What Is A Window of Reconciliation?

Four types….Community, Land, G-d, Destiny…

Four seasons….Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter….

Four items at play….

Four occultic situations.

This is one of those items I would like to boil down into its essence and share what it looks like on Monday morning during these 20-21 day periods.

And realizing that there are times when things may differ according to the King’s or Kingdom’s needs, I would like to talk about what this tool seems to be.

There are four periods strewn, more or less equidistantly throughout the year, and when you consider the enemy uses the two equinoxes and solstices to engage with his servants in dark things, it only makes sense to reaffirm the reality….

G-d was there first.

G-d was not there attempting to respond. G-d is first and was the first before anything else was. When the enemy comes and brings something, one can almost be certain that G-d was there doing something with that time that the enemy chose to pervert, given the enemy cannot create original anything. He can only take what G-d has done and adjust, twist, move, or co-opt it. Create a version of it.

And anything other than the original version of something is what we might call a per-version. This is what is really at the root of the word “perversion”. Other than original and authentic. Synthetic. Counterfeit. Fakey.

In short, a lie.

For those that need the textual reference, read the Gospel of John, 8:44

The only thing the devil can create is ultimately a lie.

Therefore, in looking at the fact that the enemy seeks to be exalted, we look at an inverse of that.

So, in these sets of seasons, we (I and others in the body) have discovered patterns that tend to be emphasized during these seasons, patterns of behavior that happen during the equinoxes and the solstices include the reality that, because these four days are intense occult times, they involve a lot of enemy activity.

And, counter to the primary purpose of being a follower of Messiah, namely the ministry of reconciliation, the enemy seeks alienation on a massive scale. Alienation within a person, alienation between a person and those most life-giving sources in their life, and alienation most ultimately between a person and his or her Maker.

That is, the enemy wants to break us away from those things G-d intended to be major parts of our constellation. Our communities seem to get assaulted in March. Our connection to land in June. Our connection to G-d in September. Our connection to our destiny in December.

So, given that understanding, we find the inverse also to be true. What the enemy meant for evil, G-d means for good.

So, then, these windows, fitting seasons, opportunities, these καιρὸς moments are meant to not only be seasons for stabilizing us in the midst of these four elements, they are also meant for us to get some incredible mileage and forays into the enemy’s camp to recover things taken from us.

I recovered three critical relationships during the March WOR, to cite one example.

And, last September, through the impact of one of my close friends, I was able to connect for the first time in my life with the Father Himself. Not the Father through Yeshua, but Abba, unmediated.

So, I have seen the impact of these seasons in my own life repeatedly.

And so, around these times of year, I like to construct blessings for either the aspect of the window, or for the spirits of those humans going to wrestle with these dynamics in their given locations, cities, places in the Kingdom of G-d, or birthrights.

Gang, this is a precious thing.

What the enemy does, the L-rd wants to completely partner with us as sons and as brides to not only undo with the opposite spirit, but to also completely supplant and replace that weed with the plant of His original choosing and design.

Just some thoughts here as we embrace this.

For further reading on this topic, see the following article from Sapphire Leadership Group pertaining to March’s WOR.


Window of Reconciliation Blessings: June 2021 (Reconciling to Land) Blessing #5: Land Aspect-When You Do Not Know That the Land Is Speaking To You

Gang, I first stepped into this work quite by accident, and then I started hearing the land speak, even when I did not have the words to describe what was going on. It was not Arthur or Megan who clued me in to the idea that land or landforms speak to us.

Rather, it was an old friend from college named Kristi, who told me and a group of then-friends that “the trees were speaking”. She was part of a ministry with which I was involved in on campus.

And so, beloved, what do you do when you think you hear the land and the trees and the mountains and the oceans speaking to you? What do you do when you fear the response of a church that may be so devoted to stoning those who hear creation speak.

Well, beloved, I invite you spirit to hear the following passage afresh and I ask your soul to step to the side as I speak to your spirit.

Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

Isaiah 55:12 ESV

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, ALL THE EARTH;
    break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
    with the lyre and the sound of melody!
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
    make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
    the world and those who dwell in it!
Let the rivers clap their hands;
    let the hills sing for joy together

Psalm 98:5-8 ESV (emphasis mine)

The earth makes noise to the L-rd, spirit!. The various land forms speak in praise to the L-rd. And they are willing to speak to us, and hear from us. We are capable of hearing not only when the land is feeling good, but also when the land is feeling terrible and responds in reaction to the negative feeling:

“…and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.”

from Leviticus 18:25

“…WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE EARTH HAS BEEN GROANING together in the pains of childbirth until now.”

from Romans 8:22 ESV (emphasis mine)

Spirit, you are not crazy. Beloved you are not crazy. That thing you are hearing may be the creation speaking.

Beloved, I bless you in your capacity to hear when the creation speaks, both when it speaks in the positive and when it speaks in the negative.

Spirit, you aree permitted to speak to the land, and you are permitted to find out solutions to the problems of why the creation is having trouble. You are permitted to be and to do and to flow in every aspect of the fullness of who G-d made you to be.

I bless you, spirit to hear the emotions of various parcels of land. I bless your discernment to increase to the place where Father wants it to be. I bless you to know what the L-rd wants you to know about the land.

I bless those who are created to be ornithologists, and park rangers, and botanists, and agcriculturalists, and horticulturalists, and farmers, and ranchers. I bless you each to flow in your design. I bless the fullness of you, spirit, to come online and express itself in zeal in the professional pursuits for which you were made.

I bless you to interact with the land, and hear the land, and to work to whatever degree you were designed to work with the land.

Be at peace, spirit, in the name of Yeshua.