From The Desk of Jeremiah Johnson: The Rise of Sanctified Millenial Intercourse

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Jeremiah Johnson is an elder at a local church in Lakeland, Florida and a regular itinerant minister with whom I have had the privilege of connecting on Facebook.
While he and I have disagreed on a few topics, the way he prioritizes his wife and children is rare among those who clasically minister the gospel, and speaks volumes about who he is as a person of character. He has my respect, period.
Further, the way in which he demonstrates his real heart for the things of G-d, the local church, and our generation has few equals among my generation.
To the following that he recently posted I csn only add vociferous agreement:

There is a growing number of Christian millennials (18-35 yrs old) that I continue to meet across the USA as I travel and minister who believe and are being encouraged by older people that their “burning with lust” problem will be solved by getting married as soon as possible. In other words, they want to have sanctified intercourse without actually having sanctified motives and desires for one another. They just want to have sex “blessed by God” without even taking the time to get to know one another, discuss past histories, family life etc. This has caused an epidemic of millennial marriages to not last very long at all.
Let me be clear Christian millennials : If the only reason why you are getting married is for the sex or because you just can’t wait, you are not in love, you have self-control issues that need to be dealt with! Getting in bed with someone is not going to deliver someone from pornography addiction or insecurity that causes someone to throw themselves and body at anyone that takes notice.
We need Christian millennials in America who are actually going to give themselves to LONG engagements where intercourse is completely off the table and now it’s time to actually get to know one another for who you truly are. It’s time to ask the hard questions. This is what real love is!
We also need Christian leaders who will refuse to marry Christian millennials unless they have gone through at least 6-8 weeks of hardcore premarital counseling and real issues can be put on the table and worked through.
There is a sexual revolution coming to Christian millennials in America and it’s this: Keep it in your pants, get delivered from lust and pornography, have a long engagement with NO INTERCOURSE, receive some solid premarital counseling, and then enjoy an incredible LONG-LASTING
From a concerned pastor and traveling minister,
Jeremiah Johnson

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