This post is the third link in a chain, and in the previous post, I began my discussion on the wounds and healings of the Redemptive Gift of Mercy, which is critical to read before finishing the material on that gift here. So, if you are interested in the material on the Mercy, go here. Otherwise, feel free to skip down to Prophet if that is your reasoning for being here.
There is a built-in vulnerability that is tied up with the Mercy that Father appreciates and placed there, but it is also an issue that can be twisted up from a partnership with the Spirit of the Fear of the L-rd (Purple) into an unnatural fear of man or fear of their position.
If we will allow Him, this journey can lead to something very fruitful, but it will mean that we must completely overcome the perversion of that fear, no matter what.
And 90% of Mercies that end up marrying someone, marry someone with the Redemptive Gift of Prophet, because the Prophet will help steer them away from futility to a place of action, and if both play their roles right, a tenderness can develop between them.
And, of course, I get we are dealing with Prophets that have been brainwashed and programmed, but there is a loyalty and a camaraderie between the Prophet and her or his favored friend that, once earned, is not easily broken. In this case, the Mercy Clint Barton.
It’s Natasha Romanov, the Prophet that helps Clint level out and work through his metaphysical stuff.
Now, on the other hand, and while I can call the Prophet out as having a built-in vulnerability, which point I will save for another post, there is an invulnerability covering up that vulnerability that can lead to another issue altogether for the Prophet, and here I will cover that.
Some Prophets have this built-in problem where they cannot, will not depend on others to help them. From personal experience, it radically sucks dealing with a invulnerable know-it-all, and I have my fair share of the “you cannot understand my pain/problem/trauma/place” types of friends, or “I won’t let the guards down around you but you can let your guards down around me” types of friends.
And unfortunately, I have been there and done that, and can understand.
Now, to be sure, personally, I do not believe the King wants the Prophet to suffer, but I do believe if they end up suffering, the King will bring them through, if they let Him pull them through the place of war into a place of peace and wholeness.
And most of the Prophet’s issues lie along the second level of natural law, those governing the reality between man and man.
Like the Mercy, there is often this “no one can understand me” mindset in the unhealed Prophet, whether or not they have been broken.
Here is another trio of clips of Clint the Mercy being broken and healed.
The response of the Mercy when the Prophet comes to rescue him from his melancholy of despair. Clint telling his best friend to not give him hope.
And the pain of regret when the Mercy loses their best friend….
Unlike the Mercy, who feels intense emotions that are turned inward and gush, often on one person, the Prophet has a volcanic set of intense emotions that will explode outward on whomever is in the blast zone.
And too damned often, unless they have flowered open by spending boatloads of time blooming in intimacy in times alone with the King, the wounded and unhealed Prophet won’t let anyone in, unless it will benefit them. There must be an emotional healing that takes place deeply in the heart of the Prophet Even more than the Mercy refusing to open up through stubbornness without cutting people off, the Prophet will slam the door on people and push them away.
Unless they have someone they can trust, usually a Mercy or a Servant, who starts the hard work of believing in them and remaining “’til the end of the line”…

And then that one places them in the context of a safe community, which helps facilitate healing.
In this case, Bucky was placed in the exceptionally SAFE EXHORTER community of Wakanda.
Gang, and especially Prophets, I want to say something specifically to each of you:
No matter what you have been through and how you have gotten grounded to a pulp, the King WANTS and YEARNS to heal you, and note, it will likely take place with one individual first, followed by a life-giving community. But it might mean ceding your right to know or be right at times, as you negotiate the second level of principles governing human relationships.
Also, you need to look for the Servants and then the Mercies in your life, and allow them to be seen as a place of safety for you, and if you do not have Servants in your life, ask the King where they are, because they are everywhere, and for the sake of your cleansing, they are necessary to initiate a protection of life.
Now, onto the next post in this series…