Spread the love

What you do not deal with in one season will come back with compounded interest and penalties in a future season.

What you bury alive will die and sprout a crop.

When you violate the principles, you will reap the harvest of that violation.

The lives in which you sow destruction will serve as the grounds upon which you will reap destruction.

If you shed blood, worship idols or persist in adultery or fornication, eventually the land will spew you out.

If you attempt to protect someone who violates the principles from the consequences, the effects of those consequences will cause the land to vomit you out.

Repentance and humility help bring fruitfulness. Stubbornness and stiffneckedness bring destruction.

I don’t care what your opinion about this or that big name speaker is. Everything that is done in darkness will be brought to the light. And if we do not cultivate a culture of humility, authenticity, intimacy, and transparency, the L-rd will bring the plumbline into our lives. I do not have a dog in the race when it comes to this or that popular speaker, but I will say this as one who walks in the office of a pastor.

When we refuse a position of vulnerability with those whom we lead, and we hide ourselves with leaders from the people, we can open the door to all kinds of Ishmaelite nonsense.

The problems that we face in the Charismatic Movement are a direct result of our paradigm when it comes to treating the Fivefold Ministry as a protocol for oversight.

I have said it before and I will say it again. “Apostolic oversight” is a contradiction in terms. Overseers oversee from a position of accountability. Apostles examine foundations, suffer, work miracles, and embrace a grubby position of repeated death, while working in the unglamorous work of digging in the trenches.

The current Fivefold Ministry model of hierarchical leadership with apostles at the top that has allowed for the hiding away of figures like Todd Bentley for years with zero accountability to the church, zero transparency before the sergeants in the body of Christ (those of us who have enough experience, integrity, and trustworthiness to help steer the body while not possessing political authority to make decisions), 100% possession of all the authority to make decisions, and covering and old like discipleship models that came out in the Shepherding Movement, is a sacred cow.

And as dead and gone as the founders of the Shepherding Movement are, this hierarchical nonsense that we use to define the Fivefold by way of Covering and allow them to rule the peeons is also going to die.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

And without affection and love and vulnerability and transparency coming to the body of Christ, G-d might just handle this by shining His light in places where we do not want it shone.
If a leader has sinned, then the L-rd will deal with it.

If a ministry has covered a leader’s persistent sin up, then the L-rd will deal with that ministry, possibly surgically.
In order for a eunuch to be safe around those who are in their charge, they not only have to be castrated, but they also have to exercise free will to choose not to abuse those in their care with instruments. Being incapable of violating people is one thing. Choosing not to violate them with other means even after you have been castrated is another.

I have family members who were sexually abused by both church leadership and family members.
So, I understand what is on the line, especially when it. comes to having friends who are survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Christian Ritual Abuse. And many of those have DID, and I have to minister to them carefully and gently.

This is no laughing matter.

If abuse has come to the body of Christ, the Judge will stand at the door and execute.

If gossip has come to the body of Christ, the Judge will stand at the door and execute.

We are absolutely not going to tolerate prostitution to happen in the house of G-d, or cover-ups on the one hand, nor are we going to tolerate gossip on the other hand.

Hypocrisy has NO place in the temple of the Living G-d.

A reminder of our history in this land. Ministers like Jerry Falwell took advantage of the vulnerability of Jim Bakker.

And the land writhed in anguish over the events.

If that sin is repeating itself in the land, it will show us that we have not yet learned how to steward what the L-r has given us.

G-d wants to trash the counterfeit, Ishmaelite version of the Fivefold ministry, and He wants, and we in the Mercy Season, born after 1976, are demanding authenticity of those who are leaders in the church.

Few authentic and vulnerable leaders, like my pastor in Massachusetts, and my friend in Spartanburg, remain.

Now is the time for us to grieve and repent, and get really transparent.


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