Another Post On the Necessity of the Redemptive Gift of Teacher

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I realize I am in the process of a number of other things, but, Teachers, again, your unusual and unexpected capacity to:

1) Preserve life when it isn’t looked for, when you are rightly aligned and strong with the Principle of Responsibility,

2) Defend and preserve rightly-aligned sexuality,

3) Occupy your very pertinent position in the sequence of seven Redemptive Gifts, between two other notes life-givers, the Servant on the one hand, which protects new life and the thing G-d has conceived from premature (hear this pronounced the British way with the short “e” sound) extinguishing, and the Giver on the other hand, which births new blood life.

The following is a long sentence, so in the spirit of the length of the Declaration of Independence’s single-sentenced preamble, stay with me as I weave together the following thought.

There are going to be times when the other gifts are preoccupied in such ways…

that their focus will not be on the protectionary measures you easily derive from remembering the past…

and even though you might appear as though you are stuck to the other gifts, while being married to the apparently (“apparently” is the adverbial form of “appear, so by their estimation the appearance, which may not be the same as reality) valueless past, and while you may seem slow to others who don’t see the five-dimensional frame of the big picture, there is a stranger and much-less pronounced form of special discernment that the Teacher provides to make truly safe the rest of the community.

This form of discernment has brandished itself in film in the last 10 years, and it is on full display as M, who is RG Teacher here, tells the Ministry of Intelligence in the film “Skyfall” a good deal that is necessary.

Gang, are you capable of seeing the beauty of this aspect of the Teacher presented here.

Teachers, do not ever beat yourself up, and do not dare let some impulsive gift beat you up for owning and enjoying your connections to the past that give you a form of discernment that none of the other gifts can have.

And again yes, I know, seven portions, one dominant portion.

But this sort of dynamic is precisely why I argue we each have only one Redemptive Gift. And one-seventh of our tribe has the critical role of being Teacher.

So, I would encourage those of y’all who think you are three gifts because a test told you so, to stop letting the tests tell you what you are, and do find out what your gift is. As a card-carrying Mercy who has six other active portions, some of which are quite active.

And if we spread our foci too thin, we become anything and everything and therefore nothing.

Be at peace. And thanks for listening to me rant


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