WOR Blessing: Reconciled to G-d: Blessing 13: G-d of Plan B

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Okay, soul, based on how some of y’all have read that title and gotten offended, with the logical argument that G-d doesn’t have a plan B.

Soul, this blessing is not for you. This blessing is for the spirit.

So beloved soul, I need you to move to the side for a season, so I can speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you to lean forward, but only as closely as you can wish, understanding that some might not feel safe.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today:

Then the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in Seir as far as Hormah. And you returned and wept before the L-RD, but the L-RD did not listen to your voice or give ear to you. So you remained at Kadesh many days, the days that you remained there.

Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea, as the L-RD told me. And for many days we traveled around Mount Seir. Then the L-RD said to me, ‘You have been traveling around this mountain country long enough. Turn northward”

Deuteronomy 1:44–2:3 ESV

Spirit, I want you to be aware of G-d’e contingency plan for when things get messed up. I want you to know it is not a plan for which He is settling or toward which His apathy is being expressed.

G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, because we have free will.

But there is still a redemptive purpose for each season if we will hunt for it.

And, spirit, when we mess up, we need to know that there is still a redemptive plan in the works for us. And that plan is something Y-d wishes to work out.

For Israel, due to their Av 9 rebellion (Numbers 13), they had to pursue a new path. And in that path, G-d engaged in redemption of a nation of doves, raising up a nation of sons from that nation of slaves.

So, spirit, I engage with you in order to encourage you to pursue what the L-rd’s current path for you. I bless you to see the plan in front of you. I bless you with faith for the wilderness if you find yourself there.

I bless you to hear the voice of the G-d of Plan B. The plan that manifests as a result of circumstances that may have derived from your choices, but is no less redemptive.

I bless you to wrestle with reality and to hear from the King’s gentle whisper in the midst of your broom tree encounter. I bless you to anoint the people you need to anoint even when you are struggling with depression or anger or PTSD or parts or whatever the case.

I bless you to move into the new season.

For whatever circumstances in which you find yourself, the Father can redeem those.

For it is impossible for G-d to not redeem and reconcile.

I bless you to find the streams in the desert as you find yourself in a different season.

I bless you with the reality that, even though G-d doesn’t always get what He wants, eventually those circumstances will be caused to work together by Him for your good.

Even the wilderness and the desert and the dry places are your reality, spirit, G-d will lead you through that season to a place of fruitfulness.

Spirit, be at peace and be free to connect with the L-rd. Be at peace to connect with Him at Mount Seir. And be at peace to hear Him when it is time to leave the mountain when He says to.

I bless you in the midst of the new season to embrace the G-d who provides you contingencies and will ultimately get you the resources He has for you, the provision that is for the vision He gives you.

I also bless you to release the old season when it is no longer reality.

And to step into the new season when that is now where you are.

I bless your timestream to flow in accordance with Father’s design regardless of the transitions.

And I bless you to see that, just because the assignment has changed or been modified, your design does not change.

I bless you with stability in the midst of an otherwise destabilizing season that arrives as a result of your choices or the choices of others.

I bless you with the grace necessary to be fruitful in the middle of a new season.

And I bless you to keep moving forward even when things do not go the way you thought they would or should.

And I bless you with peace according to the season’s need.

Spirit, be blessed and keep moving forward, in the name of Yeshua.


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