spirit, you will not be put out of your Father’s house simply because you messed something up.
Spirit, He designed you to be His chip off the old block.
Spirit your dwelling place is in His home.
So, spirit, I bless you to remain at home. His home is a place where you are always welcome. His home is not a place of rejection. Rather, it’s a place of acceptance. It’s a place of tenderness. It’s a place of affection. And it’s a place where the heartache can just melt away.
I bless you to recognize this about your parents. Though they are imperfect, they yearn for you to have a place for you can just rest and be yourself. They yearn for you to come home.
Spirit, there is more for you than just a place of abuse and pain. There is more than just a place of rejection.
No rejection in the arms of your Father.
Spirit, I bless you with the revelation of that. Deeply, may it penetrate your deepest places. Those places where your life flow is deep enough for the stuff of dreams. The place where your yearnings mean reality and bring destiny into place.
The place of love. The House of the L-rd.
I bless you to rest in His goodness, His mercy, and His home.
I bless you to be filled with all the fullness of G-d in your heart. I bless your heart to be stabilized by His presence, and with His grace, and in His love.
I bless you to know the compassion that brings you home when you’re hurting.
and I bless you with the tenacity to latch onto the goodness of G-d all throughout your life in every facet.
I bless you to be merciful, so that you will also be shown mercy. Boatloads of mercy.
and I bless you to find your ultimate dwelling place with the King.
Be at peace in the bubble of Father’s shalom.
in the name of Yeshua,