Trauma Bonds To Birthright and Offices

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Pam was praying for me today and recalling how everyone was posting about Tyndale’s martyrdom the last few days.

What she did not know is that I was uniquely hammered on the last few days and it was like a different style of attack.

And Father said to her “curse on birthright and offices for those who are translators” or called to translation in any way.

And it occurs to me, because this is central to my birthright and my office as scribe, that many of these people might be accused by a Queen of Heaven or a spirit that would seek to gaslight, and we would be accused of having a religious spirit because of our concern for accuracy and precision with the handling of the text.

The bottom line, there is a defilement on time, birthright, and office here for those of us who are bona fide called translators and scribes and so, given every English-speaking body is grateful to have the Sciptures in our own language, we might need to cleanse the office of Scribe and the birthright to handle the manuscripts of the text with care, precision, and accuracy, in order that we can more effectively do our work and with excellence.

Our job is translation of the manuscripts as they are (Hebrew and Aramaic for the Tanakh, and Greek for the New Testament) and not as we would wish them to be. And to handle and communicate and teach effectively, because we will be doubly called to account for what and how we teach.

Be at peace, and pray for us, gang.

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