From the Desk of Amy Dudley: An Open Letter to the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office (Louisiana)

An open letter to the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office.

I have a great deal of respect for the officers that put their lives on the line everyday. It’s a job I couldn’t do. I will defend you for what you do. Thank you.

As a citizen of this parish I must voice a personal concern. Earlier today my husband and I came to the courthouse to be finger printed for some legal paperwork we needed to complete. I was confronted by the officers at the door for not wearing a mask. I know that they are doing their job.

I chose to put one on because we had to have the finger prints done… I was not given any “reasonable accommodation”, according to ADA guidelines, that would allow me the right to have my fingerprints done with out wearing one.

As a person who has experienced horrific rape, sodomy and torture, wearing a mask brings on terrifying panic attacks.

One of the kind ladies doing the finger printing worked quickly so that I could get out as soon as possible while another woman stood behind me bullying me to put the mask up over my nose…. making the whole situation even worse.

I accommodated the mandate the best I could while trying not have a complete melt down right there. There are several witnesses who saw me falling a part as I ran out of the building.

The panic attack lasted for over an hour before I could finally get a grip.

While I understand these people are doing their jobs, I fail to understand the lack of respect for those who truly are in danger when a mandate like this is enforced without compassion or understanding for circumstances that don’t fit the boxes of those making the demands.Does the ADA apply for EVERY disabled citizen or just some?

I feel humiliated. I was unable to maintain my dignity in a public place.

I left sobbing uncontrollably for all to see.

When will there be justice for people like me? Is compliance more important than human dignity?

Mesmerizing Spirit Series, Choosing the False Hope While Violating Principles

Current Events And Financial Landing Pads

I am so done with the fakey prophetic words that promise us freedom by bastardizing cause-and-effect relationships and calling it a roadmap to a Jubilee level of freedom. We have a broke government planning to assume an incredible amount of debt but not eliminate it.

Second, when has our government done a good job of managing and eliminating debt?

And as it pertains to Scripture and the Year of Jubilee, that event and the instructions about handling that even were given to a financially responsible Giver nation, led by an Exhorter who walked in high numbers in the area of Reality, and which nation had sufficient financial solvency (Exodus 3:21-22, 12:36, 32:1-4) to completely eliminate those debts is a tremendous misinterpretation of Scripture.

Not a Prophet nation that led with insolvency through bleeding-heart fiscal irresponsibility to the tune of 22,000,000,000.00 in the hole.

Trapped By Blind Arameans

You cannot violate your way into freedom….

The Mesmerizing Spirit has found a massive landing pad in the last few decades and it is not letting go. It has figured out that when we see someone promise to bail us out even though we are financially insolvent, we will support that guy or gal, and consequently, we will be anesthetized from being able to see clearly to see where the enemy seeks to rob and degrade us further.

If someone promises you a solution and you are already at the point of despair unto death, if you are not anchored in Him (not His nature, not His attributes, not in Scripture), you might readily accept that solution, even if it is the good, which is the eternal enemy of the best.

This is another dynamic of how this pickpocketing clown works with the Canaanite Curse to create an oppressive workload as a result of selling birthrights for bowls of lentils.

Especially when empowered by the work of a group of Exhorters who are severely compromised (Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton), walking in non-reality, and feeding us a fantasy.

Four items, all from Republicans and Democrats, have demonstrated this nonsense, but clearly we have an issue with seeing clearly because we only call out the opposing party.

The auto manufacturer bailouts.

The subprime lending debacle.

The COVID bailouts and PPP loans.

And now the potential student loan bailouts.

This is all fruit of the Mesmerizing Spirit.

It’s desire is to distract you with false hope

Don’t buy the lie that you can violate your way into freedom. With a violation of principles comes a reaping of consequences.

From A Place of Earned Authority

As someone who paid off two degrees while his heart was getting ripped out through adultery, divorce, spiritual abuse, and emotional abuse…

As someone who lived as a widower…

I spent 3 years in abject solitude and 7 years grinding out a marriage that was doomed from the start to a verbally abusive Jezebel spirit who held my sons out as bait, while grinding out menial labor jobs and several of my spirit portions were bound up with fetters and not permitted to speak.

I have the earned authority to say this.

Do not settle for less than full-on, gritty reality. Stop settling. That is what the Pharisees did. They settled. They settled for what they could control and what fit into their boxes. That is why, in the end, they got Matthew 23.

Telluride (Prophet) and Gertrude (Exhorter)

What They Are Doing To You

These clowns in government are leading you along.

They do not know a thing about how republican government and fiscal responbility work.

Someone saying “I am from the government and I am here to help you,” should scare the hell out of you.

Someone claiming to be able to set you free financially when they have no plan for the debt except to assume it…

….when they do not have the means to eliminate it is not jubilee. It is further bondage on a national level.

A broke government cannot bring a financially enslaved people into the freedom that G-d meant us to walk out in a jubilee context.

The freedom of Jubilee comes because the L-rd teaches nations, which are solvent, cause-and-effect relationships and then sets them on a path that is in accordance with His heart.

Freedom does not come apart from us being willing to walk out the principles of Scripture. We have faith, and that faith causes us to execute. And indeed, we execute because we know the principles of Scripture, even the principles found in the Law.

Adonai did this with Israel, and Jesus the Exhorter is doing this now with us.

Violating financial principles will lead you to financial destruction.

65 thousand paid off in 12 years of clawing when my heart was getting flushed out.

And I can say, as a gooshy Mercy, that deliverance and liberty do not come simply because we cried out to G-d only.

Rather, deliverance comes because He partners with sons in the kingdom who are willing to put the principles to work on complex problems.

Deliverance comes because we act to humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, and to do the things He told us to do.

The Eighth Horn of the Dragon

Are you going to settle for the sort-of-freedom that comes with wealth transfer by a government that is known for its exceptional stupidity in all things fiscal?

Or are you going to run hard and fast with the principles and kick the Eighth Horn of the Dragon, Mammon, squarely in the teeth?

If you are not going to settle.


from a man who has no plan for fiscal responsibility outside of increasing spending and increasing taxes…

on a nation that is insolvent and on the verge of collapse…

in large part due to our trust in an artificial economy that is playing with derivatives and other esoteric economic foolishness.