The G-d Who Has a Person Ready For the Job
And the L-rd G-d planted a Garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.
Genesis 2:8
He doesn’t just sit idly by while me make things happen, with detacthed disinterest.
Rather, when we see a job that needs doing, we need to ask G-d who His man or woman is for the job that needs doing.
He has prepared a job for you, and He has or pared you for a specific, satisfying job and problem that you were made to solve.
He made Adam and Eve for the Garden, and made the Garden for them.
He always has a man or a woman that He wants to get ready for the job that needs doing.
The question is, are we looking for a person to fill a slot with no more interest than a widget, or are we looking for THE RIGHT person, either permanently or for a season?
We can let dead-end happen, or we can let transition and movement toward destiny happen.