The Fractal of Two On Day Three

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The number two shows up a lot in the third day. Some data to consider, gang.
There are two types of roots among the multiplicity of plants from the third day: taproot and fibrous.
There are two types of stems: woody and herbaceous.
There are two types of trees: deciduous and coniferous.
There two types of broad leaves: opposite and alternate.
There are two types of both opposite and alternate leaves: simple and compound.
Beyond the needles/scalelike/broad leaves, there are two types of other trees: palms and cacti.
There are fruits and vegetables.
There are seeds and stones.
There are monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
There are lemons and limes.
There are annuals and nonannuals, and the nonannuals divide into biennials and perennials.
There are clusters and singles.
There are running root systems and single-rooted individuals.
The purpose for this is that we need to articulate the concept of the pattern of two in order to see that the Teacher is designed to deal with a whole host of issues that come in pairs.
For example, the first articulation of male and female also came on the third day. The plants themselves, have male and female parts, and the idea of sexuality came into being on the third day.
Dealing with the binary of male and female and for dealing with issues of human sexuality.
This is part of the domain of the Teacher: to deal with providing a solid response to the homosexuality argument and to bring reconciliation between the gay community and their identity and their G-d.

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