Next Sequence In The Fractal: Leviathan’s Seven Heads: Intro: The Test of How We Handle A Giver Gone Loose

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How we handle this test determines what happens with the Fifth Head of Leviathan, as he is a national figure and he is obsessed with technology.

Leviathan is the wave series by which our capacity to respond to the Mesmerizing Spirit will be handled.

I am not interested in repeating things that have already been taught on, however, in the interest of full disclosure, I will say that, in large part, what I am about to share derives from a series of teachings by Arthur Burk.

In the next post, I will cover the entity, what it is, and whence I think it derives.

So, apologies for those in my audience who do not understand some of the phrases and terms in this post. I promise I will get to those in turn.

Now, with those disclaimers in place, I will ask you to consider the possibility of the following.

I don’t care how wicked any man is,  but I will say this.

Posting stuff that someone didn’t say, or insinuating they did when they did not can open a really nasty door for the 5th head of Leviathan to mess with your communication and sound, and it will assuredly get people to think the worst about you.

Now, this is radically different from posting what someone actually said and then explaining how their thoughts and words landed with you (what you may have heard in it when reading between the lines, and what you felt coming off of someone).

The difference is in one case, you are representing their actual words with accuracy and precision; while in the other, you are not.

If you are going to report on Bill Gates or anyone else,  make sure you are quoting first-person narratives, not implied, not insinuations, not “it sounds like something he would say”, not ominous memes, just his or her words.

Not clickbait.

Posting clickbait is killing our capacity to communicate and to be heard from a position of understanding and mercy and kindness and grace. Refusing to steward the actual words of William H. Gates III, or Steven Paul Jobs, as irritating as both men are, can do great harm.

As we sow, we will reap, later and greater than we have sown.

Believers have done a really bad job of studying words out and this refusal to avail us of all available, first-rate research has killed the credibility of our witness in many places.


Women’s dress.

Women’s leadership.

The church’s blind support of Republicans despite the issue of the military-industrial-congressional complex, about which ONE OF THEIR OWN, A RETIRED 5-STAR GENERAL WHO SERVED IN NORMANDY, WARNED THEM.

The church’s blind yelling about Democrats over one issue.

The church’s abject refusal, largely, to handle welfare of widows, orphans, and the fatherless, and the poor, and the fact that Social Security exists because the church didn’t have the balls and ovaries to pick up and run with this issue as central to their missions.

The church’s obsession with the presence of the fivefold ministry, paired with 1) an absence of excellence in the real execution of the fivefold ministry and 2) a largely profuse refusal to heed the warnings of men and women like Arthur when it comes to the real design of the apostolic and prophetic, both offices which are designed not with authority in mind but blood, service, and death (Revelation 12:11C, the third part, which is badly ignored, when we talk about the blood of the Lamb and the Word of Our Testimony, but ignore the necessary sacrifice in terms of our lives and whether or not we have skin in the game).

Fathering men to a place of sonship as opposed to mere obedience or slavery or even service.

And other areas.

So, as you do your research on whomever, and make your prophetic declarations, or apostolic decrees, be careful with those decrees and decs, and….

Remember that Mr. Gates for all of his Giver foibles and idiocy, deserves the treatment of dignity as we lay out a red carpet of love paired with accurate truth for him to come to the King.

What Is Happening With Mr. Gates and, More Importantly, With Us

We are being tested in multiple ways, and there is nothing more the devil would like to do than mess up our path with the twisting work of Leviathan and the Mesmerizing Spirit to pickpocket us because we were too busy watching the birdie.

The clowns would love to see stewardship fouled up in a massive degree in this country.

It really is safer to post real comments in the right spirit and offer corrective to those words rather than spouting how evil an evil person is. And it protects the ability of others to hear your heart, not to mention your technology, and your capacity to hear others accurately.

Stewarding the reputation of others is the same thing as stewarding your reputation.

You would not want people knowing the worst about you, and hopefully those that do, protect the worst, work with you to process it and honor you as best they can in the process.

We are being handed a HORDE of tests now against Givers and others.

How We Handle This Series of Tests

  1. As you see a Giver who is walking badly in Stewardship, bring that before the L-rd, and ask Him to handle the situation however He sees fit. Ask Him to shine His light whereever He wants, and DO NOT coach Him on where to shine it.
  2. As you was working at responding to this, make sure you walk in high positive numbers in the arena of Stewardship.
  3. Stewardship is doing someone else’s agenda with someone else’s resources. There are a group of parables in the gospels that deal with managers, and talents, and minas, and cities, and giving an account, and wicked, lazy servants, and hard masters. Get to know those parables and the principles of management for the Owner inside and out.
  4. Then, walk out handling accomplishing the agenda of the L-rd especially where you know you will not get credit for it. And learn to manage when you are not being seen.
  5. This is the sort of flavor of coming in the opposite spirit.
  6. If you know you are going to be seen when managing, do so without solely making a name for yourself. Manage in alignment with your design.

Notes On Managing and the Love of Being In the Public Eye

I have previously covered some of the different designs on my series on the Redemptive Gifts. Make sure that you read the above in light of the various and different designs that are present, because humility for one gift may look wildly different from humility in another gift.

Exhorters who are managing in public might exercise a little bit of flair or showmanship, which, if it is a design thing, might not be unwarranted.

Tony Stark (Redemptive Gift Exhorter) doing a well-polished presentation of the Jericho Missile. There is indeed some arrogance here, but there is also some flair and love for theatrics.

Showboating and grandstanding can be part of the package, but they can happen apart from braggadocio, arrogance, or pride.

Exhorters, Mercies, and those with a motion niche can have actions that are part of the package that add flair that can look like showboating or grandstanding but are not. Be careful in assuming you know apart from discernment what is taking place with someone’s actions and behavior.

Servants will want to do this without the limelight being a part of the equation. Do not make everyone behave like a Servant in that desire to not be seen. It will backfire if you try to mangle someone’s design if they are designed for the public eye.

There are gifts that are more public and gifts that are more private. Make sure you know and understand motives and the interior of a person before you correct them. Otherwise, you, when you think you are correcting pride, might be rebuking someone’s design and can create a greater mess than if you just left them alone.

Speaking of Bill Gates, and what I think is possibly going on here. I think he is walking in his design, but doing so in massive negative numbers. Bad Stewardship, and thinking he knows what is best for others.

Our responsibility to combat this is coming in the opposite spirit with whatever earned authority we have accrued in the arena of walking in Stewardship and managing what belongs to others, and multiplying it. Whether it is finances, or time, or friendships, or congregations, or books, or writings, or whatever the resource is. The Factors of Production (labor, natural resources, capital, and entrepreneurship) can be temporal, physical, social, destinological (pertaining to destiny and thus tied to the emotional and psychological components), or official, all of which are spiritual at their roots.

Steward and manage EVERY resource you see.

Don’t.  Fail., Gang.

And don’t let the Midianites loose more than they already are.

NOTE: “Midianites” is a reference to the seasonal devouring the Midianites accomplished in the book of Judges during the time of Gideon.

You are the kings in authority. Pray

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