First of all, I am not a Trump supporter. At all. I do not care for big-government spenders one iota. He is much the same as his five predecessors. I probably will not vote for him. And that is perfectly okay.
And those who take my comment to imply I am voting for Biden need to go jump in a creek.
Or read the following graphic and learn how not to gaslight others.
Second of all, I am a writer, and an expert at reading context clues. I have been doing so for about 36 years. Ask my mother.
That is not bragging. That is acknowledging my wheelhouse and an area of expertise.
Third, I am not a conservative at all. Too many bombs and unconstitutional murdering that happens. Not to mention illegal surveillance, search, and seizure under conservative presidents.
The moral high ground, therefore, belongs to no one. And no, our seniors will not save us from destruction. The war for innocent life is fought for in the hearts of men and women, not in SCOTUS appointments.
With this said, I would like to point out Trump did not tell people to inject themselves with Lysol.
If you read the text of his speech, said in his voice, given COVID-19 appears to be an upper respiratory illness, this line sounds to me like he is suggesting, not disinfectant, but something that would do the same thing as a disinfectant.
He used the term “LIKE”.
For those who did not pass 6th grade, that is a similie. A word used to speak of one concept in the terms of another using the words “like” or “as” We use them all the time as writers.
When I say my wife’s eyes are like the sun, her eyes were not going to destroy whatever they touch. I mean they possess a brightness that is akin to something brilliant, and the most brilliant something I can think of is the sun. When I say her skin is like a garden, it is not going to need to be weeded.
When the President asks a question, putting forth a hypothetical situation to a reporter, and says “And is there a way we can do something LIKE that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
He is looking at a principle or a concept. Not the actual insertion of Lysol into the bloodstream, you fool of a Took.
And he is using the best language he has on hand to conceptualize a solution.
As with the light or anything else.
Now, the twisting is due to this thing we call the fifth head of Leviathan.
And we volley this crap back and forth between administration’s based on which party is in power.
And conservatives and liberals get largely blind to the crimes of their own party’s President once he is in office. And they kvetch about the other party’s leadership ad infinitum.
And before you quote Romans 13 and 1 Timothy 2 to me, recognize that isn’t talking about presidents, but those who are in authority. In the case of this, our constitutional republic, that is we the people.
So, please be mindful of what he is actually saying, and please give these people some benefit of the doubt as you pray for them.
And let’s quit with the gaslighting.