What Is A Window of Reconciliation?

Four types….Community, Land, G-d, Destiny…

Four seasons….Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter….

Four items at play….

Four occultic situations.

This is one of those items I would like to boil down into its essence and share what it looks like on Monday morning during these 20-21 day periods.

And realizing that there are times when things may differ according to the King’s or Kingdom’s needs, I would like to talk about what this tool seems to be.

There are four periods strewn, more or less equidistantly throughout the year, and when you consider the enemy uses the two equinoxes and solstices to engage with his servants in dark things, it only makes sense to reaffirm the reality….

G-d was there first.

G-d was not there attempting to respond. G-d is first and was the first before anything else was. When the enemy comes and brings something, one can almost be certain that G-d was there doing something with that time that the enemy chose to pervert, given the enemy cannot create original anything. He can only take what G-d has done and adjust, twist, move, or co-opt it. Create a version of it.

And anything other than the original version of something is what we might call a per-version. This is what is really at the root of the word “perversion”. Other than original and authentic. Synthetic. Counterfeit. Fakey.

In short, a lie.

For those that need the textual reference, read the Gospel of John, 8:44

The only thing the devil can create is ultimately a lie.

Therefore, in looking at the fact that the enemy seeks to be exalted, we look at an inverse of that.

So, in these sets of seasons, we (I and others in the body) have discovered patterns that tend to be emphasized during these seasons, patterns of behavior that happen during the equinoxes and the solstices include the reality that, because these four days are intense occult times, they involve a lot of enemy activity.

And, counter to the primary purpose of being a follower of Messiah, namely the ministry of reconciliation, the enemy seeks alienation on a massive scale. Alienation within a person, alienation between a person and those most life-giving sources in their life, and alienation most ultimately between a person and his or her Maker.

That is, the enemy wants to break us away from those things G-d intended to be major parts of our constellation. Our communities seem to get assaulted in March. Our connection to land in June. Our connection to G-d in September. Our connection to our destiny in December.

So, given that understanding, we find the inverse also to be true. What the enemy meant for evil, G-d means for good.

So, then, these windows, fitting seasons, opportunities, these καιρὸς moments are meant to not only be seasons for stabilizing us in the midst of these four elements, they are also meant for us to get some incredible mileage and forays into the enemy’s camp to recover things taken from us.

I recovered three critical relationships during the March WOR, to cite one example.

And, last September, through the impact of one of my close friends, I was able to connect for the first time in my life with the Father Himself. Not the Father through Yeshua, but Abba, unmediated.

So, I have seen the impact of these seasons in my own life repeatedly.

And so, around these times of year, I like to construct blessings for either the aspect of the window, or for the spirits of those humans going to wrestle with these dynamics in their given locations, cities, places in the Kingdom of G-d, or birthrights.

Gang, this is a precious thing.

What the enemy does, the L-rd wants to completely partner with us as sons and as brides to not only undo with the opposite spirit, but to also completely supplant and replace that weed with the plant of His original choosing and design.

Just some thoughts here as we embrace this.

For further reading on this topic, see the following article from Sapphire Leadership Group pertaining to March’s WOR.


Window of Reconciliation Blessings: June 2021 (Reconciling to Land) Blessing #6: Land Aspect: Cursed From The Land/Land Turned Away From Us/Our Offense and the Land


I would like to invite your spirit forward to converse with me.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.”

Gen 4:11 ESV

Spirit, the ground responded to Cain in this passage. The ground, which previously yielded it strength, chose to say, “no thanks, we are not going to work with you any more. You put something into me that DOES NOT BELONG.” Your offense, which G-d tried to fix by approaching you to restore relationship, muliplied into murderous rage.

And as a result, instead of continuing as a life-giving farmer and interactings positivly with the land, Cain was cut off by the land and forced to change jobs to work with dead bricks and building city towers, which was not his design. G-d was just recognizing that reality of what had happenen in the ground’s actions towrad Cain. No longer does the land connect and together with its strength, and partner with Cain’s strength, but now futility is reaped due to carrying an offense way too far.

Spirit, there are piece of land that simply are not going to want to respond to you due to your actions and attitudes, and due to your offense or your pain.

If you can resolve the offense you are dealing with, you might be able to reconnect with the land.

So, spirit, I step toward you in order to bless you thus.

For those who are offended and their offense is in the process of jeopardizing their connection to the land, spirit, I bless you to assess and consider whether or not you are hurt or wounded or angry or offended, and I bless you to sit with Father and allow Him to heal you of those offenses and to help you process so that the consequences do not further damage connection with the land.

For those who have already been cut off from the land, spirit, I bless you to sit with Father and work whatever process is necessary to be delivered or healed.

For those who are working with a parcel of land that is angry or offended or has cut someone else off, spirit, I bless you to sit with the land, especially if that is your current assignment, and to wait for the land to come around to be willing to speak with you.

For the record, there is a football stadium in Georgia that has this feeling of turned-in and “I am not going to speak with anyone, believer or no, because people are only interested in me for the creature comforts I can satiate”. This piece of land has been chewed up in the spirit and abused by hundreds of people, and the land is not interested in coming out of its shell quite yet

I bless each of you to hear the L-rd and process the reality of what He has for each of you in dealing with land that has cut you or someone else off.

I bless you, spirit, to be INCREDIBLY careful NOT TO DEVOLVE into a mindset of “I have AUTHORITY EVERYWHERE NO MATTER WHAT AND WILL COMMAND THE LAND WITH MY APOSTOLIC DECLARE-AND-DECREE MAGIC FORMULAE. There are some parcels of land that will not treat or parley with anyone in the presence of such a mindset. Some land just needs to be sat with because it has been nastily pulled and yanked and too much blood has been shed here or there.

I think of the Shenandoah Valley of Northern Virginia. So much blood has been spilled, much to the shame of both North and South, and the land is torn up and vexed with the spirit of witchcraft. That blood has empowered some really nasty clowns. And gang, we need some deep reconciliation and HUMILITY in that region that is free of snark and sarcasm and jabs and mordance. And I am not just saying racial reconciliation. I am saying geographical reconciliation.

Spirit, I bless you to be mindful of the nature of the land where you are going, to be respectful of the land, and to realize that most parcels of land you simply cannot declare and decree into growth and postive numbers. Most parcels of land require a few deep conversations and humility that comes through well-executed actions. There is an accrual of trust that simply must happen and will not happen without considerable enjoyment of the land and speaking to the recognition of the treasures the land currently has.

So, spirit, I further bless you to sit with a piece of land that has bee radically torn up, and to find something that is faithful, true, and beautiful in that land and to celebrate that which is beauty, faithful, and true.

Spirit, I bless you to be loyal, brave, true, faithful, and gentle with the parcel to which you are sent.

I bless you to accrue the skill to approach the lands to which you are called, no matter how angry or chewed-up they may be, taht yo may manifest constancy everywhere you go. That you may walk in a sameness of spirit, as opposed to the hypocrisy that hampers effectiveness.

I bless you, spirit, with the tenacity that Father brought to the table when He and Jesus worked for the redemption of all creation.

I bless you to embrace the pain to which you were called.

I bless you to earn the authority that is concomitant with your assignments.

From Uncle Google:


  1. naturally accompanying or associated.

Spirit, I bless your skill to increase, your willingness to grow, your love to manifest when you work with the land to which you are assigned, and….

I bless you with the stubborn resolve to refuse to believe that the land’s initial reception of you is the only, prime, or a major indicator of whether or not you are supposed to be there.

We listen to Father’s loving voice, spirit as an indicator of our assignment, not the anguish of a piece of land, and, spirit, you have been given an assignment that is equal to your design,


I Bless you to embrace the process of growth necessary no matter how painful in order to do what G-d made you to do.

Spirit, the flavor of this season of reconciliation is just that.

We are reconciling with land, much of which may be alienated and much of which may have initiated that reaction of alienation due to abuse. The skill and sameness and constancy cannot be accrued by “I declare and decree”. That trust must be earned. That favor must come by turns. Spirit, you may have to hug a porcupine, or a honey badger, or a African Lion for a season that has zero interest in immediately connecting.

You cannot hug with a command, and you cannot declare and decree yourself into intimacy.

Tenderness does not work that way. And some of the harder forms of authority do not work that way.

In order to have the softness of the raccoon’s paws enfold your fingers, or in order to eaarn the authority necessary to massage the lion’s paws, spirit, you might have to risk the reality that raccoons are unpredictable and smart as whips, and the reality that lions are friggin dangerous.

Spirit, the rewards of patience and skill taken to learn the ins and outs of sitting with a damaged animal or piece ofland are IMMENSE.

And who knows, spirit? You may begin with a harsh and angry and bitter parcel, and end up with something that enjoys seeing you from day to day as time passes.

I bless you, spirit, to allow yourself to be pleasantly surpised by the process of moving toward your destiny, even if the path is rough, rocky, switchbacked, or unblazed.

Spirit, beyond the work of a pioneer is the work of a trailblazer. And in order to have the skill to trailblaze, you have to have zero trail present.

I bless you with the skill to see and envision an eventual way forward with a difficult parcel of land, when no way forward immediately presents itself, and the land has its anger and quills out, with good reason.

I bless you with that willingness, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.